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DATELINE: 15 August 2023

False color NASA photo of the Planet Mercury.
A Word About Mercury Retrogrades in Particular
And in General, the Right State of Being
When Using Any Divination Tool

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We start with a reader and me striking up an astrological conversation. By the way, I’m open to anyone writing me and asking questions, or sharing article links you might think interests me, or that in my answer might inspire what can be a full article first to you and later to my readers at large at the HogueProphecy Report. Just Contact Me at this link.
My mom introduced me to astrology. You and I have already experienced how a Mercury Retrograde Transit can be both a time of insight and a bungler of communication.
Add to that, a time for vivid dreams.
She points out, and I have experienced, that they will also cause problems with durable goods purchased while Mercury is in Retrograde. Has that been your experience?
Yes. There are more technical issues with machines and appliances in my experience than with durables. There tends to be more system failures, car and plane accidents. Accidents in general.
For those uninitiated into this astrological mystery, the little Planet Mercury being in an orbit closest to the Sun and ahead of our own orbit, will appear from our point of view just above the morning or evening horizon to slow down in our Earthling skies to a full stop. Then it will retrace its path backwards in the next, roughly three weeks, in a total of three to four retrograde periods in a year. Since Mercury is the ruler of mind—it is the messenger of intellect—its fundamental message in retrograde is like the sixty’s song, “Slow down, you’re movin’ too fast/Try to make the morning last now/kicking down the cobblestones/Looking for fun and feeling…”
Are you feeling “groovy”?
Most likely not.
You’re feeling out of your “groove,” not able to communicate as clear as you like with others who similarly aren’t being clear. You want to move forward with your projects, your goals, but you’re going against Mercury’s “groove.”
Four months have passed since the last Mercury Retrograde and the message from the winged flight of footed Mind ruler in astrology is, “This is a good “breathe in” time to review your forward progress over the last four months, in preparation for the “breathing out” time down the next four months coming.”
Just be. Look inward.
Sure you can still move forward with projects, but you’ll save yourself a lot of astrological grief trying to push backwards-slipping Mercury forward, like pushing a river—an idea that’s bound to be “all wet.”
Time to renew. Time to review.
Time to be careful and alert in your conversations with others. Don’t be afraid to ask friend or foe to repeat what they just said, rather than just nod to save face.
You can’t save face when Mercury is in retrograde, but you can presume you understood the message from friend or foe, move on it, and later rue the mutual misunderstanding ruing the day.
Most people start feeling the slow-down of forward progress a week before Mercury stops moving forward for a day or so, after which it lurches very slowly backwards from whence in the sky it came. The worst communication snafus, breakdowns of electronics, and other appliances happen in the first five days passing in and passing out of a Mercury Retrograde. The latter time is when forward motion of Mercury makes one’s ego, with all of its pent-up energy to move forward, make a rush, tripping over one’s own stumbling feet. I would say that the forward motion part coming out of a retrograde is where the most temper tantrums and frustrations with people and yourself can happen.
It is especially important to know what sign of the Zodiac Mercury happens to be transiting backwards in, and whether it even happens to transit backwards into a previous house. That will change the mood of the retrograde.
As a writer with a lot of editing to do, a Mercury Retrograde can be a wonderful experience. It was for me, during the last April-May 2023 Mercury retrograde. I had a great time updating about 200 quatrain verses of Nostradamus for my “Nostradamus Project”—a massive endeavor that will eventually see Nostradamus’ prophecies for the first time translated and published in their entirety. No one has done this before in 4.6 centuries since Nostradamus set down his primary prophecies in three serializations entitled Les Propheties (the Prophecies) between 1555 and 1561. The serializations were collected in one volume by 1568, a few years after his death. Most hardcore Nostradamian fans have read these three serializations and when they do, a handful of us over these long centuries have called are translations and interpretations of these a “Complete” examination.
I’m updating these primary prophecies at present, but my three-volume plan gives me the room to go deep into some of the quatrains in ways never examined before, plus translate and interpret for the first time in English ALL of his presage verses and massive prose prophecy output, set down in his sixteen surviving almanacs for 1550, 1552 through 1567. I will also translate and present all of his periodicals and his book Orus Apollo.
My three serializations will be in three volumes, on average containing around 750 pages each. All totaled, that will be 2,250 pages! I am set to begin release of each volume in the years 2026, 2027 and 2028.
So I got lucky in April/May, with that Mercury retrograde because it was in Taurus, playing with my 5-degree Scorpio Sun and 21-degree Scorpio Ascendant, conjoined Saturn and Venus, all squared my Pluto-Jupiter-Midheaven conjunction, where Pluto is Exalted.
It’s hip to be squared so much if Pluto is exalted.
It brings the joy of hard work through challenges, being forced by squares out of your sleepy comfort ego-zones with Scorpio in my case being in the Twelfth house of the Occult, spiritual mysteries in a life of karmic completion. For a man who has no significant trines, only conjunctions, squares and oppositions, Mercury in Taurus was making it a rich time of satisfying toil back in April-May, helping me pass through a big step towards completing this Nostradamus Project on time.

Oh Mercury, Mercury! You are stuck in the melancholic funk of Jupiter in Capricorn. 1514 wood engraving by Albrecht Dürer.
Melancholia, in a 1514 wood engraving by Albrecht Dürer.
I must confess something that is really quite strange. It’s made more so by clearly not anticipating these problems, dreams and what not. I make a point of not looking, or even being aware of, when Mercury retrogrades are happening. I passively observe when communication begins to be more challenging and especially when my dreams sustain for many nights a powerful vividness. Only then will I consult my ephemeris and discover, 90 percent of the time, that I was either at the threshold, in the mists of, or passing through the end of, a Mercury retrograde.
I started feeling the approach of Mercury’s slowdown just now. So I opened my broke-back and tattered American Ephemeris for the 21st Century and discovered that eight days hence, Mercury will begin its three-week retrograde motion on 23 August through the sign of Virgo that will finish on 14 September.
A word of advice. Anyone who has been interested in exploring astrology for the first time will pass through a period where you read horoscopes for the day, the hour and then project your life and daily plans based on your stars. Everybody does it, but it is best to pass through that obsession sooner than get stuck there later.
It is a bit neurotic to map out your life as a slave of astrological signs and stars as slave masters. If one is watchful, you begin to see that you are playing the astrological fool. You are missing the point by presuming as even some obsessed professional astrologers have yet to learn, that no aspect is entirely good or entirely bad. You stop making only friends only out of aspects like trines because you want their harmonious influence to lift your life. You become afraid of squares because they are called “bad” aspects.
Bad for what?
Is the growing point of a tree branch a bad thing?
That growth is building and destroying building and destroying, in the creative process a longer and longer branch that can catch the nourishment of the Sun’s rays?
Planet Earth is one of those “growing points” in the apparent Universe. If you understand the play of the Universe, then all the deaths, the wars, the disasters and earthquakes, be they psychic in your mind-emotional body or physically literal, they play a part of destroying to pave the way for the new growth. Even the threat of World War III upon us has its “good” dimension.
The awareness that the whole world can be destroyed, can wake one up not to take your blessing of life and the blessing of this yet living world for granted. World War III can either paralyze you with fear or you can use its hanging sword of Damocles, ever hovering over your head tied to the thinnest string of human collective sanity, ready to fall at any moment.
So WAKE UP and live every eternal moment to the fullest.
Do not forget in Life its equal in it, Death.
If you aim to ignore and forget Death each moment, you will not know how to live your life fully and embrace Death when it comes, because only at Death does life reach its climax, if it is fully lived on death’s door.
So, Squares can be better friends than those purportedly “positive” sextile and “divinely positive” trine aspects.
Sometimes having a lot of trines does not bring harmony, it brings laziness, a plateau in your life. Everything’s good but a bit blah. Oppositions are not only a polarity tug-a-war in your astrological makeup. They point to opposition becoming its other and completing potential, complementariness. In short, these two opposite forces inside you, “can dance.” And if you can dance, you will disappear and only the dance will joyfully remain.
Hence, in conclusion, it is important when using any divination tool to cultivate a passive approach to it. Here I am, in the prophecy business, often applying Judicial Astrology (AKA mundane/Political Astrology) in my work, but I only pull out that divination technique when needed to clarify a subject about the future, about which I’m writing. I stopped giving myself a daily tarot reading after three months learning the tarot whilst staying for the first time at my Master’s Ashram in Pune, India, for the first time in 1980.
Don’t get addicted to readings.
Have them or do them only when it feels the moment needs them. Not the ego needing to control every moment with them.
And when you get a reading from someone, get it from a person your heart trusts and opens to.

Mercury. A Guido Bonatti Woodcut.
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DATELINE: 10 August 2023

Gonzalo Lira, filming himself with his cellphone on 31 July 2023, just five kilometers left to reach a border crossing in Hungary, and freedom. However…
A Word About with whom I Stand
Concerning the Arrest, Disappearance,
—And Controversy Concerning—
On the day I released my last bi-weekly HogueProphecy Report, 31 July 2023, Gonzalo Lira unexpectedly resurfaced. He lives in Ukraine with his Ukrainian wife and two young children. Call him Chilean-American author, essayist and vlogger. He has been highly, and I would say rightfully, critical of the Ukrainian regime. Funny, engaging, this dual citizen, born in San Fernando Valley, Los Angeles, growing up there and in Santiago Chile, Lira was also been for a time in the Hollywood film business writing a novel-turned-movie he produced and filmed for Miramax in 2002 based on one of his novels. I find him an interesting conversationalist, and I would add that I’ve rarely watched or heard a man unpack complicated economic theories so masterfully into a language that any layman could grasp. That is why as a fellow member of the alternative media, I relied a lot on Gonzalo’s economic takes about our times. He was one of my chief sources to quote and cite on that matter.
With that said, he has always been an enigma to me. I’m not the only one to speak openly in our community that he seemed to have a death wish. Here he was, in Ukraine, poking the buffalo of Ukraine’s “Nazi problem,” in the buffalo’s paddock no less: Kharkov city, the birthplace of the infamous Ukrainian Azov Nazi formations. He’s on that Ukrainian SBU “Peacemaker” death list, in a Ukrainian information war that views any critics of the Nazi-Ukrainian regime as subject to assassination wherever they are in the world, and he is living right where the Ukrainian Nazis want him.
What the HELL was Gonzalo Lira doing there with his two children and young Ukrainian wife?! Was she unwilling to leave Ukraine?
I have no idea. All he would say after direct hostilities between Kiev and Moscow began is that his family was safe and he kept doing his Vlogs in downtown Kharkov in a high rise flat by himself, implying, just in case he got a knock on his door in the middle of the night and was taken “away” before his wife and children.
Why weren’t they all in that first wave of six million Ukrainian refugees going over the Hungarian border THEN, in February/March 2022, when the Russian Special Military Operation (SMO) started?
He’s not a poor schmo. He has money and means. He probably could have flown himself and his family out of the country in first class, back to the USA or Chile, wherever he chose to keep himself, his family and his vlogging in a place far safer.
The war was but a little over a month old when Gonzalo tweeted an ominous message on 26 March 2022: “Do you want to know the truth about the Zelensky regime? Google these names…”
He listed the names of seven bloggers, reporters and vloggers also critical of the regime, that the SBU (Ukraine’s intelligence agency-cum-new-incarnation-of-the-SS-Gestapo) had crossed out, “rubbed out,” on their Peacemakers Website as murdered, assassinated.
Then Lira added, “If you haven’t heard from me in 12 hours or more, put my name on this list. Gonzalo Lira.”
He went missing on 15 April, not showing up for his guest appearance on 17 April with George Galloway on his television program MOATS (the Mother of All Television Shows).
By 20 April there arose reports sourced to Ukrainian Nazis hinting that Lira was captured and killed by them. Then on 22 April he resurfaced and gave a short interview with Alex Christoforou of (the Duran).
Lira had spent a week in a prison cell under interrogation by the SBU, then was released back to his apartment in Kharkov. They held onto his passports and confiscated all of his electronics, changed the passwords, etc., obviously to glean all the information on them for intelligence purposes, the names, associates, and so on. The SBU told him not to use his Telegram channel, but oddly enough, he proceeded to continue his social media presence on a new YouTube account called The Roundtable.
The SBU seemed not to have a problem with that.
For months Lira’s Roundtable began to gather the who’s who of the alternative, pro-Russia global media stars. I watched many of the Roundtable shows. The account is still open on YouTube, even though his Twitter account, pre-Musk, was deleted twice.
He was arrested again on 5 May 2023, filmed this time with SBU special forces soldiers in full flak vests, gear and lots of guns. The concierge of the apartment behind his desk in the foyer fist-pumped the soldiers one-by-one as they passed. An obvious SBU informant.
The video was a classic “big brother” move to bolster the Ukrainian info-war narrative, that this man was a traitorous foreigner and look at us, cleaning out the fifth columnist filth, broadcasting across Ukraine; or how Lira would tell it in the three videos I’ve linked below, the Ukrainian government wanted to show that “they were fighting the propagandists!”
The helmeted goons with guns filmed a neatly laid out pile of pro-Putin books on Gonzalo Lira’s coffee table. It was obviously placed there by the goons as “proof.” The SBU camera man seemed inordinately interested in the shit stains on Gonzalo’s rundown metal toilet and bathroom, to shame his hygiene habits (shitty little man, BAD!) Like that doesn’t happen to a lot of toilets left uncleaned with man in “going bachelor” mode before “unexpected guests with guns” appear at your door. They did let him get out of his pajamas and shower, slipping into street clothes before they took him in.
This time Gonzalo Lira was out of touch for months, Most of us feared the worst. Then, without any warning, there Gonzalo Lira was, on YouTube on 31 July 2023, filming again by cellphone three messages (see One, Two and Three). He said he had been released on bail on 2 July. He’s in a field next to a thoroughfare. One can hear the passing cars. He claims to be just a few kilometers from Ukraine’s border with Hungary.
I believe he was alone. His body language doesn’t betray being watched by Ukrainian police off camera. We find out that he has his phone, laptop, passport and papers returned to him by the SBU. He claims to have been tortured in prison by prisoners directed by SBU guards to beat him, and often, while they applied sleep deprivation techniques. He said one of the prisoners had wailed away pounding his fists into his sternum until it left a great bruise. He did not show us that bruise. Maybe it had healed.
Because they had all of his electronic gear and information the SBU had discovered he was no penniless fellow but had lots of money, so they tortured him to extort at least $70,000 from one of his accounts, says Gonzalo. He resisted until they had the prisoners start drawing the point of a wooden toothpick across the white of his eye asking him if he could still read documents with one unblinded eye.
He admitted that the eye torture broke him. He paid the money. He had told other prisoners that he remained in country for over a year after his first arrest. They thought he was crazy not to flee the country, telling him that the SBU had left him alone after his earlier because they wanted him to take the hint and leave Ukraine, solving their problem having to hold the American.
Not long after he’s told that, the SBU release him from prison. He’s back at his flat. They give him back his phone, laptop, his US and Chilean passports and order him to appear at court on 1 August 2023 to have his sentence delivered.
The SBU also gave him back the keys to his motorbike.
Things that make me go, hmm…
Appear at a court date “or else”, but here’s your passport, your electronic stuff through which you can rant against Ukraine’s government, your cellphone to call all and anyone for help for the last month you’ve been back home on parole, “and…” Here’s your motorbike.
Is this an intelligence service trying to add weight to a prisoner’s planted rumor, like, get out of Ukraine?
Was the prisoner helping, or setting you up, Mr. Lira?
Lira used his cellphone to show his packed motorbike. It took him two days and nights driving from Kharkov in Eastern Ukraine all the way across the country to reach the Hungarian border. Gonzalo says he’s documenting all of this before he tries to cross the border with passport documents in hand in the hopes that the SBU hasn’t already informed border guards to hold him. His day in court was the next day.
Hmm… That’s an escape plan running on a whole lot of hope and to be fair, Lira didn’t deny it. I don’t know just how naive or how clever he’s playing this, but hadn’t he been aware a whole month he was back in his flat after prison that the SBU would be watching his every move—even watching him on street cameras leaving Kharkov? (More on that shocking story later).
Once in Hungary, Lira said he planned to seek asylum, knowing full well that on the following day, absent at court, the SBU would put out an all-points-bulletin and warrant for his arrest to European INTERPOL. Even his Ukrainian lawyer had told him up front that he was going to do eight years of hard labor in a Ukrainian labor camp. Lira reflected that, that was not an SBU preferred sentence a chain-smoking man in his sixties with a serious heart condition might “intentionally” not long survive.
Even his lawyer, giving him no hope, seems to have been setting him up for his flight from “injustice” because what crime did he actually commit?
In his final three clips, Gonzalo Lira had shown two clips the SBU cited as proof of his being guilty of lying and being a thought terrorist because he said there’s a Nazi problem in Ukraine since the Maidan Coup happened. This was the coup overseen by Victoria Nuland who helped arranged the Nazi run provisional government in 2014. Gonzalo added that she knew about his plight and “hated his guts” implying some connection to the lack of the US State Department’s limpid efforts to get him deported from Ukraine. Indeed they were officially wanly interested in his fate, given the answers of the State spokesman to a Grayzone reporter that I saw at daily press conferences.
All Gonzalo Lira was doing in the so-called incriminating video evidence was offering an opinion. Which, by the way, was completely factual, something the so-called democratic Ukraine should respect, if they were democratic. Something the US State Department should have ended by demanding an American “citizen” of a “democratic” United States just be deported—that is, if America is any longer a democratic state.
“The start of the genesis of this whole situation is because I had an opinion that went against the narrative,” concluded Lira on the third video. “And that’s why I went to prison, and that’s why, if I’m arrested again, I will die in prison.
“So I ask you, please, as many people as possible—the American State Department knows exactly who I am and the situation I am currently involved in, and they know the fate that awaits me. They know it.
“They have that saying that people are fundamentally good but for evil to triumph all you need is the indifference of good people.
“Please don’t be indifferent to my fate,” Lira quietly pleaded into his cellphone. “I ask you very humbly. Please realize the literal death that awaits me. If this (the crossing of the border planned for two hours later) doesn’t work out.”
Then he looked into the cellphone camera, displaying that signature sarcastic/ironic grin, endearing as it was “vulgarian” as he defined himself often with a laugh. His face paler than I’ve ever seen it, his longer locks of hair in the black having turned white. His devil-make-care grin also embraced the pain and the absurdity of what is going on. Then the last thing he said, perhaps his final public statement whilst alive, was:
“Understand what’s going on.”
He reached over for the cellphone “off” button.
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Part Two

Former United Nations Chief Weapons Inspector on Iraq Scott Ritter talks to readers during the presentation of his book Disarmament in the Time of Perestroika: Arms Control and the End of the Soviet Union, dedicated to nuclear security, at the Pobeda Culture and Leisure Centre in Novosibirsk, Russia (circa 2023) ©Sputnik/Andrey Bortko.
JEFF NORMAN: [Scott] just published a new article on Substack about the Gonzalo Lira situation. I’ll let you talk about it. The only thing I want to say is that I am amazed by your allies being so dismissive and so terse about it when you have made such a tremendous effort to explain yourself, including three-hour Twitter spaces, a half-an-hour here with me, and now your most extensive article yet. So maybe now at least acknowledged that you’ve at least given an explanation that they can possibly address. We’ll see.
SCOTT RITTER: Yeah. I’m… I’m at a point where… (Pause) You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink. But in all due respect to everybody—and I mean everybody—and I’m talking about you Larry Johnson. I’m talking about you Brian Berletic. I’m talking about the Duran, people that I like—I don’t know Brian, so I can’t say I like Brian; I’ve never met him, that would be disingenuous—but I like The Duran, I like Larry Johnson, but… Um…
And there I am using the F word. You guys don’t know what the hell you’re taking about.
Let’s put it in proper perspective, please.
We’re at war.
You may not think you’re at war, but we’re at war, because the other side, you know, those guys that we always criticize, the Ukrainians, the Nazis, the SBU, all these bad buys.
They’re REAL.
It isn’t a figment of your F***ING imagination.
They put out a hit list, called the Myrotvorets hit list. I’m on it. Some of you might be on it. It’s not a F***ing joke.
They kill people. OK?
They have an organization called the Center of for Encountering Disinformation. You know what they do for a living?
Information warfare.
Against YOU! Whether you want it or not.
Whether you think you are the bad guy or the enemy combatant or not. They view you as the enemy. They call you an information terrorist.
I’ve seen a lot of people go, “That’s a ridiculous concept.”
I’m not debating the point, but what I’m trying to tell you is they view YOU as an information terrorist. From their perspective that means you are a terrorist, with all that that attends.
That means, you can be killed.
That means you’re a combatant, an enemy combatant. You don’t have any rights.
We’re at WAR, wake the F***K UP guys… Get 12 months of full access now to all my articles for only $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 13 August 2023

Anti-terrorist operation in eastern Ukraine (War Ukraine), Ministry of Defense Ukraine, © Creative Commons.
A Brief “By the Time You Read Me Again” Hint
Of Future Trends I might have to Address directly
In the Next Bi-Weekly HogueProphecy Report
Scheduled for Release around 30-31 August 2023
Sorry British Ministry of Defense, you can’t hide the coming weeks of British media displaying and demoralizing the British public with photos and videos of 14 flaming British Challenger 2 tanks. Attending these behemoths are hundreds of armored fighting vehicles, like the German Marders being “martyred,” and the Canadian-built, American Strykers, being “struck” down, blazing heaps, cooking their crews for the God of War’s supper.
If this was Zelensky meeting his Waterloo, the comic president, could put on his Napoleon Bonaparte costume with Corsican hat ass-backwards and pretend he’s the great French Emperor farcically meeting his Waterloo, fighting the Battle of “Water-loon.”
He’s throwing in Ukraine’s LAST equivalent of the French Imperial Guard, not to unsuccessfully break through a thin and rapid-firing line of British redcoats on the ridge of Mont Saint-Jean in Belgium. BoneZelensk-zeeParte’s low ridge across the Ukrainian steppe upon which his best men will lay down their lives has entrenched upon it three Russian defense lines that no other Ukrainian units since 4 June came even close to seeing, let alone attacking, before Death shut their eyes forever—43,000 of them—for no strategic gain…! Get 12 months of full access now to all my articles for only $60 or a little more.

A Ukrainian soldier in despair and for now a survivor of the massacre offensive going on. His armband is bright green. That means he’s a member of many “territorial” guard units, the least trained for grappling with the Russian superpower’s well trained and armed forces. The Russians are waging a Ukrainian “turkey-shoot” sad to say, because NATO and US training of these men has been deplorable! And this war has only one end in the next few months, complete defeat of Ukrainian force of arms as they run out of shells, and bullets.