Category Archives: Earthquakes

7.2 Magnitude Baja California Quake

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The Easter Sunday quake that chucked chlorinated water in squirrel surfer-sized tsunamis beyond their tiled and shapely grouted banks in a half million swimming pools across sunny Southern California also upset my schedule to post Part Three of the Media’s Mask of Nostradamus, today. It’s important to post instead something about this major quake hitting just south of the US-Mexican border because of its significance as less a fulfilled prophecy but maybe more a precursor to something more seismically wicked coming Southern California’s way.

Over the last three years, it has come to prescient attention that the long dormant Eastern flank of the Pacific Ring of Fire would be dormant no longer. We will be entering several years of heightened seismic dangers along the West Coast of the United States. Today I am looking back through my documented blogs, email responses to readers’ questions and at passages in the last three annual prediction eBooks to provide you the documented evidence of a pattern of oracular visions evolving a message pinpointing a seismic future event’s epicenter, regional scope, plus the month and year of fulfillment. By following this trail of documented comments, I can share how a prediction evolves towards its fulfillment:

11 JUNE 2007

“I was thinking back in April [2007] that a major quake might hit the West Coast in June between now and the 30th.”

Responding to email from Ms. Vandermeer
Posted on 15 Feb 2007


“In this new year [2008] we enter a period of seismic activity. It is a time of earthquakes: social, economic, political, and seismic.

“Those of you living in the Pacific Rim be especially vigilant. The frequency of quakes has hit all around the ring of fire but has for long years missed the North American West Coast. There has not been a major temblor along the Southern California coast since the Northridge Quake of 1994. Southern California will experience a seismic event of magnitude 6 or more as a stress release from the Palmdale Bulge, a point north of Los Angeles where the San Andreas Fault has gotten hooked up on the North American continental plate and won’t budge. The quake will not be what Californians call the Big One but something as serious as the Loma Prieta temblor that hit the San Francisco Bay area in October 1989.”

6 APRIL 2009

“I do also think that if S. Cal gets a quake it could be close to the border. Closer to…Mexicali. Then again, we have to see about the springtime, because this is a window for some big quake along our side of the Pacific Rim. Could be in Calif.”

Answering an email from Mr. Austin,
Sent on 30 March 2009

10 MAY 2009

“My sense is the quake window is higher in the summer. Moreover, the danger zone is east of San Diego.”

Answering a letter from Mr. Vasconcellos
about Nostradamus’ famous 10 May prophecy.


“[Hogue] predicted a possible natural or economic disaster in India, China, or Southern California.”

The Premier Radio overview
of my 2 September Coast to Coast AM
appearance with George Noory,
see Coast to Coast AM

2 OCTOBER 2009

“My oracle still reads the potential of a far larger natural/economic disaster coming. It will hit either South and East Asia or Southern California before year’s end.” (Nostradamus Eclipse Quakes)


“The years 2010 through 2011 will see a spike in climate change never before experienced. There will be stronger earthquakes, typhoons, tornadoes and hurricanes, droughts and floods will make all that happened in the 2009 and its far more devastating predecessor, 2008, look tame in comparison.” (Predictions for 2010, Chapter 15)

27 FEBRUARY 2010

“In Predictions for 2009 and Predictions for 2010, I voiced my concerns that a window in time is opening for some great seismic event in Southern California.”( Nostradamus and the Chile Quake Tsunami)


The prophetic process of the oracle started back in April 2007 and may have led to its fulfillment three years later with the 7.2 temblor on Easter Sunday, 4 April 2010. As time wore on and more threads of the vision wove in, the quake prophecy became more specific about the region in danger.

First off, it was Southern California with the epicenter being Palmdale. Then a new message about the epicenter brought it inland from San Diego to an area near the US-Mexican border near Mexicali. The first intuition of time was spring season, specifically April. Then from mid-2009 onwards there were indications of a quake in the summer. Was this a new time or a second temblor? I didn’t know.

One can see a developing pattern in the oracle’s message. As it was getting clearer, zeroing in on the location, my reading of it was getting confused about time frames. I still felt strong about April but then a summer dating nagged. I had the San Andreas Fault as the source but now there were two epicenters. The same quake or an updated message from the oracle? Still unknown.

Then came yesterday’s large quake rocking a wide region, shaking skyscrapers and causing pools to flood backyards from Phoenix, Arizona, Las Vegas, Nevada and all across Los Angeles, San Diego and Southern California. It happened in April. It was on the Laguna Salada Fault, 25 miles WSW of the San Andreas Fault line. The epicenter was inland from San Diego about 100 miles ESE. It was near the US-Mexican border just over 19 miles SSE of Mexicali. If the oracle’s building a message since 2007 about the Easter Sunday quake, let’s list what went wrong about my interpretation, what went right and what might still be waiting the future?


1.) Los Angeles was not the main target of the quake, even though it was felt all across Southern California.

2.) Consistently reached for the year and got it wrong.

3.) Epicenter was not the Palmdale Bulge as mentioned in Predictions for 2008, or welling up seismic shocks on the exact fissure of the San Andreas Fault but on the Laguna Salada Fault. Nonetheless, as Richard A. Lovett of National Geographic News reported today, both faults belong to the same geologic system causing the rift valley of the Gulf of California. Lovett cited Mark Benthien, communications director of the Southern California Earthquake Center in Lost Angeles, who adds, “On the scale of the Earth, it’s all one fault zone: the plate boundary between the Pacific plate and the North American plate.”


1.) West Coast — Southern California

2.) East of San Diego,

3.) Epicenter near Mexicali along the US-Mexico Border.

4.) In the spring, in April.


I’d love to add the June time window to the, “What I got Wrong”, list, but there are two astrologically significant grand crosses of planets taking place in June and later in August 2010. Expect major seismic potential in these 90-degree squared aspects. It is with some concern that I consider April’s Eastern Sunday quake a trigger temblor for a larger and more deadly earthquake centered farther north along the San Andreas Fault this summer.

Perhaps the message about a quake on the Palmdale Bulge is still in destiny’s play, in June or later in August under these powerful planetary gravitational influences. Let the people of Los Angeles prepare for a significant quake this summer, reinforcing their homes — if they have postponed it so far. Be sure your furniture is anchored and you have your survival travel bags in cars and in homes refreshed with food, water, first aid kits and batteries for emergency radios.

It is my hope that Southern Californians will pass a seismically peaceful summer and the shake-ups coming will be political, social and economic only; moreover, may many of these be shake ups for a better future.

John Hogue

(05 April 2010)

Books by John Hogue

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