Category Archives: 2012 US Presidential Election

Election 2012, the Armageddonomics of Rick Santorum

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Today is Super Tuesday. A few hours from now the polls will open in Republican state primaries held in Georgia, Massachusetts, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Vermont. Caucuses will be held in Alaska, Idaho and Wyoming. I have stated consistently in my predictions here in these blogs and in Predictions for 2012 that Mitt Romney on Super Tuesday crosses a milestone in his run to be the Republican nominee for president. Romney will gain enough delegates to keep ahead and never look back at his competitors, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul, even if the contest continues to be close right up through the last primaries at the end of June.

There will be no brokered convention in Tampa Bay, Florida, at the end of August.


I must also warn you all yet again that I find picking the Republican candidate running against incumbent President Barack Obama a most difficult prescient challenge. The reason is, my “oracle” picks winners and does not much care about the losers. It has chosen the man who will win by popular vote 11 times out of 11 attempts since 1968.

This year, I am trying to break through the veil forecasting who will be the “biggest loser” – that is, the Republican candidate who wins the chance to lose in November, when Obama is elected for a second term by a minimum of 8.5 percent of the popular vote.

Do not cry “foul”, Republican readers. Not at me. Not at someone who has successfully picked seven out of 11 elections in favor of the Republican candidate winning by popular vote. If one is going to be an accurate forecaster one will not let the messenger stand in the way of the message, even if the outcome goes against for whom even the messenger casts his ballot.

I have told you on Coast to Coast AM since early 2009 and within these electronic pages and in my forecasts for 2012 since 21 December of last year, who has the best chance to defeat Obama: former Governor of Florida, Jeb Bush.

I find it intriguing, the serious rumblings in the GOP establishment about summoning Jeb Bush to Tampa if a brokered convention does indeed happen because Romney does not collect the 1,144 delegates needed to win nomination hands down. Given my caveat about picking the biggest losers, I cannot rule out this future time line happening.

If Jeb Bush were to be imposed in this fashion he would have missed his chance to win against Obama. His entry window to victory in 2012 came and passed when he did not enter the primaries in January. If Jeb Bush were to enter in late August, I predict he would not have enough time to shake the stigma of being the younger brother of “stupid”: the younger, smarter, more potentially presidential brother of the last president, G.W. Bush.

Speaking of idiots, I think it is time to say something about former Pennsylvanian Senator Rick Santorum. In my book of prophecies for 2012, I had this to say about his future in the endless reality show of 20 and counting debatable episodes since May 2011. I speak of the GOP version of Survivor, the reality show where supreme egoists seek to outwit, outplay and outlast, becoming the sole and most cunning megalomaniac standing. Here is what I said about Santorum:

There also has to be those Survivor participants who can’t seem to un-geek themselves out of the background. They get no respect. There’s got to be a former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum in the Survivor Island sanitarium, who just might yet be that forgettable middle child everyone in a big raucous family ignores until he makes his move to success unexpected.

Predictions for 2012, Chapter 7:
Primates in Primaries for President

Well folks, after being consistently forgettable throughout the bulk of the debate season, Santorum did bust a move on Mitt Romney in the Arizona and Michigan Primaries on 28 February, splitting the decision in Michigan. He is in the full flush of that unexpected surge, since Newt Gingrich had his Mitt meltdown in the Florida Primary and started shedding staunch conservatives to the Santorum ballot box, giving the latter a lead in the national polls that looked impressive. That is, until Santorum had to face what all the other GOP Survivor contestants with a momentary lead confront, the harsh and negative light of super-pack funded scrutiny that only corporate money and billionaire “citizens” of America can buy.

Rick in the lead, furthermore, struck a match to his hair politically and went raving social conservative kooky in a way that at best satisfies the redneck Republican base or worst, will only inspire a maximum of 30 percent of the US electorate if he were to survive in GOP Survivor and receive his nomination award in Tampa. Santorum began with a social conservative salvo to set the progress of women back 50 years railing against contraception and birth control as evil.

One wonders if Santorum, a staunch Italian-American Catholic, is campaigning to replace the German born Pope Benedict XVI currently sitting on St. Peter’s throne in the Vatican, rather than become the next president of the United States. Pope Santorum has worked hard to alienate half the American voting public with his ex “sex” cathedra contraception rants – the voters who can carry a baby to full term if they had the right to choose so. A choice he thinks is evil.

When I was a Republican once, I remember a Grand Old Party of Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater believed the government should stay out of people’s private lives, religions and life or eternal damnation choices. If there is a God that is more than an imaginary friend projection of priests, politicians and other mafias of the soul, let that God sort our evil out, not Pope the President Santorum.

2012 will be a crazy year where logic will be “Donald” Trumped by reason in our political choices; so, it is not completely beyond the pale to see Santorum become president, even though I think he has a Sarah Palin chance in icy Russian hell getting there.

(Oooh! Look! “I can seeee Russia from my house!” said the former Governor of Alaska and the biggest political quitter of this presidential election cycle, responding to a question about her foreign policy experience nearly four years ago as Senator McCain’s VP running mate.)

That is why I need for the prophetic record to warn you about the “Armageddonomics” of Rick Santorum.

I coined this “Hogue-ism” in my book Messiahs back in 1999 to define a syndrome wherein a serial misinterpretation of revelatory prophecy in Christianity over the past two millennia may hypnotize enough people to make doomsday happen:

A number of messianic traditions (especially those that currently hold the most weapons of mass destruction) believe that their savior cannot return until humanity destroys the world.

The selling of this interpretation of prophecy I call propheganda—the art of propagating a global catastrophe as a prerequisite for the appearance of the savior. Propheganda first persuades people that they live in a bad world, not worth saving. Over time an anti-life interpretation of visions takes hold over a culture. People are persuaded to believe that the end of the world is inevitable so they start working towards it subconsciously. They use the world’s resources as if there’s no tomorrow, because deep down they’ve been conditioned by their religions to really believe in no tomorrow.

Once persuaded to believe in an eventual end of the world, I call the business of that civilization physically working itself up for a global disaster the economics of Armageddon, or Armageddonomics.

The religions are effective prophegandists because they, more than anyone, believe in their own interpretation of the future. They can’t see, nor do they want to see, how they are self-fulfilling their own prophecies. The priests indoctrinate every new generation to promote their doomsday program. For thousands of years people hear the priests prophegate a view that the world is mortal, an evil place, a thing fated for destruction. Slowly, inexorably, they hypnotize people to be afraid, to think small and shrink their creativity to fit the confines of a world-negative attitude. If you drum this idea into their heads long enough people will see themselves as meek and mild sheep needing a shepherd. You then help them create the economics to achieve that desperate need.

Messiahs: The Visions and Predictions for the Second Coming
(Chapter) From Propheganda to Armageddonomics:
Brainwashed to make Doomsday Happen

Rick Santorum recently declared on the campaign trail:

“One of the things I will talk about, that no president has talked about before, is I think the dangers of contraception in this country… Many of the Christian faith have said, well, that’s okay, contraception is okay. It’s not okay. It’s a license to do things in a sexual realm that is counter to how things are supposed to be.”

Santorum speaking with,
(Oct. 18, 2011)

Then there is this pro-Armageddonist zinger:

“We were put on this Earth as creatures of God to have dominion over the Earth, to use it wisely and steward it wisely, but for our benefit not for the Earth’s benefit…”

Santorum speaking before the Colorado School of Mines
6 February 2012 at the Colorado Energy Summit.

If benefit isn’t mutual then someone or something gets exploited. Propheganda of two millennia teaches blind believers to separate our benefit from that of the Earth. The bottom line is, we are to use it, trash it, then move on to glory. Leave the candy-wrapper planet behind.

Earth must be a necessary evil if your doctrine requires a world to be a place of Satan’s sin dominion that Judgment Day will (MUST!) destroy, before your Jesus Christ can come down off his apocalyptic mushroom cloud to create a new heaven and a new earth under the 1000-Year Reich of the Forgiven.

We need an overpopulated world to achieve the Armageddonomic goal of a critical mass of misery that beholds, as St. John the Divine declared, a third of the waters, oceans, rivers and peoples consumed and destroyed.

Birth control would prevent this from happening – Dang!

Then there’s this Santorumism also launched before miners at the Colorado Energy Summit:

“I’ve never supported even the hoax of global warming.

It has to be a fraud. All the copious evidence that has most of the scientific community convinced that global warming is documented fact, has to be a fraud that only apocalyptic blind faith can dispel, because it disrupts the Armageddonomics that will end the world. The fulfillment of an anti-life and anti-earth first faith is so necessary before an avenging Savior and his Kingdom has a reason to come.

My God! What if the scientifically proven reality of global warming should actually get people to stop farting their fossil fuel ejecta into the atmosphere and we stabilized the climate?

Gee! No doomsday. No religious cult of death dealt to sinners and the sinful world. That means Jesus cannot come down on his cloud and save us from ourselves.

Anyway, I am on record that Rick Santorum will not be the sole Survivor standing on the podium of the Republican National Convention in Tampa Bay, Florida. This virgin birther will not be president. The guy on the podium accepting the GOP nomination will be that guy in the Mormon magic underwear who believes in golden tablets handed down to Joseph Smith in rural New York either in September 1822 or 1823 by an Angel called Moroni.

Those golden tablets, by the way, which Smith translated into the Book of Mormon in 1830, later “disappeared.”

Not to worry. Faith has never been harmed by fact and realities.

The Mormon Religion is young. It will take a few centuries of faith and forgetfulness of fact for Mitt Romney’s religion to gain enough momentum to outmatch the moronic prophaganda coming out of other Armageddonomic cults of Western Christianism, Judaism, Islamism – and any other Eastern or pagan propheganda cults I forgot to mention – before the label of angelic moron is replaced by the hallowed Angel Moroni.

Ooops, I pushed some buttons out there. There some of you go right now, pouncing on your computer keyboards, iPad padding and texting your ire at me.

This web site is not here to nourish our religious illusions.

This is an anti-Armageddonomic web site.

We seek to restore the word “Apocalypse” to its original meaning here – not doom and gloom and end of the world idiocy, mind you.

Apocalypse means Enlightenment lifting the veil of  bunk.

All of our big business religions are bunk made of that dirty illusory veil of dogmas. It is not our fault that we wrap yourselves tight in it, like a straightjacket of righteousness. Our religious industrial complexes forced us from childhood onwards to cloak our naked religiousness in false garments of belief.

We seek at Hogueprophecy to liberate everyone’s birth given religiousness from false costume canons of bunk.

John Hogue
(06 March 2012)



The drum beat-dumb-beat dead beat for war with Iran continues. Yesterday President Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu met privately for two hours in Washington DC most likely to retrench their positions: Netanyahu ready to strike Iran this spring or summer; Obama pressing for diplomatic solutions and crippling sanctions to make the Iranians end their nuclear aspiration.

On the same moon-looney Monday, Arizona Senator John McCain called upon the Senate to vote on a unilateral no-fly zone established by the US armed forces over parts of Syria to protect the uprising there. For those of you who live near naval and air force bases who heard non-stop, round the clock, jet exercises thundering during February, it looks like a reprise of Libya over the skies of Syria is in the making, soon.

I predicted it last year, thinking my oracle had forecast a real long shot. Not so long and soon to be “shooting” it would seem.

The next blog, unless otherwise postponed by new and important events to be framed in prophecy, will present part two of my critique on Oxford historian Niall Ferguson waxing hard on the warpath with Iran.

Then there is the tornado outbreak last week that saw 16 states in the US Midwest and South experience 80 tornadoes in the largest tornado outbreak in the month of March in recorded history. Mother Nature’s war escalates. Read more about it in my Predictions for 2012.

Join my newsletter list and be among the first to know when new articles are posted.

And remember, the most important thing I offer as a solution to breaking free of the predictability that turns golden ages into dark futures is meditation. The only remedy for freeing religoiusness from religious dogma is this science of self-observation. Contact me and I will freely share the techniques I use with you.

LETTERS FROM MY READERS (as of Noon Pacific, 6 March 2012)

This article has enticed a lot of responses from readers. Some I wish to share:


Hi John, Geez, anyone would think you’re anti-religion, which I know you’re not. Religion separates us as each religion thinks that that one has all the answers on how to live and what will happen to us. I’m a meditator and see reality because of it. Jesus was here to teach us how to live and raise our consciousness to eventually become enlightened, not worship Him or wait for his “arrival” so that all believers will be saved and the rest shall perish.

To encapsulate my view on religion, to be truly “religious” one cannot belong to any religion. That’s what the founders of these religions did, really. Jesus wasn’t a “christian”. That came later.

Buddha wasn’t a “buddhist”. That also came later, concocted like Christianity was by the well-meaning but unenlightened disciples left behind to make sense of enlightenment — something they did not directly know.

I love religion so much that I would prefer to be “Anti-Buddha” or “Anti-Christ” so that I can walk again with the living masters, with Gautama Siddhartha and Yeshua bar Joseph, who are my friends and fellow travelers. They show me the way. They live again, if organized religions suppressing their light are discarded.


Please share with me your meditation techniques that you state are more valuable than all your other work. Since i believe your work is some of the most valuable i have ever experienced, i must hear what you feel is more valuable. plus, i need to feel better…. thank you.

Osho, at Gurdjieff Dam, Rajneeshpuram, 1983.

Dear Diana,
My work is simply a way to bring people closer to meditation. I use our interest in the future to bring people to the present, where meditation
is, and where all good futures are born from it.

If any of you reading the above resonate with what is said, click on meditation, and I will share my meditation techniques with you. (By the way DO NOT USE EARTHLINK or MINDSPRING. They bounce my meditation letter back at me. I guess they are not interested in meditation. 🙂

Now, not everyone took kindly to my savaging of their saintly Santa Claus religions. So here is my response to someone who did spew their ire upon their keyboard:

Mr.Hogue does not believe in Eternal life.

HOGUE: Why believe when one can “know”?

“Belief” is a tool mafias of the soul like your organized religions. They use belief to enslave the minds and hearts of people. Belief should be a four-letter word — like “hope” — to anyone who is religious.

Hmm, could we spell it B-l-i-f?

Nope, that would only work for the European readers who pronounce “i” as “ee”. 🙂

Anyway, to me, the six-letter four-letter word belief is a word that retards all spiritual advancement and keeps the human race in spiritual slavery, just like the pure blooded, four-letter word “hope” keeps one mooning for a better future rather than come here with one’s attention and transform right here, right now, oneself and thus one’s world.

As long as you keep looking ahead for things to get better you do not build a bridge to your utopias right here and now.

If man was too elaborate a fictional catastrophe to bring a into the united nations a false Prophet then we would say your science is true and God is a liar. Right?

HOGUE: ???  You seem either to be severely dyslexic or clearly upset. When we are angry with others, we give our power away to others. By being incoherent you undermine your argument and present yourself in an unsatisfactory light.

Oh, by the way,those giant Helicopters will not be able to be seen and those who have the Mark of Mans Purchace will not be able to see what is stinging them nor will they be able too see the Mark of the beast…

HOGUE: You seem to be having a psychotic episode in print here taking your lead from that  religious psychotic who wrote the Book of Revelation.

Your science and oracle is calling God a liar… John, this fact. God is not his own. He is bought at a price.

HOGUE: Beyond getting your syntax in a mental bind, here’s my answer to that: No, I am not calling your God a liar.

I’m calling your perception of God a borrowed illusion of others.

I’m also saying that in the new era we are entering, religion will become less belief driven and become more scientific. People will seek to “know” first hand from personal exploration the mystery that some people call God. Faith will be replaced by hypothesis in the Aquarian Age. Meditation techniques will be the tools we will use to test the hypothesis of God and eternal consciousness.

Books by John Hogue

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