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DATELINE: 04 November 2024

For Voter Registration Day, Public Domain
Seven Weeks! Seven Labors of Hercules!
Have I toiled to Bring you Two
Of My Most Important HogueProphecy Reports
Yet Written

GAIN FULL ACCESS NOW TO 12-MONTHS OF HOGUEPROPHECY ARTICLES. Donate $60 or a little more to and you will receive full access to 12 months of my reports and articles sent directly to you.
These usually come in waves of 5-to-11 articles once or twice a month, on average 105 to 112 articles a year! As soon as they’re published, I will manually send a fully-illustrated PDF attached to the email address you used at PayPal. But 12-months in the Paypal Memo line.
Here we are, at another world reckoning as this Year of Reckoning comes through its final months of history-changing actions and decisions. In my last massive sending, which I started setting down into the world on 13 September, finally sending to my subscribers on by 22 October, I decided to leave the US Elections out of my final forecasts for the Fourth Quarter of 2024. I just looked at world events outside of this election, so that I could start working on that important subject, immediately after with what time remained before the Election on 5 November 2024.
I then immediately threw myself into this examination of the US Presidential Election Forecast on 23 October 2024. I continued to work nonstop for a further one week and five days so that I could deliver to my subscribers this eight article Astrological and Divinatory examination sometime on 4 November, finishing the sending before Midnight (Pacific Standard Time), just prior to my appearance on Coast-to-Coast AM with George Noory slotted for Midnight to 1am on the first hour of Election Day 5 November.
I believe I’ll be called by Coast to appear again, 24 hours later at the latest, after Midnight in the first hour of 6 November 2024 to assess what I got right or wrong and share a few words about post-election alternate futures set in motion that I write about in detail in this HogueProphecy Report to my subscribers. This will include talking about what actions might take place in the post-election electoral process if, as I am sure this election cycle suffers it like that last in 2020, will be rife with claims—and even more evidence that proves it—a whole lot of voter fraud was going on.
My goodness! Since 13 September to 2 November (7 weeks and 2 days) as I begin a rushed final edit on this second of two HogueProphecy Reports on 3 November, I have produced 11 articles in the Final Quarter 2024 Report consisting of 56,000 words. In 10 days, since 23 October, this Election report added 8 more articles and 46,000 words! These two epic waves of 19 articles have cleared the 100,000, word mark!
I only started the final edit last night, and I only have today to finish it. Indeed, I’ll have to start work on formatting and illustrations later this evening, so by 4 November I can start sending you all this report hopefully starting in the late afternoon, getting it all to you before Midnight.
I want to up-front apologize to all of you that time constraints narrowed my remaining time available to get this this second epic report to my new editor, like it did the last report. I have only one day rather than the week I usually take to prepare the edit myself, which usually sees five passes through the text. So forgive me typos you and I must endure.
There was also a major rain and windstorm across the Puget Sound region from 4:00 am Monday to 4:00 am Tuesday, that disrupted the power grid on my island and forced me to work on final edits for the last 48 hours. As for the sending of the PDFs to all of you. Some will go out before my Coast-to-Coast AM appearance in the first hour of Election Day, Midnight-to-1:00 am. I’ll stay awake and get the rest out before the polls open 8:00 am Eastern Standard Time.
It is tantamount that these predictions and astrological forecasts appear “before” the first polls in Vermont open at Midnight of 5 November, launching Election Day. When I do Coast, a little after Midnight my predictions on who I see will be America’s next president in this, my Fifteenth try since 1968, will be heard on 650 Premier Radio stations and subsidiaries across the United States, Canada, the Caribbean regions, and 800 US bases across the world on Armed Forces Radio Network, and last but not least, across the world on Internet.
If that’s too late for you to stay up, go to the Coast-to-Coast website, subscribe, and you’ll then be able to listen to any show I do on the following day or days at a more civilized daytime hour.
What time I have to verbally declare my forecasts on Coast will not be as deep and detailed a dive as what I set before you below.
In brief, after this Foreword, the main body of the work is an astrological examination, starting with the early voting followed by a general examination of Election Day’s Sun, Moon, and Planet positions on Election Day.
Next, Articles 3 and 4 pull up what I wrote over four years ago and published before the 2020 Presidential Elections in two astrological overviews of President Donald Trump and Democratic Party candidate for Vice President Kamala Harris with my present-day inserts tendered.
Then I take you in Article 5 and 6 through Kamala Harris then Donald Trump’s astrology in a composite with the Sun, Moon and Planetary positions on Election Day to divine who has the best chance of winning or losing on Election Day.
Article 7 will set down my official and final prediction, my fifteenth attempt since Nixon and Humphrey in 1968. In it I will call who will be elected president by “real” people who did early voting, some states starting at the end of September, through October, and the final wave of national voting on 5 November.
I started presidential forecasting since 1968, predicting the winner by popular vote (and sometimes by Electoral Vote) with my winning streak currently at 14 and 0. Perhaps my streak will at last be broken. Perhaps it will continue to 15 and 0.
I’ve been winning for a very long time, 1968 to 2020: 56 years!
I’d welcome being wrong, because each added victory brings on more public pressure.
Article 8 is an Epilogue that will cover the post-Election crises I expect will be in play starting from 6 November climaxing on 6 January when the newly elected US House and Senate legislators might be called upon to do more than certify the Electoral College vote. They may have to dig deep into the US Constitution to pull out contingency plans just in case the Electoral College vote is thrown out, leaving only several hundred House and Senate legislators left to vote who the President and Vice President respectively, will be!
Let us begin this epic journey together, aided by the stars and divination, into what is the most important Presidential and Congressional elections in American History. It will either continue American History or set the stage for the beginning of the end of American History.
DATELINE: 24-26 October 2024

Where’s the Polling Station??! Actually, this is Nasa Astronaut Eugene Cernan Commander, Apollo 17 saluting the flag on the lunar surface during extravehicular activity (EVA) on NASA’s final lunar landing mission, 12 December 1972.
–Part One–
Astrological Influences in Early Voting States
Then the General Astrology on Election Day
5 November 2024
First a word about early voting.
I think in this regard we need to look at all the retrogrades of outer planets starting all through September with outer planets needing to review and reflect the past:
Saturn in Pisces
A reflection on the reality over the propagandizing of mass media.
Uranus in Taurus in its Detriment
A welling up of anti-reform, and anti-free speech moves seeing free speech as a privilege, and not a right. Call this detrimental transit a counter-revolution by the growing establishment and mainstream media against alternative media platforms. Moreover, Uranus does this while in a tightening square with the Sun “essence” Sign of Israel with its Sun in Taurus 23 degrees. Perhaps this makes those who go early to vote, something so for Americans up until now. Look a little deeper at Foreign Policy issues, given that a greater war might erupt before, and more certainly after, the 5 November Election in two theaters of this currently conventional phase of the Third World War starting since late February 2022 with a US/NATO “proxy” Ukrainian war with the Russian Federation, plus on 7 October 2023 with the far more volatile and potentially a nuclear escalation possible in Western Asia, in the land of Armageddon itself: the Israeli war with Hamas/Hezbollah and now Iran).
Neptune in Pisces
A desire to change the form of mass communication, mainstream vs. alternative media—and either bring more attention to knowing who is telling the truth in this election; or a deeper denial and blind adherence to one tribal side versus the other in this election all righteously right-wing or righteously left winged.
Pluto in Aquarius (retreating again to its final exact conjunction with its Natal position on the United States’ birth in 1776 at 29 degrees Capricorn
It celebrates out completing a 248-year, first American epochal orbital cycle being the father of the modern Democracy experiment.
Briefly at the start of October for nearly two weeks all the outer planets that influence the bigger collective picture of human destiny pull off a rare retrograde grouping:
On 9 October Jupiter in Gemini joins them
The planet of expansion or contraction in retrograde is reflecting thoughts of either higher mindedness or going lower minded with votes going tribal in their zero-sum gain hoped for by voters choosing one leading candidate from the other—an “all or nothing,” a “my way or the highway,” choice, unnuanced, which only leads to nothing, down that highway’s dead end in our future.
Pluto in Aquarius Goes Direct course
It happens on 11 October, moving so slow that it hardly looks like it is advancing in our skies as seen from the perspective of Earth. It is as if it wants to hover there, still and watching what we will do when the final weeks of early voting begin and when on 5 November Election Day, Pluto since 11 October has been moving in direct course again, back hovering at 29 degrees Capricorn, only gaining a few minutes forward. This election will decide the future course, perhaps if our democracy experiment from 1776 can renew a new 248-year cycle of existence, or see this election mark the breakup of the US dream of democracy into some totalitarian future where democracy is all but a label, no longer a reality.
With all of this “don’t just do something, sit there” reflection descending upon us, a bit ominously too what choice we send our future mailed off in our early ballots, I am not feeling the rush to vote like there was in 2020. I would even say the voting public in America has also been taking a second look at Harris and Trump, given that, as I warned four years ago when studying the astrology of Harris and Trump (which we will reexamine in the next two chapters with my 2024 updates), Harris in September into October was hiding from the public, avoiding tough interviews during all of these outer planet retrogrades that has not helped excite her campaign; whereas Trump’s lucky North Node at birth, combined with his Gemini (mutable/changeable) Sun conjoined Uranus (always a surprise and unpredictable) are anchored on one of the luckiest North Nodes I’ve ever encountered in a state leader. For instance, he was lucky to have been shot but not harmed. Lucky to have nearly stepped on a golfing green in Florida where another assassin was waiting with drawn rifle, but in the last minute was spotted by a Secret Service agent in time. Trump’s luck was in play as I have predicted over a half-year ago saying that most the “Lawfare” cases lined up against him to put him in prison have pretty much failed to stop him, his campaign and has only caused more people becoming interested, even passionately interested, in voting for him.
It was on Coast to Coast AM broadcast on 19 September across the US and North America to millions that I first made public an oracular feeling, even before this moment on 24 October when I’m reading the retrogrades for early voting, that the people were shifting in favor of Trump from the earliest voting on, that a “potential” was arising that he might even win the popular vote as well as the electoral vote this time. I was feeling that time was going against Kamala Harris keeping her campaign moving forward because she is reticent to share with us who she is. And looking at all of this now in late October, all the signs are there that she’s in trouble, when a Democrat candidate for president has to sit with Dick Cheney’s right-wing daughter for help or to have former President Barack Obama do her no favor by dressing down male black voters not voting for her, which only are moving them towards Trump.
Kamala Harris has a major demographic demagnetizing problem. Men do not like her whatever is their racial color. But there’s still time for her to gain it back in the last days that remain as I rush to write this special and get it out to you all before 5 November comes, just in 11 more days from this moment composing the second article. By the time I get to writing article five doing an Election Day composite examination with her birth chart, my views on her future success or failure as a campaigner might have further evolved and greatly changed.
Now let’s look at what the Sun (ego), the Moon (emotions) and all the other planets are up to on that decisive day, Tuesday, 5 November 2024, when the final call to the Polls across this nation commences.
Sun in Scorpio 13 degrees
Ever since the inception of the United States, we go out to vote for a President and new Congress under the Sign of the regenerator, the transformer, the sign of the phoenix who dies into ash only to be resurrected again. Scorpio, this most powerful sign in the Astrological Zodiac. It is a good time under Scorpio to mark on election day’s findings a regeneration of a new presidential cycle as the current presidential cycle begins to die and be replaced, so that we choose to rise again to a new presidential cycle. And on each first Tuesday of November on 5 November 2024 we usually bring ourselves into a double-Scorpionic affair, given that, in my opinion, the most accurate Natal Chart of the United State at birth is 2:21 pm on 4 July 1776, giving the United States at birth its Ascendant, the sign of how it presents itself to the world wearing its inscrutable Scorpio mask at times, with a Scorpio ascendant Rising. In this case US Scorpio Rising at 8 degrees is in a strong 5-degree conjunction with the Election Day’s Sun Sign in Scorpio. So Election Day is going to be intense, very intense. Perhaps some violence too. A lot of powerful emotions on both sides of the Harris, Trump divide. Both sides will intend to restore the status quo as they see it, at the dismemberment of the other side. Both sides believe this is a Scorpionic “all or nothing”, “do or die” Election. Both sides want to put the political end of the other either in power or returning to power. This isn’t superficial. This is a deep and intense desire. Both sides would rather die than see the other win. But in the higher and evolved Scorpio Zeitgeist, all sides should pass through a Death and Resurrection moment of national clarity in that zero sum options always end with nothing good for both.
This is much more intense than four years ago on Election Day.
The atmosphere on this day is to take revenge on those it believes stole the 2020 election with fraudulent mail-in ballots, which indeed did happen. The amount of evidence is overwhelming, that is, if you see it in alternative media outlets because your mainstream media suppresses it.
Here are some videos to watch, but this is only the tip of the iceberg of serious concerns of fraud in the 2020 election, a fraud I predicted was coming:
If the side that did all the voter fraud doesn’t win by a new scheme of crowding millions of illegal aliens over the open southern border, paid by FEMA with shelter in hotels, given a driver’s license so they can vote and ,as fast as possible, do a fast-track move to make them “instant” citizens with the waving of a magic bureaucratic wand in a rush to citizenship “before” Election Day.
Gee, is such behavior normal, even legal?
Everybody will have America’s future on their minds, because Election Day is vibing hard the number 13 degrees in Scorpio, 13 being the number of the United State numerologically, 13 colonies become 13 states, 13 stars on the original “Old Glory” flag with 13 red and white stripes, etc.
Are such voter crimes, with additional complaints coming of spurious electronic voting fraud, going to cause a Scorpionic urge to civil strife not seen since the American Civil War to be born of this Election Day?
As Francis Sakoian and Louis S. Acker rightly explain that “Because Scorpios act with all their power, it is of utmost importance that they set out on the proper course from the start.”
The last Presidential election in 2020 definitely did not start on the right foot, and it could be repeated in 2024.
Sakoian and Acker continued, “They never deal with life superficially, and whatever they become involved with is generally of serious consequence. Sometimes their desire to do everything perfectly makes them unable to delegate responsibility, so they overwork themselves, seeking perfection in all details.”
So, to take this statement from the personal point of view to the collective tens of millions who have not already voted in early mailed in ballots, there will probably be a MASSIVE turnout of those on the Red Trump side to the polls on this election day, because they are definitely taking this Scorpionic mood with them as a life-or-death vote for the future of the nation. Many of them are voting for Trump even though he gives them great misgivings that he might repeat his channeling of the Deep State once again. There are a whole lot of people on both sides of the Blue versus Red, cold Civil War that we’ve been in since 2020, that are wanting this to be an all-in or not in at all stances is in part influenced by a lingering and malefic conjunction activated by a Native American generational curse appearing every 20 years under the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction. It is also known as the Curse of Tecumseh, named after the fallen leader of the defeated Native American Great Lakes Alliance fighting the invasion of the US European settlers in 1811.
Tenskwatawa, a shaman and the older brother of the commander, Tecumseh, upon hearing of his brother’s death and the alliances’ defeat by the white forces at the Battle of the Thames commanded by William Henry Harrison in October 1813, invoked a curse upon the white invaders and their leader.
Tenskwatawa foretold that the white tribe would lose a “Great White Chief” every generation (20 years) for what they had done to his people.
Indeed, they did, every 20 years, starting decades later in 1840, when the first of many US presidents was elected under the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction on election on years ending every 20 years in a “0.” The first of them being Tenskwatawa murderer in battle, the commander now voted in the election of 1840, President of the United States, William Henry Harris who died of pneumonia not a month into his first term. Lincoln elected in 1860, assassinated in his second term; Garfield elected in 1880, assassinated by an anarchist; McKinley elected n 1900, assassinated by another anarchist; Harding elected in 1920, died from a heart attack; Roosevelt, reelected to an unprecedented third term in 1940 under the Jupiter/Saturn Conjunction that seemed to give Tenskwatawa’s curse its celestial power, died of a brain aneurism early in his fourth term. Then came Kennedy, elected in 1960, famously assassinated live on a handheld home movie camera in Dallas from a possible CIA coup; Reagan was elected in 1980 and shortly after was shot by a lone gunman. He nearly bled out, but Reagan, for the first time since 1840 was a president under the conjunction’s curse who survived and recovered!
That seemed to have evolved Tecumseh’s curse in a new direction from then on. In 2000, Al Gore was “politically” assassinated, in part by his choking on continuing his pursuit of a Florida recount, that was counted the following year and proved he had one by 76 votes over G.W. Bush, who had been the first electorally illegitimate president in office for two terms.
And then came the last election, under a very powerful—biblical—set of astrological aspects playing with the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction over Election Day, 3 November, with Sun in Scorpio 11 degrees, two degrees tighter into a more intense conjunction with the US Natal Scorpio Ascendant at 8 degrees Scorpio.
At least this election day coming on 5 November is slightly less intense. On 3 November 2020, the Curse had evolved into denying the winner by electoral college from taking his second term. I know some will be yelling at me about saying that, crying foul, but answer me this: how can more people across the United States and its territories vote than are registered to vote?
I have objective grounds to make such a subjective claim. I was proven right in my prediction made in November 2000 that Al Gore did win if there had been a recount of Florida permitted. And I say to you that if a recount of all 50 states and territories of those stored ballots from 2020 is made, it will prove me right.
I foresaw that about Gore in 2000. Those political professors and scholars were interested enough in coming together to actually COUNT Florida State’s unrecounted ballots and they proved that Gore had won by 76 votes!
So I challenge all 50 states and territories to do a FAIR count the ballets from 2020, to prove me wrong. They are still there, waiting, packed and locked away in 50-plus warehouses across this troubled land and its territories.
Would even the purported “winners” stop being whiners about recounting the ballots?
Don’t you want to prove me wrong?
I want myself to be proven wrong.
I would love to see President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris truly certified as the winners, because it would mean real Americans, not fictional Americans stuffing ballots, elected him and Kamala Harris to their august offices. But with that recount not entertained, is stinks of a cover up of the greatest political crime in US history, a crime that fundamentally upends our ability to forever trust who wins in that election, and the election before us, we the American people, coming on 5 November.
And if fraud is called up again by either side that loses, we have birthed a black energy, of this decision born under Scorpio 13 degrees. A grim resolve may arise, or as Sakoian and Acker wrote: “Highly developed Scorpios are the most ardent defenders of justice, even in the face of death. Unlike Arians [those born in the Sign of Aires], who are also ruled by Mars and Pluto, they have tremendous staying power because they are in a fixed sign. They will see any matter through to the bitter end, regardless of the required effort and sacrifice.”
Moon in Sagittarius 28 degrees:
0 Hour (PST) 21 degrees (3am EST);
Noon (PST) 28 degrees (3pm EST)
What of the emotional collective mood on Election Day, in its Lunar “pie in the sky” hopes for total victory for one’s side, total political defeat for the other side. Inside the crustiness of this pie out of the sky is the apple of one’s eye, of one’s lofty and unrealistic ideals and ambitions, like” stand by your man” Trump, whatever happens. Like those single pointed about there must at last be a woman president. That the shape of genitalia is more important than whether this woman, hiding from hard interviews, weaving word salad cliches, is actually qualified to be president, a person that on 5 November, for the first time in her effort to become president will actually get votes that aren’t from only Barack Obama’s one vote that got Kamala Harris picked in a coup to retire Biden from the race, the same Kamala Harris who until 5 November has never received a single vote in the Democratic Primaries to have earned—rather than be appointed—a presidential candidate by one former president.
If the blue side loses, this Election Day will activate a diaspora to foreign lands, that a Moon in wander-lusty Sagittarius, might see many a Hollyweird superstar go on a trip to foreign lands in self-imposed exile. If the Orange Man wins many a political celebrity might seek a long four-year vacation abroad to avoid legal retribution, if you are Mr. Bill Gates as one example, or Mark “Sucker-burger” if the pro-Red Free Speech crowd of Republicans and Independents clutch free speech out of the hands of those behind Harris, who would send Musk and X into “X-ile” to Moon over Sagittarius’ love of travel and settling down in foreign lands.
Mercury in Sagittarius 3 degrees
Mercury “the messenger” from the mind and intellect that it rules on Election Day wants by the power of the ballot to draw up a new code of social and political behavior that upholds for one side the empowerment of virtue signaling, wokism, equity, millions of undocumented Aliens coming across the Southern US Border to vote in this election even if they are illegally allowed to do so against the laws of this Republic of the United States of America, even if in the wake of this invasion of millions of people are some of the worst criminals and South American gangs getting through to set up their mayhem in this land that cannot stand if its laws are ignored, or its Bill of Rights reinterpreted as one wishes to reinterpret them beyond their meaning. Thus is the danger on Election Day of this agenda being voted through, all of the above are in play under a Mercury on Election Day that is in Sagittarius in its Fall, its Detriment. What mitigates this detrimental positioning is Mercury’s two trines with Mars and the True North Node. More on those a little later.
Venus in Sagittarius 21 degrees
Again, we have a yearning and a leaning to ideals rather than realities, what we want rather than what is practicable through voting it in. The desire to convert the majority of votes in this election, which are neither Republicans or Democrats but Independent voters to their sides of this Blue versus Red divide, will decide whether Trump or Harris are the victors at least in those votes that are “legally” tendered, rather than the tens of thousands in battleground states that decided to rise from the dead in cemeteries to place their “late” name on a ballot for or against these candidates for President. The outcome of months of attempts to convert men to vote for Kamala Harris, as well as the ballot result judging success or a failure to resolve other Venusian issues, will depend a lot more on how Harris’ and Trump’s birth aspects play with the Election Day stars that we’ll study in the following two chapters of astrological assessments of both, and Venus plays big in both their charts for better and worse.
Mars in Leo 0 degrees
With Mars in Leo we see the fortunes of voter confidence, and whether that confidence has a stability of collective will to win for one side this election. That will be decided later by the aspects Mars has on Election Day and they are powerful ones, but to whom do they favor.
Jupiter in Gemini 20 degrees – Retrograde (Rx)
Now we look at the five outer planets all in retrograde on Election Day. The theme is “Reviewing” how we got here from 2020, and what went wrong, what went right in these five dimensions of what these four planets and one True North Node hint at.
Jupiter in Gemini will mark whether Harris or Trump has the edge in tipping the centrists, the Independent voting majority to tilt to one or the other’s camp given the Jupiter effect of being more open minded to consider either Harris as a better choice or see them swing more to giving Trump a second chance at being president, if they believe he has learned from his mistakes or foibles from his last four-year season of his “Celebrity Apprentice President.” The winner will have won over a majority of the independent voters through Jupiter’s will to expand knowledge and be more curious and investigative, and also skeptically inquiring than those locked into Republican or Democrat dogma as card carrying party members.
In the final week before the election, Trump was interviewed on the Joe Rogan Experience for three hours, wherein he publicly and with ease listed his worse mistakes during his first four years as president. A hopeful sign indeed for his next four years being perhaps much better. We will see. This interview could be a game changer in this race. Here are the other highlights: (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7). (8), (9), (10), (11), (12), (13), (14), (15),
A retrograde Jupiter, promotes reviews and rethinking, taking a new look at Harris or Trump one last time before casting ballots.
Jupiter is in its Detriment in Gemini though in the remotest air element opposed to the Sign of Sagittarius which it rules. Who struggles with the detriment and succeeds to communicate their agenda swaying voters to the Harris or Trump camp will be key on Election Day. We will later see which candidate’s birth sign aspects lean in either’s favor.
Saturn in Pisces 12 degrees – Retrograde (Rx)
Saturn is wrongly called “the Grim Reaper” of the Zodiac by a majority of us who wish to believe our illusions and delusions are, or at least should be, supported. But if you are a person who seeks the truth, whether it is uncomfortable to you or not, Saturn is your greatest friend! Saturn doesn’t limit you, just your delusions that aren’t real
The “Witnessing Consciousness” of passing and impermanent you, your ego, your visit in a dream body in this universe, which is a vast play of dualities, let Saturn be your guide inside to discover your Eternal Reality that was never born and therefore never dies in an impermanent Universe that is like waves rising and falling from a vast, invisible, fathomless Ocean. You might shape a wave called your life, but inside that moving wave rising at birth, peaking, then passing away, is ever the Whole Oceanic reality, present and eternal.
Saturn in Pisces is engaged in a retrograde reflection, a review of what is expansively the Truth, and also what is only limitations of illusions about this Election Day’s mass media messaging that influences your early voting and Election Day’s voting for truth and fact, or is it feeding you illusions and delusions as truth and fact?
The hard karma of illusion comes for a reckoning with truth over falsehoods in review.
A lot of people are going to the polls on Election Day filled with fear and anxiety for the future that would have the candidate they don’t vote for winning. This is not like other elections for them. They can feel that if the candidate they don’t want winning will ruin their lives, destroy the economy, take away their freedoms. There is a lot of fear for the uncertain future coming. Moreover, many people are so fearful that they are weighed down with an anguish approaching a psychological disorder, like Trump Derangement Syndrome, or K.A., Kamala Angst.
However Saturn is not afflicted on Election Day as we will see later.
Uranus in Taurus 25 degrees – Retrograde (Rx), In its Fall/Detriment
Depending on what side you are on in this election, be utterly surprised by the outcome, for one side in a good way, for the other, completely shocked, possibly to the point of violence and riotous way.
My recent set of 11 articles published not long ago on 21 October made much of how world events, especially as to what the fate of Israel and Israelis will be, does to upend them, will have a great impact on who wins or loses on Election Day through their undo financial influence on the election results and to what later happens over the next two years. The reason being a conjunction of Uranus 25 degrees on Election Day in a tight conjunction with the Israeli Sun sign in Taurus on Election Day at 23 degrees. Moreover, how should that harmonious and alleviating trine with Pluto in Capricorn 29 degrees be thus marred by a very toxic set of squares that upend US/Israeli strategic fortune coming from the architect of an oncoming disaster, himself!
Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin (Bibi) Netanyahu decides to risk destroying his own country in a desperate bid not only to keep Israel’s war going so to avoid a life prison sentence for corruption, but by making any outrage gambled, he can widen the war, dragging the US and its armed forces into the conflict with Iran, for Israel’s sake.
I write this passage for Uranus on 26 October, the morning after Israel launched its aerial strike on Iran with a purported 100 fighter bombers, many of which were fueled in transit towards Iran over Syrian and Iraqi airspace by US Airforce tanker jets. The strike “before” the US election did take place before the election as I foresaw.
And it was unsuccessful. I watched Iranian air defensives take out incoming Israeli drones and missiles with deadly efficiency. It has been confirmed what I had felt was the case, Russia a few months ago began loading up Iran with S-400 anti-ballistic, anti-cruise and missile batteries that are the finest in the world. This is also a defeat in American made arms, missiles F16Is and F-35 “super-dooper” jets, so far.
With that said, Israel may be learning from their mistakes and will fire off more effective attacks any moment or so, down the road to the Election, but right now, all the signs are that their much bragged about deadly attack did not roar like a lion but was a mouse that squeaked. I believe Iran for now will not escalate, wait, and watch as Israel on its other self-sought six of seven fronts, Iran being the seventh. Just watch all those wars eat Israeli men, material, and the economy up in wars of attrition it cannot win. This war is on track to drag on for years as my Oracle foretold in my recent previous HogueProphecy Report. For the near future, I’m hopeful that no great attack from Iran and no silly and deadly outrage assassination act by Netanyahu will switch on doomsday escalating escalator during the coming election at least. But after? That’s another story.
Whoever wins this election is financially compromised and manipulated by the Israelis and controlled by the very toxic influence astrologically of Netanyahu’s chart with the Uranus/Israel Sun Sign conjunction, that I studied in great detail in my 21 October HogueProphecy Report, that will go on gripping and releasing, gripping and releasing disasters for Israel and the US all the way through 2026!
Neptune in Pisces 27 degrees – Retrograde (Rx)
The mass medium’s the message here with Neptune returning to its home sign since 2011. After the election polls close there will be a retrograding need to assess what our technological advances in media have done less to inform, more to propagate illusions because the outcome of this election will be shocking to many, a pleasant and unforeseen outcome by the mainstream media for others.
True North Node in Aries 6 degrees – Retrograde (Rx)
Think of this aspect as how one navigates one’s life through challenges either staying true to your destiny’s course or losing your destiny’s way. Being in Aries on Election Day denotes if positively aspected, as we will later check below, a openness to embarking on a new enterprise, political in this case. If afflicted, it means embarking on a new enterprise without being true to your destiny’s ever constant North Star for plotting your course.
Pluto in Capricorn 29 degrees
We end with the great ruler of generational, epochal cycles of history has ended the American Epoch of 248 years since America’s birth in 1776 encompassed. As I wrote earlier, it is afflicted on Election Day , much of it through the lingering if not deepening, and mutually US bi-partisan bad karmic choices made in the new war that in 2020 I clearly foresaw President Biden through his afflicted squares with expansive Jupiter in his chart, would get the United States into that despite all vigorous attempts to make Trump get into potentially three wars during his term in office failed to achieve. But not with geriatric, demented Joe, who I was warning the American people since 2018 not to elect him because he was descending into dementia.
I foresaw in my book, John Hogue’s 2020 Presidential Predictions that Biden as president would definitely resume the malicious and dangerous tradition of getting America into another forever war and that it would be “the big one” meaning a Third World War.
On Election Day 5 November 2024, Americans go to the polls at a time when World War III, started since February 2022, has been in what I call its “conventional phase.” But that can now change in an instant. The most dangerous days are ahead of us. They could herald the end of Israel as a political state. They will mark the rapid decline and implosion of US hegemony over the Earth.
Thus speaks Pluto, Lord of the Underworld of human unconscious motivations that have already set in motion the end of American Empire under the winner of this election, coming down the next four years.
United_States_of_America_Flag_-_Stars_and_Stripes_Photo-Nan-Palmero, San Antoinio TX-cc2.0-genericl-license

Photo: Nan Palmero, San Antonio, Texas. © Creative Commons.
Now let’s examine the specific aspects in play on Election Day. I only will comment on the primary aspects of squares, oppositions, conjunctions, sextiles and trines—I neither do minor aspects like semi-sextiles, semi-squares and quincunxes, nor use the flotsam of asteroid or stationary stars. Less is more in my view of the stars on Election Day forecasts.
That leaves us with 14 aspects to consider on Election Day 2024.
Moon in Sagittarius 21-28 degrees, Conjunct
Venus in Sagittarius 21 degrees
For those who aren’t versed in astrology, the Moon is the fastest moving celestial object per every 24-hour period so any ephemeris will mark the 0 Hour (Midnight) to Noon to help people get a reference to mark their own time zones. Because I live in the Pacific Northwestern corner of America in the wet and raining western half of Washington State, all my markings in this book for the Election Day is set to Pacific Standard Time on 5 November 2024. Thus, for the election’s four time zones 0 Hour for me is 11pm, 11/4/24 Alaska Time, 2am and 3am Central and Eastern Standard Time. Noon Pacific standard time is 11am Alaska, 2pm Central and 3pm Eastern Standard Time. Though I’m being pedantic, it is important to calculate the Moon’s transit through the day and how it hits on off or hot times for crowds of people to vote either before or after work is through. Will early voters or late be more emotionally influenced by an aspect with the Moon. The answer to this rhetorical question for Venus, being is “yes.” Lesser so for the other two aspects, one being the slow moving, distant Planet Neptune, the other being True North Node.
This conjunction of Venus if standing alone would usually open us up on Election Day to exude an atmosphere far more tactful and sensitive than I think will be happening, given that the Moon on Election Day suffers from two powerful squares in Neptune (the mass messenger muddled) and with the True North Node (losing our true navigation point). See immediately below:
Moon in Sagittarius 21-28 degrees, Square
Neptune in Pisces 27 degrees, Rx (Retrograde)
Two hard afflictions suffer the Moon on Election Day’s emotional stability of voters wary of each other’s opposing Red and Blue side in the tale of two squares. The first in this Sagittarian Moon squared Neptune. The mass media message (Neptune) is beset on both sides of the pro and con mainstream media’s attempt to keep and affliction deepening of a defensive, even tribal narrow mindedness viewing their opposites.
We have the affliction that is caused by generations of American voters descending into an emotionally strong, but intellectually weak illiteracy concerning their Bill of Rights, as Sakoian and Acker wrote with my inserted bracketed comments, “If the Moon is afflicted in Sagittarius, there can be narrow-minded sectarian views…”
[Have you noticed how politics in our American times has taken on a quality of a religious cult, one puts faith over fact, belief over realities and hope in very flawed human beings like Trump or Harris will find their maturity to be our leaders. We will deny the hopelessness of Trump’s dangerous open-channel influence by the deep state, his erratic changes of mind and mood, and his blind faith in Zionism unto and all the way to possibly a nuclear war. On the other side is a woman who has no mind of her own, who is a perfect, empty-headed medium for the Deep State. She will do whatever they want her to do to please them like a political whore. But we will hope that with power she will change, she will find her maturity. Even I tried to press that blind hope I had in her to see the job of Vice President to President inspire some impossibly distant potential in her chart saw a great Madame President rather than someone who works under a “Madame” Clinton of the Deep State house of sin. You will see what I stretched too far to incongruity four years ago in a passage quoted in the next chapter. I really wanted her to be a good leader, but I witnessed it, already aware of “my” personal pie in the sky fey hope as I typed it down.]. Back to Sakoian and Acker, repeating the last line:
““If the Moon is afflicted in Sagittarius, there can be narrow-minded sectarian views, combined. With arrogance and an egotistical, holier-than-thou attitude. Natives also tend to identify with particular social values for personal, unconsciously motivated, emotional reasons and thus lack objectivity in their view of social issues…”
In a collective understanding of this Loony Sagittarius Moon’s affliction by square, people on the Blue and the Red side are both arrogant about the dust mote in the eye of the other while a whole Sagittarian’s arrow shaft of wood is stuck in their own eye, completely denied. There is such arrogance thrown about by the candidates for each other, have you noticed? The people are choosing the next president out of a narrow perception of their own social values, where one side has no qualms about having their candidate disparage Free Speech as a right that should only by a privilege, that is “OUR” side’s privilege, while we shut up and shut down the opposition’s right to free speech. From this angle the Blue side voting for Harris is a vote against Free Speech being a right, but only “their” privilege. And I predict if she wins you who supporter will eventually also lose your freedom of speech as your karmic consequence. I know many of you in the Blue will hate me and what I’m saying. Prophecy requires that I risk much to tell you about a future you are blindly walking into. And if the blind leadeth the blind with a complete lack of objectivity in your view of social issues and the US constitutional rights that must allow ALL people the right of free speech, you, them, everyone. If you walk with Kamala Harris down the slippery slope of selective Free Speech and selective censorship you will make all of us in America repent the next four years of darkness and tyranny you have inadvertently voted into office with your applause on 20 January 2025. And I say this to you well aware of the faults of the opposite, the Trump, that you hate with a blind fury that is almost a mental collapse in the making.
Being in retrograde it is time for both sides to reexamine the blind faith and mistakes, even the “anybody but Trump” in 2020, unto even cheating his opposition into office” that has made the last four years a disaster for the future of the United States. A crime against our electoral system. Do not do the “anybody but” mistake again in 2024, or you may see the breakup of these now “disunited” States of America.
Neptune is in Pisces in a squared retrograde with the Sagittarian Moon on Election Day. As much as I am deeply in harmony with Sakioan and Acker, in their first edition of the classic “The Astrologer’s Handbook” they succumbed to New Age generalities concerning Neptune’s positive “pie in the sky” potentials without mentioning its potential afflictions.
They are otherwise correct about the transit of Neptune in its home Sign of Pisces sees revolutions in mass communication, cyberspace and especially the cinema arts of special effects and motion capture, I.A. that has revolutionized the concept of the total “multimedia” artwork first conceived and performed on stage by Richard Wagner during the last passage of Neptune through Pisces in 1848-YEAR. Upon its return in 2011-early 2026 cycle this revolution in art communication can be seen in James Cameron being the “Wagner” of our time with his Avatar epic. However, what Sakoian and Acker miss is how A.I. in the hands of the political mindsets can be used to control the masses in their messaging, to make facsimiles of Trump or Harris doing and saying things neither has said or done. A.I. art in our time is replacing the human artist with elaborate but soulless facsimiles of great art.
So, beware of what this period can also potentially threaten a media technology that can change election results to favor one candidate from another, or manipulate with great sophistication an election outcome through more subtle machines of fakery.
In short, the results in the Neptunian mass messaging of the outcome of this election will be rejected by the losers of it, and if the winners, Trump or Harris show some Neptunian reflection in the retrograde about how not to negatively impact mass messaging from the previous and current transit of Neptune through Pisces, they will expose the “hidden enemies of this planet ruling the unconscious the secret, the hidden fakery, by the victor of the 2024 election summoning ALL states and territories to do an independent accounting of every ballot and every vote in all 50 states in 2024.
This distant planet also effects the collective Moon, voting based on fantasies overtly negative or overtly positive depending on what the pro or negative Mainstream Media pitch has been. So many people will be voting based on their emotional charge rather than reason. It also denotes in a collective danger of a whole lot of ballot-bungling, mess-ups. Disruptions caused by illegal aliens flashing drivers’ licenses given to them by the Biden/Harris administration so they can vote when they are illegally in country. In California, I hear they are going to let anyone vote without even showing any ID. Hence there are going to be a lot of fake votes that will either pad a Harris victory or turn what “legally” was a Trump landslide into a very tight and possibly disputed election. Confusion reigns in our broken electoral system! Until I compare the aspects of the two leading candidates at birth with the Election Day planets and aspect later in Articles 5 and 6, we’ll then know if illegal acts of Federal offenses will be lighter or heavier than back in 2020.
Moon in Sagittarius 6 degrees, Square
True North Node in Sagittarius 21 degrees
Now to the Sagittarian Moon on Election Day’s other “Cusp” square, with the North Node in Aries, meaning that they achieve a 90-degree Square with the Moon just about to enter Capricorn while the North Node is already stationed in Aries at the first 6 degrees ready for it to be fit for squaring.
In this case on Election Day, the election will ride the social disruption and political extremism that makes Harris and Trump voters unrealistically demand that their way is the only way politically for all. This extremism is more so in the Harris camp for at least the Trump camp is pro-freedom of speech given that Trump is endorsed by the wealthiest man on Earth Elon Musk who champions free speech as a right not as the Harris camp wants to censor that right, take down Musk’s free speech platform in cyberspace because they feel it is too messy, freedom and those in power should redefine this right as a privilege. Even a former Secretary of State in Obama’s administration and Biden’s current Global Warming “Czar” John F. Kerry, a staunch one-worlder ruler, at Davos Switzerland, the Berchtesgaden mountain retreat of the Claus Schwab openly lamented that the US First Amendment needs to be changed because giving people free speech makes them “ungovernable”—read uncontrollable by a plutocratic ruling elite—that is why Kerry endorses Kamala Harris as the next US President because that is her view as well.
It must be remembered that True North for an individual’s life as much as a collective nation’s life span, indicates how the nation and its people navigates the life of the nation, and with luck and good aspects to fulfill its great destiny, or, by a square’s compassionate warning constantly harps upon a danger that will be a reality if there is a side seeking to win complete power of the presidency and the Congress to “reinterpret” the Constitution according to their own biased view at the detriment of half the nation that doesn’t interpret the First Amendment like they do, that free speech, no matter how ugly or rude as well as good, and insightful, must only be remedied by MORE FREE SPEECH, not less. Not a self-appointed President by the Deep State taking over the Constitutional role of the US Supreme Court to interpret the Constitution any damn way they want to for their political profit and agenda.
And that, as a forecaster—and not a partisan—not a Trump supporter at all, makes it imperative for the sake of the future’s truth coming that I’ve foreseen and done so accurately in my long career as a forecaster, must point to the greatest danger of these two dangerous choices for President, Harris or Trump, I must point the more dire finger of fate in the direction of the Harris campaign, that might set the stage for either a Cold or Hot Second Civil War if more literacy in the Constitution is not forthcoming from the Kerry’s and the Harrises on this most important Election Day in US history. It could be the last Election in US history.
Mercury in Sagittarius 3 degrees, Trine
Mars in Leo 0 degrees
Lots and lots of thinking going on, about this election! And this time around, given that the mainstream media in four years has lost a lot of credibility with both sides, there’s more effort in enough voters to consider alternative media outlets to discover different views and facts the MSM is loath to share the public.
That is why I predict that the last public commons bought and controlled by billionaires, that has not, like Facebook and Google and YouTube, become censorship fiendly leaves a sizable number of Americans being pulled to the richest man in the world, Elon Musk’s new and free-speech improved public forum that he owns, the former Wokish Twitter, that had all the woke people, 80,000 of them, fired and replaced by free speech believers with Twitter’s new name “X.” My goodness, Twitter was crowded with virtue signalers and shadow banners, few of which even knew how to make computer code but spent their time witch hunting through their customers, pulling platforms off. Then Musk came, threw in 40 billion dollars and fired all that, and now AT LAST, the blue lettered clarifications from X administrators do a bang-up good job exposing fake or inaccurate opinions. They don’t ban them, they use free speech AND SOURCES too, to illuminate when a story is inaccurate, or a photo or video clip is dated to something else that happened years ago, not today, etc.
Tens of million of US voters are checking the mainstream media using X just as a Mercury (AKA Hermes, Greek messenger of the Greek Gods) with a Sagittarian love of free speech and general freedom will, I so predict, make Elon Musk’s X a game changer in who wins this election on 5 November because although there’s a lot of mess and farce in democracy’s reality of freedom of speech, you can find what it true, what the MSM doesn’t want you to find, such as how much Kamala Harris is passionately engaged and promising if President to monitor Free Speech down to a privilege, not a right whether what you say doesn’t agree with her censors of it. Vice President Walz too! He’s also very bullish on watching and controlling your right of free speech to a “privilege.”
Conversely, while the MSM is defining Trump only negatively, calling him Hitler, people can do that on X too, but they get challenged with debate and facts. Not just emotional hearsay.
It is thanks to X that 2020 voter fraud evidence has a place to be seen. X is where I get to actually hear and see Robert F. Kennedy Jr. share his view on things I agree and sometimes very much disagree with, such as his blind embracing of Zionism, where he seems blocked about the Palestinian Genocide going on. OK he’s human, but I many millions who will vote on 5 November also get a chance to weigh what we don’t like with what we do from this man who I didn’t even know has been a good friend of Donald Trump for years, and is happy to tell everyone on X how detailed and often has been Trump’s private conversations with Bobby about all the things he did wrong in his last try at being president, like blindly following the neocons, the Denizens of the Washington Deep State Swamp and sharing Trump’s idea of selecting solid men, and women like Tulsi Gabbard and other Democrats rejected by the current “puritan” woke party bosses to become if Trump is elected part of his cabinet of rivals. Yeah, Trump reads. He is a big fan of Abraham Lincoln and wants to do what he did, surround himself with adults that don’t have to blindly love him but can disagree with him.
If your source of what’s going on in the world in Fox or CNN you’re selectively from the right or the left biases, not getting the whole story that you get on X.
And I believe “X” is going to decide who wins this election because of it.

Montage on 7 October Trump Rally with Elon Musk dancing on the podium platform.
Mercury in Sagittarius 3 degrees, Trine
True North in Aries 6 degrees, Rx
The True North Node supports a freedom loving, rebellious Sagittarian Mercury on Election Day with more ease and harmony. I think what Sakoian and Acre wrote in the first editions of The Astrologer’s Handbook back in the early 1960s is applicable to what the X phenomenon will do on Election Day: “This configuration gives skill in understanding prevailing social attitudes, trends, and institutions. Consequently, the natives communicate with the public to their advantage. If favors those who work in the mass media-promoters and others who must gain public acceptance for their ideas. Politicians, who deal with media to reach the media to reach the public, are especially favored, as are sociologists.”
Trump is a populist, a people guy, and love him or hate him he knows media and skillfully uses it. Harris is an elitist, above the people, talking in word salads, avoiding hard questions with them. Obama picked her to run and win the presidency, without test of a democratic election. She has stepped up to become your president, entitled to be your president, without passing the stress test of winning one single vote in the Iowa Caucus, the first to drop out of the Democratic Primaries. She could only get Obama’s vote in her march to the presidency, and it doesn’t democratically count. It’s her new “Willie Brown” sugar daddy without bedroom privileges. King Maker Obama’s elitist vote in a coup to take Biden out of the running replaced her with Biden’s void of mind with an intellectual lightweight who often merely recites the same rehearsed bromides, like, “I was raised in a Middle-Class family…” “I once worked at MacDonalds” of which there is no proof of that. What does Trump do? He puts on an apron and works a shift at MacDonalds broadcast all over America.
This is nothing new about him. He used to show up often at his own Trump Hotels and be a bell hop. He gets his hands dirty alongside the people. Yes, he can be vulgar, “like the people.” But that is his edge, and despite the truly illegal attempts to appoint Harris into the presidency with fake and illegal alien balloting, X has given Trump the chance to get more real votes.
Oh, and one more thing, I’m not a Trump supporter saying this. Trump will never get my vote. Full disclosure, I will take my vote away from Harris by voting for another Third-Party Candidate I’ve voted for before. If the Democratic Party didn’t cast out Tulsi Gabbard, I would be voting for her for president in 2024. In 2020, I made Gabbard my write-in vote for president, cast in protest to the choices tendered.
I think X on Election Day gives Trump a real chance to be voted by real citizens of the United States than criminals and illegally entered people from the Southern Border that the Biden/Harris administration has willfully and continually financed to bring to the voting polls. Those poor people are not loved by them, I mean specifically Biden/Harris, and their handlers in the Deep State represented by Obama and Clinton’s camps in the cabinet. They all are just using them.
I can’t vote for Kamala because I just don’t know who she is. And she avoids showing herself, she works hard at it. Watch how even CNN’s all-in Harris enabler and supporter Anderson Cooper, even he was getting frustrated with her not answering but deferring away from ever question with barrages of sing-songy-spongy word salads. Cooper finally did his job and pressed her hard about how often in the past Harris declared the wall Trump built along the Mexican border as just stupid. But now, she’s saying she’s going to get bi-partisan support to use the same budget Trump had arranged to finish building the Wall once she’s president. (See this video analyzing the Town Hall Meeting by world class journalist Glenn Greenwald).
Anderson pressed her again and again about why she now supports Trump’s wall after calling it stupid in the past. Watch how she awkwardly evades the question again and again.
“We don’t know who she is!”
That is the common question of voters left, center and right. And it is making them baulk at voting for her. We’ll be looking deep at her composite aspects with the astrology and aspects of 5 November in Article 6, coming up. Is there someone in there that might make me, and others change our minds and vote for her, like some substance, any substance?
Venus in Sagittarius 21 degrees, Opposing
Jupiter in Gemini 20 degrees, Rx
I mentioned that Jupiter being in Gemini might sway the key independent voters one way or the other may be more at odds with Harris Why does she tell us what she’s going to do for us, not the other way around, like you should vote for her, yeah for her sake but what do we get if we do? Why are you hiding behind the annoying over-the-top and nervy kackling Kamala moments? Again, I’ve seen her seem quite capable presenting herself as a lawyer, and later a California State Attorney General. Her case record aside, she seems far more at ease being a lawyer than a politician. These issues will be up front in people’s minds going to the polls on Election Day under this near exact Venus, Gemini opposition with a 1-degree orb of influence.
With that said we will also see similar aspects that turn off people from voting for Trump as we dig deeper into Trump and Harris’ personality flaws directly.
Venus in Sagittarius 21 degrees, Square
Neptune in Pisces 27 degrees, Rx
This square also goes directly against Harris with the more skeptical independent voter, and it ends up a potential karmic comeuppance Election Day given all the Democrat leaders like Barack Obama who are trying to shame men for not voting for her, or doubting, her, with the unsaid but ever-present judgment that they are misogynist if they don’t vote for her. Neptune rules the success or failure of mass crowd messaging. The Harris political handlers and Obama have really failed at this subtle disrespect for an individual that they merely regard as a tool, a thing that should vote the way “they” believe they should. Where there’s should, the squares have a negative karmic reaction field day.
Obama himself has a Neptune problem. It is his chief affliction, being born under the sign of his Sun ego essence squared Neptune makes him ever take up an “I will win you over” challenge to any set of men, women, voters or skeptical black male voters and when Obama is openly opposed, like he was just a few weeks after winning his first term trying to win over the Conservative Republican leadership and media moguls and anchors at a sumptuous dinner. Obama should have got the message when they all openly rejected his wooing, making it clear in so many words that they didn’t want “the black man” to succeed and they’d do all they could in their power to hamstring his forward progress and make him a failed, one-term president.
He ignored that clear threat and just kept putting on the charm hard and harder, eventually squandering ALL his political capital down the next two years and kept wasting time trying to win the conservative leaders while he forgot to strength his own Democrat base in the effort.
What I saw him doing before that ring of skeptical black mail voters was a butt-squirmer, trying to talk like he was hip, using “the brothers” for the first time I’ve ever heard him play that one and it went down really, really bad, not helping Kamala Harris at all in this race.
That is the state of Obama under the delusion of the Sun-Neptune Square. It is the kind of square that if you bring great awareness to your blindsided faults of your “gut feelings” going all wrong. I’ve seen people with this hardest of squares become authentic BS-meter savvy about themselves and others.
To be fair, Trump has his own problems with this square as I mentioned earlier and as he would understand, put in Trumpese, “It is HEEYOOOJ, let me tell you!”
Mars in Leo 0 degrees, Trine
Neptune 27 degrees, Rx
Mars in Leo gets a harmonious boost with this trine with Neptune as ruler of the “mass medium’s the message to the candidate with good political and populist instinct as well as sensing danger, such as getting shot in Butler, feeling that assassin’s bullet graze your ear and you duck like a “martial” a soldier, then standing up defiantly of death, with your fist up, yelling, “Fight! Fight!! Fight!!”
Whomever has used the media right, and with innovation, gets their themes and intentions out there, will be formidable in the memories of people who will vote for him or her.
The people at the polls under this Mars-Neptune Trine, they will be helped in their masses to know who is sincere and who is not sincere to vote for.
Mars in Leo 0 degrees, Opposing
Pluto in Capricorn 29 degrees
Political conflict can come if these candidates do not fall to the political temptation expressed by Sakoian and Acker clearly to abuse Pluto’s power over the collective nation, the American people, by falling to the temptation of this aspect, which is, “for personal, selfish aggrandizement, represented by Mars. In extreme cases, this can result in the demoniac, the individual of extreme violence.”
This is one of Trump’s worse ego flaws if remembered by voters, will give him difficulty at the polls. And what Sakoian and Acker write next is potentially prophetic for him as a president in the past and possibly in the future if his open channeling problems aren’t influenced like before with Deep State manipulators in his cabinet.
“The natives must learn how to use power correctly because their actions will have far-reaching consequences for themselves as well as for others.”
I’m constantly reminding the people in the Trump camp who thanks to his Sun-Neptune Square with the US chart, put their blind faith in him. As the song goes, they “Stand by their man” without wanting to see his foibles, his weaknesses of character empowered by the office of the president.
They hold onto the statement that Trump is the first president since Jimmy Carter, that “didn’t” get the US into a forever war. On the surface, that’s true, but Trumpers, listen up, your man being very psychically malleable by evil members of the Deep State in his last term who know how to manipulate Trump, making him their channel, almost got the US into THREE wars in his first four years! And it is just by pure dumb luck, the luck of his magically powerful True North Node, that in the last minute he steered himself and the nation away from starting wars with Iran that might have made HIM the author of a thermonuclear war.
His true aversion to conflict is a great virtue about him, but he can be psychically manipulated, even when his true heart is against war and killing. From what I hear he’s become aware of this problem, this character flaw. But the proof will be in his actions. If he surrounds himself with Deep State Denizens of the Washington Swamp, then they’ve got him psychically back again in their grip and, as Sakoian and Acker warned us back in the early 1960s, “it will have far-reaching consequences for themselves as well as for others,” and I would add, like this current “conventional phase” of World War III going thermonuclear.
We will see later whether aspects in his chart favor or foul him in our Election Day/Trump Natal composite chart in Article 6.
Mars in Leo 0 degrees, Trine
True North Node in Sagittarius 5 degrees, Rx
This trine could come to his aid on Election Day, for Trump indeed has a phenomenally strong physical constitution and stamina that is unique to anything I have seen or experienced in my rich life and travels over this Earth. It is hard to believe how much energy he has, how he can meet and greet friend or foe, having a terrific golf swing for a man who is a few years away from eighty years old. As I watched him playing the other day with a golf pro, I noticed as he did that age has made his swing a little more customized to compensate for an aging body, but hey! Something’s working because I know a lot of young golfers that can’t land a golf ball with their iron or wood so close to the hole like that again and again!
Sakoian and Acker wrote the following which defines Trump to the tee: “The natives’ strength and directness inspire confidence in others and gain their cooperation. They lead active lives, are quick in their responses, and accomplish much. Men are especially favored, since the aspect strengthens the traditional masculine virtues of physical power and ambition.”
That is Donald J. Trump! Moreover, this election’s version of the “soccer mom” effect that helped Republican GW Bush win a second term and not John Kerry’s his first in 2004, has a new demographic that will be pivotal to Trump’s victory. You won’t hear much about it because this demographic doesn’t want to sweat other peoples’ judgments or catch hell from the women in their life: the “Man Vote” effect. Men who are sick and tired of this woke movement politically empowered by Joe Biden “and” Kamala Harris have had enough with male virtues being emasculated.
And like real men will often do, they’ll take stock of the situation, keep their own council, go to the early voting, to the final voting on Election Day, and vote for a MAN, warts and all. And if I’m right about this premonition, and the Demographic Party Leadership’s real conspiracy to win this election by cheating through letting in at least 7,000,000 illegal aliens into the country just to make this nation a one-party system doesn’t succeed with this mass felony ballot steal, it will be those quiet men who just get up and go to the polls and legally make Trump happen rather than Harris.
They just don’t like her Cali-phony-ness. And they might think also that there are whole lot of great and strong women out there that can lead this nation, that welcome the challenge of hard interviews rather than hide and avoid them, and if the Democratic Party had chosen such a woman—hell! the Democrats HAD such a candidate in Tulsi Gabbard, but they kicked her out of the party. And in her place is the walking and talking “void” that is Kamala Harris. I think Gabbard, if the Democratic Party had embraced her, would have been a more formidable opponent against Trump in the 2024 election. She would have got a big man vote. Now such women like Gabbard have found a home in the Republican Party.
The following and last three outer planets, Pluto in direct course with Uranus, Neptune in retrogrades wish the voter’s review the foreign policy gaffs for the past four years of the Biden/Harris Administration and also the earlier Trump Administration: in other words, Trump’s weakness as a wide-open channel under the influence of Israeli Zionist AIPAC/Adelson lobbying an influence on him supporting Israel. There is another Zionist source even harder for him to see clearly stemming from his daughter Ivanka, whom he is very close to. She has fallen in love and married her husband Jared Kushner, who can exert a core Zionist influence over the United States under Trump. He’s the boy that used to have to share his bedroom with the future longest serving prime minister of Israel when he was frequently visiting New Jersey and New York, Bibi Netanyahu!
That situation is a problem. Channeling his daughter’s husband, his son in law, is a person through which the Trump off-and-on channel can and will be manipulated to serve Zionist Israel’s needs over Americans needs. And we will see in later articles in this thread what ways the stars on Election Day might temper or make worse voting him into manipulation by Israel or not, as president.
Remember, these aspects may influence the voters’ choice to pick him over Harris. We’ll see by how much the voters’ collective choice pick him or Harris and which one, both being President #47, will work best as an empty amoral vessel to the Deep State, as this number implies by its Kabbalistic numerology vibration.
Uranus 25 in Taurus 25 degrees, Rx, Sextile
Neptune in Pisces 27 degrees, Rx
Will this sextile of Neptune (mass message ruler) soften the alarming and undue influence of Prime Minister Netanyahu, who also has a good composite chart to Trump’s chart. They get each other. No more grumpy Biden issues there, but Astrology God’s help me, the main celestial objects, like Netanyahu’s Libra Sun, Moon, and Neptune are in a dreadful square aspect with Netanyahu’s Jupiter 24 degrees in Capricorn, corrupting all the good that this sextile of Uranus 25 degrees in Taurus has with:
Uranus 25 in Taurus 25 degrees, Rx, Trine
Pluto in Capricorn 29 degrees
And also:
Neptune in Pisces 27 degrees, Rx Sextile
Pluto in Capricorn 29 degrees
Again I warn, Netanyahu’s dark destiny is to drag the United States and its people into a wider Western Asian War with Iran, Hezbollah, the Ansarullah Houthis, the Syrians and the Iraqis, because in Netanyahu’s twisted mind, he can ONLY eradicate Zionist Israel’s Arab enemies by war, expulsion or genocide with the help of the United States’ through politically influencing the executive branch and US Congress that AIPAC lobbyists and the Adelson wealth holder, Adelson’s newly minted widow, desired and paid for.
Harris will just go along with it without any resistance because she will be an empty and pliable vehicle if elected president under these stars. Trump could do the same and even Bobby Kennedy Jr. who will be in a Trump Cabinet, is as blinded by Zionism as much, if not more, than he.
The next president of the United States will be the second president to see his presidency overshadowed by this current Third World War that Biden through launching the Ukraine and the Western Asian theaters of World War, add to that a holocaust of the Semite Arab Palestinians exploding into the mix.
Kamala Harris made her way into the Law and later into Politics through being the mistress of the California Political king and queen maker, the charismatic and formidable politician, Willy Brown, legendary mayor of San Francisco. A President Kamala Harris is destined to be the “Mistress” of “whatever the Deep State” want her to willingly do for them.
Both the man and the woman who after voting on 5 November 2024 ends would or could be President, have these weaknesses that might be exploited. And it could lead in the next four years with the United States being dragged into the Western Asian theater down with Netanyahu and Zionist/Apartheid Israel into this new World War leaving its conventional phase since it started in 2022, to its thermonuclear war phase.
What then has astrology told us about Trump and Harris through their birth charts about their good and bad potentials? The following two Articles 3 and 4 will show you… Get Further Free Samples of the Rest of the Articles, see below.
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DATELINE: 27 October 2024

Vice President Kamala Harris, Official Portrait. (Public Domain)
My Overview Written Back in 2020
The older the forecast the better one can let time test its efficacy. That is why in the next two articles I have chosen to reprint my two astrological readings of the birth charts of Donald Trump and Kamala Harris that I published a little over four years ago when Trump was shooting for a second term, and Harris would be Vice President to Joe Biden’s first and only term. You can see my full astrological accounting of that election, its presidential and vice presidential candidate and how the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction with its curse has played down the last four years as forecasted in John Hogue’s 2020 Presidential Predictions. My indented bracketed comments are inserted from 27 October 2024 for clarity and context:… Get 12 months of full access now to all my articles for only $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 27-28 October 2024

President Donald Trump poses for his official portrait at The White House, in Washington, D.C., on Friday, October 6, 2017. (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead), Public Domain.
My Overview Written Back in 2020
Now we’ll take some passages from my astrological overview of President Trumps birth chart laid out in John Hogue’s 2020 Presidential Predictions. He was seeking a second term that I believe he won at least by the electoral vote, but since I anticipated a lot of voter fraud, I also anticipated that I would not be able to approve by how much Biden would win the popular vote margin, which I usually detail in all my last 14 attempts since 1968. Only a recount will objectively approve or disprove my prediction. And since I did get a recount in my 2000 forecast a year after that election, showing Gore did win if there had been a recount in 2000, that proved my “feeling real people voting” intuition was objectively proven by the recount. I therefore have no reason to believe that feeling people voting in a way that Trump won by electoral voting again in 2020 is right until proven wrong by a recount of all 50 states.
I would be glad to be proven wrong, by the way. I don’t like it for the victors or the losers that they cannot know, because they cannot trust the US electoral process legally works.
I have copious quotes inserted in this account from my most accurate book of forecasts that I never thought I’d write, until I looked at Trump’s astrology not long after he came down the escalator in Trump Tower in June 2015 to announce his campaign for 2016. I then wrote Trump for President: Astrological Predictions starting in August through early October, publishing it on the Winter Solstice of 2015. It foresaw Trump could win an upset victory in 2016 against Hillary Clinton, meaning he won through the electoral college, which he did, just as she won the popular vote by 2 percent, as I predicted.
Read that book if you haven’t already. Trump’s birth chart remains one of the most surprising and unexpected birth charts I’ve ever examined. All I can say whether good or bad about him is that there’s many more dimensions in this man of many surprises and Gemini contradictions than any of his lovers, haters or critics are aware of, even Trump himself.
As before with Harris, I will insert my indented bracketed comments composed from 27-28 October 2024 in this shorter 2020 overview that took many points I first set down in Trump for President set down in the latter half of 2015:… Get 12 months of full access now to all my articles for only $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 31 October – 02 November 2024
–Part Two–
The Astrology on Election Day (E-Day)
For Vice President Kamala Harris
[Election day:] Saturn in Pisces 12 degrees – Retrograde (Rx)
E-Day Saturn is in a Trine 4-degree Trine with Harris Neptune in Scorpio 16 degrees
One trine after another trine, and another! Sometimes you can have too much “good” trine aspects in your chart, so good that a majority of the American people will not vote such a person into power for it is clear she has only one talent, to get to the top, but not be a leader at the top, but rather a confused prima donna who when she was California’s Attorney General, her staff had to address her as she stepped into view saying, “Good Morning ‘General.’”
It is no longer a closely guarded secret because almost all those who enter to become members of the Vice President’s staff, 91 percent have left, traumatized and fired. Behind that overly broad and twinkly-slit-eyed smile is one of the hardest to work with Executives you can find. She even had ordered up her staff into two groups, a minority that were permitted to look her in the eye, and a majority of lesser staff in her view that dare not speak to her unless they are NOT looking directly into her eyes.
This is the arrogance of deep inferiority. When you have too many trines in your chart, even the astrology lets you get a free pass, and get away from earning the respect of your staff. This trine also means that she will be easy, oh so easy, to lay down herself to the Deep’s State’s mass media message (Neptune). Get the leather, get the whip (of Scorpio).
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DATELINE: 30-31 October 2024
–Part Three–
The Astrology on Election Day (E-Day)
For Former President Donald Trump
Now we blend Former President Donald Trump’s aspects woven into the aspects of Election Day to see which candidate is better favored to win in this last test of the Election Cycle Year of 2024. Font BLACK BOLD is Election Day aspects. Font Republican RED BOLD for Trump:
Like before we’ll line up all the planets showing their sign and degree of their Trine, Sextile, Conjunction, Opposition, and Conjunctions, and see if Donald Trump’s birth chart draws any aspects with these basic Sun, Moon and planetary positions on Election Day. Then we will follow with seeing if he as some aspect with the 14 aspects of Election Day:
Then we will follow that with seeing if Trump adds further aspects at birth to some or all the active aspects of Election Day Sun, Moon and Planets:
Sun in Scorpio 13 degrees
Sun in Scorpio desires a transformation be the outcome of Election Day. And in this case on 5 November we have a political resurrection of a former president verses someone replacing the current president taken out of the race by a “White House” coup d’etat being that he is not mentally healthy enough, and too frail to stand for a second four-year term. Joe Biden’s downfall has taken him out of the race as part of the ever-evolving Curse of Tecumseh. In this case, Biden was taken down in a coup with a threat of invoking the 25th Amendment because of Dementia to effectively end up a Lame Duck president months earlier than before his term would have ended.
Biden being a Scorpio has attempted to take his revenge on his “successor,” his Vice President Kamala Harris, by making impromptu media appearances, like a White House press corps appearance, first in his presidency, walking right in the press corps media room, the moment all media outlets were going to nationally broadcast a live Harris campaign speech, hence pulling ALL the cameras away from her to him, where he made a point to explain how Harris throughout his ending single term in office has signed off and supported every move he made. The worse revenge is a rare moment where Biden is speaking truth. That’s sticking a Scorpions stinger in the back where it hurts her efforts to distance herself from him every moment she could to the American people.
Just the other day he was on TV and cellphone media once again calling all of Trump’s supporters “garbage,” invoking the campaign ender that was Hillary Clinton in 2016 calling Trump voters a “basket full of deplorables” that were unredeemable. She is another Scorpio wannabe president with that famous and unfiltered Scorpio power to put people down, metaphorically six feet under the ground, yet it backfired on her campaign as Biden’s “garbage” Scorpio trash talk will indirectly galvanize Trump’s campaign at Harris’ expense.
Ah, the unevolved Scorpio can be like a predatory reptile seeing Libran airy Harris as his political prey to drag down into the Washington Swamp, along with his two-timing friend, Obama. The swamp gator will like the front woman for Obama’s dream of ruling America behind the scenes in a ghost third term get “ghosted” by Biden’s revenge through removing Obama’s strung up and ready to go puppet, sticking it to Obama with a Trump return, ending Obama’s third term dream entirely with Biden’s revenge served cold-blooded and scalely.
The Curse of Tecumseh moves now in new ways since Reagan. Since the 2020 election, it is now after political coups not only for presidents like Biden, elected under the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in November 2020 “and” inaugurated as president on 20 January 2021, and I’m beginning to think that perhaps the Curse this conjunction empowers is evolving also to take down Vice Presidents as well as Presidents, from now on.
It could be in play against Trump too, denying him his election in 2020 under the curse through ballot fraud, so I had foreseen and predicted, in mysterious and hidden ways that my Twelfth House Sun in Scorpio works through my Scorpio Ascendant, conjoined with Venus and Saturn, had been Squared at birth with my Pluto in Leo in Exaltation, conjoined by Jupiter and the Midheaven. The terms of presidents either elected, or in Trump’s case denied by political assassination by voter fraud, may still have the Curse in effect in 2024 to deny him again a second time losing the “win” through evil design. Yet, I think this time he has that luck that can dodge bullets and decertification by Congress.
There is indeed another very Scorpionic possibility that this Scorpio Sun on Election Day displays the degree into Scorpio that can be All-American Lucky 13, for that number is the number of America, and if Biden was made the winner under Jupiter/Saturn’s curse, not he, then he has fallen from it and that angry old and pathetic Scorpio Reptilian crocodile intends to drag Harris down into the Washington Swamp with him on this day.
Here are the two important aspects of Scorpio Sun 13 degrees that will influence Trump’s fortunes on that day:
Trump Mercury in Cancer 8 degrees Trine
E-Day Sun in Scorpio in a strong 5-degree orb
Cry harmony! Trump Mercury in your Sun trine transit. You end this long road to another chance at being president at the top of your game while your opponent seems to be flailing, and you will be rewarded on Election Day exactly where a Gemini Sunny man with Leo the Lord of the Sun being your Ascendant and your troubled Natal Mercury with all of its squares gets E-Day help from its Mercury trine its Sun. You will be feeling great on that day, hopeful, believing that your work is done, you’ll be socializing and be at ease. Goodness, you might even feel tactful and diplomatic for a change. Mercury with the Sun welcomes you on Election Day.
Trump Saturn in Cancer 23 degrees, in its Fall/Detriment, Trine
E-Day Sun in Scorpio in a weak 10-degree orb
Now your Saturn in Cancer gets some help from its limiting pull in square with your expansion, Natal Jupiter. This is good, your people feel you and will be making a, as you would say, I really “Heoooj!” showing at the polls, as much as they have done so in early balloting, something that didn’t happen for you in 2020… Get 12 months of full access now to all my articles for only $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 02 November 2024

Photo: Gage Skidmore of Surprise AZ. © Creative Commons.
Despite Ballot Chaos or a Landslide
That Passeth All Understanding
An Attempt to Cheat?
The winner is Donald J. Trump by the Electoral College for sure, in the low 300s, around 310 to 320.
I predict that he also wins between 2, more like 3 percent of the popular vote that will be reported. A landslide is there that “could be” hidden by a pile of fraudulent votes or illegal aliens allowed to vote by the Biden Administration which Kamala Harris is a part. So his victory will appear closer than it really was. I see a landslide approaching 15 percent, if you recount fairly all 50 states and territories…
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DATELINE: 01 November 2024
Will Whoever be Elected President
Get to Actually STAND as President
On Inauguration Day?
What Does Hogue Say will be the Makeup
Of the House and the Senate that could be Tasked
With Voting for the Vice President and President Respectively On 6 January 2025?
Again, I don’t feel that the illegal alien voting will be as massive as the Demographs hoped. I sense that they don’t want to be near any polling places because people are on to them this time. Better to stay underground illegals until they find out if their candidate, their “Border Czar” ironically, wins through fraud. After that the United States will descend into a new U.S.A. (United Soviets of America) with one-party control of the government and only one party will offer candidates for future voting. When the coast is clear for the illegals, after the steal, in future elections they will flood the polls in when all of them have been given US citizenship.
But not today, in this election. And this is why.
I predict that the US Senate will go to the Republicans.
I also predict that the Republicans will maintain a majority in the House of Representatives. Given that our legislators on both sides of the isle are paid handsomely by the Jewish lobby that conveniently does not have to register as a “foreign agent” of Israel, I believe from what I’m seeing, that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has chosen which candidate he wants to be the president through the best United States Congress that AIPAC lobby money can buy—Trump. Maybe even House Democrats might vote for Trump or suffer losing their campaign financial support from West Jerusalem.
What does that then do, even in the Senate when, if, the US Congress ends up voting for the President and Vice President?
It means that the Trump ticket will be voted in and certified on 6 January by Republican majorities in the House and Senate certifying Trump as President and JD Vance as his Vice President. Fourteen days later, the two will be sworn into office on Inauguration Day 20 January 2025.
That’s the two men I see standing at the Capitol Building before the multitudes on the grass of the Washington Mall stretching all the way back to the First Republican President’s monument, Abraham Lincoln… Get 12 months of full access now to all my articles for only $60 or a little more.