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The American Commissioners of the Preliminary Peace Agreement with Great Britain, 1783-1784, London, England, ended the American Revolutionary War in this unfinished oil sketch by Benjamin West, (public domain). From left to right are John Jay, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Henry Laurens and William Temple Franklin. Is their memory being erased in our times by the mob-mind, the politically illiterate, the hysterical morons of woke? What do the planets say:
The Last time Saturn was in Aquarius
Was during the Rodney King LA Riots
The Last time Pluto was in Capricorn
Was during the American Revolution
Neptune was in Pisces when Rome Fell
We have all three right now!
(Read the full article at the end of this June Article Wave)
DATELINE: 29 June 2020

Joe Biden caricature by DonkeyHoty ©Creative Commons.
My “Popular Vote”
Presidential Forecast Moment
Is coming Soon

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These usually come in waves of 5-to-11 articles once or twice a month, on average 105 to 112 articles a year! As soon as they’re published, I will manually send a fully-illustrated PDF attached to the email address you used at PayPal. But 12-months in the Paypal Memo line.
I haven’t yet made my US presidential prediction official because there is only one man in this race. The other man is a vacuum waiting to be replaced by his vice presidential choice. My prediction depends on seeing which woman Joe Biden chooses or has chosen for him. Otherwise it is looking like we are heading for a repeat of 2016 where I declare the Democrat the winner a majority of American people want for president. If they choose Biden it is an “Alzheimer’s” future opposed to the current force of unconscious nature currently holding the office, yet he once again will win the electoral college for a second term, for better and much worse.
This is my 14th round for picking presidents by popular vote. My Oracle needs to confront the woman who could be the president. The one the Clintons and the DNC will choose to fill the shoes of the empty shell they hope will beat Trump in November. Personally, looking at Trump’s astrology, he has very powerful aspects to become a two-term president. I have said this officially before, a whole 13 months before his upset victory of Hillary Clinton (See Trump for President: Astrological Predictions).
Usually, but not always, I make it official sometimes 18 months to two or three years before the election who will win the most hearts of Americans. But 2020 is weird. I need not tell you that. So I think it is only right to wait until the Democrats have someone at least standing behind Biden before I make my prediction because I do not see Joe Biden finishing his first term in office if he’s elected so he’s a facilitator of the human being who will, for most of the next four years, be President of the “Un-united” States.
If Biden wins the popular and electoral vote to become the president, the majority of the American will have unconsciously offered the Deep State a perfect puppet with no mind of his own. He will not finish his term because of his ongoing and inexorable declining cognitive process.
A woman will at last become president through the Vice Presidential back door.
It might even be Elizabeth Warren. I’ve been writing for many years now that she had her best—her only—chance to become president in the 2020 race. Unfortunately the mentally enfeebled president elect will have chosen a politically week sister among the generally unremarkable choices he has had rolled in before him by the party elites. All “woke” and no wonderful choices, because Tulsi Gabbard will not be part of this group.
Biden narrowed the choices promising to pick a VP candidate that is only a woman, preferably black.
To pick a president by the color of their skin and the shape of his or her genitalia is not the way you pick a leader of the nation.
Find the vision and the leadership first. It is what’s inside a person as a being that matters. In the Oregon Commune of Osho, we decided to be gender specific about picking those who would have power over us. We all wanted to give women a chance.
This is my takeaway from that first and significant experiment giving women power. Some of us discovered that Power illuminates what corruption-identity the ego leaves dormant until it has been given the power to act upon its egoistic ideas. Your gender might give abuse of power nuances unique to being a man or a woman. That’s about all. The female ego, like the male ego, is “ego.”
A Man or a woman in personality’s periphery, is the biological and psychological container of an inner consciousness that is neither male or female, body or mind. It is consciousness that might pass Power’s encountering test and not abuse it. None of that has anything to do with gender. It has something to do with that which watches the male or female mindset. It watches the body it is in, the biology inside in which it is contained for this temporary visit on Earth. The witness of that is never born, never died, never male or female. You might move through life appearing as such but you are infinitely far more and infinitely far less. This “Isness” of witnessing consciousness does not exist, therefore it is eternally free of the burdens and identities of existing.
So, a Biden Administration in my Oracle’s view would be a different kind of political-system failure than a second Trump term. It would have the quality of a medieval woke witch hunt. You will be giving power to mass hysteria on the left that in the last four years has reached a peak of frenzy of a manic collective mindset, ego-empowered for a different kind of disastrous four years to come once Trump, at all costs to the future, is replaced.
In my Oracle’s view Biden or Trump, in either case, the American people are just choosing a different kind of wrecking ball with which to destroy their democracy, starting from 20 January 2021 to the next Inauguration Day on 20 January 2025 (if there is one…)
It is beginning to look like Trump will win the Electoral College again and the Democrat candidate will win the popular vote. That means I am leaning as per the purview of my presidential POPULAR VOTE forecasts to pick the Democrat Biden as the winner. That doesn’t mean he will be “the President” any more than my last call in 2016, picking Hillary Clinton being the majority choice for president by “2-percent of the popular vote”, or Al Gore in 2000, winning the majority by “over 500,000 votes” against G.W. Bush made these two presidents. To break my winning streak now at 13 and 0 since 1968 forecasting popular vote winners and by what margin, that would either require Trump win the popular vote and the electoral college vote against Biden or win the popular vote and lose the electoral college to Biden.
I can say this for the record.
The collective vibe of the coming election is filled with darkness and confusion. I am feeling that this 2020 election will resemble the scandals and Supreme Court manipulations of 2000. Not just over Florida chad recounts but a breakdown in ballot recounting across the whole nation. That, I do fee, is something ahead of us if the current course of democracy’s unraveling doesn’t change.
And it would seem in part that I am already seeing this future because both the challenger and the incumbent president are feeding the people their fears that make it so.
At the moment Biden is ahead of Trump in projecting this fear-based future.
On the Daily Show, in Trevor Noah’s recent interview, Joe Biden on Zoom ever dwelling in his bunker of a basement in Delaware, said, “My greatest’s concern. My single greatest concern, is that this president will try to steal this election.”
A fair concern. But stealing is a two-edged sword in 2020. To be fair, as someone who votes in a state with mail-in ballots for decades, the way we do it in Washington State is fair and more representative of the people’s collective will. So on the one hand, Trump and Republican elites are against absentee balloting or mail-in balloting. Trump is openly calling it a way to steal the election in 2020.
And there has been a concerted effort comprehensively documented by a rare intrepid reporter Greg Palast exposing red state controlled government crossing off the voting ledgers hundreds of thousands of people more likely to vote Democrat in the 2016 elections. It looks like this is happening again in Red states in 2020. No one can absolutely say who these millions of people targeted—mostly black, Hispanic, people with jail records and the poor—might have voted for but it could have turned some states in favor of Clinton giving her an electoral victory as sure as states trying mail-in balloting for the first time in 2020 might mess it up, leaving the Trump camp rightfully screaming foul.
I would only ask Mr. Palast to investigate what extent people are allowed to vote in Blue states that may not be eligible. I’m not taking a position on this. I’m just saying that what investigation exposing GOP-run red states Palast has done in 2016 was excellent, documented journalistic authority behind it, but that’s only half the story. True, Palast leans left in his politics but if he can put that aside for the interest of journalistic fact, there is no better reporter than Palast who can prove or disprove the Blue state-controlled governments aren’t doing their own mischief in ballot mistakes, gerrymandering, ballot-stuffing miscounts and outright fraud.
Trevor Noah after 3 November 2020, you will experience a Noah’s Flood of Democratic Party lawyers at every precinct to kid about, watching every ballot move, and a horde of lawyers hired for the Trump campaign will most likely be doing the same.
Armies of “liars”—I mean “lawyers,” the Blue vs. the Gray (oops, I mean the Blue versus the Red.” Will they be civil, as in civil warring?
What could go wrong? What could they do to counting the national election results on 3 November 2020 when mobs of partisan lawyers in a legal scrum fighting over the Rugby football of truth try to score a litigious touchdown on every irregularity?
I’m seeing the Florida recount of 2000 becoming a nationwide recount in 2020. Which brings me back to the recent Daily Show interview.
What Noah asked Biden next saw Joe get excited and slip out of cognitive balance.
TREVOR NOAH: “Have you ever considered what would happen if the election result came out with you being the winner and Trump refused to leave?”
BIDEN: “Yes I HAVE! And I’m SO DAMNED proud. Here you have four chiefs of staff coming out and ripping the skin off Trump. And you have so many rank-and-file military personnel saying ‘Whoa!” We’re not a military state. This is not who we are. I promise you, I am absolutely convinced, they will escort him from the White House with great dispatch!”
Here we have two presidential candidates for 2020 that both sometimes betray a blind misunderstanding of how powerful their hasty words can shake a nation unto setting themselves up for a completely disputed election outcome. Joe Biden here is setting himself and his voters up for a “ripping the skin off Trump” future of violence, perhaps even a military coup.
Biden’s declining mind jumped over measured words to a full hyperbolic escalation. He did not provide an adult and sober “presidential” answer. He’s the one speaking of the military taking the president out of his office without qualifying that there will—I am now certain because of Biden’s wild conjecture there is going to be—a dispute from both camps and a recount across this nation.
Neither side is going to accept the result.
We might not know who the next president is for a couple months.
Either way neither man if sworn in on 20 January 2021 will be considered president by half the nation.
If Biden still had complete access to his mind, he would not have stated the above, trying to one-up Trump in throwing gasoline on burning controversies and worse-case scenarios.
It is bad enough that we are most likely heading for a disputed election of historic proportions. Worse, if one or both candidates set up their Red and Blue sides of this polarized nation to expect having their election stolen, requiring the military to go into “Banana Republic” mode and run the country and not from the White House but from the Pentagon’s massive, five-sided fortress-like “House.”
DATELINE: 29 June 2020

The Levites sound the trumpet of Jubilee. Public domain.
We are Officially in Economic Recession:
I have a “Forbearance” Foreboding
About what could happen by Mid-to-Late November
A recession is in play when a significant drop in economic activity is sustained through two quarters of a fiscal year that is reflected in the GDP and other monthly factors like a major increase of people filing for unemployment.
On 8 June 2020, the nimrods of NBER (The National Bureau of Economic Research) made it official what I predicted in my 15 March Article Wave that the mass shutdown of the US economy because of the COVID-19 Pandemic crisis has officially launched a new recession. In my article entitled, The Needle that Popped the Bubble of Boom to Burst… I was more specific:
In my most recent wave of articles in early February 2020 I still held hope that the signs of a supply disruption and panic because of the Coronavirus might have only given a recessionary hint, with localized industries related to travel, such as the airlines, cruise ships, and many tourist economies, some dipping briefly into a recessionary funk, a few even succumbing to a short term “depressionary” slump, for the next few months. I thought these could still recover some of their dramatic losses as the pandemic passes peak infection because I sensed what kills the economy is not the Coronavirus.
I saw the needle pop the illusory economic boom bubble Monday, 9 March 2020. …The needle plunged itself right into the global oil production sector…
…The Saudis under [Crown Prince] Muhammad bin Salman (MBS) cuts in production keeping prices higher in the $50 to $60 area immediately tanked below $40.
It was MBS sticking the Great Recession needle into the economic voodoo doll representing the US oil and gas fracking industry.
The US Fracking industry and all of its cousins spreading around the world is absolutely the point of easiest pricking of this economic bubble.
…The [Fracker] industry is a cash and flow negative creature. What the news and the president tells you is a profit maker sees ALL those profits disappearing paying the interest on the debt of the loan of major US banks.
The nebbish NBERs blame it on the Pandemic shutdowns. I foresaw COVID-19 only playing the role of recession accelerant. The fossil fuel glut and pricing crisis was the cause of it. And I predict you will see this is so into the autumnal months of 2020. Perhaps the media will adopt my coining it as a Greater Recession. Never does the NBER experts of financial mind filters see anything but falsely what has been put to an end since the last recession, the thing they call “128 months of the longest period of economic growth in history.”
That’s a dream from NBER-NEVERland. Snap out of this myth that growth happened after the Great Recession of 2008 began moving stocks upward again in 2009 to a Stock Market peak in early February 2020. But this organization of economic researchers officiating (off-fishing-ating) are under the influence of the banker bunk that the DOW Jones has real value as a marker for US economic success when in reality Wall Street has little-to-no connection to what is going on in the real, manufacturing and small business economy on main street.
Look at it this way. If the economy was a man shot and seriously wounded by a gun, the bullet was fired on 9 March 2020 by the man most upset, who would be best aligned to Nostradamus’ Third and Final Antichrist prophecies, the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia. On that day he began pumping oil anew in the glutted market, plunging the price by the barrel into negative territory for a time.
That’s the serious wound dealt to the global economy whose blood flows as black gold petroproducts.
The COVID-19 was an artificially-induced, economic coma.
Currency and productivity is like oxygen to the economy. Each month of the shutdown acts like each minute of your brain not receiving air to survive. A brain is damaged by four to five minutes without air. An economy without four or five months of activity will also suffer irreparable damage. You will see this by September 2020 when the global economy is at last as fully out of it coma that it ever can be before the next wave of COVID-19 hits later in the autumn.
The problem I anticipated was a masked ball summer coming (See The Themes of Gathering Ire, Hogueprophecy May 2020 Articles). The article correctly predicted a slow and groggy revival from an economically comatose state with outbreak relapses of COVID-19 regional econ-coma shutdowns.
You add to these sudden fits of mass violence, such as all the looting and arson across America triggered by the brutal killing by a white Minneapolis cop of African American George Floyd. His death by cop crushing knee to neck caught on cellphone video bread a plague of mobs of protesters, half without masks, nobody social distancing in streets across the country. They were infecting each other, alongside looters trashing and whacking businesses staggering out of a shutdown.
This will make the recovery slower, the recession deeper and the spread of Coronavirus wider. The economy slipping in and out of its coma will linger deep into summer now.
By September we’ll see to what full econ-brain damage existent MBS’ shot to the fossil fuel industrial body has wrought in America when a third of the 46 million people filing for unemployment (at this point in time) have no job to return to. Multiply 15.3 million people by four to include the family members they can’t feed, clothe, or keep a roof over their head.
Before this new year began I stated my view of two portentous milestones coming. On 31 December appearing across North America on Coast to Coast AM I recall talking to host George Noory about April and late November as powerful glimpses in worldwide, life-changing moments indicative of the new abnormal that would be the evolutionary crisis of the “Roaring 2020s.”
I didn’t exactly know what was coming but the oracular message was clear about the “when” and that my general foreboding was that “what” would happen had the unknown presence of the unprecedented.
In the case of April 2020 we can see that it saw the completion of the unprecedented and unheard-of shutting down of the world and most of its economies in lockdown to keep the rapid spread of the Coronavirus pandemic at bey.
In the case of the November foreboding I presently begin to have a sense of the “What” with the when. It will be multifaceted moments of the unprecedented.
My opening article shared the national election scandals and recounts to come in November 2020. That is nothing compared to what will happen when paying “the bill, the rent, the mortgages” time finally cannot be delayed. I foresee a new stimulus and delay in reduction of unemployment date coming when most moratoriums on rent and unemployment checks come up on 31 July. But is there a delay coming again after the election in November???
What the nitwit NBERs called “the greatest growth in human history” was really also, since 2009, an unprecedented rise in US household debt.
Hold your guns and roses, folks, here comes a hard rocker’s “November Rain.” Forebear the “Forbearance.”
To mitigate the effects of people ordered to stop working, meaning they couldn’t pay their mortgages until ordered months down the road to go back to work, the US government and banks put the mortgages of tens of millions of houses into a stasis of forbearance. In other words, a temporary freeze on payment of monthly mortgages until the economy recovered. This was a way to help families and businesses stagger and manage two strikes—those measly stimulus checks being “strike one,” the chaotic delivery to 46 million and counting their unemployment checks being “strike two.” None of these could take a “strike three, you’re out!” blow at the same time: paying mortgages too. That would be like the banks putting a knee on the people’s collective financial necks for not paying off their monthly mortgage payments. Thus the Forbearance was enacted to prevent tens of millions of people losing their homes in this Greater Recession than the last one. But this temporary Forbearance hold puts a great strain on banks and is scheduled to end in mid-to-late November 2020.
Imagine what cellphone candle-light vigils and the riots would be like then, under November rains.
Sing it, Axel Rose!:
Nothin’ lasts forever
And we both know hearts can change
And it’s hard to hold a candle
In the cold November rain…
Here, however, is the prescient problem. Nothing lasts forever, especially an impossible-to-pay-off debt.
I predict that the solution to astronomical debt loads of $44 trillion private—and soon upwards of $30 trillion public debt with all these fiat bailouts of biblical size and proportion—can only be solved by a biblical Jubilee. Or, to put it in another way that Hebrew Yeshua—the Roman mis-named “Jesus Christ”—stated it: “forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.”
And I would add, to this, a variant of the Lord’s Prayer, “Lead us (you Snots) not into temptation” when the forbearance limit is over, and bankers demand all that wasn’t paid up six months before mid-to-late November to resume a monthly payment when millions are still in job security limbo. I don’t think the bankers will demand six months’ worth payed up in November, but even if it was just a resumption of monthly payments rather than further extension could see tens of millions lose their homes.
“Deliver us from (this) evil” of Banksters.
“For thine is the kingdom” of greed that has the “power” to forgive the six-months of debt “and the glory” to erase it in a Jubilee, ALL DEBT “Forever! Amen!”

Occupy Bank of America March 15, 2012, Occupy Wall Street targets Bank of America with a rally and march. Activists “moved in” to a branch by setting up a sidewalk living room on the theory that ‘the bank took our homes so we’re moving in with them.’ A half dozen people were arrested. Photo: Mike Fleshman, © Creative Commons.
That’s the only remedy that will save the US and the world economy from a complete collapse from three blows: the Greater Recession of 2020, the Greater Depression of 2021-22 and strike three, the GREATEST Depression of 2023-2024.
Economic Debt Zero, in the economic year Zero.
Banker-banksters? You have a chance to begin the first step in this and avoid for the world much unnecessary pain. Simply erase the lost mortgage payments from March through November and start over.
Now a more distant rumble of US Debt economic thunder to consider in its present-day, early murmurings.
The News with Rick Sanchez on 10 June 2020 reported, the Federal Reserve had “opted out not to lower interest rates below zero.” At least for now, I would add.
This bit of good news that such madness was not actually being enacted didn’t stop China from accelerating the selling off of the $1 Trillion dollars of US debt it owns at an accelerating rate. Sanchez spoke of US fears that China is doing this “in an attempt to unseat the preeminence of the US dollar in global commerce.”
My Oracle tends to think it is doing that and more.
Beijing has seen the writing on the wall about the future of the US dollar no longer being the sole global reserve currency. It is selling off the US debt cheap while the US dollar is strong, knowing something I sense, a collapse in US greenbacks coming by next year or the year after.
On the YouTube Lockdown with the Keisers (14 June 2020) Max Keiser (The Keiser Report) reminded me of something important to understand about the US Stock Market’s rising numbers now hovering around the mid-20,000s, not far from nearly clearing 30,000 when this Greater Recession than the last in 2008 began to crash. During the last recession of 2008-2009 the stock market high before the crash began was 14,164.1 on 9 October 2007. It crashed by 5 March 2009 more than 50 percent to its lowest number 6,594.44.
Keiser reminds us that in today’s economy, “When the market goes up it has nothing to do with earnings. It’s all about the dollar getting weaker. So the US market similar to the Venezuelan market, or similar to the market in Zimbabwe, those markets are very high because their currencies are collapsing.
“So market strength now is telling us about dollar weakness more than the economic strength or weakness of the individual companies, because the earnings of the S&P 500 companies has been going down. If you were to adjust for a stock buyback they are going down a lot. So it’s not about the company’s performance. It looks like the dollar now is entering into a fatal collapse.”
Stacey Herbert added that even a well-respected financier like Steven Roach interviewed recently on Bloomberg News foresaw the same collapse. Stacey stated the economists debating whether this will lead to deflation or inflation is off the mark and behind the current times. When the dollar crashes in value it will leap to hyperinflation, she said, prompting Max Keiser to add, “That’s generally the way it works. It doesn’t go through a gradual inflationary period to hyperinflation. The hyperinflation or the currency collapse happens more suddenly. And it looks like that’s what we’re looking at possibly in 2020, 2021 would be a US dollar collapse.”
We hit $23 Trillion in US debt in February, by June that has climbed to $26 trillion. The speed of the climbing debt is indicative of the dollar’s coming collapse.
In the 9th and 10th articles of this June 11-article wave, I will reveal to you what may be the catalyst for the end of the US dollar domination of global economy that turns the Greater Recession into a Greater US Depression possibly as early as 2021. Fear not, those upon the Fiat sinking ship. There are “lifeboats.” And you can start boarding them now. Just read on. Article 9 and 10 cover this good news.
DATELINE: 29 June 2020

Joe Biden caricature by DonkeyHoty ©Creative Commons.

Kamala Harris by DonkeyHoty, © Creative Commons.
Whoever Wins the Election, Trump or Biden,
Look well at their Vice Presidential Choices:
For One of these will be a President in the Next Four Years
I’ve had some interesting questions from readers on my social media pages about Trump and Biden’s Vice Presidential choices. For instance, does Trump stay with VP Mike Pence or choose to fill the Republican feminine VP gap in the race for the White House with up-and-coming Punjabi-Indian American Nikki Haley who is planning to run in 2024?
Could Trump win with her now? I mean, she would bring a girl on girl fight with the Democrats in the one Vice Presidential Debate that no one watches. She’d carry the deep Southern States, but then, Trump needs no help with that. You have to pick someone who carries some electoral college clout in the rustbelt states, especially when you are a Republican candidate. He’s already got that with Vice President Pence from Indiana.
Others have asked me if Biden could strengthen his chances with black and brown mixed-race combinations, like Indian-Jamaican American Kamala Harris or even American-Samoan/European Tulsi Gabbard. Others prop up the full-African American woman from Georgia who would-have, could-have, should-have, but didn’t become Governor of Georgia, Stacey Abrams. Then there is white but electoral-college key Michigan state’s Governor Gretchen Whitmer to consider.
One reader “read somewhere” (the “where” probably being my articles) that Trump was related to a war with Iran and therefore no war with Iran would be possible if he wasn’t president for a second term, right?
The same reader brought up the Kabbalistic significance of President 45 (Trump) being replaced by President 46 (Biden) who then is replaced by President 47 (the woman he chooses to be his running mate). According to the reader’s understanding, which I shall have to check (below), the number 47 stands in the Kabbalah for a “dead man speaking.”
In either case, what in the world are we getting ourselves into with Trump or Biden’s choices?! Complete reading this and get full access to all eleven articles by choosing one of two options:
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DATELINE: 29 June 2020
Whoever Wins the Election, Trump or Biden,
Look well at their Vice Presidential Choices:
For One of these will be a President in the Next Four Years
Joe Biden’s idea of leadership at his mentally frail age is to be led by others. From following the lead of woke mobs rioting in the streets to having his hand held by military-industrialized Deep State puppeteers in the White House. Biden would occupy the oval office about as lively as one of the office busts of some dead politician decorating it.
I am certain of this, warmongering doesn’t change much in a Corporate Party that puts up two false store front doors. One door has “DNC” stamped above it. The other “GOP.” And the American voting fools keep flocking and passing through both thinking they’re entering different constructs of political parties… Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 29 June 2020

Photo by Derek Simeon, 13 June 2020 at one of the roadblock entrances to CHAZ-CHOP, © Creative Commons.
A Prescient Word
From an Osho Communard
About the Decline and Fall
Of the Commune of CHAZ
(Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone)
That got the CHOP into
(Capitol Hill Occupied/Organized? Protest)
And a Word about the Choppers
To come and Wash
CHOP’s Graffiti Guff on Walls Away
By the Fourth of July
If the place is finally cleared the chopper rally might not have anything to do but ride their thundering bikes resplendent in their American flag streamers, US flag emblazoned leather jackets, bandanas, COVID-19 masks etc. doing a victory lap up and down the streets of what once was the shortest autonomous secession state in US history.
But then, as anyone like me who has done security work knows, there’s that Fourth of July full-moon coming on a Saturday “party” night no less, on a national celebration that often lets the beer flow. It is a “Full Buck (naked) Moon” at 9:44 pm Pacific time, so full moon looneyness could be waxing all day to a nighttime beer-soaked, patriot frenzied climax all on the Fourth with Choppers in CHOP possibly face to face with crowds of equally heavy drinking antifa-ish CHAZ-razzers of said drunken bikers.
Can’t we all just get along, Rodney King?
I gotta think something might happen.
Let’s look at the astrology… Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 29 June 2020
The Black American Intifada
An American Cultural Revolution
And Days of Chinese Cultural Revolting
Futures Past
There are periods in the life of humanity, which generally coincide with the beginning of the fall of cultures and civilizations, when the masses irretrievably lose their reason and begin to destroy everything that has been created by centuries and millenniums of culture.
G.I. Gurdjieff (c.1916), Meetings with the Miraculous
In this picture of the burning Wendy’s with the spray-painted RIP and name of a victim killed by police illuminates the destructive completion of a circle of irrational, overreactive behavior from all sides involved in this African American Intifada where black lives matter and also white and black “lies” matter… Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 29 June 2020

Click on this link to examine this important book about the Prophecies of Nostradamus, Stormberger and Edgar Cayce about a new cold war 2.0 happening now.
Oh Where, Oh Where did the Treaties Go
Oh Where, Oh Where can they Be?
What Eagle Kings Give
They Now Taketh Away
Away to Wor-old War “Three”
One positive note to end this article with, but first the “burying of the hatchet” as it were, and not in the Himalayan mountain earth atop the roof of the world. It would seem that Indian and Chinese troops crossing the Line of Control to make camp last week on each other’s territory, broke camp and broke a lot of heads with hatchets and stones…
The sticks and stones that did break a whole lot of boneheaded Indian and Chinese soldiers surrounded by spectacularly serene Himalayan peaks and valleys echoing their stupidity, has led to New Delhi and Beijing doing some serious negotiations to end the border crisis.
Putting the sticks, stones and the more advanced hatchets aside, has the launch of weapons of World War III abated because of a show of weapons we will be using in World War IV?
Albert Einstein’s sage reply to a question about what kind of weapons would be used in World War III was… Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 29 June 2020

Map of temperature anomalies from January to May 2020. Source:
The First Data is Coming in:
Did the Shutting down of the Global Economy
For Two Months Cool Global Warming?
I live on an Island in the Salish Sea, 40 miles north-northwest of Seattle in a global warming oasis. That means an area impacted slower by humanity’s heating up of the oceans and atmosphere through human released CO2 emissions changing the Earth’s climate. I enjoy fresh air and pollution-free skies more here than most places. The Coronavirus shutdown of half the industries and transportation across the world from March through May left even notoriously polluted regions of the world enjoying the same. Indians got a glimpse of snow-capped Himalayan peaks. Blue skies bathed eyes in industrialized China. Even my especially clear climate evoked a throwback to deeper drawing-in drafts of fresh air from deeper blue skies that I haven’t seen since I began living in the Pacific Northwest in January 1986.
To put it succinctly, the marine climate of late winter into Spring got cooler and wetter. Between more frequent rains, the overcast broke open into blooms of royal blue skies overhead blending into a rich baby blue on all horizons…did those months of air pollution stoppage objectifiably make an impact slowing global warming…? Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 29 June 2020

This is my updated cover for my new, Third Edition of this book
coming out this summer. When I picked this image years ago I never knew how closely it would resemble the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Muhammad bin Salman AKA MBS—the most significant candidate for the Third Antichrist I’ve ever encountered since I began my search 37-years ago.
The Kingdom of MBS
—Mabus, the Third Antichrist—
Is Going Bankrupt Soon
I told you in my April wave of articles about my premonitions and also rumors coming out of the Saudi kingdom that it was close to bankruptcy, thanks to the erratic leadership of MBS, the man best positioned to fulfill Nostradamus’ foretold role as his Third and Final Antichrist, codenamed: Mabus. MBS = MaBuS = Mabus.
Now I have found evidence indeed supporting bankruptcy is a real threat to the kingdom’s stability and the future of MBS, which I might remind you, is the only antichrist in Nostradamus’ list, including Napoleon Bonaparte and Adolf Hitler, that starts a war by being its first casualty… Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 29 June 2020

The Bank for International Settlements building in Basel, Switzerland. (Wladyslaw Sojka, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons)
To Have Bitcoin or to Have Not Fiat Money?
A Historic Milestone Has Passed
Often these transformations of civilization happen in the most ubiquitous, day-to-day actions of economic need: to barter and sell. Because bitcoin is the electronic epitome of what the Aquarian Age represents, the virtuality of reality, meaning it exists as a number abstract that one can buy things within a person-to-person transaction that requires no centralized banking control. Bitcoin to money is like Zoom and Skype are for person-to-person meetings online, on your computer, laptop, or cellphone. With the speed of light you can engage online anyone instantly wherever they are around the world, free of borders.
Such technological feats of this burgeoning Aquarian Age will change the political, social and economic realities of life on Earth… Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 29 June 2020
Lifeboats for the Greatest Depression:
The Gold-Backed Ruble
And the Chinese Digital Yuan
I have been writing for seven-years-and-counting about China’s long and steady preparation to introduce a currency based on a new gold standard. When at last it is launched, it will mark the beginning and cause a rapid end of the US dollar’s dominance as a world reserve currency. It has been said that the cycle of a currency being world reserve lasts no longer than a century. So the US dollar, like the pound sterling of the faltering British Empire the preceded it, is coming into its final dominant days. The 2020s being the structural underminer of civilization and ecology as we’ve known it seems an appropriate decade window for its end… Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 29 June 2020

The Sack of Rome by the Visigoths, 24 August 410 AD. Painting by Joseph-Noël Sylvestre. Public Domain.
The Last time Saturn was in Aquarius
Was during the Rodney King LA Riots
The Last time Pluto was in Capricorn
Was during the American Revolution
Neptune was in Pisces when Rome Fell
We Have All Three Right Now!
The last time Neptune was in Pisces was the “European Spring” Revolutions in 1849. It returned in 2011 during the “Arab Spring” Revolutions. It will finally leave Pisces by January 2026 well within the potential window of a new Roman Empire falling.
And it gets wilder. Give the next US president “brown pants” when he mounts the podium on Inauguration Day 20 January 2021.
He will have a Sun-Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius (Revolution vs. Surveillance state) squared Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius “in its fall” in Taurus!
This forebodes a president who will witness on his watch a rapid collapse of the US hegemonic world power as fast as the fall of the Soviet Union had been.
It may be “the last” Presidential Inauguration Day of a US president and a government Americans have known for nearly 245 years… Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.