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It is the dawn of “Super bowel” Sunday in America. The US version of Imperial Roman bread and circuses at least has progressed beyond deadly intended gladiatorial clashes. The real ritual combat is in the digestive systems of 100 million Americans pigging out on beer, pizza and chips; ergo, from Super Bowl to bowel I go in my allusions.
A lot is going on in the world right now and I have to catch up with it. Finishing Predictions for 2012 anticipated this new year with around 65,000 words of detailed predictions. And yet, I have to rebuild my stock of articles for Hogueprophecy, as I usually do at the beginning of the year after recovering from such a large book creation in so short a time.
There is the transit of Neptune in Pisces to talk about. It started a few days ago. It will last 13 years. Neptune’s transit will generate a wave of revolutions like it did last time when it entered Pisces in 1848 and something much more: a revolution in mythic art. It could get “Hobbit” forming.
Predictions made, starting in 2010 about US-NATO making an early pullout in Afghanistan got some traction from the US Secretary of Defense last week.
The Ayatollah Khamenei, the theocratic dictator of Iran waxed Islamically apocalyptic a few days ago about the final prophet of Islam coming very soon to defeat the wicked West and the Jews. Or so he “doom-say.”
There is the weird weather in North America, the December-into-January “non-weather” event for many, juxtaposed against record blizzards and cold snaps in Eastern Europe.
Will Pope Benedict resign his office on US Tax day, 15 April? That is the rumor
The Cascadian Seduction Zone stirs some more with a 5.7 magnitude quake off the coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, yesterday.
Post-Gaddafi Libya going Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome.
A host of customers are defecting from big US banks, removing their savings.
Last but not least, there is Armageddonomics to talk about.
The links embedded in the above will give you some background to what I am composing for future stock in tomorrow’s prescient events.
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Now to the pressing prophetic matters of the day:
Romney advances to Victory. Can Gingrich re-Newt himself?
Oh, how fortunes flash and fade in the Republican version of “Survivor Island”, the debate-episodic series on the road to Tampa Florida and the Republican Convention set in August to pick the man best likely to lose against the incumbent president.
Former Mass. governor Mitt Romney plastered former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich taking all 50 delegates in the Florida Primary the other week. He plastered Gingrich again in yesterday’s Nevada Caucus.
I would like to refer to a prediction in response to the following and somewhat snarky comment of Susan K, to one of my blogs back on 26 January when she said, “Well, Perry is out. Gingrich is overtaking Romney. So much for predictions…”
My reply then was this: “Romney will be the Republican candidate. Gingrich may squeak a win in Florida – or not – but by Super Tuesday elections, it is over. But really, we’re talking about the losers. Waving the banner of the losing side.”
We are entering roughly a six week season of Republican State caucuses spicing up primaries: 13 state caucuses to be exact. Today we have Nevada and Maine. Then on Tuesday, Colorado and Minnesota (7 Feb.). My state’s turn on 3 March with Washington. Then Palin’s Alaska, along with Idaho, North Dakota, Wyoming on Super Tuesday (6 March). Kansas, US Virgin Islands go on (10 March). Hawaii (13 March) and finally Missouri on 17 March.
During open Caucus season when a small band of dedicated zealots can use them to take all the delegates of a state, Ron Paul at last may have his “surge” of popularity like almost every other Republican candidate in the 19 debates that began this “Republican Survivor Island” contest, starting last May. Between now and through March Obi-Ron-Paul-nobi might Jedi-up some delegate gathering surprises.
Who knows? If Newt Gingrich keeps fading away from lack of preparation and financial backing, gee, can we imagine that Ron Paul might even nudge to second behind Romney for a while in delegates, putting Gingrich in third place?
The Newt lost “The Donald’s” endorsement too.
Newt, like Donald Trump, are Gemini sun signs and because politics tends to bring out the worst in our astrological potentials, the sign of the twins is looking more like a multiple-personality disorder for the two. Gingrich, who cannot find the feisty personality of his debate victories past, nor retain support from “The Donald” Gemini, having his own multiple persona mood swings, when recently endorsing the Piscean and fishy Romney – the same one he called a loser only a few months ago.
The forces of Piscean muddle crush Republican hopes to take back the White House – even to retain the House of Representatives, in 2012. Gingrich, the man who destroyed Republican hopes to fell Bill Clinton in the 1990s, failed. Now he has come back. An agent of undermining hopes for Republican victory in 2012. On the surface, the momentum is with Romney now after Florida and Nevada victories. I hold to the prediction that Mitt Romney will be the Republican candidate. Gingrich will stay in the fight to the end and make Romney’s victory too wounding and costing too high a price for victory in the presidential phase of this electoral farce. Gingrich is a destroyer. That is his destiny. That is all he is good at, politically speaking.
Now let us move to the real people that time and corporate news have forgotten.
Syria descending into Civil War
We have burned through the first month of the pivotal year of 2012 and already some of the predictions I signed off on and documented in my new e-Book published on 21 December 2011 are quickening in pace towards fulfillment.
Observers from the Arab League came, saw the bloody unrest in the streets of Syria and scarpered back to their capitals without any tempering affect on the Bashar al-Assad regime’s daily tank tread grind over life and limb of a popular independence movement. No resolution of merit was coming from the Arab League to temper the regime’s armored force further harvesting death, gunning down an estimated 5,000 and counting with many more thousands arrested and concentrated into prisons. Even as January ended, reports filter out of Syria of mutinies of soldiers, gathering their weapons and forming rebel units fighting back. There are bloody confrontations now, even in the Al-Assad regime’s heart, in the suburbs of Damascus itself. My forecasts for 2012 foresaw this coming and where it will escalate next.
The “Occupy” Movement Turns Violent in 2012
Last weekend Oakland California police fired pellet guns point blank into a seething mass of Occupy Oakland protesters demonstrating before City Hall. In the melee the city hall was damaged. This is the first time significantly violent responses came from crowds when provoked by police aggression. They charged the line of pellet pop-gun popping police, grenade concussed to the right, batoned to the left, tear gas canisters and rubber bullets to the front volleyed and thundered in a Balaclava brawl.
In my oracle’s prophecies for 2012, it forebodes the Occupy protests will get violent and there will be fatalities as forces of the status quo will be so threatened by millions crowding in the streets of the world that demand revolutionary change. These huddled masses demand Internet remains a source of free speech. Against these demands, a plutocracy in peril will let slip the “cops” of war.
Now to some vindications:
The Year 2011 WAS the Year 12 Catastrophes, in Two Ways
In a Coast to Coast AM appearance back in April 2011, I began presenting the concept of 2011 going down as the year of 12 catastrophes as each month endures either a political, economic or natural disaster that in more moderate times would each be comparable to the worst disaster for an average year’s worth of world events. Now that 2011 is finished, I can make my final assessment. The outcome of my prediction is an ominously two-fold one.
Let us review the disasters by each month, defined by their theme of catastrophe:
January: Natural catastrophe. Queensland Australia under water from cyclonic storms and monster floods displacing 200,000 people and sending record floods into the provincial capital of Brisbane.
February: Political catastrophe for dictators. Arab revolutions spread across the Middle East taking down the Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak and rebellions starting in February would later lead to the fall of dictators, such as Yemen’s Saleh and the overthrow and killing of the Arab’s world’s longest ruling tyrant, Muhammar Gaddafi. At the time of this writing, the Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad is besieged by a growing rebellion and civil war. He may be next to go in 2012.
March: Natural and nuclear catastrophe. The Tohoku temblor, at magnitude 9.0 becomes the 5th largest earthquake in recorded history, unleashed a killer tsunami, washing entire towns and 12,000 victims along the northeastern coast of Japan’s main island of Honshu. It became Japan’s worst disaster since the allied fire and atomic bombings of the Second World War. The quake lowered the coast over a meter in some areas allowing the ocean to surmount wave walls and flood four reactors at Fukushima, knock out their water cooling systems and make it second only to Chernobyl (1986) as the worst nuclear disaster in history.
April: Natural catastrophe. Over five hundred are killed in a series of super-cell tornado outbreaks across the US southern states – primarily in Alabama, making April 2011 the most destructive month of any US tornado season recorded.
May: Natural catastrophe. The worst flood of the Mississippi River in 70 years. Billions of dollars of 200,000 acres of prime cropland drowned, including the submerging of towns and farms in Missouri, Tennessee, Alabama and Arkansas and serious flooding of metropolitan Memphis. Sluice gates had to be opened inundating vast tracts of Louisiana to save the levies around New Orleans from breaking.
June: Natural catastrophe. Next the Missouri River flooded. Fort Calhoun Nebraska’s nuclear reactor nearly became the next Fukushima disaster when the mighty Missouri jumped its banks, broke through the sand bag barrier and surged into the reactor complex.
July: Natural catastrophe. Texas enters a climatic summer of drought, killing off livestock and crops to the tune of $5 billion dollars in damage. Dallas-Fort Worth in July began clocking what later became 40 consecutive days of 100-plus degree Fahrenheit temperatures. July 2011 recorded 1,400 triple-digit record-breaking temperatures through the US Midwest and Southwest.
August: Economic catastrophe. I wrote the following forecast for 2011 in December 2010:
A deep polarity is coming in political-economic discourse in 2011. The midterm elections split the Congress. Gridlock on economic reform is coming. If the Republicans let the right wing partisan cat jump out of the Tea Bag, they will precipitate the next worldwide financial crisis in US leadership confidence.
Predictions for 2011: Chapter Eight,
A Cold Depression, like a Cold War
Congress bickering and trying to achieve political “gotcha” points let the deadline for US government solvency nearly pass into default by 1 August. The US debt ceiling was raised in the 11th hour but confidence in US leadership to a serious blow from which it has not completely recovered. August 2011 saw the worst stock market plunge since the onset of the Great Recession in 2008. For the first time in history, the world’s most powerful economy with the world’s leading currency suffered losing premium credit status.
September: Natural catastrophe. On came the month of historic tropical floods! Hurricane Irene then Tropical Storm Lee blasted and inundated the Atlantic seaboard New England states. Severe drought across southern Pakistan was replaced after mid August into September by severe monsoonal flooding. Qamar uz Zaman Chaudhry, Director General Pakistan Meteorological Department said: “the rains in Sindh are the highest ever recorded monsoon rains during the four-week period of August and September 2011. Floods from the skies killed hundreds and by September displaced 9 million people. In East Asia Typhoon Roke sent storm surges and mudslides over the regions of Japan devastated by the March quake and tsunami. The floods across the US Atlantic states made the Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee events one of the ten costliest property damage disasters in US history.
October: Natural catastrophe. I predicted that in 2011 monsoons supercharged by global warming would move their fury east of South Asia all the way through Southeast Asia. (See Predictions for 2011). Orissa and West Bengal in India, Bangladesh too, were hit and three-quarters of Thailand was inundated. Bangkok had standing waters for two months. In Thailand’s worst national disaster, it is estimated that its GNP for 2012 will fall by one third because of black monsoon waters.
November: Natural catastrophe. This following passage is from my e-book of prophecies for 2012, assessing the 12 catastrophes of 2011 as they relate to astrological influences that set the world for 13 years of record floods to come.
Typhoons will track farther south into the Philippines, into Manila, floods in Vietnam, in Haiphong.
Chapter 5: Nature’s War on Humanity
The First Two Years (2010-2011)
The Philippines and its capital Manila were hit by two typhoons in the span of four days in August 2011. The floods came to Vietnam in November, displacing 600,000 people.
December: Natural catastrophe.
The Philippines in 2011 were hit by three devastating tropical storms, but tropical storm Washi (Sendong) was the worst. It visited a deluge over the islands of Mindanao and Palawan killing 1,300. Over 300,000 people were made homeless in the river tsunami. The fate of 100,000 of these wretched people was to be evacuated out of muddy flood plains that have buried their roads, crops and homes for good.
Where 12 Disasters cannot be Disputed
One could easily argue that the natural disasters crowding the year 2011 numbered more than 12. There is one year-end report that I find prophetically chilling. When sometimes one is simply the messenger to an oracular vision, one does not clearly understand a vision fully until after it is fulfilled. So I have to wonder, if the following report is actually what my oracle meant when it counted 12 disasters for 2011.
The NOAA (the National Center for Atmospheric Research) reports America experienced in 2011 a record breaking 12 disasters costing $1 billion dollars or more. The next worst year was nine disasters in 2008. The 12 of 2011 cost more than all natural disasters in the US in the 1980s combined. Is this the new “abnormal” of Global Warming?
Jerry Meehl, a climate scientist at NOAA in Boulder, Colorado said of 2011, “The degree of devastation is extreme in and of itself, and it would be tempting to say it’s a sign of things to come, though we would be hard-pressed to see such a convergence of circumstances occurring in one single year again for a while.”
I would hope Meehl is right, but my oracle’s long list of upheavals and floods for 2012 would say the new year would match and even transcend the last.
John Hogue
(05 February 2012)