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Further revelations have surfaced that cast a cloud of suspicion on the release of the purported Third Secret of Fatima.
The handwriting may not be that of its messenger, Sister Lucia dos Santos.
As I reported a month ago, the Vatican finally released the long awaited Third Secret of Fatima a full 40 years late. In 1944, Sister Lucia dos Santos (the author of this prophecy), claimed that an apparition of the Virgin Mary gave her a specific date for the revelation of this secret to the world “no later than 1960.”
Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, finally presented a 4 page handwritten document of 62 lines in a press conference on 26 May [correction: 26 June] and immediately caused a controversy. For one thing it is a known and documented fact for decades that Sister Lucy only wrote 24 lines on one piece of letter paper.
Forensic experts have come forth recently to declare the handwriting presented as a forgery.
I received this report from (a Marian prophecy web site that the Vatican views as renegade) concerning a test done on the authenticity of the handwriting presented as coming from the good sister’s hand:
“Speckin Forensic Laboratories, an internationally known firm specializing in examining potential forgeries and known for their work on the JonBenet Ramsey case and an interview on Dateline, has examined the reported Third Secret text and compared it with past writings of Sister Lucy. They concluded, ‘it is my opinion, based on the documents examined, that the Questioned Document Third Secret can not be identified with the purported known writings of Sister Lucy.'” (Speckin Report, p. 2)
Here’s the link to the comparison in handwriting:
According to tldm web site, another key letter attributed to Sister Lucy (mentioned in the Vatican’s commentary on the alleged third secret) is also a forgery. They report:
“The November 8,1989 letter is a computer-generated letter (Sister Lucy does not know how to type. This fact is verified by Sister Lucy’s blood sister Caroline) that was proven to have a forged signature by a Canadian forensic expert. Fr. Gruner in Canada was the one responsible for exposing this. This letter was one of FIVE computer-generated letters and forgeries in 1989-1990 attributed to Sister Lucy. Their purpose? To put out the propaganda that the consecration of Russia had been done per the instructions of Our Lady of Fatima. More smoke. This has not been done. Cardinal Law of Boston visited Sister Lucy in her convent in 1989 and was told by her that the consecration of Russia still has not been done. I’m sure it is possible to reach Cardinal Law to verify this.”
Since May of this year, the only comments coming from her are filtered through the Vatican envoys and not from any direct contact. It seems to me that only Sister Lucia herself can end this controversy by a public appearance. She should come out of her seclusion in her nun’s cell to undertake a lie detector and handwriting tests.
It would seem that the forewarned “apostasy” of the Church heirarchy—that Sister Lucia has so long intimated was the thrust of the Third Secret’s message—is in full swing. Unless the Vatican and Cardinal Ratzinger explain these discrepancies, one can only conclude that warnings from the following Catholic prophets and other seers are being fulfilled this very day!
“In the sacred temples scandals will be committed. They will be thought of as honors and praiseworthy…Woe, Woe for the clergy, ruin, grief!”
(Nostradamus 1555: Century 6 quatrain 9, Century 8 Quatrain 98)
“The end of time is not far off, and the Antichrist will not delay his coming. We shall not see him and not even the nuns will follow him, but those who will come later will fall under his domination. When he comes, nothing will be changed, in the nunnery everyone will be dressed as usual; the religious exercises and the services will go on as usual…when the sisters will realize that the Antichrist is in charge.”
Sister Bertine Bouquillon (1850)
“The time is coming when princes and peoples will reject the authority of the Pope.”
Hildegard of Bingen (c. 1141)
“For the Church, too, the time of its greatest trial will come. Cardinals will oppose cardinals and bishops (will be) against bishops. Satan will march in their midst and there will be great changes at Rome.”
(Editor’s note: this statement is attributed to Sister Lucia from the Third Secret of Fatima—but it does not appear in the document issued by the Vatican in May.)
“The day humanity is completely finished with these exploiters in the name of religion, this very Earth can become a paradise.”
Osho (1985), From the False to the True.
John Hogue
(10 September 2000)