Category Archives: Predictions for 2025

THE HOGUEPROPHECY REPORT, 25 January 2025: The Los Angeles Santa Ana Holocaust of Apocalyptic Winds & Unprecedented Fires! / The Real Climate Crisis comes from Idiots who throw Tomato Sauce at It! Only Birbal—Emperor Akbar’s Ingenious Court Jester—Might have the Unusual, shocking, but Enlightened Solution / The “Shape” of Trump’s Dreams to Come Down the Next 100 Days? Some call it’s Crazy, Others Call it in Visionary World-Changing Directions / Donald “Trumping” Proxy Wars in Israel & Ukraine / Netanyahu “Truth Bombed” by Jeffrey Sachs, Posted by Trump! / Trump & his “Celebrity Apprentice Cabinet” Struggling in a Learning Curve to separate Deep State Intel BS from Facts about Russia / & Finally: A Way out of the Dark Night of the Soul becomes an “Effect” without a “Cause”

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DATELINE: 09-19 January 2024

The January 2025 Santa Ana Holocaust
Of Apocalyptic Winds and Unprecedented Fires!


Photo taken of the Palisades Fire in the City of Los Angeles, CA, on 8 January 2025. (Public domain)

Holocaust, n. 1. Rare. A sacrificial offering that is consumed entirely by flames; burnt offering. 2. Great or total destruction by fire; a conflagration. 3. Any widespread destruction. [Middle English, from Old French holocauste, from Latin holocaustum, from Greek holokauston, from holokautos, burnt whole: holo + whole + kaustos, variant of kautos, burnt, from kaein, to burn.] —hol’o-caus’tal, hol’o-caus’tic, adj. Source: The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. William Morris Editor, 1970.

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GAIN FULL ACCESS NOW TO 12-MONTHS OF HOGUEPROPHECY ARTICLES. Donate $60 or a little more to and you will receive full access to 12 months of my reports and articles sent directly to you.
These usually come in waves of 5-to-11 articles once or twice a month, on average 105 to 112 articles a year! As soon as they’re published, I will manually send a fully-illustrated PDF attached to the email address you used at PayPal. But 12-months in the Paypal Memo line.

You have eight months of virtually no rain in Los Angeles, starting in May 2024 after a previous two years of flooding rains that have exploded growth of trees and underbrush of Southern California. Then, in January, what is expected to be the wettest month of the rainy season, it opened with no rain at all. I’m from Los Angeles. I was born in Hollywood in 1955 and grew up in Redondo Beach, Palos Verdes and as a young man lived in southern San Pedro, before I finally left in the spring of 1982, after spending the first 27 years of my life there because it was too dry for me. My favorite months in LA were in deep winter, starting in January, because the rains finally came to turn the so called “Golden” State of dried brown hills into a brief state of “Green,” lasing about three months before it all dried out again, inviting fires, especially when the Santa Ana winds began to blow by late summer through autumn.

I am aware that Southern California has gotten drier since I lived there, punctuated by years with too much flooding rains, but such a drought like this to befall the place of my roots. Yes, we had some long droughts in the 1960s, but nothing like the heavy rains through 2023, suddenly ending in April 2024, and then they just didn’t happen in any measurable rainfall for the next eight months. Not even early spring showers rolling across the LA basin from the Santa Monica and San Bernadino mountains even as late as May?

When I lived there you could expect some rain would creep down from the northwest by Christmas with January nice and wet. Not in January 2025. Christmas was dry and the first week of the new year didn’t enjoy a single drop. Fires burned in the second week, with more Santa Ana, red flagged high wind warnings past mid-January. Next, the third week, they’re bracing for further Santa Ana wind events.

I just checked Weather Underground’s extended forecast and “maybe” there’s a 7 percent chance of a useless light drizzle on 20 January, followed by it being dry all the way to 24-26 January with maybe a 63 percent chance of light rain that’s not going to help much, just a tenth of an inch collected over January’s final weekend. From then on, LA finishes the last four days of the month passing into the bone-dry opening of February with the first week of February with no rain!

What is going to happen to Southern California if the rainy season’s lesser months of precipitation are not much better, followed by a further 9 months of next to nothing? Will 2025 be the year Southern California burnt up?

The poster for my first of four live appearances I did with George Noory, host of Coast-to-Coast AM from 2017 through 2022 at the Everett WA Opera House.

The poster for my first of four live appearances I did with George Noory, host of Coast-to-Coast AM from 2017 through 2022 at the Everett WA Opera House.

It has been seven years and counting since I’ve ceased to argue the facts of climate change to deniers. It began around the time George Noory hosted my first live appearance with him on stage as the closing act for one of his live Coast to Coast AM stage shows. I appeared in the first of four performances that took place in Everett, a small harbor city north of Seattle in the historic landmark that is the Everett Opera House which was built back in 1901.

Do a show with George? What luck! That Opera House was nearly in my backyard, being that I had been living in Langley, WA, on Whidbey Island since 2001. I can see Everett across the Puget Sound from the bluff overlooking the Langley Marina, of my village of around 999 people, plus me, and at that time around 5,000 European bunny rabbits that put us on the map because years earlier a handful of these cute critters escaped the paddock in our Island County Fairgrounds where kids were invited to chase after and catch the bunnies. The few escaped bunnies made the back yards and gardens of Langley their home and fruitfully multiplied. They all but died out suddenly in the Great Hemorrhagic Bunny Plague of 2022, but I’m happy to say their numbers are returning, especially in my corner of the Langley Village. Anyway, Everett is just a 15-minute ferry ride to “America” from Whidbey Island in the very evergreen and wet Pacific Northwest. That’s what we islanders call the mainland because Whidbey Island is peaceful and kind in ways that make it far removed from America, these days.

While I was waiting to go on stage in the basement Green Room. I could hear George on the intercom interviewing his first guest, a staunch climate change denier. George asked the audience to clap if they believed climate change was real. It sounded like a quarter of the 1,000 people attending timidly pressed hands together to clap that it was real. George then asked for applause if the audience thought it was a hoax. Three quarters of the audience clapped such a vigorous and crisp clamor of slapped-together palms to blister out a din as crisp as snaping embers as that old and tinny intercom speaker could muster. Memories of that dry, combustive din 7.5 years ago reminded me of the amassed popping and sputtering brushfires roaring over Pacific Palisades with the irresistible power that only high Santa Ana winds playing infernal bellows can exhale like a flamethrower down upon houses, churches, bistros, Malibu Beach bungalows and even California’s only museum of bunny artwork in Pacific Palisades, rendering all to ashes. The roar of applause was a distant memory comparable to what I was hearing and watching across the whole of Pacific Palisades on 8 January 2025, as if a demonically fallen angel of firestorms might let loose a pyromaniacal mayhem to seek a fire storm of applause from an audience of arsonists.

It gave me an unanticipated idea.

So when it was my turn to close the show, I got on the stage and during my interview, I broached the subject of the earlier incident of the audience voting with their applause for Climate Change being a hoax. Let’s try that vote again with the audience’s participation. I asked the 1,000 people, “Raise both hands and arms over your head if you believe climate change is a hoax.”

Three quarters of the audience raised both arms and hands gladly.

“Good.” I said, then I politely asked, “Raise both your hands and arms if down the next eleven years climate change will completely alter your lives.”

The whole audience acted like a one-armed bandit in a Las Vegas Casino coming up tilting! Coming up Zeros with red lights flashing. Some arms went halfway up then violently down, embarrassing the owners of such limbs, looking sideways at those beside them. A lot of the people who believe climate change is real quietly lifted their arms knowingly at my trick, while a majority caught in a mind-lurch grumbled, being stunned and confused.

I told the audience, “Do not forget this event, and this moment. Do not succumb to the doom of people that they forget what this evening had foretold, because down the next 11 years, by 2028, many of you will personally know what I predicted this evening has happened to you and yours, sad to say. You will know Climate Change is real because of what it is doing to alter your lives, changing them irreparably. Many of you that thought it is a hoax today, will by 2028 KNOW first-hand that climate change is not a hoax. It is real.”

The day after, the audience awakened to the first day down many weeks to come of smoked out fire fogs descending to sea level over the streets of Everett, the buttoned-up houses of Seattle and also my home in Whidbey Island. Across Washington State, Montana, Idaho, the provinces of British Columbia and Alberta, the fog of millions of acres of burnt forests, spiced with the toxic after-ash of hundreds of structures, were caused by massive forest megafires visiting Western Canada, the US Cascade and Sierra Nevada mountains even shutting tight windows and doors for what fresh air was possible indoors across Northern California to San Francisco basin where the sun had been lost in the reddish brown pall that robbed them of the skies.

Ever since 2017, this new pattern, this new “abnormal” weather reality, has often ruined the final third of most summers I’ve experienced here in the Pacific Northwest for most of the last eight summers from end of August through October. Certainly the late summers since I’ve lived here starting in 1986 always had a little smoke to tolerate up here, but after 2017, August through September, sometimes into October, can sometimes see the fireball red sun high altitude smoke descend and linger sometimes weeks, sometimes all through August, September and the first half of October, with one having to stay indoors from harmful levels of smoke pollution in a region once famous for its fresh air.

My main reason for leaving Los Angeles was from the health consequences of suffering respiratory troubles from growing up breathing daily LA smog sig-alerts. At least since I moved up here in the Pacific Northwest since 1986, the wet and clean air has made me most hale and hearty. But here comes trouble with these late summer fire fogs! I have to filter the air and tie a scarf around my mouth like I used to do when I was a volunteer fire fighter during the four years I lived in Osho’s 64,000 acre ranch and commune in fire prone Eastern Oregon.

Since 2017 I let time and the gathering outrages of super droughts and storms be my argument to people who deny what is coming until it can’t be denied anymore. The year 2025 opens with the year 2028 only three years away. I know that many people in that Everett audience had flown in from LA to see the show, on that hot evening of 29 July 2017. Perhaps a few came from Altadena, Pasadena, or Hurst in the San Fernando Valley. Some of them, might have come from Pacific Palisades, which for the most part now no longer exists, like the town of Paradise in Northern California.

Maybe some people at that show had lived in Paradise, a town of 20,000 people that entirely burnt to the ground the following summer of 2018 displacing 50,000 people, burning down 18,000 structures with the Paradise “holocaust” consuming completely 85 people.

A year later I flew over the ruins of Paradise on my way home from filming in West Los Angeles, not far from what was a still vibrant community of Pacific Palisades. Maybe some of the audience in the summer of 2017 had been living there.

There’s an even better chance that folks from Lahaina, Maui, could have been there. I hope not in both cases but as the world gets warmer and warmer the firestorms, just like the hurricanes and the Santa Anna blowtorching winds, have increased their quick and terrible destructive force upon our lives, workplaces, schools, churches and homes.

A church in Pacific Palisades, Los Angeles, cast in a horrid glow of the oncoming firestorm hunting it down for devouring (Public Domain).

A church in Pacific Palisades, Los Angeles, cast in a horrid glow of the oncoming firestorm hunting it down for devouring (Public Domain).

By the dawn of the third day (10 January 2025), the burnt offerings of the first confirmed 10 victims to these unprecedented Santa Ana winds, had spawned five fires blazing across the Los Angeles area. Reports, as of yet unverified, tell of hospitals receiving the first people “injured from the fires.” Because of hospital policies of privacy, how they came to be hurt is not yet detailed. I can imagine many were caught fleeing too late, while others were naïve enough to believe they could put out this ocean of flames with a useless garden hosing of their properties. Many of the dead that will later be counted will have succumbed to flames from their naivety. I know of one man’s chard body in being found in Altadena lying in his front yard with a melted garden hose clasped in his burnt hands.

It started in the morning of 7 January and by the following day with two holocausts bearing down on high winds that sustained 40 mph, with gusts of 80 to even a few 100 mph blow torch blasts. They bore down out of the Santa Monica and San Bernardino Mountains starting the two largest fires thus far, the Pacific Palisades and the Eaton fires respectively. Not long after erupted the smaller Hurst Fire near Sylmar at the north end of the San Fernando Valley. Even though the winds died down on 8 January, two more significant fires were unleashed, the Lidia fire on the northern foothills of the San Bernardino Mountains, and the Sunset Fire. Though the latter fire was small, it dramatically blazed in the densely populated Hollywood Hills starting at sundown on the 8th. There were many smaller fires as well—at least 16 as I write this part of the article on 9-10 January—sprouting mostly in Los Angeles County, a few in Riverside, Ventura and one in Orange County in an acreage burn range of mostly 1 to 5 acres with a few more up to 43 acres.

The loss of properties is catastrophic!

[UPDATE 19 January 2025]

I can report that whole communities have been rendered into crematory ash, chief among these about 90 percent of Pacific Palisades and most of Altadena (from Eaton Fire). The high winds alone knocked out 400,000 customers across Los Angeles County. Since a “customer” is a house, an apartment, or business, one could calculate over 1,000,000 Angelinos were without power, some for days. Perhaps a further half million people had their neighborhood power switched off of many days after being evacuated in case the fires continued to spread.

By 19 January, we are at 40,588 acres burnt. That’s 16,425 hectares, or 63 square miles (164 kilometers)! Over 205,000 have been evacuated with a shocking 12,401 structures destroyed! The death toll is 28 with 31 missing and 22 with non-fatal injuries. These acreage and structures burned numbers are exponentially larger than any major brushfire event that Los Angeles California in its long and tragic history of deadly fires has ever experienced.

ZZ Top performing in San Antonio, Texas, 18 January 2015. Photo Ralph Arvesen, Flickr. © Creative Commons.

ZZ Top performing in San Antonio, Texas, 18 January 2015. Photo Ralph Arvesen, Flickr. © Creative Commons.

For me this all started when I woke up on the morning of the 7th sensing something “had happened” in the world that was not nice. What was waiting for me at the computer was an email from my good friend and fellow traveler in the Osho Dharma, Robert Mutter (Swami Prem Diwamani). We both have long, white wizard beards these days as we are becoming as long in the Dharma as we are beginning to be a bit long in the tooth. One time we came into the Langley post office. Everyone in line was looking up at us, so I asked them, “Can anybody direct us to the ZZ-Top Look-alike convention?”

The postal guys and everyone in line laughed.

Diwamani’s email, sent at 10:21 pm on 7 January, said, “I see there are a couple big fires down LA way, Palisades…”

I wrote him back saying I had woken up about 15 minutes after he sent the email, “feeling some heebie-jeebies,” like I do when something big is happening in the world. Then I acknowledged seeing his email about the fires.

I told him that I’ve seen a lot of Santa Ana wind events with fires since as long as I can remember them first as a five-year-old in the early 1960s. I had NEVER seen anything like this! And I’ve watched some big fires in the LA/Malibu/Santa Monica/Pacific Palisades area over six decades.

I further wrote, “This rivals the historical and deadly, city-consuming fires of London in 1666, Moscow in 1812, San Francisco after the quake in 1906, the Great Chicago Fire of 1907, or even the apocalyptic blaze in Alberta Canada that burnt most of the sizable town of Fort McMurray down in the summer of 2016!”

Further, on a more subjective and political note, the blue democrat bastion that the state of California has become understandably suffered the shock of Biden’s palace coup, with Obama and Harris pressuring him to step down, to which afterward Biden did his best to sabotage Kamala Harris’ chances to replace him in the Oval Office. But then Kamala Harris, being politically a cackling “nothing-burger” of a candidate, was the main reason democrats even in California just couldn’t get on board and there was as surprising red surge that was responsible for giving Republicans a slim majority in the House of Representatives to match the Trump landslide taking the Senate.

Please don’t misunderstand me! I am not being disrespectful to my fellow Californians, suffering this holocaust of fires as I showed above is the true meaning of that infamous word for a completely burnt up offering.

It is only an unfortunate coincidence such an “act of God” as the insurance business calls these catastrophes, should visit the Pacific Palisades where many employees and actors of the Hollywood movie industry live, whether they are the rich and famous actors, writers and directors, or Hollywood’s rank and file middle class sound and set builders, special effects artists and general employees of many small subcontracting or major Hollywood studios. A sizable majority of these either live in North Hollywood, spared from the fires and Pacific Palisades that was not spared, the latter driving down from the Palisades hills, to turn east on Sunset Strip Blvd. to arrive at studios spread across West LA, Hollywood, North Hollywood, all the way to Burbank and so on.

Times are not so good for Hollywood employees because of this puritanical turn of late, making Hollywood more often Hollyweird with millions of movie goers suffering higher prices at the box office to sit through woke themes no one but Mickey Mouse and a small minority of woke film goers are interested in spending their dwindling, hard earned money on.

Pacific Palisades is also a residential mecca for homes owned by reporters and technicians of the local and national, left-leaning LA TV and cable network industries. They’re industry has suffered two blows of credibility within two months: the 5 November election results caught woke and liberal networks flat footed with their very unbalanced left-leaning reportage. The next blow may be coming down the first 100 days of the Trump administration after he is sworn in officially as President on 20 January. Trump has already mused openly about reviewing the licenses to CBS and other legacy (NBC and ABC) and cable networks like MSNBC and CNN. He is correct that the people of the United States own the US airwaves, not a single network, and there is a clause in these agreements that networks must be fair and balanced in their reporting. That certainly isn’t happening and some of the worst, one-sided reporting was directed at the President Elect. In comes a new year literally like a “fire storm” making a large number of media people and technicians, studio grips, writers, etc. homeless. Next might come pressure to turn the deep blue networks based in LA more purple in their “balanced” reporting or face losing their airwave licenses.

Surprise! Surprise! Surprising is how I define this new year of 2025. Add to surprises like the biggest fire to burn out LA properties in its history. Add the political fire storms of revolution coming.

2025 is a doorway into a new era in human history that for better and often for worse, will metaphorically burn down stuck points of view, flame out establishment lethargy and corruption. The networks, both local and national, both abusing too far to the left, to the Woke, and even right of center Fox might also do well to be fairer and more balanced rather than far right at times because Trump is not a Republican or a Democrat. He is MAGA. That concept is populist, and it is attracting not only Red Republicans to its ranks but Blue Democrats that have been, for four difficult years under Wokism and President Biden the Brainless’ woke-contorting and controlling Democratic party. Normal Democrats have turned into social and political refugees, leaving the party in droves toward MAGA, even top Democrat political leaders like Bobby Kennedy Jr., like Tulsi Gabbard who may now find a place in President-elect Trump’s cabinet. I foresee this exodus from Democrat wokery to Trump. The caps will remain scarlet red, even if the political demographic of MAGA becomes the color purple.

The passions and fires of revolution burn both ways. As I said in my previous HogueProphecy Report on the US Elections, American seers of the nineteenth and twentieth century like famous Chicago clairvoyant Irene F. Hughes back in the early 1970s foresaw that by the mid-2020s there would be an advent of reforming or restoring constitutional rights of all US citizens in what could hopefully be, for the most part, a peaceful Second American Revolution/Reformation that will begin from 2025 and climax, so I predict, in 2036 given that Pluto will return to its position at the birth of the French Revolution by then transiting back and forth four times between 2035-2026 over the stars of 14 July 1789, when the Bastille was burned down by an armed mob of Parisians in what this time around will be a global revolution by the mid 2030s.

Of course fires care not about our political leanings. Though a majority of Hollywood performers and technicians are far left of center, I watched unfold the tragedy of one of the rare conservative actors there, James Woods, video-taping his own fight and failure to save his neighbors’ house that went up in furious flames and smoke like his neighborhood perched farther up in the Pacific Palisades hills.

Political biases during a community disaster like this, can be the first thing consumed by the simple human heart’s response to help others and save others from the approaching fire storm. When disaster threatens, you are just people then, dealing with it, helping others who also help you. Parties identified by donkey and elephant totems are dropped as you help save yourselves and your neighbors.

Kamala Harris has a house in Brentwood, right next door to Pacific Palisades. I found the house on Google Earth. I will not divulge the location for the sake of her privacy. At first, I noticed that it appeared a block within the burn area demarcated by Google Maps. I was suspicious of this rather sweeping and unarticulated fire burn map, given my experiences being an Oregon volunteer bush fireman. I waited for better demarcated maps to appear. I am glad to report that Harris’ LA home was not burned down.

With that said this is Kamala Harris’ state. She lost the election big. And being California’s not so illustrious Attorney General then its US Senator, she is partly responsible for the decline of law and order in her state on her watch in the Senate as San Francisco is becoming—and Oakland already is—a failed city, a real mess!

Los Angeles streets are crowded with tens of thousands of fentanyl drug addicts, and homeless, many of them a host of illegal aliens that include many gang members collecting there from outside of the US. It may very well turn out, that many of the homeless and illegals who come into the US not lawfully processed, commonly camp out up in the Hollywood Hills, and the Santa Monica mountains looking down on Pacific Palisades below at crowding homes tightly built on its fingered foothills and canyons. The Sunset Fires might have been started by such people camping out in the Runyon Canyon reserve in Hollywood’s Sunset Fire. I know for a fact from friends of mine who tell me of their encounters with individuals camping in the Santa Monica Mountains on red flag high-wind-warning days, like what happened on 7-8 January, in areas where campfires are banned. They ignore the rules and on cold early January nights have fires going to make sleep possible. The winds then came, and Pacific Palisades burns, end of hypothetical story.

And now nature makes its apocalypse on the city government that cut firefighter funds to give the money to the multitudes living on the streets in tents, some of which tent in high fire zones in the hills! Westernmost LA, and the Sunset Strip were ablaze! Trump is in the White House. MSNBC is going down and may go bankrupt. Mark Suckerberg yesterday pretending that he’s going to drop censorship on Face-“Plant” (AKA Facebook), and now this! The biggest Santa Ana wind borne fire thus far in LA history. The year of surprises and history-changing course directions is not yet a month old!

Michael Schellenberger for Public on X Californian democratic leaders and leadership will try to cover up how much they are responsible for this catastrophic wind and fire disaster in Los Angeles by defunding water maintenance and fire fighting for their woke agendas and not allowing for control burns because it would cause more carbon releases.

Well now! 12,401 homes, businesses, churches and schools going up in smoke with 40,000-plus acres of watershed. That’s a whole lot of carbon the woke, carbon-zero, Californian Governor and the LA mayor policies have added to global warming rather than sequestered! Add to that the tens of thousands of new homeless people from Pacific Palisades and Altadena swelling the homeless count in the Los Angeles area and reducing a sizable portion of the LA Fire Department money to adequately fight these fires!

Here’s what freelance reporter Mark Shellenberger said about it. I’ve corrected the text from X because it left out a few of his words. A.I. (Artificial Idiots) step aside. Let a living human being present what he exactly said:

Palisades Fire that started in the City of Los Angeles, 8 January 2025.

Palisades Fire that started in the City of Los Angeles, 8 January 2025.

Hey, everybody, it’s Mike Schellenberger for PUBLIC.

Over the next few weeks you’re going to hear Governor Gavin Newsom, Mayor Karen Bass, and the Democratic Party tell you that there’s nothing that could have been done to prevent the fires from ravaging Los Angeles.

Those will be lies. They could have prevented them. Governor Newsom cut the funding for preventing forest fires and failed to build sufficient water resources for fighting fires. Mayor Karen Bass cut $17.5 million in funding for the Los Angeles Fire Department and then went to Ghana even though she knew of the risk of catastrophic fires.

Now it’s true that California, in general, and Los Angeles in particular, are fiery places. It’s true that the Santa Ana winds made the fires worse.

But Newsom and Bass have known about those hazards for all of their careers and failed to deal with them. Their rank incompetence and lack of leadership are shocking and scandalous.

It’s hard to overstate how badly they screwed up water management in particular. Los Angeles firefighters haven’t had the water they needed. Newsom hasn’t built the new water reservoirs that Los Angeles needed. And Newsom even cut the budget for water infrastructure projects last year.

So why is that? Well, part of the reason is that they were focused on other things. Making the fire department more racially diverse. Climate change. Homelessness.

And the reason they were focused on those things is because those are what the Radical Left that controls the Democratic party wanted them to focus on.

Year after year, they do nothing while focusing on things like trans and Trump and climate and ignoring the things that really matter to the people of California.

The Democrats in California aren’t like Democrats in other states. They are radicals. I would know, since when I was a young radical who moved to California for that reason.

As many of us get older, we become more moderate. We become more practical. We understand firefighters and police officers are necessary. And we are reminded of the importance of things like safe streets and hard work and good schools.

But more than that, I saw the consequences of radical progressive policies on the environment, homelessness, crime, education, water, and everything else. Violent criminals, in particular, are now devouring Los Angeles, Oakland, and the rest of California.

The people who control the Democratic Party in California worship books about Los Angeles, like City of Quartz by the Marxist author, Mike Davis. In that book, Davis claims that the problem in Los Angeles is that too much money goes to things like firefighting to protect wealthy neighborhoods.

They did the same thing on crime and homelessness. They failed to provide adequate funding to the police. They weakened the laws that allowed for burglaries and robberies. They subsidized homelessness, attracting homeless people from around the United States to camp illegally and start fires in California.

Over half of the fires in places like LA and Oakland are caused by the homeless people, mostly committing arson and often out of some petty revenge.

We don’t know what started all of the fires, but at least one started within the housing subdivision. Others may have started in the interface between housing and wildlands. Or it could have been started by the homeless.

Whatever the case, California and LA did not invest enough in preventing fires because they were distracted by radical Left causes.

When Rick Caruso ran for Mayor against Karen Bass, he called for increasing the fire department’s budget, but a big part of the reason he lost is simply because he was white.

I watched focus groups in 2022, and the most racist people were white liberals in Los Angeles. When they discussed the mayoral race, the white people overwhelmingly said they couldn’t vote for a white man and had to vote for a black woman because she was black.

Interestingly enough, the Latino men and women in separate focus groups were much less racist. They wanted to know about the policies of the mayoral candidates.

It was the radical Left that invented the racist idea that white people alive today should feel guilty about things white people did in the past. This racist white guilt led people in Los Angeles to vote against a guy who would have prevented those fires.

And so, over the next few weeks, when you hear Governor Gavin Newsom, Mayor Karen Bass, and the Democratic Party tell you that there’s nothing they could have done to prevent the fires from destroying Los Angeles, don’t believe them.

It’s time for California to grow up and move beyond the juvenile Leftism that has destroyed the state and destroyed Los Angeles. We really can’t trust California leaders to run anything. It’s not just incompetence. It’s that they really don’t care.

Now is the time for Californians to demand new leaders — ones who aren’t beholden to the radicals who control the Democratic Party. Thanks for listening.

I know these neighborhoods in Altadena and Pasadena. I’ve been many times to Pacific Palisades and Malibu. In the last few days, I’ve watched many a landmark going down in flames, just like I watched helicopters film all the neighborhoods of East and South Central Los Angeles suffer sporadic fires in the great riot of 1992

I used to work in all those places in the mid-1970s playing the Big Bad Wolf in the children’s opera “Little Red Riding Hood” for the LA School District with Irene Chapman playing Little Red. In one year we performed to every class from kindergarten to sixth grade in every school across in East LA, Watts, and San Pedro, where I lived at that time. Almost 20 years afterwards when I was living in Capitol Hill, Seattle, WA, I watched on television the sporadic fires taking down supermarkets and shops, with crowds of hooligans lighting cars and looted properties on fire, etc., many of which I entered in more peaceful times to shop.

Great changes are coming in 2025 which in my next HogueProphecy report scheduled for late February I will elaborate on this following theme for this new year. As 2024 was indeed the Year of Reconning, what else was the 2024 Presidential Election but that? The new year of 2025 I will call “The Year of Surprises and Revolution!”

Check out links below showing how the LA City Government neglected HUNDREDS of the fire stations across Los Angeles.

Massive Breaking Bombshell: Respected Industry Insiders Confirm the Devastating Los Angeles Fires Were A Deliberate Deep State Operation. They may be stretching “Stupid” posing as a global cabal, but with that said, what do you think about the evidence the source of this is laying out?

An Evil Man will burn his own nation to the ground
to rule over the ashes.

Sun Tzu

For Samples of the next SIX articles, see   them below.


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DATELINE: 09-19 January 2024

Raja Birbal, Mogul Prince, unofficial court Jester and friend to the Mogul Emperor Akbar the Great, circa the late-sixteenth century (public domain).

Raja Birbal, Mogul Prince, unofficial court Jester and friend to the Mogul Emperor Akbar the Great, circa the late-sixteenth century (public domain).

Idiots who throw Tomato Sauce at It

Perhaps there is a Solution to That

Something Original that Only Birbal
—Emperor Akbar’s Ingenious Court Jester—
Might Suggest

It is not a Punishment but the Consequence
Of such Idiotic Acts of Hooliganism
To Great Works of Art in the Name of Saving us
From Climate Change

The story goes that a courtier who had fallen in love with one of Akbar’s concubines, both were caught trying to flee the palace.

Akbar in such situations always relied on the unorthodox insights of Birbal his most beloved courtier and quasi-court jester for coming up with original solutions that at first might have appeared shocking but soon revealed an enlightened, as often equally humorous solution, to a problem.

So Akbar had the two love birds brought before him. He asked Birbal what he should do with the “lovers.”

Birbal replied, “First, there is no need to punish them. They desire each other. They want each other. Give them their desire, immediately.”

Akbar’s brow lifted; his eyes wide with surprise?

Birbal cackled and leaned closer to add, “Do not worry, Great Emperor, sometimes the best solution when it comes to love, or infatuation at least, is to give lovers just what they deserve to have granted. And see what happens.”

What happened was quite a surprise. Find out. Get 12 months of full access now to all my articles for only $60 or a little more.

DATELINE: 14-20 January 2025

Donald Trump with Elon Musk, Tulsi Gabbard, RFK Jr, and Speaker of the House Mike Johnson at the UFC (the Ultimate Fighting Championship), an American mixed martial arts organization, 16 November 2024. Source: Office of Speaker Mike Johnson (public domain).

Donald Trump with Elon Musk, Tulsi Gabbard, RFK Jr, and Speaker of the House Mike Johnson at the UFC (the Ultimate Fighting Championship), an American mixed martial arts organization, 16 November 2024. Source: Office of Speaker Mike Johnson (public domain).

The “Shape” of His Dreams to Come
Down the Next 100 Days?

A Sweeping set of
—Some call it Crazy, Others Call it Visionary—
But altogether Potentially World Changing Directions

Here are some possible future scenarios that need to be aired out. The US could just take Greenland if it wanted to, if a referendum of its 57,000 citizens voted to become a part of America. They could equally become an independent state that could have a LARGE US military protection plan with the US, to protect it from, let’s say Russia, the dominant power of the North Polar Nations. Russia won’t encroach on the North American side of the Polar Sea, so Moscow says, but some Russia phobic fever arising in US Congress could make that false threat a pretext to militarily take Greenland into the US sphere of influence for its own strategic needs.

Another scenario would have the referendum request independence from Denmark, which the mostly Inuit Native Greenlanders could declare, like California and Texas once did, becoming countries, yes, but soon after, they asked to join the growing United States as states.

Greenland might do the same.

The third Scenario has Greenland voting to move with the US, but Denmark says no. Then Trump uses US forces to take it, to “Liberate the Intuits Greenlanders from Copenhagen’s tyranny. France’s President Macron has threatened to go to war with America over this.


Find out how. Get 12 months of full access now to all my articles for only $60 or a little more.

DATELINE: 12 January 2024

What is wrong with this picture of a “Democratically Elected” Jewish-Ukrainian President whose military bodyguards have displayed the German Nazi SS Totenkopf (Dead Head) decals on their flak vests? History shows that you can’t negotiate with Nazis and their collaborators. Source: Office of the President of Ukraine.

What is wrong with this picture of a “Democratically Elected” Jewish-Ukrainian President whose military bodyguards have displayed the German Nazi SS Totenkopf (Dead Head) decals on their flak vests? History shows that you can’t negotiate with Nazis and their collaborators. Source: Office of the President of Ukraine.

Netanyahu’s Iran Plan hits Middle Eastern Quicksand
As the Ukraine Front Faulters Further
Because Trump-Putin Negotiations will soon Begin

Scott Ritter’s on Danny Haiphong’s 9 January 2025 blog pointed out that even the best Middle East leaders have exhausted their stay in power after serving three terms in office on average. People then want change. You’ve got Assad gone but Erdogan “and” Netanyahu have been in power long enough to see the Turkish and Israeli people desire they also go, and soon.

Iran is aware of this three-term cycle and that is why the government, and the Supreme Council of Ayatollahs are both working together, trying to rebuild Iran’s economy and prosperity, keeping their promises. That’s why they turned to Russia and China and made détente with the Saudis, lowering local tensions in the Persian Gulf. Erdogan’s Turkish and Netanyahu’s Israeli economies really suck. They may both be gone before they go to war with each other over the political and economic corpse of Jihadist Syria as some people predict could happen sometime in 2025.

I predict neither man will be in office by 2026, whereas Iranian leadership will thrive by 2026 in the expanding multi-polar BRICS new world order.

Get 12 months of full access now to all my articles for only $60 or a little more.

DATELINE: 16 January 2024

Donald Trump and Michael Waltz onboard Air Force One, 28 May 2020. Source: Rep. Michael Waltz on Twitter. (Public Domain)

Donald Trump and Michael Waltz onboard Air Force One, 28 May 2020. Source: Rep. Michael Waltz on Twitter. (Public Domain)

Even Trump can Pick a peck of Hurtful Neocons
In his Cabinet that are undergoing
Rapid, Evolutionary Jumps
From Hunchbacked Neoconservative Apes
To Possibly Upright States “Men”

He’ll get there. Trump has a longer stride than “Little Mario” towards what’s really in the way of making the deal of the century, or better, the peace deal to allow the rest of the century to see us humans alive to live it. But time is short, the neocons in Trump’s Celebrity Apprentice Cabinet need to learn fast or this war will outpace their learning curve, the war at last being settled through Russian military arms and an unconditional surrender of the Ukrainians.

No way?

“Way!” Marco.

All the way up to the Eastern frontiers of Western Ukraine that was never a historical part of the Russky Mir (the Russian World). Let them, the extreme Ukrainian western Oblasts of L’viv (Lvov), Ivano-Frankivs’k, Ternopil, Rivne and Volyn Oblasts be returned to Eastern Europe as that one-time part of the long defunct Austro-Hungarian Empire that died with the end of the First World War, when the Oblast Lvov, and its capital by the same name, was called Lemberg, the capital of the easternmost Austrian province called Galicia.

The mainstream news doesn’t tell you the backstory to why things happen. Get that backstory and receive also a further 12 months of full access now to all my articles for only $60 or a little more.

DATELINE: 16-17 January 2024


This is exactly the look Trump wanted for his official 2025 portrait as President Trump 2.0, taken by a photographer working for the Executive Office of the President of the United States (public domain). It is defiant. It is inspired by a similar, penetrating look Trump made for his mug shot during all the “Lawfare” attempts to abuse the court systems to put him in jail, denying him a chance to be elected president. All attempts have failed as I predicted they would back when this abuse began, and even I doubted this ever possibly happening.

This is exactly the look Trump wanted for his official 2025 portrait as President Trump 2.0, taken by a photographer working for the Executive Office of the President of the United States (public domain). It is defiant. It is inspired by a similar, penetrating look Trump made for his mug shot during all the “Lawfare” attempts to abuse the court systems to put him in jail, denying him a chance to be elected president. All attempts have failed as I predicted they would back when this abuse began, and even I doubted this ever possibly happening.

Time to Strike Iran before 20 January!
Will Israel and Netanyahu Do It?


And We Have None Other
Than Prof. Jeffrey Sachs to Thank
And also the Man who Will Be President, Soon

Donald Trump in his Truth Social (his version of Twitter) aired a tape of Columbia University Professor of Economics, Jeffrey Sachs, who is not only considered one of the most influential people in the world, but he’s exposing the real reasons why the Iraq war and occupation happened and who tried to topple Syria. He helped Trump open his eyes to the manipulative treachery of his former friend Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. For those who might not know, the man unloading truth bombs about Netanyahu (below) happens to be himself an American Jew. Here’s the excerpt…

Sach’s overview is devastatingly accurate. Read it through getting 12 months of full access now to all my articles for only $60 or a little more.

DATELINE: 18 January 2025

My mother and our master, Osho, circa 1984, at Rajneeshpuram (City of the Lord of the Full Moon) AKA Rancho Rajneesh, the Osho’s Oregon Commune.

My mother and our master, Osho, circa 1984, at Rajneeshpuram (City of the Lord of the Full Moon) AKA Rancho Rajneesh, the Osho’s Oregon Commune.


A Response to Sandy

A Way out of the Dark Night of the Soul
Becomes an “Effect” without a “Cause”

I was not planning to write anything further in this January 2025 HogueProphecy Report, but this morning I received a most desperate email from someone feeling the approach of a dead-end potential and being so afraid and stressed and desperate to see if there is a better future waiting for her. I felt completely helpless, feeling empathically her dilemma. There was no way I could help her with a reading. So I let that go. And then “This” response effortlessly flowed out to her. As I am now sharing it with all of you, for who has not been in identity’s grip of a dark night of the soul? It is a message from the beyond to all of you as well…

Read how I respond to her desperation, get 12 months of full access now to all my articles for only $60 or a little more.


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