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DATELINE: 10 October 2024

The Great Purification by Fire begins with the Roaring 2020s. Time to read this popular book The Essential Hopi Prophecies on the topic by John Hogue.
Coming are the Days
Of the Great Purification by Fire
That the Hopi Prophecies Foresaw
Fortunate is the man who knows how to read the signs of the times, for that man shall escape many misfortunes, or at least be prepared to understand the blow.
Hermes Trismegistus
(ad 150-270)

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This cover design for my book on Hopi Prophecies (above), illustrates a vision I had of Sótukknang (the Hopi Lord of the Universe). His face and nose are made of the Grand Canyon, upended. His teeth are lightning bolts. His chin, the mist of a thunderstorm, his blue eyes are two stars from the most beloved constellation of the Hopi prophets, the Pleiades.
The Hopi are Southwestern Native Americans dwelling in Pueblos of Oraibi. These are the oldest continuously inhabited settlements in North America dating back as far as ad 1100. Up until the mid-twentieth century, the Hopi kept secret an oral tradition of foreknowledge—signs presaging an end of an old and perhaps a beginning of a new world. The milestones listed are specific. For instance, they anticipated the coming of the white people from the East bearing their sign of the cross, herding their long-horned cattle and the first sign of wheels came to Hopi lands attached to their covered wagons. Then came their iron roads with their iron horses, the iron ropes suspended in the air (telegraph wires) and later the “cobwebs” of airplane contrails crisscrossing the skies. All these fulfilled the opening prophetic stages indicating that the Great Purification by Fire was at hand. The test firing of the first atomic bomb in 1945, not far from Hopi lands in neighboring New Mexico, prompted the Hopi to end their centuries of silence.
The “Gourd of Ashes” had arrived, the shape of its rising mushroom cloud foretold in the metaphor of a round Hopi gourd stood on its long, thin neck. It was the Hopi elders’ cue that it was time to reveal to people of all races a short list of final warnings heralding the world’s purification by the fire of nuclear war and/or runaway global warming, or by a fire of a burning love and conscious concern for the Earth and for each other.
John Hogue
(October 2024)
This is the first of two special HogueProphecy Reports to finish my predictions for 2024. This first one will cover forecasts of world events divided into articles taking up important themes of the future’s potentials up unto the end of December 2024 with some themes extending as far as through the year 2026.
I will begin with a stream of consciousness poem that hides many cryptic hints of great treasures of spirit that are everyone’s birthright, and nearly everyone’s misplaced and forgotten glory. It isn’t lost to you. It just has to be “re-membered.” Some verses therefore to ponder and heart-embrace, before we step into history’s whirlwind:
Autumn is the season of harvests. We dare to then describe History’s Harvest, both bitter and sweet, and with something beyond both.
Hateful and Love-Full, Great-Full, and more. Something far, far less. So less that it is ordinarily Whole, not needing more or less. Something you mistake to seek to be harbored inside it, when forever you have always been home, always you have been “it” wherever you go.
When worlds collide, East and West, to be herenow is where it is Best.
Bless the shocks. Give thanks to the upheavals. To be afraid of them is Good, because how brave can a man or a woman be without cowardice’s first quaking, before an uncertain Future existence?
Life cannot be life without death. So become so sharply, and lively afraid in one lucid, eternal moment, and see the witness of fear take flight with fearless wings across pathless heavens!
Only in this meeting of opposites lurks the alchemy that only an Un-Divide-You-ALL, individual, can integrate, from the basest metals of unconscious egoism’s illusion of separation, to the Endless Gold of Conscious IN-nocence, that gives birth to new worlds from the ashes of the old.
These are the Days of the Great Purification that the Hopi foresaw. Our Fourth World of Human Incarnation is passing on through a purification by fire, both globally warmed, and nuclear bombed perhaps, but in the end renewed to balance these threats and terrors of change that can alight, in just enough people, an Eternal Flame.
There is nothing you can do about it but Be it. You have never been otherwise but this Eternal Flame of Light, pretending not to be. Even though you’ve been looking and looking for this lost treasure in lives uncounted.
You will laugh out loud someday when you inner-stand, while unexpectedly harvesting in an unguarded moment of Reality, the rediscovered, ever-now knowing, that you cannot seek what you already are, and if you take up Meditation’s Hypothesis, that your Eternal essence is a mirror, reflecting perfectly what is before it, be it Armageddon or Liberation. You are ever this eternal mirror, ever watchful, immortal, witnessing, waking and sleeping, the living and the dying merely moving on.
The mirror never judges what passes by, and passes away. Let the current world be utterly destroyed, let a new world rise from its ashes. You only need to reflect this through pure witnessing neither desiring this or that future.
When the witness reflects life, what is it then? If the Witness sees the pretending not to be The Eternal Life, The Eternal Love, but instead something lived borrowed from others, and Idiotic in the purest meaning of that word Idiot: one who is under the illusion of being separate from others, separate from things, separate from the whole Cosmos, suffering this illusion of separateness unto life after life lived riding the Misery-go-Round of Identity…
…Reflect all of that just as it is, and just as it goes.
What then is this mirror, really? If you watch yourself pretending not to be an Awakened Eternal One, who is watching but the Awakened Eternal One? Then that “as it is,” and that “as it goes pretending,” slowly and slowly drops away from before the mirror on their own accord.
And when there is no-thing left to reflect, the mirror reflects its emptiness and takes flight without foot falls, or a path, into the Endless Sky, free, forever, NOW.
This is the only, and the greatest, purification there is, an eternal fire of awareness, the very essence of love never becomed. Never becamed, that is beyond “matters” called “impermanent worlds” born and destroyed, while THAT is ever slipping in-between, all lives only dreamed, by the never born and the never dying.
DATELINE: 21-25 September 2024

An American B-2 test launching an AGM-158 JASSM, long range cruise missile. Photo USAF, public domain.
Across the Ukrainian Front!
Please Collective Western Powers
Remain Calm!
Don’t Duke Nuk’em
It is a miracle we are alive! And your mainstream media sources do not serve up the truth of it. This “conventional phase” of World War III came as close as a white hair’s breadth on President Joe Biden’s thinning head of hair because of a permission he was about to sign off on might have started a nuclear war with Russia on that day, Saturday, 14 September 2024.
I have written during this war that a handful of the Pentagon’s top-ranking officers have been trying to pour the cold water of military realities over the hot heads of US civilian leadership with little effect. This time some unnamed general or generals made it clear to one of the President’s few remaining active braincells, that this time Putin’s warning to strike targets directly inside United States and NATO allied territories was NOT a bluff. If Biden went ahead anyway and signed on the red line his intentions to send Ukraine hundreds of long-range cruise missiles that, alongside the United Kingdom’s Storm Shadow cruise missiles, his signature would have granted permission to fire all these missiles deep inside undisputed Russian territory, all the way to St. Petersburg, Moscow and far beyond them.
On Doomsday Saturday, the president was about to receive British Prime Minister Keith Starmer and his team, flying in from London on their way to the White House. They eagerly expected to join their missiles in the targeting package, along with America’s even longer-range AGM-158 JASSM cruise missiles, and have a delightful day choosing the strategic targets deep inside the Russian State to destroy, starting later that very day.
I had heard all the repeatedly ignored Russian warnings not to permit this NATO escalation through their Ukrainian proxies to fire on the Russian heartland. This time the threat was chased by ominous signs that the Russian Baltic Fleet’s nuclear submarines before Doomsday Saturday, as it might have become, had departed from Saint Petersburg sailing out of the Baltic to position themselves in the Atlantic off the British Coast. I would imagine the same was done or that there were already nuclear submarines and Poseidon self-operating drone torpedoes also stationing themselves off the ports of the United States eastern and western coastlines. Perhaps a number of Poseidons on station were each armed with the dimensions of a warhead that “could” have packed not just a massive nuclear warhead with an explosive power of 50 megatons, like the Soviet superbomb, the Tzar Bomba (Tzar Bomb) that was atmospherically tested and filmed lighting off an Arctic nuclear test site in 1961. The warhead space available might have packed in a warhead that I’ve heard makers of the Poseidon claim is capable detonating a 200 Megaton warhead. Moreover all of them could be already a long time on station off every US port in the Atlantic, Pacific and the Gulf of Mexico.

Right, Scott Ritter, circa early 2003, as a former UN inspector around the time I first became aware of him when he was on a lot of news shows as one voice in the wilderness telling the press, and later before the US Senate, that he knows there are no remaining weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and that fake claim shouldn’t be used to drag US soldiers and the nation into a war and occupation of Iraq.
Scott Ritter spent much of his military as a US Marine Major in intelligence, also charged with leading an inspection of one of many US teams into the Soviet Union tasked with overseeing the dismantling of Soviet SS20 regional ballistic missiles as part of the US-Soviet signing in the late 1980s of the INF (Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces) Treaty that took the world one major step back from an inevitable nuclear-assured destruction of human civilization.
During the 1980s, the US and Soviet Russia started creating and positioning what ended up being 2,692 missiles belonging to a whole new class of intermediate range missiles stationed across Europe and European Russia. They were US Pershing II and Soviet SS20 Intermediate Range Missiles that could deliver nuclear annihilation to Western, Eastern and Russian European territories five minutes after launch!
That means neither side had enough time to remedy a mistake or identify a false read by radar without a full, retaliatory response of mutually assured destruction of Europe, the United States, and the Soviet Union. A deathly radioactive shroud of smoke would ascend into the stratosphere caused by the fires of thousands of burning cities and military targets that would spread above most of the Earth’s surface and linger there for years.
The world would freeze hard! Those not killed by nuclear blasts, fallout and frost would slowly starve to death. That was the consequence of these tripwire triggering arrays of hundreds of Pershing II and SS20 intermediate ballistic missiles being fired. And we are alive today because Soviet and American inspection teams, like the one Major Scott Ritter oversaw, witnessed and catalogued the destruction of all 2,692 of these missiles by the early 1990s.

Scott Ritter today, having a beer with Bobby Kennedy Jr.
After his military career, Ritter would spend many years heading the United Nations team inside Saddam Hussein’s Iraq charged with dismantling the Iraqi nuclear weapons program after Iraq’s defeat in the Persian Gulf War (1991).
He is today a cold warrior, waging peace. Ritter has tried to open up a dialogue between Americans and Russians by visiting Russia two times in recent years on his own volition as a private American citizen trying to start a dialogue with Russians and share his experiences of Russia and the Russian people with Americans. For this, he is currently being harassed by the Biden Administration and the FBI for waging peace, not war.
Just before stepping on a jet for third trip to Russia earlier in 2024 he was stopped by fully armed federal officers who took his passport, and later, his home in a suburb in Albany, New York, was searched by dozens of FBI officers, taking his computer and years of files he had gathered during his years as a UN Inspector, a move that was not on the warrant. All of this being an act of intimidation by the FBI Agency.
Scott Ritter is one of my earliest and best sources of information even though we have not yet met. I first became aware of him in late 2002, early 2003, when he faced a nasty and obsequiously chastising dress down by a certain US Senator from Delaware named Joe Biden for which several US Senators from both sides of the isle afterwards came up to apologize to Scott for Biden’s mean and unwarranted, sarcastic attacks. Ritter had stoically leveled his gaze back at Biden and took it, like a US Marine, fully attentive but without a reaction. (See Biden’s flippant behavior and cat-eating-dung smiles)
Scott Ritter was one of the few people who did know if Saddam Hussein had, or did not have, weapons of mass destruction, and he publicly exposed the lie that Saddam still had weapons of mass destruction, being used to get the US to invade Iraq in March 2003. He would have known being that he was the chief weapons inspector for seven years during the bulk of the 1990s, he and his team searching and hunting across Iraq for buried missiles to be crushed by heavy equipment, wired for blasting and/or dismantled. His teams would have destroyed any further vestiges of a chemical, biological or nuclear weapons program remaining by 2002. He further declared before the Senate hearing that if there were still chemical warheads undiscovered, their potency by that time would have rendered them inert—that is, many years passed their lethal shelf-life date.
Scott was right and time and events proved it. There were no weapons of mass destruction left to be the cause of a US invasion and occupation of Iraq!
War hawks like Biden, knowing full well there were no WMDs in Iraq, ignored his testimony and voted for the war to go forward. Biden and others who voted for war committed an act of an aggressive war of choice, an act that was officially made a war crime at the Nuremberg Trials that Nazi Germany had waged and got many of the surviving leaders either promptly hung until dead, or receiving 20-years-to-life prison sentences!
Biden, President G.W. Bush and his cabinet of Neocon warmongers f*cked around in Iraq and found out. There were no weapons of mass destruction. In the meantime, this aggressive war of choice got 7,000 Americans killed and 30,000 seriously wounded, with 1 million Iraqis killed, down eight bloody and wasted years of human life, US treasure and US credibility.
Next came a return of what Ritter had dismantled 31 years earlier as a Marine Major. A gullible President Trump followed the Deep State’s wishes, agreeing with the CIA to tear up the INF treaty in 2018. President Putin said Russia would honor the treaty and not start rebuilding intermediate missiles tipped with nuclear warheads if the US didn’t start building them and placing them in Western Europe pointed at Russia. In 2023, the US began placing nuclear-tipped intermediate range missiles back again in Europe, starting with Denmark.
Russia, against its wishes, has been forced to rebuild its arsenal of intermediate missiles in response while the US is getting ready to crowd theirs once again across Germany, like they had in the late 1980s. That means all of Scott Ritter’s and other US and Russian inspection teams and peacemakers’ efforts to dismantle the threat of “instant nuclear war” now are seeing the hair-trigger to Armageddon from the 1980s return, starting in 2023 and the old danger will be fully on station and operational once again by 2026.
So, no wonder Scott Ritter was alarmed, VERY alarmed and impassioned, to explain what could have happened Saturday, 14 September 2024 in the following transcript that you can watch here and see this segment from Judging Freedom with Judge Anthony Napolitano on 17 September 2024. (See the full episode here)
SCOTT RITTER: We almost all died on Saturday! We ALMOST ALL DIED on Saturday! And that’s not a bluff. That’s not an exaggeration. We were 72 minutes away from the world ending, only because somebody made a phone call.
JUDGE ANTHONY NAPOLITANO: Does Joe Biden, does Tony Blinken does Jake Sullivan know that?
RITTER: They now do. That’s why they changed their minds. That’s why they went, “Oh! We’re not going to sign… [Ritter was about to say “sign off on US and British long-range missiles to be fired deep inside Russian territory, but then Scott jumped over that to say].
Starmer CAME…!! With the target pack! You saw his little red bag! What was in there were the targets!
[He means Keir Starmer, Prime Minister of Britain and his team, on camera, coming to meet Biden in the White House and Starmer is carrying a red bag with this targeting request for British missiles to fire deep inside Russia as well]…
[Ritter chopping his left palm with his right hand on every word:] hand down, playing Starmer, saying], “WE – WANT – TO – HIT – THESE – TARGETS!!!”
He was going to get Biden to sign off on it and then they were going to strike THAT DAY! And the Russians said, “No! We’ll kill everybody! We’re done! We’re finished! We’re not playing this game anymore! You invaded Russia in Kursk [undisputed mother Russian territory].
“You have them [the Ukrainians] attacking us with long range drones! We can handle that, but when they come at us with your weapons, with your hands on them, hitting targets you selected, then you’re part of this war and we’re going to hold you to account!”
NAPOLITANO: Here’s President Putin’s very measured public warning:
RUSSIAN PRESIDENT VLADIMIR PUTIN: It is not about allowing the Ukrainian regime to strike Russia with these weapons or not; it is about making a decision about whether NATO countries are directly involved in the military conflict or not.
If the decision is made, it will mean nothing less than the direct participation of NATO countries—the United States and European countries—in the war in Ukraine.
This is their direct participation, and this of course significantly changes the very essence the very nature of the conflict.
This will mean that NATO countries, the United States and European countries, are fighting Russia and if this is so, bearing in mind the change in the very essence of this conflict, we will make appropriate decisions based on the threats that will be created for us.
NAPOLITANO: Well there it is.
RITTER: There it is.
The Russian president has already said what the response would be to what I would call NATO’s “Doomsday Saturday plan” on 14 September: a direct attack by hypersonic missiles with conventional warheads on British, European “and” American, military targets. At the present time no nation has the means to shoot hypersonic missiles down. Last week, even Yemen, given hypersonic technology, built and fired one across the Arabian Peninsula hitting its military target in Haifa, Israel, only 11 minutes later, flying over the US Navy in the Red Sea firing at it, then the full force of Israel’s David’s Sling and Iron Dome air defenses as it came in—all useless in hitting that missile. No doubt the Ansarullah Houthis in Yemen have built many more of these.
We are now, in these final months of 2024, heading for a great reckoning. It has already started, the first instance was on 14 September, with many more times for us being pushed before the nuclear abyss by our stupid leaders in the West soon coming. You won’t know if we survived them somehow. You won’t know if one or how many wrong steps by our leaders dragging us to the Abyss almost stepped over into it. You won’t know when they do step over, like what could have happened on Doomsday Saturday, but not long later, we soon enough would see the result coming in minutes, seconds, that we do not survive. Because you subscribe to my reports, at least I was able to brief you on these moves that didn’t tilt us into the Abyss, and I can further speculate that more moments are coming. I wouldn’t have known about it to write to you after 14 September becoming “Doomsday Saturday” if Biden signed off the human race. I would be one of the dead, given that I’m in the Puget Sound area, surrounded by several nuclear strategic targets. We will not know about these suicidal moves the moment they happen to take a jump into Nuclear War that crosses that line, steps off that building’s edge, unto the world’s ending.
How long does it take to kill a human global civilization? Read Nuclear War: the Scenario, a must read book by a Pulitzer Prize finalist and New York Times bestselling author, Annie Jacobsen. She has interviewed a cross section of the people who have been charged with launching a nuclear strike and she has calculated from these experts in doing Doomsday that a full nuclear exchange, ending at any moment this Third World War’s current conventional phase since it started in February 2022, would only take 72 minutes!

Click on this link and read more about this important book.
Many of the greatest prophets in human history had foreseen not only the last two world wars but also the third we are currently in, conventionally fought so far. I felt compelled in 2014 to collect these seers and present them to you all in an equally “must read” book, A New Cold War: Prophecies of Nostradamus, Stormberger and Edgar Cayce.
I wrote is in 2014, the moment I saw certain prophecies of Nostradamus, lying dormant that were thus engaged into a preliminary “Second” Cold War by the following actions that took place starting end of February 2024 into the spring.

This is the back cover to “A New Cold War.” Click on it to see the Printed Edition.
The first outrage to a new cold war was the US-backed fascist coup of Right Sector Ukrainian extreme nationalists that violently overthrew what would presently become the last legally elected President of Ukraine, the Donbass born, Russian Ukrainian, Viktor Yanukovych. President Obama’s US State Department replaced him with a provisional government that was the “who’s who” of leaders of Ukrainian Banderite Nazis that would recreate a new Ukrainian government that only allowed fascists parties to elect President Poroshenko and the current comic-cum-President, Volodymyr Zelensky, the latter being a Jewish Russian Ukrainian front for a Deep Nazi Ukrainian State core of the Kiev regime’s choosing.
Zelensky is their comic puppet. Currently, he and the Rada (Ukrainian Parliament) have let their re-election deadlines pass, so they continue to rule Ukraine now devoid of any democratic legality. In short, they are now unelected tyrants, and these tyrants were supposed to weaken Russia “to the last Ukrainian” as US Senator from South Carolina Lindsey Graham infamously repeated in public was just that wish, to harm Russia and overthrow its government even if it takes “the last Ukrainian standing” to achieve this.
What followed was eight bloody years of civil war between Russian speaking, Eastern Ukrainian oblasts (provinces) against Western Ukrainian oblasts having NATO arm and train the Western Ukrainian side from 2014 up to February 2022. Then in late February 2022, the war became international. To preempt a Ukrainian ethnic cleansing of the Russian speaking Ukrainian Russian citizens of the Donbass regional oblasts of Donetsk and Lugansk, by a NATO trained Ukrainian Army preparing to invade, the Russian Federation was finally provoked to take its military fully into the Western and Eastern Ukrainian Civil War. It has since become a US-NATO, Ukrainian Proxy war against not only Donbass fighters but the entire Russian Federation and its military might.
Ukraine is losing the war and leaders in Washington and Brussels are hell bent in late 2024 to openly pull off the proxy mask by firing long range NATO guided cruise missiles into Russia. The Ukrainians would only push the launch button. Everything else would be done by NATO officers and men, computer piloting, satellite tracking what are US and British long-range missiles deep inside Russia, any time in the next three months.
We’re not over this missile issue yet that got Ritter so alarmed.
Biden may have AT LAST listened to his sane military, top brass Pentagon advisors and stepped the world back from Armageddon happening on 14 September, but this temptation to go all the way to doomsday will be coming up again, and again, and AGAIN, perhaps even before the US Elections. Doomsday Saturday on September 14th won’t be the first or last time that we come to the edge of this abyss and then our leaders have a change of mind and try with wide eyes shut, willfully unaware and uninformed of the consequences, to send humanity to its utter destruction through a quick escalation of Russian conventional long range missiles followed in minutes by NATO counter fire that sees both sides soon switch to nuclear tipped salvoes, and there it is.
I want you to think about that.
I want you to get scared, REAL and healthily SCARED, my readers, especially across the West and the world at large. Petition your legislators in Congress and your Senators NOT to dress you out in a long line, frog walking you, head drooping, looking at the ground, arm on the next shoulder in front of you, into Armageddon, through a crisis that I have warned you about starting since early 2022, stepping into it with eyes wide blind to the dangers of a Ukrainian Missile Crisis in October, or November, or December and so on, pick your month well into next year. The next threat might come before the US Elections in late October, ironically in the same month the Cuban Missile Crisis happened back in 1962, the last time humanity was threatened with nuclear war.
Prevent this following prophetic scenario set down in my book A New Cold War from being fulfilled. These indented prophecies were interpreted and explained, beginning in April 2014 and published 10 years and three months ago on the Summer Solstice of 21 June 2014.
I will insert my normally indented updates set down on 21 September 2024.
We now wait for what wickedness might issue down the iron track of time beyond the year 2014.
And after the second great war between the nations will come a third universal conflagration, which will determine everything. There will be entirely new weapons. In one day more men will die than in all previous wars combined. Battles will be fought with artificial weapons. Gigantic catastrophes will occur.
Stormberger’s catastrophes might include something planetary as well as thermonuclear. He adds his voice to other prophets trying to uncover the future’s deadly doomsday riddle such as Nostradamus in his Mabus and 27-Year War of the Third Antichrist prophecies.
Nostradamus foresaw three Antichrists; their real names are hidden in anagram codes. The first, PAU NAY LORON, is NAPAULON ROY (King Napoleon). The second is Hister (Adolf Hitler). The third Antichrist, code named Mabus… The third and final antichrist pins his 27-year war on the aftermath and consequence of the Third Antichrist’s annihilation. Unlike Napoleon and Hitler, he is the first to fall in this Third World War of terror.
[Century] 2 Q [Quatrain] 62
Mabus very soon then will die, [then] will come,
A horrible undoing of people and animals,
At once one will see vengeance,
One hundred powers, thirst, famine, when the comet will run.

Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS from Greeley, Colorado on October 13, 2024. Photo, Halixi72, © Creative Commons.
When this Mabus dies, there will be a great vengeance of 100 nations going to war at a time of increased thirst (global warming droughts) and global famine’s advent when a comet (falling nuclear missile?) will run through the skies. What isn’t clear is whether the death of Mabus causes the horrible undoing of people and animals; or, vice versa.
Nostradamus seems to be scratching his head. He’s penned words as vague as Stormberger’s, who we recall didn’t specify exactly what his “gigantic catastrophes” actually are. Are they natural, bellicose, or both? Is our world unraveled by a nuclear war or is Nostradamus’ undoing of people and animals in some way a reference to nuclear war and global warming happening at the same time, driving the Earth out of ecological balance in a double-edged planetary climate disaster?
Does one beget the other? A habitable human and animal climate undone by atomic blasts? On the other hand, is the tension of climate change bringing intolerable strain to bear on fragile systems sustaining human global economics and thus bringing civilization to a point of collapse, causing the war of the antichrist?
Delving deeper into the linguistics of 2 Q62’s second line, I wrote in 2008 for Nostradamus and the Antichrist, Code Named: Mabus (First Edition, September 2008):
The killing of Mabus is followed afterwards by a horrible undoing of people and animals.
This phrase is significant and unique in all of Nostradamus’ lurid and violent visions. This “undoing” is huge. Global. The old French for “undoing” (defaite) incorporates an event that undoes, unmakes, unravels the world of people and animals. It implies a dramatic, sudden and catastrophic defeat, a rout, an eclipse of an age—it decries the fall of shadows over civilization due to the death of Mabus. The horrible undoing is a great wasting, an obscuring of reason, something fundamentally embarrassing to what was perceived as reality, truth, moral, or human before Mabus fell. Defaite implies something that emaciates, discomposes civil order and perhaps even unravels the climate and ecological balance, leading to a threat of extinction that in a worst-case scenario decimates the world of people and animals.
There might be coming a destruction of people and animals that begins as a military incident or war comes from an ecological disaster and/or global famine and droughts. Or the unraveling has a social-economic trigger, such as the collapse of one or many supersystems that keep our global society functioning. Futurist Roberto Vacca coined and defined the word supersystem as super-organizations sustained by machines and single energy sources. For instance, our fossil fuel-based oil and coal-fired civilization uses the petrochemical supersystem. Agriculture is another system, as is transportation of goods by air, land and sea.
[ASSESSMENT, 21 September 2024]
Nostradamus, being a royalist wrote many prophecies about Napoleon Bonaparte, considered by the prophet as an upstart, not truly royal. He certainly committed a lot of violence and evil first as a general serving in the French Revolutionary Wars (1792-1802), then Emperor of the French in the Napoleonic Wars (1804-1815), but his conquests were mostly the result of France being attacked by eventually eight coalitions of European crowned kings attempting to restore France to the royal Bourbon Monarchy. In short, he was mostly on the defensive, but except for his most ruinous two campaigns during the Napoleonic Wars, his military genius made his army more mobile in defense marching circles around his lumberingly slower attackers, penetrating deep into their own territories before they ever got close to the French frontiers.
Only twice, in Spain (1808-1813) and in his invasion of Russia (1812), did Napoleon wage aggressive wars of choice. Indeed during the Spanish campaign Pope Pius VII formally declared Napoleon the “Antichrist.” These campaigns would be the doom of him and his empire.
Although Nostradamus was incredibly accurate in his visions of the future Napoleon and his fate, I believe he either did not see, or through royalist bias, overlooked the many good political and social advances that Napoleon’s governance of his empire achieved. For instance, Napoleon abolished all anti-Semitic behavior and freed the Jews from their ghettos in the Papal States. The Code Napoleon advanced law and freedoms inspired by many French Revolutionary ideas across Europe under his rule. Nostradamus also accurately, but grimly, foresaw the French Revolution that gave birth to Napoleon’s empire, but as a royalist believing in the divine right of kings, having such a legitimate king who he foresaw being overthrown by a vulgar advent of the peasants, perhaps our royalist seer disparaged the spread of democracy that both the American and primarily the French Revolutionary ideas spread, albeit through an upstart king, and through wars against other nations, even though Napoleon was mostly fighting a defensive war against the “legitimate” crowns of Europe.
Therefore, whereas Hitler, his second antichrist candidate, is irredeemable, his first and possibly his third choices for antichrist may be rulers, that as rulers do, have done evil, but Mabus, our contemporary candidate for the Third and Final Antichrist, in Nostradamus’ potentially prejudiced view, is not like Hitler. He is more like Napoleon. Ruthless when needed, but also a political visionary.
I know of a modern leader who is young and has a vision of a better Middle East who can be as ruthless as Napoleon but is not comparable to a Hitler, who was a force of utter destruction in the world, but the third man code named by Nostradamus as “Mabus,” could also be a catalyst of world changing directions. He is a Muslim Arab, and it must be remembered that Nostradamus in the mid-sixteenth century had grounds like many Europeans did for being an Islamophobe, given that the Ottoman Empire’s pressures to conquer a divided Christendom were at their high-water mark under the formidable Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent.
Be that as it may, I know an Arab leader who in one decision was already responsible for changing the direction of history like Napoleon, being the catalyst for ending 500 years of European dominance. In a single act, he has given as consequence, a choice to the global majority of humanity, to seize their liberation from the tyranny of 500 years of Western colonial dominance and exploitation though this leader severing any further use of the over-sanctioned US Dollar, by pulling away the commodity of oil that backs it as the global reserve currency.
The Arab in question is none other than the Crown Prince, the Prime Minister and the future King of Saudi Arabia. He is the leader who broke with converting oil sales in the US dollar that will be the rapid end of the US dollar’s hegemony, as Saudi oil since late 2023, is now traded mainly in Chinese Yuan and many other currencies. This will pull Saudi Arabia’s oil and financial weight away from the US Dollar and towards the new world “majority” order that the BRICS alliance is bringing to the world (for more information about the future of BRICS, see Article 7).
Saudi Crown Prince and Prime Minister Muhammad bin Salman is better known by the world for the acronym made out of his three names: MBS.
The third antichrist is code named by the anagram of “Mabus.”
Do you see it?
Nostradamus sometimes presents a word with only its consonants. You have to fill in the vowels to MBS and you get M(a)B(u)S!
There have been many candidates for Antichrist since I found myself on the trail trying to identify him, starting way back in 1983. None of these Arab candidates were world leaders: MBS by ending the US dollar dominance and by consequence bringing down the era of America as a financial and military hegemon, has already in this one act rivaled the feats of Napoleon. In my view, MBS is the most significant candidate for the role that I’ve ever seen. He’s doing these history-changing things during the conventional phase of this Third World War. All three Antichrists would have a war play an important part or background in their rule. If MBS soon dies, and there’s a terrible unraveling of people and animals to quickly follow, it could be coming in the nuclear phase of this Third World War, if that happens.
Back to what I wrote in A New Cold War in the spring of 2014, published in the first day of summer 2014:
The Hopi, like other Native American prophetic traditions, lean decidedly towards war born out of upended nature. Their visions parallel many of Nostradamus’ prophecies about famine, drought, rising oceans aided by a “fire in the sky,” implying planetary climate change decidedly disrupts civilized and natural life on Earth.
What the catastrophes are may be unspecified, yet Stormberger is clear about the state of unawareness in which humanity enters into them:
With open eyes will the people of the Earth enter into these catastrophes. They shall not be aware of what is happening, and those who will know and tell, will be silenced. Everything will become different than before, and in many places, the Earth will be a great cemetery. The third great war will be the end of many nations.
[ASSESSMENT, 21 September 2024]

Mattias Stormberger.
I dare say that I haven’t read this full prophecy for years and it impacts me and my work personally in that firstly, I try to help people know and understand the potentials in the future that, if they know what could come they would not walk with open eyes into these catastrophes…! For Samples of the Rest of the Articles, see below, but before you do:
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DATELINE: 21-25 September 2024

An American B-2 test launching an AGM-158 JASSM, long range cruise missile. Photo USAF, public domain.
Across the Ukrainian Front!
Please Collective Western Powers
Remain Calm!
Don’t Duke Nuk’em
Back to prophecies that directly foresee that 72-minute scenario that Annie Jakobsen laid out in Nuclear War: The Scenario when I wrote the following in 2014. I’ll repeat the previous two quatrains from Nostradamus again:
5 Q8
There will be let loose living fire and hidden death.
Horror inside dreadful globes.
By night the city will be reduced to dust by the fleet.
The city on fire, helpful to the enemy.
2 Q91
At sunrise one will see a great fire.
Noise and light extending towards [Aquilon-Eagle kings of]
the North.
Within the earth death and cries are heard.
Death awaiting them through weapons, fire and famine.
The living fire of the Sun, the human-invented Sun-fire of thermonuclear weapons, detonate and leave behind in the smoking darkness a hidden death of radiation fallout to sicken and kill all those left un-skeletonized by atomic fire. Nostradamus has looked deep into our future and seen underneath the casing of atomic weapons the dreadful spherical-shaped atomic-bomb triggering device of a fusion warhead. These dreadful globes can turn a city into glowing, radioactive dust.
Nostradamus furthermore seems to be aware of nuclear war targeting protocols. The first missiles fired by Russia and America from their silos, submarines, or strategic bombers, fall like Nostradamus’ running comet striking the southernmost targets then spreading their mini-Sun fireballs in a carpet-bombing pattern advancing northwards…
[ASSESSMENT, 21 September 2024]
Watch this video explaining how the Avangard hypersonic glide vehicle functions.
Back to what I further foresaw in 2014 about the visions of 5 Q8 and 2 Q91:
…Nostradamus hears our lament and death rattle while cloistered in the darkness of bomb shelters. Death waits to claim billions of us first through atomic weapons and radioactive firestorms destroying our cities, then follows the famine.
It is famine, more than fallout or blast effects that will kill the vast majority of us in a thermonuclear war. When thousands of ports and cities go up in nuclear flame and smoke, not only are the means to grow food and transport foodstuffs destroyed but the dust and smoke sent into the stratosphere by nuclear detonations could block out the Sun’s rays from 18 months to two years in a “Nuclear Winter.” Crops feeding humanity will starve of sunlight and warmth. Most of you will starve and wither away like them.
Another Austrian seer, calling herself Madame Sylvia, foresaw this nuclear winter. She wrote the following for prophetic posterity, sounding the alarm before she died in 1948, the same year the Berlin blockade officially started the last cold war. Her “fallen colossi” in this horrible vision have long been mistaken for the USSR and US:
Frenzy, folly and madness… Two corpses by the roadside, two fallen colossi [United States and the Russian Federation?] terrible struggle, lament, wreck, ruin and smoke. Where is the Sun? Where is day? Where is God and his help? Everything is dark on Earth. Hell has opened its gates.
[ASSESSMENT, 21 September 2024]
Scientists did not come to understand this nuclear winter phenomenon until the late 1980s. Madame Sylvia had her vision 40 years before this discovery was known… Get 12 months of full access now to all my articles for only $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 30 September 2024
—Part One—

The Great Day of His Wrath, painted by John Martin in 1851. (Public Domain)
The Collected Visions and Predictions
Of Many Prophets Both Ancient and Modern
—PLUS! —
The Scenario of a Regional Nuclear War
Between “Iran” and Israel
That Could Escalate into a Nuclear Exchange
Between the Russian Federation and the United States
The Great and Mighty clouds shall be puffed up full of wrath, and the star [a thermonuclear fusion bomb is a man-made star!], that they may make all the earth afraid, and them that dwell therein; and they shall pour out over every high and eminent place a horrible star…!
(Second Book of Esdras (Ezra) 15:40)
Many of them that dwell on earth shall perish of famine; and the other, shall the sword destroy. And the dead shall be cast out as dung, and there shall be no man to comfort them: for the earth shall be wasted, and the cities shall be cast down.
(Second Book of Esdras (Ezra) 16:22-23)
Circa Fifth Century bc
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DATELINE: 26 September 2024
—Part Two—

Jared Kushner, with his wife Ivanka (Trump) Kushner as members of the US Presidential Delegation for Jerusalem Embassy dedication ceremony, alongside Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu (left) on 14 May 2018. Photo: the White House, public domain.
An Astrological Update
Of the Birth Chart of the Israeli State
A Toxic Birth May Bode a Toxic End
So I Warned Back in May 2018
Six years and four months ago, President Trump broke with global diplomatic protocol and moved the US Embassy to the Western, Jewish portion of Jerusalem, henceforth making it the first embassy not to be in Tel Aviv. The reason embassies were sequestered there is that Jerusalem was also claimed by the Palestinians as their capital. But Zionists claimed Jerusalem as theirs alone, and with President Trump’s support, it is entirely and “only” the capital for the Jewish State.
Trump’s decision to move the American embassy to Jerusalem comes from his blind love for Zionist Israel, further becoming yet another US president of the Jewish State’s Hegemonic enabler for the coming Genocide, now raging in the administration of Trump’s senile successor, President Joe Biden.
Trump’s greatest character flaw is that he is a very powerful channeler, wide open and therefore easily manipulated by evil men he surrounded himself with when in his first term as President, like his second Secretary of State, the former CIA chief, Mike Pompeo. There are signs that this may change if he is elected again for a four-year delayed second term in 2024. The Iagos of dark and manipulative councils like Mike Pompeo, and John Bolton for this Blond and orange sprayed suntanned Othello will not be as close to his ear in “Act Two” of “Celebrity Apprentice-President” Trump in the White House… Get 12 months of full access now to all my articles for only $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 26 September 2024
—Part THREE—

The Destruction of Pharaoh’s Host, by John Martin (1789-1854). Getty Open Content Image, declares that no known copyright restrictions exist, © Creative Commons.
Starting in 2024 through 2026
And it Just Might Temporally Map Out
The End of the Zionist Colonization
And Genocide of Palestine
That astrological window in time for such a reckoning may be at hand depending on how fate’s celestial influences, for good or ill, are triggered for this Israeli nation, born under a Sun sign in Taurus 23 degrees, when Uranus in Taurus will pass over Israel’s Sun sign in a prolonged conjunction.
Frances Sakoian and Lous S. Acer in their Astrologer’s Handbook wrote, in my view, a rather one-sided example of the potentials inherent in a conjunction of the Sun with Uranus:
The power potential of the Sun is expressed in this conjunction by venture into untried realms of experience, often scientific investigation at the frontier of human knowledge where the high-frequency, the high-potency forces of nature are being discovered and used for the first time. The natives have the ability to delve into the higher-frequency plans of mind by applying their wills. Thus they can experience, understand, and work with what are generally termed “occult forces,” forces expressed primarily through new and untried ways of doing things. They will act powerfully, suddenly, and decisively. In the eyes of people who do not understand their purpose, they seem unpredictable and eccentric.
Individuals with this conjunction are not necessarily subject to ordinary limitations. The means they use are based on a higher law or, more correctly, on a more advanced understanding of the One Universal Law. Thus, they are often called geniuses.
What in my view is missing here is how trines don’t just work for good people. They can also favor “evil” genius to surprise and astound, by manipulating “higher” laws of “political” and “military” sciences and inverting them to commit demonic occult actions and hidden subterfuges. Think of the dark and ingenious ways Israeli Mossad intelligence has ingeniously infiltrated the leaderships of Hamas and Hezbollah so effectively in their aim to win a war through killing off enemy political and military leadership, first in Palestine, then Hezbollah/Lebanon and perhaps they will achieve the same against Iran’s leadership.
Genius can also serve evil and the stars being neutral, can bless it with trines too. Did not the “good guys” harness nuclear energy, beating Hitler in the Atomic Bomb race, only to test it on two defenseless Japanese cities in August 1945, after Hitler was long gone, to scare their Soviet Ally Joseph Stalin at Potsdam, meeting President Truman?
Hitler was such an evil genius. He awakened occult powers to break the rules of politics and military doctrine for his ends… Get 12 months of full access now to all my articles for only $60 or a little more.
(DATELINE 17 October 2024)
—Part FOUR—

Incoming Iranian ballistic missiles 01 October 2024.
In October 2024?
Or Perhaps a Little, or a Whole Lot Later?
This could be a long journey astrologically defined by the movements of Uranus most maline, over the Israeli Birth sign, sundown to the end, of Israel’s political prime in Jeru-Salem. The city of peace, in future like that of a cemetery, trends.
Here we all go, with another scenario, if this World War III lingers as a conventional fight, far longer than I would imagine, but astrological influences might entertain into being. The future is not yet, and I must admit that we human beings have a great power of postponement. We postpone our rediscovery of our lost Christ consciousness for thousands of lives, hoodwinked by ego to think we must become that consciousness even though we always had been this consciousness forever now.
The mind, which is not “this” consciousness needs time to keep its illusion of relevance going. So it will not only delay the enlightenment forever if it can let die the mind to have it programmed anew in another life, another life, as long as it keeps taking up the search for a thing rather than stop, go in, and discover that thing sought has always been who one is.
So of course, we are habituated in each new life, taught even, to forget what we are and seek it, and by seeking it, postpone the “moment of illumination.” Collectively as a species, we will trick ourselves in even postponing a Golden Age, kicking the can of ego down time’s illusory road, delaying it by hoping for it as a goal. We even can postpone a Dark Age of nuclear night, an Armageddon, a NATO war with Russia, with Ukraine as the whipping boy, or even humor Netanyahu’s Zionist war of Arab/Persian conquest to last far longer than he wants, and even postpone the implosion of Israel taking far longer than seems rationally possible.
The planets that define the Zionist State’s ending concerns first, Israel’s Sun sign 23 degrees in Taurus at birth, that keeps playing the doomsday conjunction game with the second planet, Uranus in Taurus, as I’ve earlier explained.
Personally, as merely a man, I don’t think a lingering of this madness unto Israel’s end could waste the treasure and blood of his “American” vassal for very long.
Personality aside, the “Oracle” in me, sees in the astrology, a temporal map of that potentially long road to ruin in action, centered in the lingering expansions and constrictions of Uranus in Taurus upon Israel’s Sun Sign in Taurus at birth. So I must explain how October could be survived by all of us, into a century of history lived in November, then December, and so on, and so on, through July 2025—perhaps even nearly a year beyond that… Get 12 months of full access now to all my articles for only $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 24 September 2024
The October BRICS Summit at Kazan in Russia
Will be the Coming-Out Party of a New World Order
With a New Trading Currency System
Free of the Weaponized US Dollar
And the collective Western “Rules Based Order”
(Meaning They Change the Rules to Suit Them)
This Will Mark the Beginning of a Significant Decline
Of American and collective Western Power
And Influence upon the World
Unless Western War Mongering
Upsets the Conference
According to Escobar’s sources, Saudi Arabia is hedging full membership in the BRICS core 10 nations comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, and new members since 2023: Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia, and the United Arab Emirates. The Saudis say they are part of BRICS while wanting to stay close to the very anti-BRICS United States. It was the Prime Minister and future King of Saudi Arabia, Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman (MBS), who initiated the historic move that set in motion, so I predict, the US Dollar’s rapid demise being the sole global reserve currency. That US currency domination started back in 1971 when America and the Saudi Kingdom agreed to use Saudi Arabian oil as the US dollar’s back up commodity. Then it was agreed by Washington and Riyadh that the Saudis would only use the dollar for buying and selling Saudi crude along with investing in US Bonds. It lasted from 1971 until late 2022, when MBS opened Saudi oil to be sold in Chinese Yuan for the first time. Then he let the deadline pass in 2023 for renewing the US dollar being solely backed by Saudi crude. But it seems that the Saudis can’t quite let go of the US because they have a lot of investments in the United States that they don’t want to lose. I agree with Pepe Escobar that the clock is ticking. MBS has to choose sides in Kazan during the October summit.
Will he?
What is MBS weighing before his reckoning in late October on this important matter?
Well, US investment in his grandiose projects to modernize the Saudi Kingdom and construct a phantasmagorical open city for global commerce named NEOM in the Saudi Desert fastness. It will literally drawing a the line on human dream commerce cities, being that it will be designed to have only one boulevard, with buildings on either side of it. Just a downtown Mainstreet covered from and reflecting off of it the scorching Arabian sun, stretched across many miles in a perfect straight line over a very irregular desert mountainous terrain in the desiccated and sunburned red rock northwestern corner of Saudi Arabia… Get 12 months of full access now to all my articles for only $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 22-Updated 24 September 2024

This map shows August 2024 global temperature percentiles. NOAA depicts those areas of record warmth for any previous August in 2024 in the darkest red. (Public Domain.)
Whether we Are Engrossed in Nuclear Wars
Or Rumors of Nuclear-Wars-a-Reckoning
Hot war potentially going nuclear is one thing to forecast, but I cannot let this fateful year of 2024 move out of northern hemispheric summer into autumn without informing you all about equally significant developments that are altering the Earth’s climate in ways no one has seen or recorded before. I had said at the end-of-year 2023 climate change report that the truly breathtaking disasters and heat records of 2023 would only be “part one” of a “part two” climate crisis growing that I foresaw lingering through 2024. Some of these developments, starting in 2023 only escalated in 2024, foretell that we are entering a climate tipping point—a new abnormal change in the global climate that denotes the strain of certain Earth “organs” that are built into the global natural system, like carbon absorbing trees, and heat absorbing oceans, that can no longer trap the carbon and the heat since 2023; moreover, the heat rising now is only going to increase at a far faster rate than seen before.
Unfortunately, as I write this article on Autumn Equinox 22 September 2024, I’m seeing fulfilled the climate-altering results, that that I predicted back in far off 1990; namely, I foresaw that climate scientists would be exposed as being too positive in their assessments on the development and speed of global climate changes coming. They put the temperature red lines, such as when the planet crosses 2-degrees, or even 3-degrees Celsius thresholds, pushed all the way forward to near the end of the twenty-first century.
My documented predictions from 1990 appeared finally four years later in my second book, a fully illustrated coffee table book named The Millennium Book of Prophecy, forecast that those temperature thresholds causing grave climate tipping points would eventually see the scientists by our times in the 2020s bring those red lines way back closer to our own times. The reason being is that the worst-case scientific scenarios are in play, not the best-case scenarios the scientists relied on not to frighten further funding of their research…
Get 12 months of full access now to all my articles for only $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 20 September 2024

A close-up black and white image of the facial expression of a girl experiencing fear. Author, James Neill, 21 September 2024. © Creative Commons.
We’re Not Scared Enough Yet
To Be Afraid, Really Afraid, is Our Best Chance
To Dodge Nuclear Doomsday
I see your fear as a good and healthy thing. I see people’s denial of the dangers, and their desperate holding on to fluffy fairytale endings as truly the way to death for all of us, the catalyst of our doom! So let’s be afraid, very afraid and celebrate that. Celebrate that you have the intelligence to be afraid, and let that fear awaken, in you and us, a movement that will eventually erase all weapons of mass destruction from our civilization, that will end all military industrial war businesses that cannot profit from Peace. If this fear cannot awaken us, then we all deserve to die as a species and let some other lifeforms get a chance to evolve better than we did into beings of love, tolerance and eternal consciousness. Maybe our fellow traveler since the human beginning, as adaptable as we have been, the cockroach, will evolve into a better sentient species than we have been, if we let “Stupid” cancel ourselves.
My master, Osho, often said that he could not believe humanity when faced with nuclear extinction would let it happen. The survival instinct would not let it happen. If he is correct, then the cockroaches will have to wait their evolutionary turn because you’ve come to understand that the fear instinct is a good thing. And you should celebrate, being that you are so afraid of what could happen, indicates an awakening intelligence.
You do have a fear against putting your hand in a blazing fire.
Then stop fearlessly putting your hand, body and soul into the fires of nuclear war, perhaps soon. Cultivate a healthy fear of nuclear war, and a healthy vigilance against all your leaders in the West who are trying to talk themselves into fighting and winning a nuclear war with Russia and China and perhaps Iran.
Fools don’t evolve. Human beings who have a healthy love of life and a heathy fear of Stupidity, vigilantly watch the attempted control of them by their elected leaders gone corrupted by dark and monied interests. They protest any Deep State or corporate control of their leaders becoming Deep State sock puppets.
Take back your stolen democracy, and your suppressed and propagandizing Free Press. Be even more afraid than you are about nuclear war when it comes to the rising threat against your inalienable RIGHT suppressed, the freedom to speak. Then there is no way to stop your nuclear end time from happening if you cannot criticize those who would lead your Western nations there… Get 12 months of full access now to all my articles for only $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 21 September 2024

It calls end of world – worlds-end with mist and sun. Photo Sahan.kulathunge. © Creative Commons.
Some Unexpected Answers
From un-Enlightened and Enlightened
Who knows? Perhaps even a crossing of the threshold one step towards nuclear doomsday by one party or the other in Western Asian and Ukrainian theaters of war will be the cold splash of awareness that triggers 200 more people to awaken beyond the average per population, 200 more buddhas (awakened ones) scared straight into living in the Eternity of the Present. Just the quality of a reawakening consciousness in only 200 more of us today than the average, as foretold by modern mystics of the twentieth century, like Osho, is enough to counterbalance that dark quantity of even 8 billion, unconsciously living human beings from committing mass auto-suicide through a nuclear war.
And how would that be so that even 200 new Awakened Ones among us might counterbalance this unconscious urge to human auto-suicide?
The 200 come from the 10,000 of us who are buddhas, “awakened ones” that have been programmed to pretend not to be buddhas—but with a difference. We are aware that we are pretending not to be who we forever are and that awareness is engaged moment-to-moment through witnessing the pretending and what is witnessing the pretending “is the Buddha.” Witnessing the world from this deep space is returning the Buddha to us, inside of us that ego had coated over, which is the eternal, blissful Source from where all appearances, even the appearance of the Universe appears and then disappears, like a cloud in the endless sky.
One then learns how not to hold on to any appearances. We live them, with a totality of living, but we do not hold onto appearances. We are like the waves upon the cosmic Whole that have turned in from our identification with ours and other wave shapes to feel that same and salty Oceanic presence that is inside all transitory forms. We are 10,000 buddhas living totally in the world of appearances but not attached to them.
Become one of these few, who have an urgency more than ever, that each of us needs to live each moment like it was the last but with love and a “great-fullness” of the Eternal Present in our hearts, because you are coming home, you are remembering your eternal center in this cyclone of history around us now.
There is no end. Because all beginnings and all ends are taken note of by something so simple and so ordinary: our divine nature. We are “this moment” THAT, forever and always presently… Get 12 months of full access now to all my articles for only $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 21 September 2024

A logo presenting a cat’s head in a Ying Yang black and white dual frame. Author Pablo Carlos Budassi. © Creative Commons.
One Hate-full, and One Full of Love
Concerning what I said in my Appearance
On Coast-to-Coast AM, 19 September 2024
After a very long silence of 9 months and two weeks since my last appearance on 20 December 2023, doing my forecasts for 2024, I managed to again appear on Coast-to-Coast AM with George Noory as host on 19 September 2024. I have been doing the show with George for 20 years and before him with Art Bell for ten years more, starting in early July of 1994.
The Coast website gave a good overview of the topics in their “About the Show” segment. (See Show overview page.):
About the show
In the first half, authority on Nostradamus, prophecy, and astrology, John Hogue returned to update his prophecy alarm. He highlighted a significant astrological event in October: Pluto’s return to its original position in the US chart, a moment that won’t recur for another 248 years. This, he argued, symbolizes a “death and rebirth” for the nation. He drew parallels to the historical Cuban Missile Crisis, warning that the current geopolitical situation, particularly regarding Russia and Ukraine, could escalate into a dangerous confrontation. He related some of Nostradamus’s prophecies and those of the 18th-century seer Stormberger, about a world war conflagration possibly involving nuclear bombs and global destruction to our current timeline.
Though Nostradamus wrote of dire wars, some of his quatrains refer to the far future going all the way up to the year 3797 and beyond, Hogue noted, adding that it can be a positive thing to maintain a certain fear around things like nuclear war and devastation, as it wakes up humanity and kicks in our survival mechanism. Hogue touched on the upcoming election, speculating that Trump could win both in the electoral college and the popular vote. He also asserted that mainstream media has lost its way and expressed concern over censorship and the suppression of alternative voices. Further, he lamented the decline of civic education, stating, “There’s been a couple generations now that have not had civics classes,” which he believes has contributed to a passive citizenry.
I will add a few more things that were left out in the above… Get 12 months of full access now to all my articles for only $60 or a little more.