US Senator John McCain seen supporting the Ukrainian Fascist Leader Oleh Tiahnybok when visiting demonstrators in Kiev in late 2013.
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DATELINE 28 February 2014:
Nostradamus, The Ukraine
And a New Cold War with Russia:
A New Threat of Thermonuclear War
Foreseen by Nostradamus and Stormberger
Ukraine now has national unity government appointed by a mob. This is exactly the kind of leaderless political perversion of revolution that happens when the astrological ruler of progressive rebellion and sudden change, Uranus, is squared the status quo established government represented by Pluto in Capricorn as it is now and will intensify later in March! The worst of this square’s malefic power is yet to come in April through May of 2014.
And what a piece of work is a mob’s choices! If you study the political persuasions of the new cabinet of the “National Unity” coalition government, it might be better to call it a “National Socialist Unity” government. Every cabinet member belongs to one or another extreme right wing, and some outright Ukrainian fascist, party. One of the first acts of these “nationalists” was to make the Ukrainian language the only legal mother tongue of the land. That literally makes illegal half the country’s population that thinks, reads and does business in Russian! I can’t think of a ruling that is more divisive than this (other than the open motions to persecute and expel Jews, that’s also happening). A vision of a fascist future for Ukraine is why my Oracle predicted in November 2013 that only the partition of Ukraine could prevent a full-scale civil war. Yanuchovych, the deposed Ukrainian president does not recognize the new government and will not participate in the elections scheduled for the end of May (when Uranus Squared Pluto is at its most intensive negative influence).
Expect a civil war to follow!
Such a war could be used as a context by Western Neoconservative elements to launch a new Cold War market for their Military Industrial and Surveillance Complex (see the next article below).
Partitions of the past begat bad karmic partitions of nations in the future. When the Soviet Union collapsed in the early 1990s, I had voiced my concerns for a future civil war’s seed being planted. The Crimean peninsula, which is populated by a few Crimean Tartars and a large ethnic Russian majority, was seceded to Ukraine rather than kept in the emerging Russian Federation. I knew and predicted back then that secession from Ukraine was inevitable. And now it is coming this spring in a referendum vote of Crimeans to join Russia that is not recognized by the new right-wing government in Kiev. Crimean militias guard their airports as I write this. They anticipate that Kiev will send its paratroopers.
When the Crimea goes back to Russia it will be aided by the Russian Black Sea Fleet, which is still anchored in Sevastopol. When Crimea leaves, so leaves the rest of the Russian speaking and economically linked eastern provinces of the Ukraine into the Russian fold. Right now the Russians are gathering nearly 200,000 troops on the border with Eastern Ukraine and practicing the largest military maneuvers since the end of the Cold War. Could they be “invited” by Yanuchovych to restore order to all Ukrainian provinces east of the Dnieper River. Believe it! The malevolent stars support such a move with sudden and unexpected, unanticipated consequences of a world crisis by no later than this summer.
There is significant political push, and even arms secreted to the Western Ukrainian breakaway parties, from the EU and the US. Indeed, major figures in the war-hawk, neoconservative movement from America were on the ground last November with the protesters in Kiev, encouraging rebellion and regime change, such as US Arizona Senator (and former Republican candidate for US president) John McCain. Other US representatives and EU parliamentarians flanked him, seconding the motion.
I’ll cut to the chase here. Ukraine is going to split up this summer. The Southeastern Ukraine will join the Russian center of influence and Western Ukraine will add its Fascist aspirations to those spreading across Europe. You will all see this rise of neo-Nazism after the May elections for a new EU Parliament! Fascist MPs could summon up 20 percent of the seats of the EU and other state parliaments in France and Germany by June!
The War Business is shifting its axis.
There are forces in the Western so-called democracies that are moving their regime change regimen from the Middle East where it has been an abject, serial failure, to encroach upon Russia. They want a new Cold War with decades of containment of Russia that will make them trillions of profits. The current markets for war are tanking, such as in Afghanistan. There’s peace threatening the bloodshed big business invested in containing Iran. As I’ve predicted for years, Afghanistan will see all of its US and NATO forces expelled by the end of 2014. (More on that in a future article). A new cold war could keep the war business industries humming with immense profits if some reason could be manufactured in the West to contain Russia and China like before.
I cannot tell you more clearly how dangerous all of this is for each and every one of you, if these forces succeed in relaunching a Cold War. The West, this time, will be to blame. They are setting in motion the most dangerous prophecies of Stormberger and Nostradamus. You can read Stormberger’s prophecies in this expanded edition of Predictions for 2014, click on New Cold War. Nostradamus’ prophecies on the matter can be read in their entirety at the end of Nostradamus and the Antichrist, Code Named: MABUS. Click on Brothers of the North to get the book. Go to the Epilogue and read “The Antichrist Unconscious”.

The four main candidates for Nostradamus’ Third and Final Antichrist. Click on the picture and read more.
In brief, the thermonuclear war we all feared during the long decades of the Cold War is a threat not behind us but before us. The greatest seers among us down through history have collectively forecast an attempt by two great Northern powers, which use “eagles” as their national totems, to become friends, who fail because of a Middle Eastern source of their friction (Syria? Iran?). They then go to nuclear war, and, as the “German Nostradamus” famously warned, Stormberger said the world “with open eyes” walks into these catastrophes. Humanity finds itself in a full-scale nuclear war that no one anticipated except a few great seers of prophecy, who warn you even now, to turn away from the Armageddon you blindly create. The events in the Ukraine could be the trigger.
DATELINE 19 February 2014:
Ukraine, Civil War or Peace?
Neptune in Pisces launches a period of world revolutions starting with the Arab Spring in 2011-2012 moving to the Syrian and now the Iraqi civil wars, a civil war at present. Ukraine is next. The Ukrainian “spring” will cover the ground with what the Vikings who founded Kiev would call “battle dew”—blood! That is, unless this alternative future, published on 29 November 2013, can be accessed this year:
2014, like 1914, sets in motion the breakup of long-held political frontiers. The Ukraine faces such a moment. Either civil war or a civil breaking up of the Ukrainian union along the Dnieper River is in its future. The Ukraine must split into northwestern and southwestern halves, the former dominated by native Ukrainians with more ties to the West and the EU; the latter, including the Crimea Peninsula, has a Russian majority seeking deeper ties with “Czar” Vladimir Putin’s co-prosperity sphere.
Predictions for 2014, Chapter 5:
Readings for Regions and Nations
(Subsection: The Great Ukrainian Divide, Toasted by a White Russian)
Flaming barricades in the center of the Ukrainian capital with dozens of protesters and police dead, hundreds injured and wounded, launched the week’s news cycle. The Ukrainian president threatens to send in paratroopers to clean out the camp of protesters trying to set up a Tahrir Square standoff since November. The EU and US leaders warn they’ll lower a boom of economic sanctions on Kiev. Rumor has it that Russian President Vladimir Putin will give Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych financial relief “if” he flushes the square of protesters, restoring order. By Wednesday, some calm before the storm of fire and street massacres developed with Yanukovych buying time for his paratroopers to amass with a temporary ceasefire promised.
There’s a bigger prophetic picture looming behind these current events. Beware the forces on either side of this gathering civil war from outside of Ukraine trying to restart the cold war. If this happens, the prophecies of Nostradamus and Stormberger indicate that World War Three is not behind us but before us and humanity may soon walk with their eyes wide open into these catastrophes in three years and seven months or 13 years after this new cold war between the US and Russia resumes.
Read the Nostradamus prophecies of the Brothers of the North in Nostradamus and the Antichrist, Code Named: MABUS, see the epilogue, “The Antichrist Unconscious.”
Read also the prophecies of Stormberger in this special expanded edition of my forecasts for 2014.
DATELINE 21 February 2014
Venezuela’s Coming Upheaval
The last time Neptune transited its home sign of Pisces was 1848, the year of the “European Spring”. This was a series of mob-ruled, popular street revolutions, eerily similar to those raging across the Arab world in the spring of 2011, close to the time Neptune was dipping back into Pisces, going retrograde and then beginning a slow, creeping progress through its home sign, starting in 2012, where it will not leave Pisces until 2026. You may have noticed the spread of street protesting and riots with police crackdowns around the world ever since 2011 and that they are intensifying. Ukraine is the most recent paroxysm. Student rallies protesting the Caracas Chavista government of President Maduro in Venezuela for nine days has descended into violence just recently. Venezuela, like Ukraine, is coming closer to civil war. The worst case scenario for both, is that they’ll turn into variations of the Arab Spring in Syria that descended into the Arab Winter of Syrian civil war, destroying that nation.
I have a number of readers on both sides of this growing divide and considering the tone of their letters, the verbal sparring, the self-righteous “we are right and the other side is evil” tone, they descend under the psychosis of division that only leads to fighting this issue out in the streets rather than solving it by debate and peaceful legislation on the floor of parliament. As usual, since I find the faults underpinning the motivations of both sides, I am damned if I do point it out and equally damned if I don’t blindly support one side or the other.
It is a fact that prophecy will prove that the CIA is funding the student protests and the upper-middle class rebellion against the socialist Maduro government and that the previous president, Hugo Chavez, was murdered by the CIA. I’ve seen the ways American spies murder people and make it look like “natural causes” because my own spiritual teacher, Osho, was murdered in the same way.
Still, to be fair, I have long pointed out the systemic flaws of the Chavez revolution and dated when a right-wing, CIA-backed, junta will once again restore US hegemony over Venezuela’s oil industry, and once again create the climate of resource rape and one-sided distribution of prosperity that required popular people’s revolution in the past.
You can access these predictions in Chapter 5 of my eBook of prophecies for 2014 under the subsection: South America. Also look for more prophecies about Venezuela in Predictions for 2013-2014, click on Venezuela.
DATELINE 14 February 2014:
The Future of Sex, Love, and Liberation
It’s Valentine’s Day. The day we celebrate love and romance in a big business way. Mark your calendar. Love is for sale today. Time to give your favorite girl flowers, your favorite beau cologne. Take your beloved out for dinner and give her stockings and chocolates on this day because Big Brother Business says so. Their bottom line obligates that your love and endearment is automatic rather than spontaneous—rather than every day being Valentines Day for those you love.
OK, let’s cut to the chase!
Love is a commodity today. Sex sells.
Where do we go from here?
Back to the Future.
Back in 1998, when I appeared on the Seattle TV show, Northwest Afternoons. The bored couple hosting the show got all bright-eyed and busy-tailed when I moved from collective prophetic visions of global warming coming to something “coming” off even hotter to their interest. I was introducing 1,000 ancient-to-modern prophecies (including some of my own) in a new book 1000 for 2000 Startling Predictions for the New Millennium. Anyway, I was asked to delve deep into the distant future of humanity. So, we unzipped the veil between the present and the future to gawk at a couple of great big, wiggling “ends”:
PREDICTION 979: The End of Sex
Human beings will eventually evolve beyond having male or female genitalia and sexuality. But fear not, the rule of conscious evolution dictates that what is abandoned with awareness is replaced by something far more fulfilling. People will abandon being “men” and “women”, because they finally discover that they are already both forces inside. They will discard the joys of sex, because they will uncover the secrets of living twenty-four hours a day in a state of orgasm, uncaused and free of the necessity of the other to trigger it.
Pause and reflect, all you concerned lovers on Valentine’s Day. It gets better:
PREDICTION 980: The End of Love
Love will end when hate ends. One cannot exist without the other. The people of tomorrow will discover a higher state than love—one we cannot even imagine today.
It isn’t anyone’s fault, but we all do it. We are programmed to openly think it or suppress it. We all think our times and our understanding is the last word. How can anyone imagine something beyond love? Imagine it. Something far higher and deeper awaits you in the distant future that you can engage in the eternity of the present, right now, if you so desire to understand:
PREDICTION 981: The End of Good and Evil
The people of the future will be more self-observant than we. They will see that many of the things we believe are opposites are in fact complementary. They will understand what we today cannot fathom: that evil and good are like intimate partners in a dysfunctional marriage. One needs the other to be a couple. In the distant future people will seek the transmoral state. They will strive to understand the opposites called good and evil from a deeper consciousness that acts as a third and transcendent state of being beyond good and evil.
DATELINE 14 February 2014:
Initial Reader Reviews of
Predictions for 2014
My newest almanac of prophecies about the New Year is available on Kindle and Nook readers. Here are some initial reviews from Hogueprophecy readers.
I have the donor edition of this book, which has one extra chapter at the end but otherwise is identical to this one and it was so interesting I pretty much just took the day off on Sunday and read it through all at once. I plan to go back and re-read it because there is so much in there that it simply isn’t possible to absorb it all at once.
John makes a good case that both astrologically and via his “Oracle” that 2014 will be a difficult but pivotal year; a time much like 1914 in terms of the way economics and Current Events are playing out. But of course history doesn’t exactly repeat but it does rhyme and John provides a great preview of the powerful Sagas he see’s likely to unfold, as always he provides choices [and] hopes the world will pick the better future rather than the more difficult one.
He feels time is running short to pick that more productive future, though he provides a road map the world could follow and more importantly what the individual can do no matter what happens.
Another great work from John Hogue—well worth the price—make time to read this one!
Melodi is talking about the special pdf edition, available by donation only that includes an extra chapter on the “German Nostradamus”, Mattias Stormberger. He was a 17th-century Bavarian cowherd who, like Nostradamus, saw the future of humanity through the eyes of his countrymen and women yet unborn. Unlike Nostradamus, Stormberger was remarkably clear and uncryptic in his prophecies.
If you are interested in reading more about the donors edition, click on Stormberger.
And now to Colleen who best presents the struggle readers have with sojourning though what many of them say is my unorthodox and often provocative take on the future that has a way of shattering comfortable givens and society’s built-in expectations on how the future should turn out.
I don’t cuddle people’s belief systems.
I don’t comfort dogmas.
My work is revolution. Simply because a revolution in thought is first needed to understand what is coming and what is necessary when surmounting the future’s challenges. We must change ourselves completely to change the future. My solution presented at the end of this book is a call to experiment with completely new forms of meditation.
Meditation makes the insignificant individual IN-Significant!
The future will be extraordinarily insecure. A propose to offer a new form of meditation, especially tailored to the needs of people living in this intense 21st century that can make one become, deep inside, IN-secure, inwardly witnessing in a calm consciousness the whirlwind of history about to break upon us. From that point a lost intelligence can be awakened that can offer solutions.
Colleen’s words struggle to work through the book to that offer of meditation at the end.
Wow…. Read your book, fought it, wrestled with it, cursed it, ranted and did some foaming [at the mouth] only to come to rest right here now at your feet… How oh how did you evoke this?? Awesome to grapple with….. As a woman, a minster, … a caregiver….
Oh myyyyyyy delight! Delight indeed. As a Unity minister (New Thought) and as a Silva Mind Control graduate, I fully understand All that you are intimating below regarding deeply, deep, intense meditation…. In some ways I wish I had known this Before reading the book but then I doggedly kept on reading hoping for some breakthrough light, some hint of relief somewhere, somehow…. grin.
And that did not come until the very end but not in the way that words were utilized: it came in a deep heart knowing that no matter how much unrest there is right now, with those who are trying to keep up with the waves of information rolling over us—that some how, some way, yes—the Light will win. It seems as if it is going to be a combination of individuals similar to Snowden who step forth, and a combination of the ingenuity and/or creative side stepping of the totalitarian mindset….. and maybe none of that. Just that the intuitive hits from within were, “It is going to be fine. Flow with it and do what you can. Period!” And to think i’ve been attempting to understand these changing times for five years or longer…. Thank you for showing up. And on time. Namaste, Colleen.
John, I could not stop reading. What you wrote just rings naturally true. Perhaps because I tend to be “inward”. So, as someone who fears some of what you write about and yet is one who “does”, instead of “hoping” to meditate the “right” way, l will just “do” more inward using your meditation techniques and suggest to family and others the same. Thank you for enlightening us.
I look forward to your next e-book.
My next book will be published at the end of this month. It is a new and refreshed edition on my study of end time prophecy called Nostradamus: The End of End Times.
Right now, you can immediately purchase the pdf special illustrated edition under the title Nostradamus 2012: The End of End Times (click on End Times).
I never intended to be part of the crowd of 3,000 authors writing books about 2012 before the anticipated moment the Mayan Calendar was supposed to reboot or end history on 21 December 2012. I made it a point to brazenly publish the ONLY book about 2012 “after” the event, because I have long predicted 2012 expectations would be “too chicken little, too late”. The Maya and the Twenty-twelver cult have miscalculated the moment, off by 13 years. Many of them dragged Nostradamus into the Maya myth, not aware that the 16th-century prophet had correctly calculated the moment the axis of history would begin shifting into a new era without any connection to the Maya.
With this book I intend to put the Maya and 2012 back where they belong—not presenting 2012 as the overblown, Hollywood “Lindsay Lohan” of doomsday “dates” but just one in a crowd of fascinating age-ending and rebooting prophetic traditions from ancient prophetic traditions all around the world. They are all currently clocking the coming of a new human era in evolution during our lifetime.
Watch out at the end of March for another major book release. I will publish on tablet reader formats a new edition of Nostradamus and the Antichrist: Code Named Mabus.
You don’t have to wait two months. Right now, you can purchase the special pdf, fully-illustrated version. (Click on Mabus and read more about this most important subject in the prophecies of Nostradamus: who is Mabus, a code name for the third and final candidate for Nostradamus’ Antichrist, a contemporary of our times.)
DATELINE 14 February 2014:
Catastrophic Ice Storm
For the US South!
Nor’Easter on Valentines Day
Come on, Global Warming?
–Y E S !–
Ice storms and freezing rain paralyzed the US Southern states this week causing widespread power outages. It was Atlanta’s worst ice storm since 2000. Upwards of ten inches of snow and ice fell across Alabama, Georgia and the Carolinas. The winter blast advanced into the US Northeastern states overnight to put Valentine’s Day on ice and snow from Washington, DC to Philadelphia and New York City, reminding the US Capital of 2010’s Snowpocalypse: snowfall reaching new record-breaking levels. This time the weather closed government offices, rather than stupid politicians finding a new way to do nothing for the people. The climate’s changing violently, but is it really getting colder like there’s an ice age coming?
What is it about many of your readers, especially in the eastern half of the United States, who don’t get the concept of “global” in global climate change?
Many Americans seem to be climate isolationists. The concept of “World” only reaches as far as their own backyards. Yes, you are experiencing record snow and ice events on one end of your nation. What about in the West? Come over the drier than normal Rockies to California where spreads a worsening drought that will soon rival the great desiccation of Texas in 2011 and 2012.
Look on the other side of the Atlantic at Britain. Hurricane force winds crashed into the English west coast this week punctuating a warmer and far wetter than normal winter season. The Thames River is flooded in Surrey while California descends into a 500-year drought. England clocks the wettest and warm winter in 250 years. Atlanta this week had Alaskan-like winter temperatures. Yet Alaska up in sub-Arctic and Arctic latitudes has been as warm as Atlanta should be: 50 degrees Fahrenheit—AT NIGHT!
The US South and Eastern states are buried under snow. Participant athletes over at the Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia, are watching their snow melt off mountainsides in near 70-degree spring temperatures!
Over the years in a number of books and articles, I’ve explained in detail that human pollution is the cause of Mother Earth’s atmospheric fevers. The Earth’s atmosphere is a body of air. Like you, when a body has a fever, hot temperatures possess most of it while isolated parts ache with cold chills. The Polar Vortex locking in high pressure systems over Eastern Canada this winter have pulled southwards into temperate climes a wave of cold air charged up by rapid polar melt. The Arctic refrigerator doors is opened, as it were, by a flattening Arctic Jet Stream, breath Jack Frost’s bad breath down into the lower 48 states, primarily the left half of Canada and the United States. Climate scientists exactly foresaw this as a symptom of global warming. Enjoy the snow while it lasts in the 2010s. By the 2020s you’ll miss it.
North America, you are the chilling part of Earth’s body of air. You shiver while the rest of the world’s fever slowly rises. This is how my Oracle tried to explain this development back in the spring of 2013:
The climate, your atmosphere, functioning in a balance, is a key factor in your life continuing. It moderates and regulates global temperature providing the functions of water, food, growing the “organs” or providing a security of climate to nourish your supersystems that keep your civilization living, that keep “you and yours” living. Nature is a huge mechanism ever trying to balance out imbalances in this system. Human pollution of that temperature-regulating system is like a chronic infection stressing out that system.
The CO2 of industrial fossil fuel use is the pathogen that we fume into the air from our factories, cars and livestock. This infection is relatively small compared to the huge body of air and the annual natural venting of waste products that the climate system absorbs digests and sinks into carbon sequestering like methane hydrate buried at the bottom of the sea or stored in the flora of forests, marshes, permafrost and so on. Nevertheless, when you add an infecting irritant of just a touch more than the climate can balance, you cause an infection-induced imbalance in the system that over 200 years of toxic Industrial waste buildup, seems small in comparison. Relatively speaking it’s as small as a bacterium. Yet this small infecting additional output of fossil fuel is now overloading the system’s ability to balance itself.
It can’t absorb our pollution puss. So the body of our atmosphere is getting hotter, just a few degrees hotter is all it takes to upset its balance. This fever will rise three to five degrees and not over a century as scientists currently claim. My Oracle believes it will rise far faster…Thirty months, perhaps. A shift taking only 2.5 years—sudden in Earth climate time.
Predictions for 2013-2014, Chapter 11:
An Invisible Supervolcano Erupting
(Subsection: “Earth Fever—Earth Convulsions)
In spite of the mountain of data collected by science, there are many of you who listened to my talk on Coast to Coast AM on 5 February and got steaming hot that I didn’t support Internet myths about the world cooling down rather than getting hotter by man’s stupid hand. So, what follows are some of your comments and the answers I chose to give them, before my social media community around the world.
Mark’s snark is a common one from climate change deniers.
John, how do you like the cold back east now? I find it quite entertaining that you were slamming the warming deniers and now we have this!
You can explain rationally to people as I have done for years, why the US cold snaps are a symptom of global warming. You can tell people to look beyond their mediocre limits of perception at the bigger picture, for instance, the fact that the rest of the world is warmer than normal, including the North Pole and that your little island of cold weather is not the whole picture. However, the monkey mind of man is what it is, and some people are programmed to see the world stuck so deep in its groove of programmed habit that they can’t see beyond the edge of this groove. I am sorry for them but there’s little I can do to explain to them what is coming, how they’ve brought it on themselves and how they will suffer and die not understanding that they created this planetary disaster and could have stopped it.
But even deep STUPID has a silver lining.
Thanks for the lack of vision in this question, Mark. Thanks for the myopia, the “head-where-the-sun-never-shines” point of view—the mind’s narcissistic, self-centered limit of seeing the world only from its backyard. You have given me a great opportunity to “once again” explain to those who can’t see beyond the frost icicle on their nose what is happening to the planet.
So, this comment will appear on the next blog.
Thanks for being so stupid.
Perhaps shining a light on your ho-hum, bum “dumb” might help others come out of stupid’s groove.
Some of you reading the above might think I’m being too hard on the guy, coming down on him like a fire and brimstone prophet with all condemnatory fire and “his dumb” shown.
If you could see what I see coming in the future, you might also be a little overtly naked “Jeremiah” in your prophetic delivery.
Fortunately, letters like the following eloquently counter climate change deniers with uncomfortable facts and realities:
Hi John! I know you’re busier than a 1 legged man in a butt kicking contest, so please don’t worry about responding.
Just re-read your post on people giving you grief about global warming. In the Washington DC world, we’re waking up to record cold. However, none of my social circle / friends / family are fooled that this is the “anti-global warming” thing others are talking about. Call it what you will, global warming, climate change, etc., the fact of the matter is that we humans have been abysmal stewards of this planet. Global warming doesn’t mean warming on top of one’s head. It means weather aberrations. California is in the midst of an historic 8-year drought. Weather extremes in the Midwestern US will be impacting food yields in 2014. Unseasonably cold weather on the east coast has driven the price of natural gas & propane to crazy levels (and many people on fixed incomes are being found freezing to death because they can’t afford to heat their homes). Just in the past 6 weeks, Maryland has seen both record cold AND record warm days. One day in December, we got up to 74 degrees, shattering a 100+ year record.
There are so many out there who are global warming deniers. They are looking for any excuse to dismiss any warning: “All planets heat up and cool down, it’s a natural process”, “it’s the Sun’s fault”, “No global warming here when it’s -20 F outside”. It’s because no one wants to own up to the fact that our civilization has, and continues with, unsustainable and harmful practices that hurts the environment. I’m not some kind of uber-liberal hippy talking, either. I believe in industry and technology, hell, I work in that field. But there’s a way to further ourselves technologically without sacrificing the very planet we live on.
I have no doubt that Mother Earth will recover. The planet will reach some sort of homeostasis. The question is, will it be with humans still here, or will the change require removing us from the equation?
PS – just bought your Iran book from Amazon. I had purchased it when it was first published, but didn’t realize you had updated it. I’m looking forward to seeing what insights you have had over the years. I too believe we should give peace a chance. Unfortunately, the individuals who are negotiating don’t seem to share our sentiments. Still…hope springs eternal and I’m hoping that the Divine will smack some heads around until they do the right thing. Blessings!
Next comes a fair question many are asking under the snowdrifts and ice storms of the Eastern US.
Strange events…the quickening has begun. Is this a Polar shift in the works? what u think…
Hi Robert. It is not a polar shift. It is planetary climate change. The climate cascade into a warmer world is like a fever. It has its chills, like the cold hitting the east and the US south right now. You are in the chill. Most everywhere else the world’s temps are above normal. They’re in the fever. This situation is far more significant that any world war because everyone and everything will be—IS—affected. This is a human induced natural disaster. A lot of blogs on the Internet are misreading this as a polar shift or electromagnetic shift because they do not face their own biased minds. They want to blame their sins against Nature on Nature, on the Cosmos, on Fate. We are the sinners against this Earth. Period. The sooner we face it, we repent and remember ourselves. Then we will, together, fix the problem we have made for our planet
Now to Canada:
Morning John, thanks the PDF has arrived and works great. How about a prediction as to when winter will end? (LOL) We live in Piction, Ontario and received more snow this year than in thirty years! As always, all the very best.
I can say the winter will end at the end of March rather dramatically for the Americans.
Does winter ever end up there in Piction? 🙂
Thanks for the report about the snow up there. Record-breaking snows have long been a forecast signature of the polar ice cap melting. For 20 years now, I’ve been saying that the early 21st century would see record-breaking snowfall happening until the 2020s. Then the snows begin to disappear in the winters of the north. Some see an ice age coming in what’s going on in North America. I see a quirky precursor to a cascading climate moving towards a new warming period. The only thing that could change that future is humanity getting off fossil fuel “or” finding a way to make it perfectly clean to use. I believe we can do the latter, but the stubborn contraction of the right-wing mind, and the complete rejection of fossil fuels of any kind by the politically left-leaning, makes the idea of clean fossil fuel technology almost dead in the rising ocean water.
Then I had this interchange over two days of emails from Brian who says he’s a scientist.
John, How can an open-minded guy like you be so positive about global warming?
Simple. Because I am open-minded. And I’ve been studying climate change since 1979. When did you get into this game, listening to Tim Ball on Coast? (Ball is a vociferous climate change denier.) Also notice that I am an “open minded guy” in your estimation as long as I agree with something that suits your biases. Then, when I say something that goes against your biases, there must be something wrong with Hogue, who is ever open minded as long as he says something your mind likes. What about looking at “your” premises? Something for you to meditate on, Brian.
Lots of nasty and wrong suppositions about me in your response but no science.
If you were open-minded you’d look at the science—refute any of my assertions (and I only listed a few) with scientific facts—go ahead,
for yourself not me.
BTW, I took my first courses in meteorology and climatology in 1971 & 72, have a PhD in physics and care only about the science.
The last 18 years the CO2 has steadily increased and the global climate has cooled. QED – the AGW models are wrong.
The model that Roger Revelle, a founder of the Scripts Oceanogrphic Institue, father of AGW, subsequent Harvard professor who introduced young Al Gore to AGW (and gave hime a “D” in the course), ultimately rejected the AGW hypothesis as unworkable.
I was called open minded in your first letter. Now I’m not open minded in your second. (Sigh…) Looks like idle opinion guides these irrational mood swings of your opinion of me. Idle opinion also finds an easy way out when data refutes a premise. It just says “the model is wrong”. End of story.
I back up my statements with the evidence in articles published here since 1999 at Hogueprophecy. The data is reported in over a dozen books I’ve published since my first warnings about climate change in 1987. I’ve told you to read them. Yet you do not.
Must I lift your own arm to turn the pages for you as well? Read my articles and books. It’s all there. Make an effort.
In my last letter, I asked you to take a meditative look at your premises and your mind, which I have stated is filtering data that you pick and choose to make up your theories. And what is your response?
No data, just overviews from Internet pseudo scientists.
Moreover, you wave your diploma in my face. A lot of people have a physics diplomat, just like a lot of people in my field say they are prophets and predictors.
Having a degree doesn’t mean we are intelligent. Intelligence is something that awakens in one, despite the degrees of BS, MS, and PHDs (Piled high and deep). We collect degrees of pride in our intellectual “bling” collection that most of us mistakenly believe—like you—is a paper testament to our earned intelligence. It’s more likely a paper for a paper-tiger intelligence. You degreed people team over the planet by the many millions, yet look at the world your degrees of BS (bullshit), MS (more shit) PHD (piled high and deep) have given us? Call this society supported by your diplomas an intelligent stewardship of the Earth and of each other?
Secondly, being versed in one scientific discipline doesn’t make you an expert of other scientific disciplines anymore than a brain surgeon or a general practitioner, by virtue of being both “doctors”, can understand completely each other’s specialty.
You may have studied climatology in school 44 years ago, but you’re no James Hansen or Richard Muller, when it comes to being a respected and proven climate scientist.
If a man like Hansen, who is most likely a hellovah lot smarter than you and I, risks his career at NASA to proclaim his findings about manmade global warming, that’s pause for you and I to consider it.
Richard Muller, one of the greatest global warming skeptics, is lavishly funded by the oil industry (the Koch Brothers to be exact) to venture a two-year study to prove climate change is not manmade. He is as passionate a climate change denier as they come, and even this scientist, after deep study, had to conclude that he was wrong and man is the “only” cause of global warming.
The following day, Brian sent this response. Not something from his own experience, but parroting a song written by someone else.
What’s it all about? Anyone in doubt?
I don’t want to go until I’ve found it all out.
– N.S.U. by Jack Bruce (Cream)
You’re never going to find out “What’s it all about”. The deeper you delve into the Cosmos and Universe the more questions will arise. So abandon this idle desire and instead embrace with humility how the more we learn the less we know about our Existence—yet one can celebrate, eternally, the deepening of “THIS intimacy”.
“Anyone in doubt” ought to first know what the word “doubt” means from its Indo-European roots: it means, “to hover between two possibilities”. It is not a negative opening view, like how most of us (you) use it. There’s no prejudice for or against in the word doubt.
The last line of this Cream song is simply “idiotic” in the true sense of the ancient Greek meaning of the word “idios” (Idiot). It means “one under the illusion of being separate from the Cosmos.” The idiot in us is always looking outside.
Its pure Ego that doesn’t want to go until Ego finds it all out.
It’s a perfect spiritual con. Ego by its very illusory projection can’t find it all out, because it lives in an idiotic belief that it’s separated from the Cosmos. The seeking is false because separation from the Cosmos is false. Therefore, Ego seeks an answer it will never find, so that it can keep its idiotic separateness perpetually—stupidly—alive.
Round and round the misery-go-round it goes. Where it stops, No-one-ness knows!
Enough for today. Forget today even. Or the future. Never forget that you can get enough “right now”, in the eternity of this moment.
This is my happy Valentine gift of love to all readers and detractors.
I call upon you to meditate.
Love inside me compels I share freely with any of you links and information to begin your journey through meditations especially tailored for the modern human being.
Science cannot prevail, reason cannot prevail to change the collision course humanity is on with planetary climate disaster unless our fundamentally delusional perception of our world and our “selves” can be truly and consciously witnessed. Once witnessed, once understood, a spiritual revolution is possible. After undergoing that spiritual revolution comes one who can see the world as it is and make the changes needed to bring a golden future. Science in the hands of such a meditator can perfectly understand and explore solutions.
Meditation is the only way I know how to reach that state.
Contact me. Accept my Valentine’s love gift. Put in the subject line just one word: Meditation. And I will send you links and information that may resonate with your inner need to know yourself beyond “beliefs”, beyond STUPID, and become a presence of Love and Intelligence our planet and humanity desperately needs.
Explore my New Facebook Page and Leave a “LIKE”
If for some reason you cannot leave your comments in the comments box below, just send them to me via the Contact email button. If they are interesting and clearly written, I will post them with my inserted comments. I will even post some of you rare souls disposing promising content with all the dirty literary laundry “spots” of functional illiteracy displayed. So please reread your stuff, use spell check and punctuate. You are being read by the whole world; so don’t look dumb in print. Those who do the best they can will be rewarded with it being published here.
DATELINE 14 February 2014:
The Future of Sex, Love, and Liberation
It’s Valentine’s Day. The day we celebrate love and romance in a big business way. Mark your calendar. Love is for sale today. Time to give your favorite girl flowers, your favorite beau cologne. Take your beloved out for dinner and give her stockings and chocolates on this day because Big Brother Business says so. Their bottom line obligates that your love and endearment is automatic rather than spontaneous—rather than every day being Valentines Day for those you love.
OK, let’s cut to the chase!
Love is a commodity today. Sex sells.
Where do we go from here?
Back to the Future.
Back in 1998, when I appeared on the Seattle TV show, Northwest Afternoons. The bored couple hosting the show got all bright-eyed and busy-tailed when I moved from collective prophetic visions of global warming coming to something “coming” off even hotter to their interest. I was introducing 1,000 ancient-to-modern prophecies (including some of my own) in a new book 1000 for 2000 Startling Predictions for the New Millennium. Anyway, I was asked to delve deep into the distant future of humanity. So, we unzipped the veil between the present and the future to gawk at a couple of great big, wiggling “ends”:
PREDICTION 979: The End of Sex
Human beings will eventually evolve beyond having male or female genitalia and sexuality. But fear not, the rule of conscious evolution dictates that what is abandoned with awareness is replaced by something far more fulfilling. People will abandon being “men” and “women”, because they finally discover that they are already both forces inside. They will discard the joys of sex, because they will uncover the secrets of living twenty-four hours a day in a state of orgasm, uncaused and free of the necessity of the other to trigger it.
Pause and reflect, all you concerned lovers on Valentine’s Day. It gets better:
PREDICTION 980: The End of Love
Love will end when hate ends. One cannot exist without the other. The people of tomorrow will discover a higher state than love—one we cannot even imagine today.
It isn’t anyone’s fault, but we all do it. We are programmed to openly think it or suppress it. We all think our times and our understanding is the last word. How can anyone imagine something beyond love? Imagine it. Something far higher and deeper awaits you in the distant future that you can engage in the eternity of the present, right now, if you so desire to understand:
PREDICTION 981: The End of Good and Evil
The people of the future will be more self-observant than we. They will see that many of the things we believe are opposites are in fact complementary. They will understand what we today cannot fathom: that evil and good are like intimate partners in a dysfunctional marriage. One needs the other to be a couple. In the distant future people will seek the transmoral state. They will strive to understand the opposites called good and evil from a deeper consciousness that acts as a third and transcendent state of being beyond good and evil.
DATELINE 14 February 2014:
Initial Reader Reviews of
Predictions for 2014
My newest almanac of prophecies about the New Year is available on Kindle and Nook readers. Here are some initial reviews from Hogueprophecy readers.
I have the donor edition of this book, which has one extra chapter at the end but otherwise is identical to this one and it was so interesting I pretty much just took the day off on Sunday and read it through all at once. I plan to go back and re-read it because there is so much in there that it simply isn’t possible to absorb it all at once.
John makes a good case that both astrologically and via his “Oracle” that 2014 will be a difficult but pivotal year; a time much like 1914 in terms of the way economics and Current Events are playing out. But of course history doesn’t exactly repeat but it does rhyme and John provides a great preview of the powerful Sagas he see’s likely to unfold, as always he provides choices [and] hopes the world will pick the better future rather than the more difficult one.
He feels time is running short to pick that more productive future, though he provides a road map the world could follow and more importantly what the individual can do no matter what happens.
Another great work from John Hogue—well worth the price—make time to read this one!
Melodi is talking about the special pdf edition, available by donation only that includes an extra chapter on the “German Nostradamus”, Mattias Stormberger. He was a 17th-century Bavarian cowherd who, like Nostradamus, saw the future of humanity through the eyes of his countrymen and women yet unborn. Unlike Nostradamus, Stormberger was remarkably clear and uncryptic in his prophecies.
If you are interested in reading more about the donors edition, click on Stormberger.
And now to Colleen who best presents the struggle readers have with sojourning though what many of them say is my unorthodox and often provocative take on the future that has a way of shattering comfortable givens and society’s built-in expectations on how the future should turn out.
I don’t cuddle people’s belief systems.
I don’t comfort dogmas.
My work is revolution. Simply because a revolution in thought is first needed to understand what is coming and what is necessary when surmounting the future’s challenges. We must change ourselves completely to change the future. My solution presented at the end of this book is a call to experiment with completely new forms of meditation.
Meditation makes the insignificant individual IN-Significant!
The future will be extraordinarily insecure. I propose to offer a new form of meditation, especially tailored to the needs of people living in this intense 21stcentury that can make one become, deep inside, IN-secure, inwardly witnessing in a calm consciousness the whirlwind of history about to break upon us. From that point a lost intelligence can be awakened that can offer solutions.
Colleen’s words struggle to work through he book to that offer of meditation at the end.
Wow…. Read your book, fought it, wrestled with it, cursed it, ranted and did some foaming [at the mouth] only to come to rest right here now at your feet… How oh how did you evoke this?? Awesome to grapple with….. As a woman, a minster, … a caregiver….
Oh myyyyyyy delight! Delight indeed. As a Unity minister (New Thought) and as a Silva Mind Control graduate, I fully understand All that you are intimating below regarding deeply, deep, intense meditation…. In some ways I wish I had known this Before reading the book but then I doggedly kept on reading hoping for some breakthrough light, some hint of relief somewhere, somehow…. grin.
And that did not come until the very end but not in the way that words were utilized: it came in a deep heart knowing that no matter how much unrest there is right now, with those who are trying to keep up with the waves of information rolling over us—that some how, some way, yes—the Light will win. It seems as if it is going to be a combination of individuals similar to Snowden who step forth, and a combination of the ingenuity and/or creative side stepping of the totalitarian mindset….. and maybe none of that. Just that the intuitive hits from within were, “It is going to be fine. Flow with it and do what you can. Period!” And to think i’ve been attempting to understand these changing times for five years or longer…. Thank you for showing up. And on time. Namaste, Colleen.
John, I could not stop reading. What you wrote just rings naturally true. Perhaps because I tend to be “inward”. So, as someone who fears some of what you write about and yet is one who “does”, instead of “hoping” to meditate the “right” way, l will just “do” more inward using your meditation techniques and suggest to family and others the same. Thank you for enlightening us.
I look forward to your next e-book.
My next book will be published at the end of this month. It is a new and refreshed edition on my study of end time prophecy called Nostradamus: The End of End Times.
Right now, you can immediately purchase the pdf special illustrated edition under the title Nostradamus 2012: The End of End Times (click on End Times).
I never intended to be part of the crowd of 3,000 authors writing books about 2012 before the anticipated moment the Mayan Calendar was supposed to reboot or end history on 21 December 2012. I made it a point to brazenly publish the ONLY book about 2012 “after” the event, because I have long predicted 2012 expectations would be “too chicken little, too late”. The Maya and the Twenty-twelver cult have miscalculated the moment, off by 13 years. Many of them dragged Nostradamus into the Maya myth, not aware that the 16th-century prophet had correctly calculated the moment the axis of history would begin shifting into a new era without any connection to the Maya.
With this book I intend to put the Maya and 2012 back where they belong—not presenting 2012 as the overblown, Hollywood “Lindsay Lohan” of doomsday “dates” but just one in a crowd of fascinating age-ending and rebooting prophetic traditions from ancient prophetic traditions all around the world. They are all currently clocking the coming of a new human era in evolution during our lifetime.
Watch out at the end of March for another major book release. I will publish on tablet reader formats a new edition of Nostradamus and the Antichrist: Code Named Mabus.
You don’t have to wait two months. Right now, you can purchase the special pdf, fully-illustrated version. (Click on Mabus and read more about this most important subject in the prophecies of Nostradamus: who is Mabus, a code name for the third and final candidate for Nostradamus’ Antichrist, a contemporary of our times.)
DATELINE 14 February 2014:
Catastrophic Ice Storm
For the US South!
Nor’Easter on Valentines Day
Come on, Global Warming?
–Y E S !–
Ice storms and freezing rain paralyzed the US Southern states this week causing widespread power outages. It was Atlanta’s worst ice storm since 2000. Upwards of ten inches of snow and ice fell across Alabama, Georgia and the Carolinas. The winter blast advanced into the US Northeastern states overnight to put Valentine’s Day on ice and snow from Washington, DC to Philadelphia and New York City, reminding the US Capital of 2010’s Snowpocalypse: snowfall reaching new record breaking levels. This time the weather closed government offices, rather than stupid politicians finding a new way to do nothing for the people. The climate’s changing violently, but is it really getting colder like there’s an ice age coming?
What is it about many of your readers, especially in the eastern half of the United States, who don’t get the concept of “global” in global climate change?
Many Americans seem to be climate isolationists. The concept of “World” only reaches as far as their own backyards. Yes, you are experiencing record snow and ice events on one end of your nation. What about in the West? Come over the drier than normal Rockies to California where spreads a worsening drought that will soon rival the great desiccation of Texas in 2011 and 2012.
Look on the other side of the Atlantic at Britain. Hurricane force winds crashed into the English west coast this week punctuating a warmer and far wetter than normal winter season. The Thames River is flooded in Surrey while California descends into a 500-year drought. England clocks the wettest and warm winter in 250 years. Atlanta this week had Alaskan-like winter temperatures. Yet Alaska up in sub-Arctic and Arctic latitudes has been as warm as Atlanta should be: 50 degrees Fahrenheit—AT NIGHT!
The US South and Eastern states are buried under snow. Participant athletes over at the Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia, are watching their snow melt off mountainsides in near 70-degree spring temperatures!
Over the years in a number of books and articles, I’ve explained in detail that human pollution is the cause of Mother Earth’s atmospheric fevers. The Earth’s atmosphere is a body of air. Like you, when a body has a fever, hot temperatures possess most of it while isolated parts ache with cold chills. The Polar Vortex locking in high pressure systems over Eastern Canada this winter have pulled southwards into temperate climes a wave of cold air charged up by rapid polar melt. The Arctic refrigerator doors is opened, as it were, by a flattening Arctic Jet Stream, breath Jack Frost’s bad breath down into the lower 48 states, primarily the left half of Canada and the United States. Climate scientists exactly foresaw this as a symptom of global warming. Enjoy the snow while it lasts in the 2010s. By the 2020s you’ll miss it.
North America, you are the chilling part of Earth’s body of air. You shiver while the rest of the world’s fever slowly rises. This is how my Oracle tried to explain this development back in the spring of 2013:
The climate, your atmosphere, functioning in a balance, is a key factor in your life continuing. It moderates and regulates global temperature providing the functions of water, food, growing the “organs” or providing a security of climate to nourish your supersystems that keep your civilization living, that keep “you and yours” living. Nature is a huge mechanism ever trying to balance out imbalances in this system. Human pollution of that temperature-regulating system is like a chronic infection stressing out that system.
The CO2 of industrial fossil fuel use is the pathogen that we fume into the air from our factories, cars and livestock. This infection is relatively small compared to the huge body of air and the annual natural venting of waste products that the climate system absorbs digests and sinks into carbon sequestering like methane hydrate buried at the bottom of the sea or stored in the flora of forests, marshes, permafrost and so on. Nevertheless, when you add an infecting irritant of just a touch more than the climate can balance, you cause an infection-induced imbalance in the system that over 200 years of toxic Industrial waste buildup, seems small in comparison. Relatively speaking it’s as small as a bacterium. Yet this small infecting additional output of fossil fuel is now overloading the system’s ability to balance itself.
It can’t absorb our pollution puss. So the body of our atmosphere is getting hotter, just a few degrees hotter is all it takes to upset its balance. This fever will rise three to five degrees and not over a century as scientists currently claim. My Oracle believes it will rise far faster…Thirty months, perhaps. A shift taking only 2.5 years—sudden in Earth climate time.
Predictions for 2013-2014, Chapter 11:
An Invisible Supervolcano Erupting
(Subsection: “Earth Fever—Earth Convulsions)
In spite of the mountain of data collected by science, there are many of you who listened to my talk on Coast to Coast AM on 5 February and got steaming hot that I didn’t support Internet myths about the world cooling down rather than getting hotter by man’s stupid hand. So, what follows are some of your comments and the answers I chose to give them, before my social media community around the world.
Mark’s snark is a common one from climate change deniers.
John, how do you like the cold back east now? I find it quite entertaining that you were slamming the warming deniers and now we have this!
You can explain rationally to people as I have done for years, why the US cold snaps are a symptom of global warming. You can tell people to look beyond their mediocre limits of perception at the bigger picture, for instance, the fact that the rest of the world is warmer than normal, including the North Pole and that your little island of cold weather is not the whole picture. However, the monkey mind of man is what it is, and some people are programmed to see the world stuck so deep in its groove of programmed habit that they can’t see beyond the edge of this groove. I am sorry for them but there’s little I can do to explain to them what is coming, how they’ve brought it on themselves and how they will suffer and die not understanding that they created this planetary disaster and could have stopped it.
But even deep STUPID has a silver lining.
Thanks for the lack of vision in this question, Mark. Thanks for the myopia, the “head-where-the-sun-never-shines” point of view—the mind’s narcissistic, self-centered limit of seeing the world only from its back yard. You have given me a great opportunity to “once again” explain to those who can’t see beyond the frost icicle on their nose what is happening to the planet.
So, this comment will appear on the next blog.
Thanks for being so stupid.
Perhaps shining a light on your ho-hum, bum “dumb” might help others come out of stupid’s groove.
Some of you reading the above might think I’m being too hard on the guy, coming down on him like a fire and brimstone prophet with all condemnatory fire and “his dumb” shown.
If you could see what I see coming in the future, you might also be a little overtly naked “Jeremiah” in your prophetic delivery.
Fortunately, letters like the following eloquently counter climate change deniers with uncomfortable facts and realities:
Hi John! I know you’re busier than a 1 legged man in a butt kicking contest, so please don’t worry about responding.
Just re-read your post on people giving you grief about global warming. In the Washington DC world, we’re waking up to record cold. However, none of my social circle / friends / family are fooled that this is the “anti-global warming” thing others are talking about. Call it what you will, global warming, climate change, etc., the fact of the matter is that we humans have been abysmal stewards of this planet. Global warming doesn’t mean warming on top of one’s head. It means weather aberrations. California is in the midst of an historic 8-year drought. Weather extremes in the Midwestern US will be impacting food yields in 2014. Unseasonably cold weather on the east coast has driven the price of natural gas & propane to crazy levels (and many people on fixed incomes are being found freezing to death because they can’t afford to heat their homes). Just in the past 6 weeks, Maryland has seen both record cold AND record warm days. One day in December, we got up to 74 degrees, shattering a 100+ year record.
There are so many out there who are global warming deniers. They are looking for any excuse to dismiss any warning: “All planets heat up and cool down, it’s a natural process”, “it’s the Sun’s fault”, “No global warming here when it’s -20 F outside”. It’s because no one wants to own up to the fact that our civilization has, and continues with, unsustainable and harmful practices that hurts the environment. I’m not some kind of uber-liberal hippy talking, either. I believe in industry and technology, hell, I work in that field. But there’s a way to further ourselves technologically without sacrificing the very planet we live on.
I have no doubt that Mother Earth will recover. The planet will reach some sort of homeostasis. The question is, will it be with humans still here, or will the change require removing us from the equation?
PS – just bought your Iran book from Amazon. I had purchased it when it was first published, but didn’t realize you had updated it. I’m looking forward to seeing what insights you have had over the years. I too believe we should give peace a chance. Unfortunately, the individuals who are negotiating don’t seem to share our sentiments. Still…hope springs eternal and I’m hoping that the Divine will smack some heads around until they do the right thing. Blessings!
Next comes a fair question many are asking under the snowdrifts and ice storms of the Eastern US.
Strange events…the quickening has begun. Is this a Polar shift in the works? what u think…
Hi Robert. It is not a polar shift. It is planetary climate change. The climate cascade into a warmer world is like a fever. It has its chills, like the cold hitting the east and the US south right now. You are in the chill. Most everywhere else the world’s temps are above normal. They’re in the fever. This situation is far more significant that any world war because everyone and everything will be—IS—affected. This is a human induced natural disaster. A lot of blogs on the Internet are misreading this as a polar shift or electromagnetic shift because they do not face their own biased minds. They want to blame their sins against Nature on Nature, on the Cosmos, on Fate. We are the sinners against this Earth. Period. The sooner we face it, we repent and remember ourselves. Then we will, together, fix the problem we have made for our planet
Now to Canada:
Morning John, thanks the PDF has arrived and works great. How about a prediction as to when winter will end? (LOL) We live in Piction, Ontario and received more snow this year than in thirty years! As always, all the very best.
I can say the winter will end at the end of March rather dramatically for the Americans.
Does winter ever end up there in Piction? 🙂
Thanks for the report about the snow up there. Record-breaking snows have long been a forecast signature of the polar ice cap melting. For 20 years now, I’ve been saying that the early 21st century would see record-breaking snowfall happening until the 2020s. Then the snows begin to disappear in the winters of the north. Some see an ice age coming in what’s going on in North America. I see a quirky precursor to a cascading climate moving towards a new warming period. The only thing that could change that future is humanity getting off fossil fuel “or” finding a way to make it perfectly clean to use. I believe we can do the latter, but the stubborn contraction of the right wing mind, and the complete rejection of fossil fuels of any kind by the politically left leaning, makes the idea of clean fossil fuel technology almost dead in the rising ocean water.
Then I had this interchange over two days of emails from Brian who says he’s a scientist.
John, How can an open-minded guy like you be so positive about global warming?
Simple. Because I am open minded. And I’ve been studying climate change since 1979. When did you get into this game, listening to Tim Ball on Coast? (Ball is a vociferous climate change denier.) Also notice that I am an “open minded guy” in your estimation as long as I agree with something that suits your biases. Then, when I say something that goes against your biases, there must be something wrong with Hogue, who is ever open minded as long as he says something your mind likes. What about looking at “your” premises? Something for you to meditate on, Brian.
Lots of nasty and wrong suppositions about me in your response but no science.
If you were open-minded you’d look at the science—refute any of my assertions (and I only listed a few) with scientific facts—go ahead,
for yourself not me.
BTW, I took my first courses in meteorology and climatology in 1971 & 72, have a PhD in physics and care only about the science.
The last 18 years the CO2 has steadily increased and the global climate has cooled. QED – the AGW models are wrong.
The model that Roger Revelle, a founder of the Scripts Oceanogrphic Institue, father of AGW, subsequent Harvard professor who introduced young Al Gore to AGW (and gave hime a “D” in the course), ultimately rejected the AGW hypothesis as unworkable.
I was called open minded in your first letter. Now I’m not open minded in your second. (Sigh…) Looks like idle opinion guides these irrational mood swings of your opinion of me. Idle opinion also finds an easy way out when data refutes a premise. It just says “the model is wrong”. End of story.
I back up my statements with the evidence in articles published here since 1999 at Hogueprophecy. The data is reported in over a dozen books I’ve published since my first warnings about climate change in 1987. I’ve told you to read them. Yet you do not.
Must I lift your own arm to turn the pages for you as well? Read my articles and books. It’s all there. Make an effort.
In my last letter, I asked you to take a meditative look at your premises and your mind, which I have stated is filtering data that you pick and choose to make up your theories. And what is your response?
No data, just overviews from Internet pseudo scientists.
Moreover, you wave your diploma in my face. A lot of people have a physics diplomat, just like a lot of people in my field say they are prophets and predictors.
Having a degree doesn’t mean we are intelligent. Intelligence is something that awakens in one, despite the degrees of BS, MS, and PHDs (Piled high and deep). We collect degrees of pride in our intellectual “bling” collection that most of us mistakenly believer—like you—is a paper testament to our earned intelligence. It’s more likely a paper for a paper-tiger intelligence. You degreed people team over the planet by the many millions, yet look at the world your degrees of BS (bullshit), MS (more shit) PHD (piled high and deep) have given us? Call this society supported by your diplomas an intelligent stewardship of the Earth and of each other?
Secondly, being versed in one scientific discipline doesn’t make you an expert of other scientific disciplines anymore than a brain surgeon or a general practitioner, by virtue of being both “doctors”, can understand completely each other’s specialty.
You may have studied climatology in school 44 years ago, but you’re no James Hansen or Richard Muller, when it comes to being a respected and proven climate scientist.
If a man like Hansen, who is most likely a hellovah lot smarter than you and I, risks his career at NASA to proclaim his findings about manmade global warming, that’s pause for you and I to consider it.
Richard Muller, one of the greatest global warming skeptics, is lavishly funded by the oil industry (the Koch Brothers to be exact) to venture a two-year study to prove climate change is not manmade. He is as passionate a climate change denier as they come, and even this scientist, after deep study, had to conclude that he was wrong and man is the “only” cause of global warming.
The following day, Brian sent this response. Not something from his own experience, but parroting a song written by someone else.
What’s it all about? Anyone in doubt?
I don’t want to go until I’ve found it all out.
– N.S.U. by Jack Bruce (Cream)
You’re never going to find out “What’s it all about”. The deeper you delve into the Cosmos and Universe the more questions will arise. So abandon this idle desire and instead embrace with humility how the more we learn the less we know about our Existence—yet one can celebrate, eternally, the deepening of “THIS intimacy”.
“Anyone in doubt” ought to first know what the word “doubt” means from its Indo-European roots: it means, “to hover between two possibilities”. It is not a negative opening view, like how most of us (you) use it. There’s no prejudice for or against in the word doubt.
The last line of this Cream song is simply “idiotic” in the true sense of the ancient Greek meaning of the word “idios” (Idiot). It means “one under the illusion of being separate from the Cosmos.” The idiot in us is always looking outside.
Its pure Ego that doesn’t want to go until Ego finds it all out.
It’s a perfect spiritual con. Ego by its very illusory projection can’t find it all out, because it lives in an idiotic belief that it’s separated from the Cosmos. The seeking is false because separation from the Cosmos is false. Therefore, Ego seeks an answer it will never find, so that it can keep its idiotic separateness perpetually—stupidly—alive.
Round and round the misery-go-round it goes. Where it stops, No-one-ness knows!
Enough for today. Forget today even. Or the future. Never forget that you can get enough “right now”, in the eternity of this moment.
This is my happy Valentine gift of love to all readers and detractors.
I call upon you to meditate.
Love inside me compels I share freely with any of you links and information to begin your journey through meditations especially tailored for the modern human being.
Science cannot prevail, reason cannot prevail to change the collision course humanity is on with planetary climate disaster unless our fundamentally delusional perception of our world and our “selves” can be truly and consciously witnessed. Once witnessed, once understood, a spiritual revolution is possible. After undergoing that spiritual revolution comes one who can see the world as it is and make the changes needed to bring a golden future. Science in the hands of such a meditator can perfectly understand and explore solutions.
Meditation is the only way I know how to reach that state.
Contact me. Accept my Valentine’s love gift. Put in the subject line just one word: Meditation. And I will send you links and information that may resonate with your inner need to know yourself beyond “beliefs”, beyond STUPID, and become a presence of Love and Intelligence our planet and humanity desperately needs.
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Hi John,
Situation regarding Ukraine become very dangerous. Will referendum in Crimea go peacefully? Kiev junta call for mobilization. How will Ukrainian army react in coming months? There are also eastern Ukrainians inside army? What impact will have western sanctions on Russia? Will partition of Ukraine between western and eastern Ukrainians in summer finally reached by political means or with bloodbath? After all partition will finish constant revolutions and coups in Ukraine.
Book of Hadith, an unanticipated minor event starts WW3 in the horn of Africa which sets off the domino’s. That gas pipe line does run through Ukraine. False Profit’s. The free energy technology of Tesla would have avoided all this 80 years ago. Just think we could have been having a friendly dinner at the Luna-Tick Cafe on the Sea of Tranquility watching an Earth Rise instead. Nosso Lar
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[…] The Coming Revolution of Decentralization The Crimea Breakaway Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 Ukraine Crisis Nostradamus Mabus Antichrist Prophecies Four Blood Moons and Israel Polar Vortex Nostradamus […]
[…] The Coming Revolution of Decentralization The Crimea Breakaway Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 Ukraine Crisis Nostradamus Mabus Antichrist Prophecies Four Blood Moons and Israel Polar Vortex Nostradamus […]
[…] AM sounds WWIII Alarm The Grand Cross Crisis The Crimea Breakaway Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 Ukraine Crisis Nostradamus Mabus Antichrist Prophecies Four Blood Moons and Israel Polar Vortex Nostradamus […]
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[…] « Ukraine, Civil War, Nostradamus and A New Cold War equals a Third World War. Venezuela Riots… […]
[…] « Ukraine, Civil War, Nostradamus and A New Cold War equals a Third World War. Venezuela Riots… […]