Category Archives: Geo Politics

Israeli Election Result, Zion chooses Netanyahu and path to Apartheid while the Iran Deal Stumbles on Sticky Stars

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(27 APRIL 2015)

We are in “The Year of Last Chances” that is 2015.
Then comes 2016, the “Year of War and Economic Crisis”
So says John Hogue who has just released an epic book about it.
PREDICTIONS 2015-2016 is now available on:

Amazon KINDLE, Barnes and Noble NOOK and KOBO Readers.

With the Extra Chapter:

DATELINE: 11 April 2015

Assessing my Forecast on the Israeli Election
And the Future of the Netanyahu Coalition
An Excerpt from my forthcoming Book:
Predictions 2015-2016

This book is about to go to press and it’s important to note that my public forecasts in Hogueprophecy for a very close victory a Lapid-Livny coalition with Labor Party, designating Yitzhak (Isaac) Herzog as the next Prime Minister of Israel, were wrong. Benjamin Netanyahu pulled out all the fear-mongering stops to do anything, say anything, to get right-wing frightened Israelis to rally around his Likud Party. He used the “A” card (Israeli Arab-phobia) on his Facebook page the day of the election. He breathlessly declared that the Labor Party was sending “bus loads of Arabs to the polls!”

This book scheduled for release to Advance Donors only, starting 18 April. Click on the cover to get on the list.

Now Available on Amazon Kindle, click on the cover to read free sample chapters.

If Israel today was South Africa in the 1980s (and it’s becoming more like it politically and racially every day), he might have fanned white fright saying, “Labor party is busing the blacks to the polls! Rally your Afrikaner wagons around us. Come home to Likud.”

Fear is a tried and true way a politician can play the mob mind of voters in their favor. It worked. Netanyahu actually did better than the last election in 2009 winning 30 seats in the Knesset gaining the largest minority and 12 seats. He has until 22 April to form a government, the deadline established by Israeli President Reuven Rivlin. Though there’s an outside chance Herzog and the Zionist Union Party (who won 24 seats) might be slapped together, I believe Netanyahu will gather his cabinet at the last minute all the right of center parties he wants.

Come back to Likud? He means it.

Kulanu, Jewish Home, Shas, Yisrael Beiteinu and United Torah Judaism all lost seats. I predict he will gather the most pro-Zionist supremacist coalition government Israel has ever seen.

It would seem that the Jupiter-Uranus trine hadn’t the strength to box with religious-fundamentalism expressed in the backtracking anti-progressive path of Saturn in retrograde motion in Sagittarius, the sign of the zealot, when negatively aspected. I must admit I didn’t factor in the influence of Uranus in its last of a long string of politically stalemating squares with Pluto. I thought being harmoniously trined with expansive, progressive Jupiter would have brought Zionist Union (Herzog/Livni) and Yesh Atid (Lapid) into power. I was wrong.

Funny thing about Israel choosing the Apartheid future. If the framework for a peaceful resolution of Iran’s presumed nuclear weapons threat is resolved with a treaty signed by June 30 or no later than September, Apartheid Israel will be more isolated. Divested of its object of distraction, the made-up enemy Iran, domestic pressures could seriously undermine Netanyahu’s government. If war fears can’t be drummed up into realities, if an Israeli strike on Iran coming across Saudi Arabian airspace can’t be pulled off, Netanyahu will have to pivot from the Iranian-baiting and play the “We Jews are alone in the world and must stick together” card.


Because peace with Iran is not good for Netanyahu. It will hit him where it hurts, the lousy housing and economic sectors he’s failed to manage during years of Quixotically seeking windmills to joust in Tehran. He might run a government now that’s just as anti-Arab as South Africa’s was anti-Black, but the world will see the repetition in history that he cannot. If Iranian and US peace can be sustained, I predict Israel will be on a fast track to a two-state solution with Palestine. World pressure will isolate and even threaten Israel with sanctions. The Netanyahu government will face having to let IAEA (The International Atomic Energy Agency) inspectors examine their presumed nuclear weapons program next!

Click on the cover and read a free sample chapter.

Click on the cover and read a free sample chapter.

DATELINE: 11 April 2015

Iran Peace Deal stumbles over Sticky Stars

Does peace have a chance when it steps out of peace talks on the wrong foot? Consider the following quotes from key players. These testaments to misunderstanding were logged during the first week after the framework for an Iran deal was agreed upon. The first stretch of interpretation outside the agreement came from President Obama:

This relief [from nuclear and economic sanctions] will be phased [in] as Iran takes steps to adhere to the deal. If Iran violates the deal, sanctions can be snapped back into place. Meanwhile, other American sanctions on Iran for its support of terrorism, its human rights abuses, its ballistic missile program, will continue to be fully enforced.

The chief Iranian negotiator, Iranian Foreign Affairs Minister Muhammad Javad Zarif the following day was livid before the press, stressing that:

The Americans put what they wanted in the fact sheet… I even protested this issue with [U.S. Secretary of State John] Kerry himself.

To which Iran’s supreme leader, the Grand Ayatollah Ali Hosseini Khamenei added:

I have never been optimistic about negotiations with the US… Americans always break their promises.

I’d add Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s nuclear threats but this broken record needs no further “record” as it’s the same unrelenting rant ongoing for years. It just gets shouted louder. It was left up to the President of Iran to threaten Obama’s read of his “fact sheet” a deal breaker on 9 April when before the Iranian Parliament, Hassan Rouhani warned and in no uncertain terms:

We will not sign any deal unless on the very first day of its implementation all economic sanctions against Iran are lifted all at once.

Mixed astrological influences did play. Already there are misunderstandings or misunderstandings made on purpose, in Washington about what was agreed upon leading to the Iranian President’s threat today that unless “all” sanctions are lifted when the treaty is signed then there will be no peace treaty.

Because the power of the Jupiter-Uranus trine was fading, a chance to set down clear, misunderstanding-proof intentions was not offered by either side. Peace is drowned out when war-mongering calls from all sides grow louder. Still the chance for peace staggers forward towards that astrological aid waiting around the 30 June deadline to forge the declaration of principles into a signed agreement. Though the path will be difficult and the calls to keep fear and war alive will grow louder, the astrological influences after early May only get better for this deal making it to June 30 intact.

Click on the cover to read more.

Click on the cover to read more.

It would seem that what my Oracle has long foreseen really is becoming that 11thhour for peace this June. Indeed delays may extend the talks into September, but if that happens, it wouldn’t be good for peace. Men and women of good will must grasp this astrological opportunity around 30 June, otherwise the stars track towards war in a way not seen in decades.

Since I began reporting on the prophetic trends and current events in 2007 concerning war or peace with Iran, war gets this forecaster’s majority vote. A fragile peace has its chance only now, in the next three-month window. After that, and as much as I’ve resisted this future potential, it would seem there is every chance that war will win out and the world will lose. The gravity of this gathering potential warrants that I inserted last week’s article into Predictions 2015-2016 before we go to press on US Tax Day, 15 April. (It seems appropriate that a book inspired by Saturn, the ruler of Karma, would be officially published on that day.) You can read it again by clicking on Iran Deal.

Click on the cover and read a free sample of John Hogue's newest book.

Click on the cover and read a free sample of John Hogue’s newest book.


An Amazon number one bestseller in prophecy. Click on the cover and see what all the buzz is about.

An Amazon number one bestseller in prophecy. Click on the cover and see what all the buzz is about.

Click on the cover. Now also available in print. Click on the cover to find out more.

Click on the cover. Now also available in print.
Click on the cover to find out more.


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