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Cosmic Consciousness Conjunction

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In honor of this being the opening day for the new Star Trek motion picture, here’s a little change of pace. Many of you correspond with me and today I’d like to share an interesting interchange I had back on 7 October 2008 with “Bryan.” We had a dialogue about perceptions of prophetic calendars as seen on earth and on other planets. I made some distant future prophecies about a new form of space travel powered by the power of “IS”.

Though I am not convinced of the veracity of your claims of prophecy or that of Nostradamus, I find your presentation quite compelling.

Then I would suggest you are not one to fall sway to a reactive, programmed mind, Bryan. I respect that tendency. People who are quick to judge for or against anything set before them are witless, pathetic flotsam doomed to undertow in history’s flood.

What I write about the future should not be idly believed or off handedly debunked like a pub drunk.

This said, I am wondering whether you believe (or should I say ‘know’?) if the cosmic calendrical system you propose would be uniformly applicable to other planets within our solar system.

That’s a good question. No, is my answer. Because the glue of earth calendar systems related to the cosmos is our attitude. That is, both in mood and in position related to the stars.

Also, if one would stand on Mars and look at the precession of the equinox one would last about a split second before lack of atmospheric pressure and extreme cold extinguished such a fool.

Mars is a dead zone for all but perhaps the lowest cellular life forms. So too is Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Titan around Saturn and so forth. At least that is true for this moment. But it won’t forever be true. And there is the new frontier before us.

And what about applicability to other extrasolar planets?

Again, it depends on their place of witness of the cosmos. If it is light years from our position, it will be different. Their perception, different, I would think.

A time of war on Earth reflected in similar events on planet Jeno far across the cosmos, for instance. Or do they perhaps all have unique, though interdependent, systems where planet Ousvj may experience utterly different events?

This Bryan, is truly a good question. I cannot cheaply give up an answer. Otherwise, I would support the very mediocrity of mind that I disparaged. I will meditate on this.

I think the answer is both “yes”. No man is an Island. And “no”. No Island in the sea of cold cosmos has a man that is not in some infinitesimal way connected to man on Earth.

I say this because of the Satori I had at age 21. I cannot find words to explain why I know it. All I can say is I had a glimpse of this truth back then. And it changed me. Life in the universe is both remote and intimate to itself. The speed of no-Mind is faster than the speed of no-Thought, and of light. It is not a speed. It simply IS. And this IS is immediate, everywhere. If we could travel upon IS, then no world is too far and no sentient being too remote from us.

What if humans colonize other worlds? If I go to live on Mars, am I still fundamentally tied to Earth’s cycles or do I now experience the unique Martian system?

I think we would change eventually to a new reality. For one thing, living in one-third gravity would, over generations, change the body-mind vehicle we inhabit.

I have predicted before that the 20th century is the last century that will see a monolithic genetic race — say for surface color differences. The 21st and 22nd centuries will see, with space colonizations, humans of Earth become humans of Mars, of other worlds. Of the moon. We will not solely be terrestrial ever again. With the coming genetic revolution too, we will be as varied in human species as our pets. Different species of human hasn’t been seen since the Neanderthals walked among our ancient cave dwelling ancestors.

Finally, if a planet has no life of any kind (though I happen to think that we will eventually find that life exists in the most unlikely of places) can a given planet’s cosmic cycle possibly matter to the planet?

It would not matter but simply be “functioned” I think. It only matters when the planet attains a state of being a vehicle for sentient conscious beings upon it or within it.

It is beginning to matter on our own planet, because we are beginning to awaken sentience.

Perhaps I have stated this upside-down from the truth. The truth is, it ever-matters. Only a few of us rise to an awareness and love-being to perceive that it ever matters.

For example, could an Earth-Mars conjunction have some sort of metaphysical effect on Jupiter if there is no life there?

It probably does, but the effect of such would go unnoticed if there were no sentience to perceive it.

A tree falls in the forest, whether human eyes, ears, or mind was there to witness it. Was the fall significant or just a fall? Without perception, it did fall. But the effect, though definitely impacted on the ground and other plants in the way, and the tree itself too…does it have a conscious effect as well? Is that conscious perception always there, like an elixir, to be tapped into, drunk, breathed by the awakening ones?

John Hogue
(Written 7 October 2008. Posted 08 May 2009)

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