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Because of the many letters received commenting on the recent passing of Adi Da Samraj in Fiji on Thanksgiving Day in American time zones (a day later, 28 November 2008, Fijian time), I wish to share my responses to the entire blog community in three installments.
I begin the first installment answering the embittered readers so that we can move to the sweet heart healing.
To the reader who merely calls himself “editor” comes this comment:
“I saw your blog that mentioned Adi Da — you might want to research him further, as there is a side of him that supporters don’t want to discuss. Former devotees have information and essays posted at”
Thanks Editor of
I have been 30 years now tracking the lives of modern mystics and have already compiled a mountain of information from pro and con camps about Adi Da and others. It is a good thing for Jesus and Buddha that their police reports have disappeared from history. Modern mystics haven’t that pleasure. That is not to say that what you have documented isn’t factual, but in the world of mystics, the factual can be misinterpreted. For instance, if today we reprise the acts of an ancient Zen master hitting his disciple over the head with a stick, or throwing him out a second floor window, or cutting off the upheld index finger of a seven-year old disciple, he would rapidly find himself in prison. However, in each case these unusual and seemingly cruel acts led to a disciple’s enlightenment.
Spiritual liberation from illusion might be worth broken bones from a second floor window drop, a concussion from a stick strike or the loss of an illusory finger or be worth any other mainstream perceived outrage. That’s not saying there are people posing as masters who are doing real and great harm to their disciples. However, all cases are not as clear-cut as clueless mainstream outsiders or disgruntled devotees assume.
The path to enlightenment is not for the feeble minded or weak of heart. It is most dangerous and presents the highest risks. Indeed if liberation is not pursued as a life and death necessity, it will not have the totality needed to succeed. Even then, one can fall. One can miss. One can be embraced by a false master as much as by a true one. The path of disciplehood is the ultimate gamble seeking ultimate gain.
There is a common yet mostly unnoticed thread of prejudice in the ego mind-set of those who call themselves “former” disciples or devotees of gurus. Every disciple comes with his or her emotional and mental expectations of what the master will and should do, should be. Mostly these are unconscious or semi-conscious expectations. A real master who is there to catalyze a disciple’s own individual liberation from such a fractionalized mental and emotional mind-set will inevitably destroy those expectations. Many “former” disciples become campaigners against a teacher because they harbor spiritual sour grapes. They couldn’t cram the master up their own preconceived expectations and now they’re taking revenge.
Conversely, there are those who remain constant in their devotion to a master harboring another kind of blindness. They hold onto a mindset that turns their master into a projection of a new and dead dogma, even while he’s still alive. They just believe whatever the master says as gospel rather than take the master’s provocation as an unspoken challenge to find out whether what the master says is one’s own direct experience.
There’s a fine line between conscious devotion and blind belief in a master. Thus, many of the devotees who don’t want to discuss negative reports about their master are just as blocked as those former disciples who won’t look at their unrequited expectations. One kind of disciple is a victim of dogmatic belief untested. The former disciple can be a victim of a sliced-off finger, a push out the window or a stick over his or her thick headed belief systems that failed to liberate, not because the master was mean, but because the so-called victim’s reactive-conditioned mind prevailed.
It is this mind-set, which I define in Third Antichrist, as the Antichrist Unconscious, that makes all of us victims of its reactive whims. The true masters out there are trying in every way, even when they are sometimes shocking us, to snap us out of the Antichrist Unconscious’s hypnotic suggestion.
The master-disciple relationship is a different world, following different ethics. I will endeavor to explain that world in future writings because I am an initiate with direct and ongoing experience of this unique love relationship since 1980. My study of prophecy is only a sideline to a life path that directly, intimately engages the new religious movements and spiritual revolutions of our times.
Thanks again for the link, “editor” of adidaarchives. I will examine it carefully and compare it with my own legal and police reports. Perhaps in the future I can help people who identify themselves as devotees or former devotees see something beyond these retarding identities. Even the word “devotion” cannot contain something far more mysterious and blissful than it tries to limit in label. Perhaps I can present a world of ethics that is trans-moral rather than amoral or merely of mainstream morality, which in the world of enlightenment is not worth much, compared to the bliss and liberation possible living beyond reactive mindsets.
John Hogue
(09 December 2008)