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DATELINE: 28 September 2023

© Public Domain.
The Bad News Bears of Russian Economic Realities
Visited upon the collective Western Economies

GAIN FULL ACCESS NOW TO 12-MONTHS OF HOGUEPROPHECY ARTICLES. Donate $60 or a little more to and you will receive full access to 12 months of my reports and articles sent directly to you.
These usually come in waves of 5-to-11 articles once or twice a month, on average 105 to 112 articles a year! As soon as they’re published, I will manually send a fully-illustrated PDF attached to the email address you used at PayPal. But 12-months in the Paypal Memo line.
Masha and the Bear might have been banned from Western cartoon channels when the US-NATO proxy war with Russia—destroying Ukraine—started, but Russia is changing the definition of a Russian “Bear” market that’s “un-Bear-ably getting stronger despite the bans and the sanctions.
I wrote the following prediction the very day, 28 February 2022, that the mother of all US/EU sanctions were hurled at the Russian economy just four days after the Russian special military operation began in Ukraine in late February 2022. What I’ve predicted then, exactly to the day one year and seven months ago, is the West’s dire economic reality emerging. The bracketed phrases in italic font, were written on 28 September 2023:
The EU threw everything they had in their economic weapons box right up to their nuclear option, pulling Russia off the Swift system of global banking and they went after freezing the foreign assets of Russian’s biggest central bank in an attempt to crash the ruble. This is crossing an economic Rubicon, freezing Russian assets in foreign banks. This move will categorically change the nature of global banking and ultimately what goes around will come home to roost in the banking systems that crossed this Rubicon River of no positive financial returns…
The US and the EU has set in motion down the next two years the end of the US dollar as the global reserve currency. From this week on through March 2024 these unprecedented actions will reduce the US dollar from being global to being a regional currency and speed China’s economic and military ascendency. Even without the Russian’s choosing to affect their own economic nuclear options and countermeasures. EU-American moves have disturbed the economic global system, putting a monkey wrench in the flow of capital and transactions. It has given a monkey wrench to Chancellor Olaf Scholz of Germany to self-sanction and crank shut the spigot of the gas pipeline Nord Stream II that will have little to no influence on Russia, but a catastrophic impact on the future of Europe, denied 40 percent of its gas needs to keep the German economy competitive, the industrial heart of Europe, and to heat 40 percent of EU homes. It has prompted Alexander Mercouris to rightly predict that from these self-inflicting moves, these moves to cut one’s own nose off to spite Russia, will end in “The decline of Europe” politically and Western Civilization…
It will also hurt the US economy and speed up the rise of inflation just as the Federal Reserve this March into April will begin raising interest rates. These are not the glory days of Paul Volker as the Fed head at the turn of the 1980s. He successfully stopped inflation by raising interest rates a whopping 20 percent. Forty years and $30,000,000.000 (trillion!) in US public debt later, raising interest rates not even in a one-percent hike would be like giving a stress test to the US bloated massive debt economy as if it was a stress test assaulting a man’s enlarged heart with arteries as thin as the paper to over-print US dollar bills. The US economy will have a heart spasm this spring. It will descend into a Greater Recession than in 2008 this summer 2022. [The recession “did” begin later in the summer of 2022, even though western media was loath to report much about it. People in their supermarkets, and reading their bills know it started.]
I foresee the West however is completely unprepared for the pain their own sanctions will double back upon them…
So much for President Biden’s bid to build back better his plummeting political popularity fighting the big bad Russian bear. He believes he’s the FDR of this current global Fourth Turning crisis. I can predict with certitude that Biden’s moves of the last two months are only going to drop his polls into the twenty-percentile range. The presidential acronym “FDR” won’t stand for Franklin Delano Roosevelt-cum-Biden. Long before the US Midterm Elections in November, FDR will stand Biden up as President FDR (Foolish Dumb Retard). He will by then have gone “Full Retard” politically, magnified by dementia and the idiot-illogical advice of his cabinet who seem to have no connection to what concerns the American people. And their interest isn’t Ukraine. Most Americans couldn’t find Ukraine on the map, but they know where their grocery store is, they know where the gas pump is. They know where their place of employment, besieged by inflation, is. They know where their “your fired!” notice came from. They see their bank accounts and their earnings rapidly lose purchasing power and value…
In short, these sanctions meant to topple Putin’s government and bring Russia down will instead, over the next two years, do the following: 1) end the US dollar hegemony; 2) end affordable heating gas for Europe and gas to run European industry; and 3) Western sanctions will cut the West off from a treasure trove of strategically needed resources. For instance, the Russian breadbasket of the world, add to that a Russian controlled Ukrainian “breadbasket” to Europe—unavailable. Sanction Belarus and lose its critical resource of potash to make fertilizers. The loss of fossil fuel exports from Russia will further crash the fertilizer markets and triple the costs of food prices by summer in your local grocery store in a food cost crisis most Western media hasn’t even anticipated coming yet. And don’t get me started on how all of this will impact poorer nations. There will be starvation, there will be revolutions.
Prepare American for a food fast, a Russian Sanctions Fast!
And Idiotic Acts of Cancel Culture’s move to Cancel Great and Ancient Civilizations at a Cost of the Decline of the Western Civilization through a Rise of its In-Civility
HogueProphecy eMagazine
(28 February 2022)
Stephen Gardner stated on 20 August while interviewing his guest, Ret. US Colonel Anthony Shaffer, he read to him the following:
“Released today 20 August from Business insider who say that the ‘Russians have added $600 billion dollars in wealth since the beginning of the war. That they’ve added 56,000 new millionaires and they have added 4,500 new people worth over $50 million dollars.’ Business insider then says, ‘the United States has shed 5.9 trillion dollars during this same time frame and if you combine North America with Europe, it’s almost 11 trillion dollars poorer compared to Russia which is up $600 billion dollars. So how can they have every sanction that they can invent against one country and they’re saying, ‘it’s working’ it’s collapsing—yes, I know their ruble is struggling—but this is data coming out just this morning from Business Insider. What are your thoughts on that.”
Shaffer answered, “So, it’s very clear that the Biden administration has miscalculated the potential for use of economic sanctions.”
Shaffer further made a point that I and others were saying in the alternative media, like the Duran, at the start of Russia’s Special Military Operation in late February last year, that Russia had prepared for the coming of sanctions. And I would add something Shaffer either didn’t know or didn’t want to face, that way back in 2014 when Russia was being burned by Obama’s sanctions it began its preparation for this time when the West would try to kill its economy once and for all. In 2014 Putin had begun to make his momentous move to shift history by shifting Russia’s long attempt to open to the West for centuries, now pivoting to open Russia to the East, and as it turned out, also to the Global South to Russia’s great profit and rise in worldwide respect outside of the shrinking West.
Shaffer couldn’t fathom or didn’t want to mention, that Russia spent the last 8 years before the “nuclear option” of US and EU sanctions hit on 28 February 2022 to repeat what they tried in 2014 on a much greater scale, and the result is they have destroyed their economies as I predict three hard winters are coming in Europe along with a Western Winter of Discontent only growing in the people of Europe moving from displeasure to disgust with their governments.
Neptune’s return transit after 164 years back home to its sign of Pisces began in 2011-2012 with the “Arab Spring” revolutions. It will end with the “European Winter revolutions” starting perhaps this winter of 2023-2024. Perhaps the European Spring that commenced the last time Neptune came home to Pisces in 1849, will be repeated with even more fire and shot at the barricades in a European, even an American Spring of rebellions spreading the spring of 2025 or the spring of 2026 after Neptune’s last retrograde retreat into Piscean waters ends and will not return to Pisces again for another 164 years.
The new Russia that Edgar Cayce foresaw in 1944, would be a hope of the world because it stood up and prepared itself for the coming European economic attack upon it, reflecting the attack back to its source.
This is a hidden blessing.
Russia’s economic defensives are like a mirror, turning back the black economic magic of the collective West tenfold.
Neptune rules mass messages from the collective unconscious. The message for the West is this. It came to me to tell it:
“Do no harm with commerce. Make wealth and concord amongst nations through your economic moves, not sanction and wars. Every bully at last meets its match and finds its evil reflected back to source. It is divinely just. It is even right revenge when a nation never sought to harm reflects harm back to its evil source because it has no attachment to it. Moreover, when an evil gift is returned to sender, how can the sender hold on to this bitter attachment to make evil upon others? The sender too must let such darkness go. Only then can America become brother to Russia as Edgar Cayce had foreseen.”
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Is the only thing “black” about Queen Cleopatra VII is this black basalt statue of the Macedonian-Greek, Ptolemaic queen? Source: the original uploader was Zerida at English Wikipedia, © Creative Commons.
DATELINE: 25 September 2023
Turning the Tables
On Woke Revisions of History
The Egyptian Independent published the retort of the African American actress Adele James who plays as black the first-century bc Macedonian-Greek Cleopatra. She shot back to disgruntled Egyptians who think this is a crime of cultural appropriation, the following retort: “If you don’t like the casting, don’t watch the show.”
First thing, this isn’t just a “show,” like a fictional movie. This is a “documentary series.” That means you have to “document” facts or at least confront documented facts that go against your storyline. I don’t go as far as calling this cultural hijacking, but it isn’t documented, historical FACT… Get 12 months of full access now to all my articles for only $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 26 September 2023

Official U.S. Navy Page from United States of America, © Public domain.
In Ukraine we Have Now Entered
The Final and most Dangerous Phase
Of America’s Proxy War with Russia
There are so many things coming to a head right now over Ukraine that I will my Ukrainian War Report writing about them as brief as I can. First off, Zelensky since the NATO summit in mid-July has become so caustic and angered that his allies are getting fed up with him, chief among these the Poles. A year ago the Law and Justice party in control in Warsaw was talking with Kiev to make some kind of Union with Ukraine not seen for centuries. Now Poland’s government is threatening to sever the deal. Zelensky’s public sniping with the Polish leadership this summer into autumn has Warsaw openly saying things like “Ukraine is like a drowning man” who can also drown Poland if they’re not careful. Mercouris and Christoforou both believe such harsh statements from Warsaw means America gave them the green light to bad mouth Ukraine to pressure Zelensky to freeze the conflict by talking with Moscow. Even to the point of the new Sullivan-Blinken alliance that now is pulling Biden’s strings apply further pressure to Zelensky by Warsaw warning that it might block all weapons shipments through Poland to Ukraine… Get 12 months of full access now to all my articles for only $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 30 September 2023

Tioga Pass Entrance Station, Yosemite National Park, California, closed like all national parks and monuments during the 2013 US government shutdown. Photo by Nandaro, © Creative Commons.
An Astrological Assessment is in Order
Given that if this Shutdown happens it will do so
EXACTLY as Pluto transits over its NATAL position
27 degrees Capricorn (Ruler of Government and Business)
On 1 October 2023!
The anti-Ukraine budget sentiment in the populist and right-wing sector of the Republicans in the Senate and especially the House is growing. It may not be strong enough yet, but I believe that someday in the coming months, this issue of bankrolling Ukraine at the cost of the needs of US citizens will gain a lot of political traction. The moment could be coming in the next several months where funding will be cut off by the House of Representatives bringing about Ukraine’s complete collapse to politically take down or take out President Biden. That is at least what the Democrats might accuse the Republicans of doing if Democrat elites remain deaf to the growing anger of American citizens who see that Ukraine comes first to Congress, not themselves… Get 12 months of full access now to all my articles for only $60 or a little more.