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DATELINE: 11 March 2018

The UR-100UTTKh ICBM launched from the Dombarovsky Air Base carrying the Avangard gliding hypersonic missle that can carry conventional and nuclear warheads. The Russians claim can fly MACH 20 to 27!
Has Vladimir Putin’s Speech on 1 March 2018 officially Launched a New Cold War? My Answer will be the most important Message about the Future delivered in Four Years—A must Read for All HogueProphecy Readers
It shall be the policy of this Nation to regard any nuclear missile launched from Cuba against any nation in the Western Hemisphere as an attack by the Soviet Union on the United States, requiring a full retaliatory response upon the Soviet Union.
President John F. Kennedy
(In his speech informing the world of the Cuban Missile Crisis, 22 October 1962.)
As such, I see it is my duty to announce the following. Any use of nuclear weapons against Russia or its allies, weapons of short, medium or any range at all, will be considered as a nuclear attack on this country. Retaliation will be immediate, with all the attendant consequences.
There should be no doubt about this whatsoever. There is no need to create more threats to the world. Instead, let us sit down at the negotiating table and devise together a new and relevant system of international security and sustainable development for human civilization. We have been saying this all along. All these proposals are still valid. Russia is ready for this.
Russian President Vladimir Putin
(State of the Nation Address, 01 March 2018)

(Source: the website of the President of Russia.)
On 01 March 2018, Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin gave his annual State of the Nation Address neither at its usual place, inside the walls of the Kremlin, nor usual time: December. Rather, parliament MPs, noted Russian dignitaries and members of the worldwide press assembled at the nearby Moscow Manege Exhibition Hall. This provided a backdrop of huge screens allowing the president to make for nearly two hours a multimedia presentation for a speech about progress set toward goals for Russian domestic and foreign policy, prompting up charts, and data as well as videos illustrating his points.

A new cold war was foreseen getting suddenly and unexpectedly “hot.” Nostradamus gives two countdowns. The war erupts in late 2017 or 2027. And yet, America’s greatest prophet, Edgar Cayce foresaw the Russia would become “the hope of the world.” Can world war III be avoided? Click on this link and read how this future can be changed.
Putin and his government delayed this address for early December 2017, so he could carefully consider his response to the anticipated release of the United States Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) on 2 February 2018 by the US Department of Defense. This is an official process to determine what the role of nuclear weapons in US security strategy should be. The last update changing this policy in 2002 (under President Bush) and 2010 (under President Obama) have continued to increase an aggressive, even first strike option beyond mere retaliation from a nuclear attack. The newest edition under Trump grants the US the right to unilaterally attack nuclear and non-nuclear states with atomic and thermonuclear weapons as it saw fit to engage, whatever the scale of the conflict. This even included a full-scale nuclear attack on a nation believed to be the source of a cyber attack.
In short, the US now considered nuclear weapons no longer as a last choice but a weapon option equal to conventional weapons when fighting any nation, great or small, nuclear or not—identifiable as housing a computer as source of any cyber attack if so believed (I might add, if not easily proven). Moreover, Russia and China were officially on notice that they were potential threats to US hegemony, hinting that if it came to blows such open-ended nuclear options could be in play.

Click on this link and check out my newest book release in eBook and Printed Editions.
Given the worsening US-Russian relations since early 2014 that has many, like this author, concerned that the US and Russia have either already descended or are about to wage in earnest, a Second Cold War, President Putin’s time taken to respond was both ominous and anticipated to be historically significant for our common future on this small, and fragile planet… Gain full access to all six articles with a minimum donation of $5.00 or whatever you can generously spare to support Put March Articles 2018 in the PayPal memo line. I’ll email a fully illustrated PDF attachment to the email you send the donation. Thank you for your support.
DATELINE: 11 March 2018

Kim Jong-un meeting with South Korean envoys at the Workers’ Party of Korea main building, 6 March 2018. Source Blue House (Republic of Korea).
Hogue Prediction on Track: North and South Korea sustained a Diplomatic Breakthrough beyond the Good Will of the Olympics Games and a Peaceful Solution could be at Hand

Click on this link to sample John Hogue’s autobiographical account of the Osho Buddhafield experiment to about the flowering of a new more loving and meditative humanity.
North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un announced on 6 March 2018 to South Korean envoys visiting Pyongyang for talks that he will halt all missile and nuclear tests for a security guarantee from the United States.
Kim has dramatically placed this on the negotiating table. It is tangible and verifiable. It’s like placing your hidden gun on the table for all to see. Now the US needs to unsheathe and place something equally important rendering it harmless sitting on the peace keeper’s table.
Trump needs to offer his nation’s pledge to halt all further US and South Korean rehearsals for North Korean regime decapitation in military maneuvers scheduled for the early spring. This is, as I’ve told you and written to you for a year and counting, the only initial step that brings the Korean crisis towards an end. It is the Russian and Chinese “zero-option” solution. A freeze of North Korean missile and nuke tests for a freeze on further South/US decapitation maneuvers.
What we have here is a tale of two countries, one seeking deterrents and the other overlording the world with a first strike nuclear deterrent option. We have one country building nuclear weapons able to strike the United States and hurt it enough that the United States will not make good an existential threat to unilaterally use nuclear weapons on North Korea. They’ve regularly made this warning starting in 1950 when the North was a non-nuclear power.
North Korea only stared thinking of creating their own nuclear deterrents nearly 40 years later at the end of the First Cold War (1989) They had lost Soviet nuclear deterrent protection from US threats. Yet by 1994, Pyongyang and Washington forged a freeze on their program, which for the most part successfully held for eight years under President Clinton.
Then came President Bush and his neo-conned cabinet… Gain full access to all six articles with a minimum donation of $5.00 or whatever you can generously spare to support Put March Articles 2018 in the PayPal memo line. I’ll email a fully illustrated PDF attachment to the email you send the donation. Thank you for your support.
DATELINE: 11 March 2018
Why Trump was Right to Deny Aid to the Palestinian Authority for all the Wrong Reasons. Moreover, is Mahmoud Abbas, Leader of the Palestinians, a Candidate for Nostradamus’ Third Antichrist?
PART ONE: Bulls breaking Dream Plates in China Shops
President Trump does have a unique upending way of saying something he honestly feels, acting on it, and the unexpected result of the subsequent reverberations of outrage do often lead to a Trump-shocked-into-action national or international debate. It’s unorthodox, it’s weird, but when Trump breaks something, it sets into motion a process that might for the first time fix it.
Trump says something, everyone is thinking but too politically polite to say out loud, like his bombshells about defining Mexican illegals as thugs and gangsters with “some of them” being good people, etc. I’ve got to say that beyond the merits or many demerits candidate Trump and now President Trump should have earned, he is right to declare that after he put his feelings out there, the national debate on immigration finally happened and goes on happening. You could say he broke the “wind” of change and some of his words really stank. Yet, here we are, dealing with DACA, with border security issues, and efforts to reform immigration AT LAST debated on the floor of the US Senate and House of Representatives.
You’ve got to hand it to that old fart, our president, he cut the “sleaze” in the Washington swamp and its blue Democrat and Red Republican denizens are having to bust a move that might lead to some significant resolution this coming March.
If we turn to farts smelled around the world in international affairs, a similar unintended consequence for good may in the end break the deadlock on Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations because President Trump made good his campaign promise. He will officially move the US Embassy to Jerusalem set to happen on 14 May 2018! It is a significant date that rubs salt into Palestinian hopes. Mark that date as the 70th anniversary of the birth of the Jewish State of Israel in 1948.
Is this cruel and insensitive to Palestinians?
Is it intended to hurt?
Maybe. What about cutting umbilical cords?
It does send a clear message. The coffin door has shut on any Palestinian hope to resurrect an Arab Palestine that existed before 1948.
Here’s how the prophetic trends are aligning for another “Trump in the China shop breaking things” moment… Gain full access to all six articles with a minimum donation of $5.00 or whatever you can generously spare to support Put March Articles 2018 in the PayPal memo line. I’ll email a fully illustrated PDF attachment to the email you send the donation. Thank you for your support.
DATELINE: 11 March 2018

Nixon televised in the Oval Office presenting the “Nixon Tapes” to the Nation.
Does Russia-Gate Karmically Echo Watergate?
My friend and conceptual editor, Francis, and I were working on the final run-throughs for Ten Predictions 2018, when he brought up the following comments that evolved into this article:
Switching subjects: I’d meant to mention this to you – there is a podcast called Slow Burn, A Podcast About Watergate. All the episodes are available on their website.
Disclaimer: I don’t intend to go into the specifics of the Mueller investigation issues. That said, I’ve been listening to the podcast and it is positively uncanny how today’s news is paralleling the Watergate drama…
Anyway, I just figured I’d mention that because we’ve communicated in passing about the parallels of the Vietnam era and the more recent wars. So, nuff said, I know you’re busy, but if you have a few minutes you might find it interesting to listen to a bit of one of the episodes. Aside from anything, the reportage is excellent.
I’ve been often applying the history of Watergate to see if there are repetitions and contrasts going on with Russia-gate so watching this series will help even more because I plan to comment on it later in forthcoming books President Trump Predictions and Predictions 2018-2019 coming out before it.
The corporate networks—especially MSNBC and CNN—are most stridently trying hard to beat and bend Russia-Gate into the shape of Watergate. They use hammers called hearsay and supposition. The journalistic tools that built the case for Watergate were skeptical investigation and fact.
Russia-gate fact fishing hunts are well into their second year and counting. Timewise were roughly half way through the time it took to sniff out evidence implicating President Nixon in the Watergate Scandal. Where is this Russia-Gate investigation’s “John Dean” witness moment? Show me a “Deep Throat” secret contact inside the Trump White House that’s leading today’s version of Woodward and Bernstein to objective evidence?
The only deep throat found so far is a porn movie fantasy about Russian hookers catching Trump in a compromising “missionary” position, among others, which doesn’t have any film in the camera of a peeping-Tom detective outside the bedroom window.
Show me sourced material, like Trump tapes as damning as the Nixon tapes that indicate Trump’s secretary willfully let slip her finger, erasing 15 damning minutes of conversation. Where’s the similar Watergate money trail tying Trump like Nixon to the cover-up that led to the Senate Watergate hearings held from February to August 1973 that began closing in on Nixon with tangible evidence…? Gain full access to all six articles with a minimum donation of $5.00 or whatever you can generously spare to support Put March Articles 2018 in the PayPal memo line. I’ll email a fully illustrated PDF attachment to the email you send the donation. Thank you for your support.
DATELINE: 11 March 2018
The End of Cancer is in Sight. Trillions of New Planets are also in Sight; plus, the Howard Hughes of Our Times launches a Tesla Car into Solar Orbit
We enter a time ahead where humanity will not confront and overthrow stubborn paradigms of politics, economics, military strategy and even take down the paradigms of disease and incurable injuries that humanity has suffered since our beginning. We will simply bypass them.
Welcome to the Aquarian Age ladies, gentlemen and even new species of human beings stepping into your reality soon. Look around at the final days of humanity represented by only one human species for the last 300,000 years since Neanderthals disappeared. Genetic revolutions in this century will end that solitary streak. The twenty-first century will close with many races of varied sizes and forms.
Take a last look since 1 March at a paradigm of anti-ballistic defense already skirted and made an irrelevant strategic dinosaur. Russian technological breakthroughs in nuclear powered missiles render it obsolete because they choose not to play the game of entrapment. Future Russian missiles don’t fall out of space but fly around the world, avoiding ballistic missile radars and defense systems.
The days of armored knights and castle walls fell to gunpowder-charged cannons. So too will the defenses of diseases, like cancer, begin to fall. The first “shot” has already pierced Cancer’s castle.
On 31 January, the Stanford Medicine News Center published findings of a study by researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine which stated: “Injecting minute amounts of two immune-stimulating agents directly into solid tumors in mice can eliminate all traces of cancer in animals, including distant, untreated metastases.”
They succeeded at this by activating T cells in tumors. Soon the scientists will recruit Lymphoma patients to test the technique in a clinical trial.
My Oracle has long guided me to write about stem and T cell research being the key that will unlock through genetic engineering the cures for cancer and many other diseases, and soon. Long before this new century is history I have foreseen that genetic cures for 80 percent of all human physical disease will eventually “stem” from “stem and T Cell” research.
That future is now coming into focus in the present… Gain full access to all six articles with a minimum donation of $5.00 or whatever you can generously spare to support Put March Articles 2018 in the PayPal memo line. I’ll email a fully illustrated PDF attachment to the email you send the donation. Thank you for your support.
DATELINE: 11 March 2018
The Way of the “Peace” Officer is the Future of Law Enforcement through Meditation
I feel it is time to presciently speak on a solution to the current and epidemic problem of police violence that the recent invention and spread of cellphones have at last documented it. Despite the fact that a vast majority of those who serve to protect our neighborhoods do so fairly and courageously, there is a collective mindset, or as some call, a “culture” in Law Enforcement that has led to an inordinate and unnecessary loss of life through a quick escalation of police officers using lethal force—their targets too often are African Americans in poverty stricken urban areas.
I have written on Black Lives Matter, on the incidents in Ferguson, Missouri, and had anticipated accurately that what happened there would spread into what I called the Black Intifada, a new civil rights movement.
I do not take sides in my writing because I know what it’s like to be poor and homeless “and” I know what it is like to work in Law Enforcement too, as the following response to a law enforcement officer will show. He had heard and seen me on my recent appearance on Rex Bear’s YouTube Leak Project Show where I shared deeply what I know and experience through meditation. I then invited all watching, if they resonated with what I was sharing, to try experimenting with my Master Osho’s meditation techniques. One only need email me at and put one word in the subject line to receive links and information. That word is: Meditation.
One of the many who asked for this information is a “special operations” veteran of two armed services and currently on active duty as a law enforcement officer. He could not overstate how much he needed peace and a path to an enlightened life. Though he daily strives in his intense work to be a more “fair, kind and honorable person than the day before” he is aware of a deeper need for “a more elevated, existential state of mind which gets us closer to living our lives the way it was truly intended for us.” And he thanked me for my dedication towards helping my fellow man.
This is my response to his letter. I want to share with all of you because it inspired a glimpse of a future that can help all law enforcement officers be better able to be fair and enlightened in their challenging service to humanity… Gain full access to all six articles with a minimum donation of $5.00 or whatever you can generously spare to support Put March Articles 2018 in the PayPal memo line. I’ll email a fully illustrated PDF attachment to the email you send the donation. Thank you for your support.

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