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Prophecies St. Malachy Explained
Read my predictions made in November 2000 about the Bush Administration invading and occupying Iraq in the middle of his first term in office. Click on Nostradamus and Iraq. It’s Today’s News Flash (19 March 2013) written 31 months ago!
18 March 2013
Pope Francis (The Last Pope)
Takes Charge
Of an Imperial
Roman Catholic Church
The pomp and circumstance, the bejeweled and frescoed grandeur, the epic opulence of the great and cavernous-domed church, the broad and pillar-ringed piazza guarded by the mute stone sentries of statue saints with iron crosses and swords. This magnificent pile of man-made monument that is the network of palaces, churches, and walled gardens of the 108 acres of the Vatican City State. To me, all of this is everything Yeshua is not.
Yeshua. The man from Galilee. The Jewish mystic, otherwise called by his Romanized name, like any other Sun God or Son of God born of a virgin birth so popularized in mainstream religions that the Ancient Roman Empire absorbed, Latinized, Romanized, like Greek Zeus becoming “Jupiter”.
That is how Yeshua unto the present day became Rome’s Jesus Christos (Christ).
Ancient Rome breathed pagan pageant and customs into Yeshua’s modest and impoverished Semitic ministry. It gave it celibate priestesses – Vestal Virgins, who became the source idea for orders of celibate nuns. Rome also planted in what was a Jewish movement of family men and householder prophets and disciples a pagan Roman-style cult of celibate monks and priests.
Rome gave Jesus a high pagan pope for his number one priest, adopting the name Pontifex Maximus directly from the popular monotheistic mainstream pagan religion known as Sol Invictus. Pagans gave the sign of Sol Invictus, the nimbus of light or the gold halo rings of light around the hairy heads of its saints. Rome gradually erased the sign of the Jewish fisherman, replacing it with a cross.
It gave Yeshua-cum-Jesus a cult of “little christs” that you call it today: Christians, Christianity. It gave Christ “Christ”-mas, taking hostage the pagan holiday of the Yule Tide. Rome made his resurrection a variation on the pagan New Year fertility rite when spring comes and the grass grows by its divine self.
Pagan Rome gave Jesus Easter.
It may have given Christ even his death and resurrection story. The text of the Holy Eucharist, reads almost verbatim from the text of the Persian Mythraic religion, so widely popular in Rome the time Yeshua walked and bled (maybe not bled) on this Earth. Yes, as the religiously provocative vaudeville joke goes, they may not have used Eisenstein’s nails, Henny Youngman. Or a wooden cross, already!
The death and resurrection of the Christ story might have been plagiarized, like Easter, like Christmas. Stolen from the Persian Mithras messiah tale. Mithras also was a Son of God, born of a virgin, also killed and resurrected!
The “Roman” Catholic religion took up the power of the pagan custom of celibate priests because denying and suppressing sexuality gave them a power over their sinfully copulating laity no less than it did for Roman pagan religious hierarchies dating all the way back and beyond the celibate seeress and attendant celibate priests known as the Pythia of Delphi.
Celibacy is NOT a Jewish custom and Yeshua (I mean Jesus) at 33 years old when he began his ministry, was no longer judged by the span of life in those days a young bachelor. By 33, any respectable Jewish mother, like Mariam (Romanized as “Mary”) ought to have nagged him and nabbed for him a wife to marry and Yeshua by 33 must have given her grandchildren.
References recently uncovered in papyrus and belittled by the celibate priests of the Church that indicate Jesus had a wife, has precedent in Judea, because no mature and adult Jewish prophet worth his channel to Yehovah, went around unmarried without children. Indeed the early Romanized versions of Jesus pictured him “without” a beard at all, as would be the customary appearance of an unmarried and otherwise celibate Jew, yet to be initiated into sex in socially acceptable Judean wedlock. The mistake of sculpting or painting images of Jesus bearded is purely a hairy Gentile medieval cultural oversight. After everything that was ancient Rome fell, except the Roman Church, the artists from the Dark Ages onwards lost touch with the Mediterranean world and First Century Jewish custom of growing beards on your wife seed-planting husbands.
The magnificence of the Vatican, most ancient (pagan) source of Western and Latin Christianity, has been before our eyes in person or on television and Internet in these heady – stormy and even lightning struck – weeks. The lightning began to crack and roar after the uncustomary resignation of Pope Benedict XVI on 11 February and struck again at the onset of the Conclave election of the new Pope Francis. Then, the day after, on the thirteenth day of the third month of the thirteenth year of this century thirteen minutes into the eight-o’clock hour, Roman time, the stove pipe that had been the resting place for a seagull a short while before blossomed white billowing smoke, declaring that a new pontiff had been elected by the Papal Conclave.
I do not know if you share the same dilemma of perception about this munificent magnificence, this operatic show of ornate and epic wealth of the august cardinals strutting like bejeweled great geese into Michelangelo’s fresco-covered Sistine Chapel, to then see the great wooden doors locked behind them and the sound of sacred homilies silenced, thus.
What show biz! I love it! Like I love the dazzling surface of the ocean. So entertaining! So thrilling! And yet, the immaculately dressed and gilded surface of cardinals, like the allure of sunlight reflected in glory on the rolling coat of ocean waves, distracts me from perceiving the vast and profoundly silent ocean depths. The cardinal’s bling, the gilded ornamentation of churches, the frescoes surfacing them distracts me with a glittering shallowness. These are mind barriers. They are set to block my journey inward, through the fancy barriers to plumb the silent, unfathomable mystery that is spiritual beyond the bishop’s bling.
The great serried ranks of the Princes of the Church. Ah! Never have I seen “holy” men so richly attired and attended, bejeweled crucifixes, rings…
If only they could put golden and silver masks over their faces. Then I could completely forget these spiritually naked, priestly emperors in their Roman Catholic emperor new clothes. In most of those exposed faces framed in rich costumes and gilded pointy hats, are eyes betraying men who are aged, pallid, anemic.
They have dead faces.
Dead energy.
Time to declare in pig Latin: EXnay on the atican-Vay!
Spiritually speaking, the Vatican is the best and most elaborate lipstick to ever cloak and adorn a pig of exoteric shallowness.
The perspective is reverse and thus perverse of what it ought to be.
Did Jesus need a holy dress and robe, a big red cap, a giant crucifix, an Apostolic Palace?
Where is the threadbare rocky outcropping for a “church” that was the Mount of Olives with the man in tattered cloak and robe upon its windswept side?
Who would be looking at that poor bearded hippy-man if he dared venture into St. Peter’s awe inspiring Basilica?
The people would be looking out, away from Jesus, with jaws dropping at the interior of the high dome, the artwork of Michelangelo. If Jesus had somehow entered St Peter’s he would have been ushered out by Swiss Guards with Morion pointy helmets, plumes and halberds as some street vagrant they feared might piss in a corner of the exoteric holy of domed holies.
Where is the inner and unadorned glory in these princes of a very Romanized celibate priesthood that made people flock to a windswept sermon on the mount because that poor man had “something” in the light of his eyes and the aura of his love. Something spontaneous and unrehearsed in the simple, innocent genius of his stories and his words?
Who is sandwiched among the ranks of enriched hierarchy choosing a pope writing on ballots with bejeweled hands that might be dressed in tattered monkly rags, followed by the animals, talking sweetly to a bird in his hand?
Who would follow these peacocks if they were dressed as St. Francis was? They have not his light. These priests seem not to have the creative heart to paint the beauty vaulting above them that a simple, non-celibate sinner like Michelangelo had. Or Bernini, or Raphael and the multitude of sinners who built, painted, sculpted and adorned the Vatican City’s churches, colonnades and palaces with their creative life force to dazzle the surface of this gilded priesthood.
None of these priests that I know, wrote the sacred harmonies that echo through their churches. The harmonies of Mozart, a Bach, an Anton Bruckner’s Te Deum ringing through the great cathedral halls, blessing the air these anemic, frowning, half-dead celibate men disturb as they enter with stately gate to give stiff and unctuous and mechanically rehearsed “blessings”.
They are a vision of glory from without, but I do not see a glory windowed in their eyes from within.
For me, dear readers, I bare witness to this:
The Vatican has it all backward; all upside down, all sanctimoniously shallow. It has a magnificent surface of grandeur, but I see rarely a glint of inner grandeur in its priests and popes and nuns. All glory rises to breathtaking height, robe design, hat and roof vaulted apses and spires but no inner light of a St. Francis in tatters is there to inwardly inspire.
The focus is all outside The Within.
The creative genius that built the Vatican and St. Peter’s Basilica and adorned it with some of the greatest art and architecture seems meant to distract one to the Without or mask from the senses the abject poverty of spirit of its popes and priests, who grimace all serious, uncreative and dead down their noses at me. If they were dressed like a simple Galilean, or adorned in rags like an innocent Franciscan Saint, with bird pooped blessings, I think you might see the spiritual bankruptcy and holy poverty within these old celibate men, with only their faded auras to sputter about them, a dim and waning light.
The Vatican City is upside down in spirit. It is exoteric and political and long has dimmed the “esoteric” heart, the love and the simplicity of innocent spirit. It has X-ed the Essene Yeshua, his Esoteric and immaculate heart, with EX-oteric distractions becoming the biggest of Big Business Religious Industrial Complexes in the market of Christian corporate sect-cum-religion.
Lose the “Roman”, you Catholics. Your church may have to loose all of this celibate Brahman-bling and real estate, this “Jesus Christ of Rome,” before anything of a real and spiritual light of Yeshua of Galilee can be recognized and stirred to resurrection once again.
To be fair, I also know from direct experience what it is like being part of a process that sees a spiritual master turned into a commodity of Big Religion. Every new religious movement struggles with and ultimately fails to avoid being buried by Exoteric, and spiritual corporate forces. The bigger a movement the more it must deal with innate political and economic pressures of the world and thus become dirty with these to a point that something so arcane as ancient Rome’s “Roman” Catholic Church comes to just another most holy “wholly” corporatized, end result.
I mean not to sound like I am singling out the Catholic Church. All religions (what we call a former cult with economic and political power) or new up-and-coming “cults” (what we generally call future mainstream religions still without economic and political clout), become corporation-corpus Christies.
It is unavoidable, and yet, in every new religion rising only to fall into corporate traps or in every long established and utterly entangled corporate mainstream religion there is ever a living thread of the inner-esoteric spirit of the founder, even when that founder has been long lost, renamed and mythologized for corporate sales (conversion) affect.
Dump Yeshua! Buy our new and improved Jesus Christ in a Canon.
When a cult becomes an established religion in its later days of apostasy and EX-oteric crisis, even then, it can sometime see by blessed and divine accident the glimmer of Christ and St. Francis in the eye and aura of a handful of its priests, priestesses and popes.
I have seen it. I bear witness to it, swearing upon my immortal soul’s redemption or damnation. I stand as unwavering witness to it in the eyes of a Cardinal Angelo Roncalli. I saw the smiling light, humor and loving innocence of St. Francis in Cardinal Albino Luciani.
Yes! Even a pope buried in all his pomp and distracting holy airs, beclouding incenses and Latin mumbo-jumbo, the over-the-top drag queen costumes, under dizzying vaulted altars and cathedrals leafed in gold and fresco distractions – these cannot distract me from that rare glimmer of inner light that I saw in the presence and demeanor, the life and actions of a Pope John XXIII and a Pope John Paul I.
It was with great and unexpected surprise that last Wednesday I saw the large maroon curtains of the main balcony of the façade of St. Peter’s open to issue forth a man with a simple pope’s white attire and cap, with a leaden unadorned cross. He seemed relaxed and accepting that life-changing moment with a simple wave in blessing. Then with a quiet strength and innocent tone he uttered the first words to the multitudes below in the square. The first words of Pope Francis: “buonasera” (good evening).
For me, it was as if the souls of Pope John and John Paul I had somehow intermingled their light in Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio, the Argentinian Italian, the Archbishop of Buenos Aires who had been picked to success Benedict XVI. It was not what I expected, a glimpse of the depth of inner esoteric light, on the dazzling surface of the Vatican’s ornate and worldly, overly prideful, overly affluent, corporate EX-clusive EX-otericism.
I pray for Pope Francis, for he perhaps will face the terrible tribulations foreseen by collective catholic prophecies and seers, chief among these the French 16th-century Michel Nostradamus and the Irish Medieval St. Malachy. Nostradamus in one of his four-lined verses may have named Pope Francis in one of his wordplays. The latter, St. Malachy, may have peered from the distant 1140s reaching his prophetic gaze across centuries to name every successive pontiff unto the last days of the Earth. He may have described in a final and short paragraph coda ending a succession of 111 two-to-three-word Latin mottoes describing every future pope, a terrible vision of the Judgment in the days of the Last Pope.
The city “of the seven hills” (Rome) is utterly destroyed after the last pope – perhaps THIS pope – has done his best to reform his church, get rid of some of its bling-and-circumstance and feed his multitudinous flock of 1.3 billion believers with dwindling wafer of hope and later with dwindling bread for sustenance. This may come to pass because of the what this prophecy shares with so many other collective visions, Catholic and otherwise, that anticipate great upheavals, global famines and wars presaged to hatch out during the coming decades, the time of Pope Francis’ pontificate.
18 March 2013
Pope Francis Revealed
In Catholic Prophecy
Since the new pope was elected last Wednesday, I have received hundreds of emails praising my accurate forecasts from my previous article stream on papal prophecies. Despite the general opinions in the media that we were in for a long Conclave, it turned out to be what I predicted: a short Conclave, ending on Wednesday. In my other articles in the pervious stream about the papabille I felt compelled to examine the possible chances of election of those cardinals thought most likely by the media to be on a short list for pontiff. As it turns out, none of these where elected; yet, my bottom line forecast – the one I felt most clear about – was correct: the next pope would be an Italian.
Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio is the Italian son of Italian immigrants from the Asti region of Italy, famous for its sparkly wines, near Torino, who settled in Argentina.
Also, and rightfully, I received questions and critical comments by the hundreds that ran along the lines of the following themes people want me to answer in this much anticipated article:
Did the prophecy of St. Malachy fail?
For the uninitiated, the Prophecies of St Malachy are purported to have been composed in 1139 by the Irish St. Malachy upon the evening of his arrival on a long pilgrimage to Rome from Ireland. He left us, 111 mottoes of two-to-three word’s length. They are said to be a code predicting every successive pope from 1140 unto the last pope at Judgment Day. The prophecy was rediscovered and printed by Dom Arnold Wion in his book Lignum Vitae. A perfect record of accuracy for the 76 pontiffs foreseen upon its publication in 1595 drew suspicion that it was not written by St. Malachy but by a fraud or a mystery seer using the saint’s name as a pseudonym. The remaining 34 mottoes and the final thirty-fifth and last pope described in a short paragraph “coda”, had to stand the test of 410 years of history and events. Since Wion published them, the mottoes are not 100-percent accurate but they are near NINETY PERCENT accurate thus far! I have rarely encountered this level of fulfillment in over three decades of prophecy scholarship. Moreover, they seem to be ever more accurate as we come now to the end of the list.
The next thing my readers commonly asked was:
Did the Conclave work to prevent any connection and forestall the prophecy?
Common sense in the initial hours and days following the election of Pope Francis might ask why evidence of the prophecy in action was not leaping out to grab our minds. Why was he not called Pope Peter II, or Peter-Paul, or John-Peter? Did the secretive voting block of the College of Cardinals do their best to break the spell of St. Malachy’s prophecy, you ask.
Certainly the public message of the Vatican has been ever to deny the prophecy. Indeed, picking a Jesuit priest for the first time in history as pope makes me think of how hard the Jesuits back in the 1590s and early 1600s tried to debunk the few pages of St. Malachy’s prophecy in Lignum Vitae as some propaganda ploy of some bogus prophet. The first stumble of wrong mottoes after publication were followed with more and more intriguingly accurate hits than misses as time marched through the succession of pontiffs from the 17th into the 18th and 19th centuries.
Then in 2005 came the most decisive moment for the Catholic hierarchy to put their public mouth where their prophetic mind orientation was and break the spell of this prophecy once and for all. Cardinal Ratzinger, Dean of the Cardinals and manager of the funerary arrangements for the burial of Pope John Paul II had scheduled for Friday 8 April 2005 his entombment under St. Peter’s Basilica.
Ratzinger was no newcomer to Catholic prophecy, for under John Paul II as his Prelate for Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, he had overseen the late release of the long anticipated Third Secret of Fatima said to be a prophecy delivered by an apparition of the Virgin Mary witnessed by three simple shepherd children in Portugal in 1917. The surviving child, who later became a the nun “Sister Lucia” had later learned how to write and put the third secret on a single page in an envelope meant to be opened “no later than 1960”. After a forty-year delay, Ratzinger with John Paul’s blessing produced the “three-page” prediction that has ever since been considered by prophecy watchers – myself included – a fraud. (See Fatima and Fatima-Gate). In my observation if ever there was an influential priest who could rig, or muck around with authentic Catholic prophecy, it was Ratzinger, John Paul II’s “Grand Inquisitor”, the future Benedict XVI. He had his chance to break the magic of St. Malachy’s papal succession by making the 110th motto wrong.
That motto is De labore solis (From the Sun’s eclipse).
Pope John Paul II was born in 1920 on the day of a solar eclipse. As the scheduled day of his internment in a vault under St. Peter’s Basilica drew close, Ratzinger must have known that a rare hybrid eclipse – a brief total eclipse that begins and ends as an annular ring-of-fire eclipse – was going to happen across the Pacific and South America on that day.
Goodness knows the Vatican watchers who had been reading (and publicly smearing) my every publication about these things since I released the first edition of The Last Pope: The Decline and Fall of the Church of Rome (Element Books, 1998) were forewarned of the eclipse by my writings and radio appearances, especially before the burial date. On radio interviews across North America, I challenged Ratzinger to change the date to place John Paul’s coffin in the grottoes under the altar of St. Peter’s Basilica.
Ratzinger did not change the burial date.
Rather than break the spell, by his actions he kept the prophecy alive and added momentum to it, as well as breathed interest in parallel prophecies written in the mid 1550s by Michel de Nostradamus that indicate the last pope during the Apocalypse would be called Peter.
The third most common observation in your many letters since the new pope was elected was:
Does Francis fit in the prophecies of Nostradamus or St. Malachy’s final coda to his prophecies?
Before I can answer that, a little background. Here is an explanation about just what codes to look for in these mottoes. It comes in a passage from the 1998 edition of the Last Pope:
The 111 mottoes and doomsday coda attributed to St. Malachy were written in a blend of Medieval Latin and Latinized Italian. These cryptic phrases are rarely more than three words in length and are believed to contain a number of clues to the reign of each pope until doomsday. The themes can be categorized as follows:
Coat of Arms. The coat of arms depicts the paternal armorial bearings held by the pope. For instance, Flos florum (A Flower of Flowers) describes the fleur-de-lys design on the arms of Paul VI. The mottoes sometimes will depict variations or additions to the family arms during a pope’s career as bishop or cardinal. In rarer cases the maternal arms are described or the arms of the pope’s chief nemesis are inserted, as could be the case of Pius IX, whose motto Crux de cruce (The Cross from the Cross) better describes the armorial bearings of his enemy, King Victor Emmanuel of Savoy.
The theme or deeds of a pontificate. Peregrinus Apostolicus (An Apostolic Wanderer) foresees the tragic pontificate of Pius VI, who was arrested by soldiers of the French Revolution and forced from Rome to house arrest in Turin and then across the Alps to his new prison lodgings in France — first at Briançon and finally at the citadel in Valence. It was here that he died.
The pope’s new name. An inscription such as Concionator patareus (The Patarean Preacher) reminds us that Benedict XI’s namesake — St. Benedict — was a native of Patara, and might readily be called patareus, the Patarean.
Milestones in the pontiff’s life before his election. The motto De Capra et Albergo (From a She-goat and a Tavern) names two cardinals served by the future Pius II: Cardinal Caprancia (Capra) and Cardinal Albergati (Albergo).
The cardinal title or posting of the pope before his election. The motto Lux in Ostio (A Light in the Gate) connotes Lucius III’s term as cardinal bishop of Ostia, the “door” or port at the mouth of the Tiber which serves Rome.
An important historical influence or event. The pope who saw the beginning of the Thirty Years War (1618—1648), Paul V, is called Gens perversa (Perverse People). This insinuates the religiously heretical Protestants fighting the Catholic pope in what would become Europe’s most devastating religious war in history.
A chief nemesis. Aquila rapax (Rapacious Eagle) identifies Pius VII’s formidable tormentor, Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, who used an eagle as his symbol and who would arrest the pope, disband the Papal States and pillage Rome’s papal treasures.
The pope’s Christian name. Pius III is called De parvo homine (From a Little Man) after his family name Piccolomini (little man). The compound rubric Ex undrum benedictione (From a Blessing of the Waves) describes the wavy armorial device of Cardinal Benedetto (Benedict) Gaetani, who became Boniface VIII.
The town or province of birth. Abbas Suburranus (A Suburran Abbot) describes the Roman suburb where Anastasius IV was born. Ex Magnitudine Montis (From the Greatness of a Mountain) stands for Eugenius III, who was born in Grammonte, which is Italian for Mons Magnus (great mountain).
A key geographic location in a pontiff’s life. Ex antiquitate urbis (From the Oldness of a City) implies Cremona, the district of the future Gregory XIV’s birth as well as the name of its district capital, the city wherein he served as bishop. The city of Cremona is the most ancient Latin settlement in the Po River Valley.
Combinations of the above. Two or more aspects are blended together to make a complex pun or layered message. For example De inferno pregnani (The Pregnani from Hell) blends Urban VI’s Christian name with a prophetic editorial against the Great Schism he would inflict on the Church during his reign. Signum Ostiense (A Sign of Ostia) combines the family name Segni (sign) with Cardinal Segni’s posting as cardinal bishop of Ostia before becoming Alexander IV.
Cardinal Ratzinger, soon after burying John Paul II, was elected the next pope as I predicted. (See Conclave 2005) He became Benedict XVI, the pontiff described in the final 111th-numbered motto before the coda ending the prophecy as De gloria olivae (From the Glory of the Olive).
Hidden in this Latin motto is a combination prediction naming him and describing his pontificate. Olivae stands for the Olivetans, a variant holy order of the “Benedictines” (Benedict). The Olivetans are charged with preparing the world for the apostasy (crisis) of faith and tribulations forecast in the Mount of Olives sermon of Jesus Christ.
Catholic prophecy interpreters have given the tribulation a different slant than other sects of Christendom. There is first a period of great crisis in faith at the highest levels of the Roman Catholic Church, the pope and his cardinals. Some predictions even intimate that one of the final popes would be serving the Antichrist or even be the Antichrist.
Mafia money laundering in the Vatican Bank and pedophile priest scandals have turned millions of North Americans and Europeans away from the Church, losing faith in Catholicism and in Rome. Legal damages paid off to the victims of sexual predator priests have bankrupted many large archdioceses. These are signs of apostasy foreseen for the pontificate of Pope Benedict leading to his being pressured secretly to resign under a false excuse of age. Rumors had abounded for over a year that this resignation was coming. In an article on St. Malachy’s predictions written and posted at OshoNews Online on 16 February 2012, I predicted that Benedict would be forced to resign because of sexual scandals no sooner than a year later.
Just five days short of one year, he resigned on 11 February 2013, becoming Pope Benedict Emeritus. This is the first time in 719 years that a pope resigned because of age and not being up for the job. (See Benedict resigns, scroll down to the picture of Benedict going all up in incense smoke)
The Church in deep crisis chose Pope Francis his successor and he may be the unfortunate pontiff described in St. Malachy’s final coda to his papal prophecies, which reads:
In persecutione extrema Sacræ Romanæ Ecclesiæ. Sedebit Petrus Romanus qui pascet oves in multis tribulationibus; quibus transactis, civitas septicollis dirvetur; et Judex tremendus judicabit populum.
During the last persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there shall sit Peter of Rome, who shall feed the sheep amidst many tribulations, and when these have passed, the City of the Seven Hills shall be utterly destroyed, and the awful Judge will judge the people.
Now the answer to the question you have all been waiting for. Is Pope Francis Petrus Romanus (Peter of Rome)?
My answer, yes he is, if St. Malachy’s break with describing each pope unto the tribulation with a short Latin motto means he has come to the end of his list.
There is a chance that Malachy or the mystery composer of these prophecies sees Benedict’s apostasy as a break in the proper flow of pontifical succession. That could mean the prophecy cuts to the chase, as it were, and jumps a few pontiffs and false popes ahead to the days of the last Pope “Peter”.
Then again, Pope Francis, whether he knows this or not, has also adopted the first name of a holy saint that includes “Peter” in his full name.
Cardinal Bergoglio named himself after St. Francis of Assisi whose Christian name was Francesco di Pietro di Bernardone. Hiding the Christian name of a pope, even hiding the Christian name of a pontiff’s new name, if he takes on the name of a saint, is allowed in the prophecies of St. Malachy .
So the answer to the burning question you are all asking is YES. Peter of Rome can be Pope Francis because St. Francis was also called “Peter”.
Other significant omens arise not directly related to St. Malachy that point to Pope Francis as a channel for the grace and mysterious patronage of St. Francis in his pontificate: the lightning striking St Peter’s Basilica a few hours after Benedict XVI announced his resignation on 11 February 2013. Another great thunderstorm hit on the afternoon of 12 March. The sky opened with hailstones and a great downpour the exact moment the Conclave gathered behind the locked door of the Sistine Chapel and began the election process for a new pope.
Then the omen of the seagull.
It perched on the stovepipe on the Sistine Chapel roof in the late afternoon of the second day of the Conclave. It alighted there, after four votes had seen the stovepipe vomit black smoke indicating that no vote had yet reached the magic number 77 (two-thirds plus one) needed to elect a pope.
While the bird rested there for fully an hour, down the pipe and into the Sistine Chapel below its webbed feet sat Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio considering the unthinkable, being comforted by his friend, the 78-year old Brazilian Cardinal Hummes. With each ballot the tally increased under his announced name, hinting that by the fifth ballot held that evening, Cardinal Jorge looked to be picked the next pontiff.
The following confessions related by Philip Pullella and Catherine Hornby, in their Reuters article Pope Francis wants the Church to be poor, and be for the poor came from Pope Francis himself during his first international press conference on Saturday 16 February.
“[Pope Francis] recalled how on Wednesday night, as he was receiving more and more votes in the conclave, the cardinal sitting next to him, Claudio Hummes comforted him ‘as the situation became dangerous’.
“After the voting reached the two-thirds majority that elected him, applause broke out. Hummes, 78, then hugged and kissed him and told him ‘Don’t forget the poor’, the pope recounted, often gesturing with his hands.
“‘That word entered here,’ he added, pointing to his head.
“While the formal voting continued, the pope recalled: ‘I thought of wars…. and Francis (of Assisi) is the man of peace, and that is how the name entered my heart, Francis of Assisi, for me he is the man of poverty, the man of peace, the man who loves and protects others.’”
Above his head, on the stovepipe’s terminus, the bird, perhaps a sign from St. Francis himself, flew off at dusk. Not long afterwards, the white smoke was seen by the world.
Habemus Papam! (We have a Pope) – announced.
Statues of St. Francis, known to be a great lover and protector of animals and nature, often depict him with a bird on his shoulder or a bird tenderly nestled in his hand. This patron saint of Italy was also made the patron saint of ecology by John Paul II in 1979. It so happens that that was the first year of significant El Niño natural disasters. The rash of violent weather that year prompted the first serious discussion by the world mainstream media that had already been ongoing amongst climate scientists who believed the intensifying El Niño phenomenon warming the waters of the Eastern South Pacific Ocean off the coast of Peru was evidence that greenhouse gases spewed by industrialization could cause a planet-wide global warming. This Climate Change could ultimately threaten the future of human civilization.
This new pope will take on the challenge of global warming as he has taken on the name of the Patron Saint of Ecology i.e. the defender and lover of the balance of nature in sky, air and sea, and the protector of its animals. So many species of plant and animal are now under threat of a mass extinction in the coming 100 years that the loss of innocent animal species might rival the great Cretaceous die-off of 65 million years ago when the age of dinosaurs ended in a cosmic and catastrophic natural disaster.
Mark you well, reader, the violent weather that struck St. Peter’s dome when a pope resigned and struck it again with great hail and deluges the moment a conclave to elect his successor convened. That may have been the spirit of Ecology, the spirit of St. Francis giving omen to the church and Francis its new pope that the world’s natural balance is upset and threatened.
“Right now, we don’t have a very good relation with creation,” reflected Pope Francis in his press conference. He indicated how he would begin changing that, by following in the footsteps of revitalization and reform of St. Francis of Assisi. This pope, elected on the 13th of March at 8:13 pm, the first non-European pope in 1,300 years, will walk in the footsteps of the 13th-century saint so beloved by environmentalists because he loved, protected and tenderly preached to birds and animals.
At the end of the press conference, Pope Francis switched from Italian and spoke in Spanish. Smiling and tenderly he said, “I told you I would willingly give you a blessing. Since many of you do not belong to the Catholic Church and others are non-believers, from the bottom of my heart I give this silent blessing to each and every one of you, respecting the conscience of each one of you but knowing that each one of you is a child of God. May God bless all of you.”
With that, this pope, ever it seems speaking spontaneously from his heart and full of surprises gave a silent blessing then simply walked back to his office and to the duties of his new role as Vicar of Christ for 1.3 billion Catholics.
The other main message of Pope Francis during his press conference gave clear intent as to where he would take the church. Like St. Francis, the Vatican, its bureaucracy, its opulence and well-fed and dressed Princes of the Church will do as St. Francis, who he called “the man who gives us this spirit of peace, the poor man.”
“Oh, how I would like a poor Church, and for the poor,” declared Pope Francis rhetorically with purpose and expectation directed to his Princes of the Church and their corrupted and crisis wracked hierarchy.
The number 13 plays oft with this pope numerologically. The number 13 in the major arcana of the Tarot is the card of death and rebirth. Expect from this pope a St. Franciscan revolution in St. Peter’s Church that one might expect from a Jesuit priest turned Pontiff, as his order always was sent in the past to clean things up and evangel.
For me, I got by prayer answered. I got my Pope “Anthony Quinn.”

Shoes of the Fisherman starring Anthony Quinn at Pope Cyril. Public domain.
I am thinking today about what I related to you all in my previous article stream when I used, as I often do, cinematic metaphors. (Click on Anthony Quinn and scroll down to the picture of Anthony Quinn as pope).
Sometimes the greatest source of prophecy comes from the higher arts. Hollywood epics, like the 1968 film The Shoes of the Fisherman can on rare occasions be works of prescience.
What Pope Francis has already said about returning his church hierarchy to a state of humble poverty could have been from the movie script of the fictional Pope Kiril played by Quinn. The story is set at the height of the Cold War. A crisis of famine across Communist China sets the world on a course to thermonuclear war. Quinn as the simple Ukrainian Catholic Archbishop of Lvov becomes pope at the end of the movie. As Pope Kiril, he announced to cheering crowd in St. Peter’s Square that he would sell off the riches of the Vatican to gather the money needed to feed the poor and stop Armageddon. His Church, like Pope Francis’ Church would return its priests back to their humble roots to once again be rich in the holy spirit from within and thus help the poor in spirit, teaching the good news in the humble state of penury like Jesus Christ.
Not only did this movie anticipate by a decade a pope coming in the future from the Eastern Bloc (John Paul II) but it also may have presaged Pope Francis as well, in his mission to restore the spiritual depth in his priesthood at the cost of all that holy bling and the pomp of golden calf and circumstance.
He will try – and no doubt often fail – in his own sincere ways to turn his Church 180 degrees from the distraction of its jewel-dripping and silver leafed opulence and worldliness — what has become its EX-oterically hard shell. Francis will try to crack the surface and renew the essence, the esoteric heart that still abides buried in the Big Business Error of every mainstream religion.
I do not know if he will succeed. Even this good priest is trapped by two millennia of Romanized-Christian misunderstanding. He seems to think that poverty is something holy, closer to God. One of the greatest crimes of Christianity is that it made the wretched feel good about their wretchedness and thus kept them under the control of others with more power and wealth. For two-thousand years and counting, Christianity played with the wounds of poverty, giving people just enough bread with the faith to stay in the fold, to endure poverty. They might even feel a conceit that wretchedness being their lot, promised them paradise. Their wealthier overlords were all going to hell. Tyranny loves the poor to find spiritual solace in their powerlessness and bondage. Otherwise they will not rise up in rebellion of oppression when oppression’s poverty makes them closer to God and heaven.
The new humanity that waits beyond our suffering ages of superstition and religious childishness looks back at us, shaking their collective heads. They wonder how we could not understand that only when poverty ends, when all people are made equally “unique” – rich in mind, body, Heaven and Earth, all witnessed and lived fully from an awakened inner spirit – will there be wholeness and a holiness descending upon this world in every heart.
Not “poverty” Pope Francis. Preach the “innocence” of St. Francis of Assisi.
18 March 2013
Did Nostradamus
Name Pope Francis?
The pontificate of Francis is unlucky number 13 for special interests that have corrupted the mission of Yeshua for 20 centuries. They will not go down without a kicking and screaming fight. Like John XXIII before him, holy bureaucratic resistance might water down his reforms; or, like the smiling Pope John Paul I (Cardinal “White Light” Albino Luciani), Francis might suffer a mysterious and suspicious death. He could suffer assassination.
He shall help the downtrodden poor as best he can, and that reminds me of the terrible challenges awaiting him if he is indeed the Last Pope:
During the last persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there shall sit Peter of Rome, who shall feed the sheep amidst many tribulations, and when these have passed, the City of the Seven Hills shall be utterly destroyed, and the awful Judge will judge the people.
The words of St. Malachy or their secret author from the end of the 16th century, reminds me of a cautionary verse of parallel and perilous apocalyptic sheen, written a half-century earlier by Nostradamus that may have also paired Pope Francis to Malachy’s Pope Peter the Last Pope.
Century 5 Quatrain 49 reads:
Nul de l’Espaigne mais de l’antique France,
Ne sera esleu pour le tremblant nacelle,
A l’ennemy sera faicte fiance,
Qui dans son regne sera peste cruelle.
Not from Spain but from ancient France,
Will be elected for the trembling ship [the Bark of St. Peter],
He will make a promise to the enemy,
Who will cause great plague during his reign.
Pope Francis was not from Spain but he is culturally “Spanish”. He is not from France, but he is named “French”. With this classically coy riddle from the master of cryptic twists of prescience, Nostradamus may give us the name of Pope Francis. St. Francis’ father, Pietro di Bernardone, a wealthy cloth merchant often traveled to France, was a Francophile who renamed his infant son from Giovanni to “Francesco” (i.e. “French” – Francis).
Pope Francis may speak Spanish and Argentina, his homeland, may have once been a Spanish colony, but his papal name is “from ancient France(sis)” for his saintly namesake’s mother was French and from Provence. This happens to be the ancient-most corner of France colonized by the classical peoples, the Phoenicians and later the Greeks and Romans. The classical information and world play of the later two ever have a great influence on Nostradamus’ prophetic writings. If you understand like he did, his 16th-century love of the classics, you can discover in his use of Greek and Roman language, geography and classical metaphors a key unlocking many of his prophetic secrets.
With this in mind, consider a new translation of 5 Q49:
Not from Spain but from ancient France, (Francis)
Will be elected for the trembling ship
[the Bark of St. Peter (the Roman)]…
Then a dire glimpse of what comes in the pontificate of Francis:
…He will make a promise to the enemy,
Who will cause great plague during his reign.
In his usual way, Nostradamus leaves the subject open, to protect the future from those who might read its signs and make things worse, for which Nostradamus would be responsible. Who the “he” is is unclear. Is it Pope Francis making a promise, a compromise with the dark forces of the mafia and devilish scandal overtaking a Church in deep apostasy? Or is this “He” Nostradamus’ third and Final Antichrist, Code Named Mabus – a false prophet? A terrorist, whose promises and actions might trigger the fiery destruction of the Vatican, and Armageddon during the reign of the last Pope Francis?
Will great tribulations of famine so often forecast by Nostradamus require Pope Francis feed his starving flock of 1.3 billion believers? Then will come the destruction of Rome? The awful judge?
Pray for him.
Pray for “you”.
Better than this, Pope Francis said in his first press conference, “Always try to better understand the true nature of the Church and even its journey in the world, with its virtues and with its sins… Seek truth, goodness and beauty in the world and in the church.”
I only know one way to recall moment to moment the eternity of the present and eternal light that is everyone’s birthright, innocence and divinely given mystery of intelligence and love.
In my heart while settled in deep, relaxed meditation, I feel the presence of Yeshua and of St. Francis. I also am on a journey to the light goodness, beauty and truth. Like St Francis my life is financially poor, often depending on the charity of my readers, but inwardly, my life becomes ever more infinitely rich in the light of IN-nocence.
At the end of this journey through this new article stream of many moods and prophetic reflections, if you feel a resonance with what I have written and sense there is a light hidden between these words, a silent beckoning and welcoming behind these thoughts, ask me, and I will give you a key to its secret. I will share with you freely and happily, information and links to the meditations I use in my walk through this life that inwardly light my prayers.
Just Contact Me. And put in the subject line of your email just one word: Meditation.
Blessings to the new pope and to you all.
John Hogue
(18 March 2013)
Read more about the Noah’s Ark of Consciousness Prophecy
If for some reason you cannot leave your comments in the comments box below, just send them to me via the “Contact” email button and I will post them here with my inserted replies. We already have collected a large number of interesting comments. Let yours join the fun. Just remember. Keep it clean; keep your comment intelligent and thoughtful if you want to see your views posted to the world on these pages. The only person allowed papal indulgences to write 6,300-word articles like the one above is me.
First a word from Scott:
I listened to you on Dreamland and one question kept haunting me. If the Vatican and Papacy is so did (or how could) an ethical Pope become elected…seems counter intuitive to their agenda? So francis is destined to fail based upon the internal corruption….I just don’t see how the elections are not somehow pre-destined and the conclave is nothing more than a smoke screen, pun intended, to play to the audience? thanks Scott.
The divine in the world of egos always comes into our lives as an unanticipated accident. Accidents like John XXIII and John Paul I happen especially when all the manipulation and political glad handing and whispering done at dinner parties, under the covers in papal apartments and the halls of the Vatican between members of the College of Cardinals runs into something similar. Something that thwarts the best-laid plans of all political and “pontifical” mice and men: The Secret Ballot.
As long as a Cardinal can cast a ballot in secret, he can vote his conscience and/or break his secret “pledges” to papist political operators. For the Conclave, for all its protestations otherwise, is a body of voters going to the polls, if you will.
Look what happened to the Republican super packs in the 2013 US presidential election? The billionaires, armed by the US Supreme Court with their ruling on Citizen’s United in 2010, could turn money into free speech so billionaires and corporations on and off shore could try to buy the election of 2012. And yet, as long as there is a secret ballot at the last step of the process, people will yet have a way to secretly vote their consciousness, whether they take the bribe or not.
This often leads ego power to face nasty surprises for which they will conspire to water down reform, as what happened to John XXIII’s Vatican II, or they will outright murder – and then cover up the murder – of a pontiff, like Cardinal Luciani (John Paul I) to protect their interests.
So, Scott, I would agree that to a certain extent conclave elections “attempt” to be rigged, and that the smoke blown up the butt of a serene seagull on the stove-pope smoke pipe has a sooty element of a smoke screen, especially in the first few black shrouded puffs of the first four ballots. Then came ballot five at the end of Wednesday taking much of the Vatican bureaucracy’s political maneuvering and manipulation all up in white smoke.
For now…
Pope Francis is so much like John XXIII and John Paul I, that I hope history will not repeat itself with reforms washed down and a bright and hopeful pontificate quickly and suspiciously terminated.
John, If you magnify the lightning strike photo on the Vatican to over 400 zoom level, you see the outline of the bottom of South America. This is due to a faint light lightning line appearing to the left of the bold lighted one on the right.
No need to magnify. See the picture of the lightning strike to the left. It was the one hitting St. Peter’s Basilica a few hours after Pope Benedict XVI’s resignation. See where the little tendril of lighting demarcates the Northwestern coast of South America. Then notice how it curls down at the end hitting the dome of St. Peter’s Basilica in the exact curved angle of Tierra del Fuego. Fuego! fires the fulgurous! An interesting omen, if that indeed is what it is. Well done RAC.
Did you hear that on Sunday Jan 27 2013, Holocaust day and full moon in Leo, that at the 12 noon Angelus bell Pope Benedict released 2 doves one of which was attacked by a sea gull and nearly killed. Now we seem to have a Trinity of Popes, Benedict ,Francis and the Black Pope When I heard Francis 1 talk about poverty I though oh no, just like the 33 day Pope .
I didn’t know about the dove mauling. Pope Francis reminds me of how karma echoes every 40 years or so. By September 2013 will mark 35 years since Cardinal Albino Luciani as the “smiling” Pope John Paul I suddenly died of mysterious and suspicious causes. The echo of the dastardly deed and the echo of a reformer bring once again, the Vatican bureaucracy a chance to learn and reform or kill a pope once again. This will all come to a head in 2018 when the pontificate of Francis reaches the 40-year anniversary of the death of John Paul I.
i figured out the last prophesy of st malachy…its easy…petrus romanus….meaning… every pope is called peter…and from rome…so to actually to name the pope by motto would cloud the conclave and hence would try to rename someone other than the prophesied…something to consider….
Consider this, Chaz. If every pope is a Peter from Rome, then why did St. Malachy’s mottoes describe all the popes up to Petrus Romanus as otherwise? Moreover, as my article stream above has shown, there is a Francis-Pietro connection to Pope Francis being Peter of Rome. Thanks for the interpretation.
…Bergoglio, Berg = rock, mountain, Oglio = a river near Rome (in Italy) …
Interesting idea, but the Oglio River is not near Rome. It is a tributary of the Po River running through Lombardia. Its headwaters issue from Lake Ercavallo in the district of Bergamo. The next step would be to look at the heraldry of Lombardi and Bergamo to see if any symbols of St. Peter exist. I have done this and there is no connection to the signs, names or acts of St. Peter or St. Francis. Good try, though.
The place to look for a family device for Bergoglio is where his father hailed from, Torino. The crown with a bull in a chevron of the Turin coat of arms has no obvious connections to St Peter, St. Francis or Bergoglio becoming Pope Francis.
connection of francis to peter who catholics call the first pope.the fact that francis is mentioned as being connected to the word “first” over and over again.
Before I answer David’s interesting observation, a word to everyone leaving comment. Punctuate, please. I’m not you mom, I won’t clean up your literary messes. There’s a reason why we punctuate sentences. It makes your messages clearer. I don’t think you’d all be reading me if didn’t capitalize my sentences, learn to use the space bar and do as best I can (though not always successfully) to correct my spelling errors. Please have a little more pride about your offerings here. Make a little more effort to be literate. If not, then my rule is, if you don’t mind looking like a dummy to the whole world reading your comments, I don’t feel obligated to labor over your misspelled and badly punctuated comments unless, like Chaz, your lazy sentence construction is too unclear to be understood. Chaz liked to use a bunch of commas (,,,,,) when he really meant to use periods (…), even though Chaz used these pauses with periods when a simple period would have been necessary to acknowledge you are pausing your thought.
Now to David’s comments. It’s true that Francis is a pope of many firsts like St. Peter, the first Bishop of Rome. The most obvious of which is taking on the first new name in the lexicon of names for a Pontiff in over 1,300 years. There is a certain poetry in this, even though there is no direct prophetic connection. Still, we are early in this pope’s pontificate. More things may arise in his actions to strengthen the prophetic belief that he is Petrus Romanus, or his actions will distance him from this belief.
Saint Malachy’s Prophecy of the Popes Petrus Romanus, Petrus is a Latin name derived from the Greek meaning “rock”, and is the common English prefix “petro-” used to describe rock-based substances. Romanus is Latin for “Roman”. Jorge Mario Bergoglio was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, one of the five children of Italian immigrants. Pope Frances’s surname has been traced to the town of Turin (where the shroud of Christ is) or could be from the ancient town of Bergolio in the Alessandria area. Who is the Rock of Matthew 16:18? “And I tell you, you are Peter [Greek, Petros — a large piece of rock], and on this rock [Greek, petra — a huge rock like Gibraltar] I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not overpower it So is it a stretch to say that our new Pope Francis is a “Roman”? The “rock” the “Petrus” of the church? And what name did pope Francis take when he received the sacrament of confirmation as a youth? Thank You, Katherine
I have doubts about the claim that Francis was the last pope of the church of Rome. In fact, dating from the end of the papacy would fall in 2027 (end of the median cycle). But François is old enough and I do not think he can stay Pope still 12 years!
This is what I believe…
When I first heard the new pope was a Jesuit, my jaw dropped and all I could say was “Oh my God”! The Black Pope and the White Pope are religious brothers. My mind literally raced when he said he would make it a poor church for the Poor.
I believe that Jesuits created Russian Communism (wasn’t Marx and/or Lenin and Stalin all educated by Jesuits?) Didn’t Russia plant spies in “enemy” countries, to live normal unassuming lives, ostensibly loyal to their adopted country, marrying, raising their children, all the while remaining true blue (or red) Russians, until Mother Russia gave them further instructions; now…we have lowly, average, unassuming, beloved, poor saintly priest in a country far from The Vatican, who must obey his Superior’s directives.
Directive: Get thee to Rome for Conclave! Who better to steer Peter’s bark through turbulent waters than a poor saintly priest, trusted by the faithful because he is so unlike the others.
In the meantime, below Vatican City in 50 miles of archives lays the wealth of the Church, not to mention the history of the world (and I believe even the library of Alexandria, which supposedly was destroyed by fire before manuscripts could be saved! Wasn’t this library in the oversight of religious monks?)
Can it be the Jesuits will pull a Knights Templar/Solomon’s Temple/Alexandria Library ruse? They take/keep the wealth for themselves, use it to perpetuate their Illiminati agenda but make the world believe that Pope Francis depleted it with his charitable work to aid the poor. Oops. Seven Hills destroyed! An act of a Supreme God or deceit of a Jesuit Supreme General.
I am not a seer, a psychic or a prophet, just a wonderer. I have no idea if this is true or only another wondering. At any rate, I do believe this is accurate. Or, maybe I should write a book.
Hi VM. If you do become a non-fiction writer, believe in nothing. Verify! Double-check! Belief is only a nice way of saying “I’m ignorant and I am qualifying that ignorance with faith in nothing tested, nothing verified or proven.” If you want to be a quack writer, you can stay a blind believer of any myth fomented on the Internet where such “experts” and “authorities” are minion.
Sorry to say, your letter is an objective proving ground for how far off facts your “beliefs” without research have strayed your ideas into a factual ditch. You believe Jesuits created Russian communism not apparently knowing that there’s a Russian Orthodox Church in Russia before the Bolshevik Revolution that firmly entrenched itself since the one serious attempt of Polish and Lithuanian Jesuits to “convert” the Russians in the 16th century was crushed when Dimitry the Pretender tried to take the empty throne of the Czar when Boris Godonov died. In short, your “belief” in Jesuit influence is off by 500 years or so. You then go on to describe in detail the size and what’s in the Vatican Library which is based on your imagination and the overactive imagination of others, not facts.
The truth be known, no one knows how large or just “what” is in the Vatican Library. Your belief in speculative hearsay is not credible for non-fiction writing, if you so choose that path. Of course, if you want to be a quack you can say whatever comes out of your head like Dolores Cannon and say your “channeling” Nostradamus or Ramtha or Hampsters or some space dolphin from Alpha Beta Reticulae. You’ll get a following. Lies and liars are always followed by those who can’t help being lied to, for a time. The new age or Internet guru’s of this ilk usually last about 2 years, 4 maximum before a new flavor of Phony Baloney carries the hysterical mob away to follow after another Shepherd of Bullshit.
You say you’re a “wonderer” but then you say you believe your views are accurate. Some compassionate advice: wondering and accuracy are oil and water. They never meet. Let your wondering trigger a search for the actual and verifiable truth, rather than be an nice word for perpetuating an idle, woolgathering mind.
Sorry to hit you so hard, but you deserved a straight answer, especially since you put out a “wondering” about becoming a non-fiction writer to a non-fiction writer with 22 books and counting in 19 languages.
Howdy, I think your web site could possibly be having
web browser compatibility problems. When I look at your blog in Safari, it looks
fine but when opening in I.E., it has some overlapping issues.
I simply wanted to give you a quick heads up! Apart from that, excellent website!
Thanks. I recommend all my readers not read Internet Explorer. It is a generally crappy browser.
Pope Francis constantly refers to himself as the bishop of Rome rather than the pope. He is both naturally, but this is his distinctive way of presenting himself. This would fit ‘the Roman’ part of St Malachy’s prophecy. So ” Peter ” (connection with his name) and “the Roman” ( connected with his explicit function as Bishop of Rome)
Pope Francis did say that he was the Pope of Rome – the Roman Catholic Church and prayers should go for him and Rome (Vatican).
Whether he is or isn’t the last Pope, his plan of house keeping will be interesting….a poor church helping the poop. After so many, many years to turn the tables on customs and all that pomp and circumstance, it won’t happen. Pope John Paul II said that Satan had entered the Church. If true, Pope Francis is up against a lot.
Hopefully, he will succeed and the Church might lend itself to what Jesus said, “go without shoes, own nothing, …….”
Have you thought that Pope Francis may be the reincarnation of St. Peter, the first pope?
John, you are so moving – as always – but especially so in this latest piece of yours. And I especially laughed over the Pig Latin – IxNay on the Atican-oy Vey! It really is lipstick on a pig, trying to dress up this (any?) church, which can and will never go inward. Too much BLING-BLING to ever see the eye of a needle, let alone go through it.
It’s a very odd feeling, having a crush on this Papa, Francisco. I’m not even a Catholic or a Christian – and if I were one, I’d be lapsed for sure. Could he be the real Baby Daddy for the baby Yeshua? Might he be the one to recognize the boy, all grown up, unkempt and raggedy? I see life and love in his face, and life and love in his simple gestures, eschewing the Draggiest attire, riding the bus with his Cardinal homies, jumping out of an ungated, unguarded Popemobile to touch a man too handicapped to gesture back, paying his hotel bill in person, jokingly asking God to forgive his brethren for choosing HIM. I want him to be great enough to fix (raze) this Church to its foundations. But is anyone powerful enough to conquer the evil that is the church? Can one be OF the church and kill it in order to resurrect the original Idea? I don’t think so.
More than an untimely death, I fear that Francisco will humanize the face of the church just enough to keep it limping along for centuries to come – still ensuring a continuing distance between seekers and their possible experience of connection, mindfulness, and divinity.
The only hope for any of us (IMHO) is to de-churchify ourselves, learn to Go Inward, remembering to come out and play nicely with one another, feet on the real, eyes on the ideal, as we lurch forward clumsily, together and separately, trying to be awake.
First, I hope you don’t mind my sending another comment. I just finished the entire article. It was so good. There is a lot of the number 13 going on that there is not enough room to go into all of it here. I’m sure you are aware of this too. In numerology, when you add 3-13-2013 together you get 13. It holds much meaning alone, but when added together it becomes a 4. Positively it means 4-square, foundational, solid, building, stability, system, order, conservatism, form, work, etc. Negatively it means rigid (“square”), walled in, close-minded, etc. So this could go either way for this new pope. One thing caught my eye in particular. This is taken from Numerology and The Divine Triangle: 4 gives “the ability to bring about peaceful changes that will improve the living standards of the world.” This pope could “take what most people would throw away, rework it and produce a useful and necessary product. This give tangible proof of the existence and immortality of the soul, whose presence you [he] have [has] never doubted.” He has the “ability to build a useful world through sound reasoning, where [his] hard work and patient perserverance will benefit others in a tangible way.”
Concerning this Pope, and advocate of the poor, having something to do with the name Peter, could this perhaps refer to Peter the Hermit, who inspired the first crusade which as called the Crusade of the Poor People? He was born in Amiens, France, in 1050 and died in 1115.
Hi John,
Great article, even though it’s 12:57 am and I haven’t finished it, but will. I just thought of a song, actually I thought of it a few times recently that I want to share with you. Remember What If God Was One Of Us? That’s what came to mind when you mentioned Jesus strolling into the Vatican, the hippy man, whom no one really would know. So sad.
Thanks for all you do. Great work.
Mary Jo
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[…] Weapons in Syria Alex Jones False Flagging Bush Mabus Nostradamus Pope Francis Prophecies North Korea Prophecies St. Malachy […]
[…] Pope Francis Prophecies North Korea Prophecies St. Malachy Explained […]
[…] « Pope Francis, Nostradamus, St. Malachy, Prophecies and Predictions: Is he Peter of Rome the … Waco Explosion, Boston Marathon Bombing, Ricin Letters, North Korea Threatens US: Korean War […]
[…] « Pope Francis, Nostradamus, St. Malachy, Prophecies and Predictions: Is he Peter of Rome the … Boston Marathon Bombing, Ricin Letters, North Korea Threatens US: Korean War Armistice Ends, Kim […]
[…] « Pope Francis, Nostradamus, St. Malachy, Prophecies and Predictions: Is he Peter of Rome the … Boston Marathon Bombing, North Korea Threatens US: Korean War Armistice Ends, Kim Jong Un Targets […]
[…] « Pope Francis, Nostradamus, St. Malachy, Prophecies and Predictions: Is he Peter of Rome the … North Korea Threatens US: Korean War Armistice Ends, Kim Jong Un Targets America, Kerry goes to […]
[…] « Pope Francis, Nostradamus, St. Malachy, Prophecies and Predictions: Is he Peter of Rome the … North Korea Threatens US: Korean War Armistice Ends, Kim Jong Un Targets America, Is War Next? By […]
[…]… […]