Category Archives: Iran

Twitterpated Teheran: Part 1

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I’m a big fan of Walt Disney’s Bambi. Even a bigger fan of the movie’s source, Felix Salten’s book Bambi, A Life in the Woods (English edition, 1926). Disney only touched the surface of a whole lot of often wonderful and sometime disturbing symbolism using animals as metaphors for human consciousness, ecological rape and ultimately the triumph of the spiritual freedom of the individual, at last exemplified by the grown up and mature Bambi representing the noble king of the forest, celebrating his aloneness. I would love Pixar or the folks who produce my current favorite talking animal series (Ice Age) to take up Salten’s far richer and profound Bambi story.

Ah, Scrat! I’m digressing.

In the movie, we see Bambi, Thumper the rabbit and Flower the skunk as adolescents visiting Friend Owl. Some sexually aroused birds flutter by petting each other with their rapidly waving wings. The adolescent animals are astonished. “What’s the matter with them?” asks Thumper. Friend Owl chuckles and says, “Why, hee hee, don’t you know?? “Then he leans in conspiratorially with a wing muffling his beak, “They’re twitterpated.”

“Twitterpated?” reply the deer, skunk and rabbit.

“Yeeeess‚” grins the Owl, but then his mood darkened. “It can happen to you and you,” says the Owl pointing an accusatory pinion feather at Bambi and Thumper. Flower the skunk smiles bashfully blinking at Friend Owl with hopeful, uncertain eyes. He points to his chest. The Owl sardonically pressed, “Yes, it can even happen to you! “

The adolescent animals are defiant that they won’t succumb to twitterpation. Then, one after the other, their paths are crossed, purposefully I might add, by the adolescent female of their species: Flower falls, then Thumper and finally Bambi goes all twitterpate technicolored.

Perhaps using Bambi delights is not the best narrative set up for my discourse on the Teheran tragedy, but then, I am a Rogue Scholar. I don’t follow the rules and I can’t help finding myself often saying things that go against everyone’s grain.

So, here it comes.

The Iranian Green Revolution as it’s been described because its supporters distinguish themselves by wearing green will fail by the same phenomenon that gave it life: Twitter-pation.

There is something almost sexually gratifying about sending and receiving those little postings. An intoxicating micro brew of micro blog boffs for the mind. You get pulled in to Iran in cyberspace, rather than the actual place. I’m moved by the theme, the passion of the twittering demonstrators, the injustice texted in real time as the riot police are rambling and the Teheranian texter chased down the street is defiantly type-in decrying. The first chirps of voter fraud, escalate to squawks of open rebellion against the regime. Before you know it. Woooh! Wow girl! He guy! How did we heat it to here from there in our uprising argument?





Don’t-stop, don’t-stop-don’t stop twitter tickling me with palpateted news-naughty bits.

Quickie blogs of a few lines have that special euphoria of instant gratification without a lot of patient foreplay of fact or reflection.

We can’t help ourselves see the bigger picture shafted, and well, down the You Tube where it is easier to “micro” the “scope” of a far bigger and more complicated political reality that is Iran into the spyglass shot of fashion model beautiful Neda Soltan being shot through the upper chest by some Revolutionary Guard on a roof top. Graphic violent gratification satiates a collective moral indignation of such a heinous act. Ten million tweets a day made her the Angel of the protesters, the great martyr of the movement.

Again, there’s something twitterpatently sexual about it. If Neda had been old, or a bit overweight or not so attractive as some of the 150 other people slain so far by the police and revolutionary guard crackdown, her tragedy would not have been transformed to the level of mass mob myth with angel wings.

These are just the kind of emotionally packed mass waves of feeling, amplified by instant access reaction made possible by the twitter phenomenon. The sexed-news drive will only increase in the next 35 years remaining in the Cosmic Night Cycle.

For those of you yet uninitiated in cycles of the future, there is a temporal engine of prophetic time keeping called “the Great Year” or the “Cosmic Year.” It’s the time it takes the Sun’s position to gradually recess each year to a new Vernal Equinox position on the tropical zodiac as we see it from our vantage point on Earth against the star field. One degree of change is a “Cosmic Day” of roughly 72 normal years. This 24-hour “Day” translates to two 36-year “day” and “night” cycles. In the “Day” cycle of 36 years, history is collectively and unconsciously influenced by assertive, yang-male, intellectually cerebral driven, rational history. The night cycle of 36 years is subtly influenced by more yin-female forces, more subjective, more motivated by the irrational, driven by the emotive. Our new Internet tools like Twitter will only magnify the power to let emotion overrule reason in popular movements. The news media also will gauge fact by the size of flocking tweets.

Twiter gave the Iranian Green Revolution its power.

Now comes the karmic price.

The emotions carrying the protesters have blinded them to facts and realities. No matter how noble are their urges and dreams — dreams that I too support — these dreams are betrayed by the very twittering emotion that has carried them audaciously aloft since the Iranian presidential elections on 12 June 2009. Tweets blew a huge balloon of belief that there is wide support inside Iran for their rebellion far beyond any reality. This helium of hope is popping.

John Hogue
(02 July 2009)

Books by John Hogue

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