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DATELINE: 31 October 2020
(Published 01 November 2020)
John Hogue’s 2020 Presidential Predicitons
The Third and Final Serialization
Of Perhaps the Last Presidential Election
As We have Known Them
Eleven weeks ago, in mid-August I realized that the astrology for this election day 3 November 2020, and especially the Inauguration Day to follow on 20 January 2021, have breathtaking, age-ending astrological aspects I have never before seen. I had intended to make this a short book but the epic qualities of the signs required I allow the flood that came through me of insights and predictions because it soon became clear that this Election Day on 3 November 2020 may be the “last” election as we’ve known them.
This massive and important book, now 110,000 words, evolved into a tale of a great Plutonian orbital life cycle coming to an end bringing to a close the first life cycle of the United States of America in the next four years, starting on Inauguration Day. It is the return of Pluto to its position at the birth of the US on 4 July 1776 after 248 years!
It is an epochal, generation’s end. A death. A rebirth. A let go of the past 248 years that will unravel our systems of governance and voting. It may be the beginning of a Second American Revolution that I hope will be non-violent. But peaceful or not, it is coming and what follows (below) is a free sample—a tip of the iceberg—of the epic culmination of this book: the third installment that my Full Access Subscribers to HogueProphecy have been reading since early September.
Anyone who becomes a member for $60 or a little more, will gain full access to the last two months of serialization and receive the final part, fully-illustrated, as a PDF download sent to you in an attachment by the email you used at my PayPal page. Put 12-Month Subscriber in the PayPal memo line.

GAIN FULL ACCESS NOW TO 12-MONTHS OF HOGUEPROPHECY ARTICLES. Donate $60 or a little more to and you will receive full access to 12 months of my reports and articles sent directly to you.
These usually come in waves of 5-to-11 articles once or twice a month, on average 105 to 112 articles a year! As soon as they’re published, I will manually send a fully-illustrated PDF attached to the email address you used at PayPal. But 12-months in the Paypal Memo line.
Anyone who subscribes throughout November 2020 will receive the bonus waves of articles from August (published in early September) and September (published in early October) included with the third installment I’m ready to download to you if you become subscribers from 1 November through 30 November 2020.
In addition you will also receive 12-Months Full Access to all my articles through November 2021!
Now the question some of you are asking is, “Why should I read a book when the election is just around the corner and I’ll soon know who won?”
My Answer: this large book is not just about who wins on election night. Indeed I doubt we’ll have a clear winner, and even if we do it will be disputed in legal battles for a few weeks if not all the way into early January. Secondly, this is a story of four people who may be president in the next four years. It takes those four people—Trump, Pence, Biden and Harris—down a mysterious astrological divination journey, each one being read as one of four possible alternative futures for America in the next four years if they become president (Trump and Biden) or take up the office of president (Pence and Harris) if these two men do not finish their terms—a highly likely future.
This is also a story about one of the most famous curses in history, the Curse of Tecumseh, a Native American chief whose death in battle against the American Europeans crowding into his lands invoked a curse from his elder brother, a powerful shaman, that has successfully foresaw the death in office of every US president elected from 1840 up to 1980 in a year ending in zero under the powerful conjunction of Atonement, the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction.
That Reagan survived dying in office, opens up an evolutionary change in the Curse, which I detail that appears to have expanded its target beyond the “Commander in Chief” of the European Americans but threatening the fall of American Democracy itself!
In the next four years I see in four possible future scenarios how this Curse of Tecumseh reaches its final climax.
That is why this planned for little book became so big. This is a big story. Our American story reaching the end of what we knew from the past and where we may be going if four alternative views in the next four years of “future.”
This book keeps itself topical for the next four years, long after this election is over, and long after the two people of the four involved are sworn in as your next President and Vice President. It is important to see what I’ve written about their potential futures—plus what I’ve written about the potential futures that could of happened but didn’t. It is a captivating story of how the mysteries of alternative futures gather, sometimes becoming our present, sometimes not, but ever a potentiality to explore.
If you do not wish to become a 12-Month Subscriber here’s another option. I’m preparing a PDF file of the illustrated edition of this book that will also be available before the 3 November Election Day. For $4.99 or a little more, you can receive just the book PDF downloaded to you in an attachment in the same way I explained for the 12-Month Subscribers option. Just put Hogue 2020 Election Predictions in the PayPal memo line and I’ll begin downloading that book to you starting before election day the moment it is ready for downloading, I estimate may begin 24 hours from the time I wrote this Prelude (6:00 pm Pacific Time, 1 November 2020) and four hours before I appear across North America and the Caribbean on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory from 10 pm Pacific to Midnight on 2 November making my key presidential predictions public to millions of listeners the night before the most important US Presidential Election so far in history.
And now, here is a free sample of the third and final installment of John Hogue’s 2020 Presidential Predictions:
DATELINE: 31 October 2020
(Published 01 November 2020)
On the Road to Inauguration Day
A Pit Stop of Wannabe Presidents
Through the Gauntlet
Of the US Birth Chart
Predictions documented 06-12 October 2020
Early publication to HogueProphecy Subscribers 31 October 2020
This race to the White House needs an astrological pit stop at the United States Birth Chart Bar and Grill.
Before we make the fateful drive to Washington DC for Inauguration Day in the new year, let us chew and digest some aspects scrambled in an omelet wrapped around sunny-side Sun Signs in ascendant sauce. Let’s first crunch down on roasted potato planets soaked in Cardinal catchup with a side of toasted squares, or a “trine” of three pancakes sopping sweet in sextiled maple syrup—hold the mutable side order signs.
I want to eat this Shepherd’s Pie chart of the US Birth, the crust slightly Scorpio-rising, a little burnt on the edges by Saturn’s dirty grill though, before getting behind the wheel to Washington. I need to nourish my understanding of how these four human beings, two of which become our President and Vice President/President, will be digested by my Oracle and chase that down the next four years with a hot mug of incumbent coffee and challenger cheese cake.
We get back on the road now, well fed and satiated with portents and signs which I will now help us disseminate, first starting with the incumbent President and his Vice President. Then the challenger, former Vice President Joe Biden and his Vice Presidential choice Kamala Harris.
In each absorption of human birth chart to US Chart in composite I hope to assimilate for us a glimpse whether the dream of each person seeking to be leader and the dreams of the led are favorably intertwined. What is the “feeling”—American Dream or Nightmare?
What we break down like bread in this chapter is food for thought that might come in handy when tackling the ominous Inauguration Day chart toying like a cat the cornered mouse charts of these four folk.
If President Trump is reelected for a second term, how does Donald Trump’s birth chart aspect the birth chart of the country he will command? First off, a lot of what I wrote in October 2015 remains the same. I will put those passages in quotes while I updated it some, given the dramatic planetary aspects we’ve already viewed for election day. If you can believe it, they are less dramatic than what stars give birth to the presidential term of 20 January 2021 – 20 January 2025!

Caricatures by DonkeyHotey,
© Creative Commons.
Donald Trump’s US Birth Chart Composite
Donald Trump’s Sun and Mean Node 22/20 degrees Tenth House Gemini. In 2015 I wrote, “It is sextiled the US Mars in Gemini 21 degrees in the Eight House: Fortune favors this bold and unorthodox presidential choice.”
That got him through his first term in one piece. Watch carefully, though. With no third term, Mr. Gemini Sun/Uranus “Surprise” will definitely pull many 180s in policy. He’ll pull the stops out because these are his final four years, free of campaigning for a new term. For better “and” worse, if you thought he was unorthodox, you haven’t seen anything yet! Even Democrat partisans might be disbelievingly surprised, and Republican partisans, especially members of the Deep State swamp, not too pleased with “their boy.”
Trump’s Moon 21 degrees Sagittarius: “It’s squared the US Mercury 24 degrees Cancer (within an orb of 5 degrees),” so I wrote in the autumn of 2015. “Here’s an old problem again, the unconscious medium shooting off snap judgments on poor intelligence gathering only this time, things in the world can suddenly go ‘BOOM!’ An intuitive nose for business success may not always sniff out a winning life as a politician, especially if he lets himself get dragged down by a level of negative press as president this man—notoriously touchy about lies and mean spirited attacks—has never experienced. The lies hurled at him will be minion compared to life in the private sector for even a Celebrity like Trump. He must rise as president above the impulse to counter-attack everything thrown his way, wasting his time, the people’s time and his energy to the extent that his health could fail while in office.”
All too true, what I wrote back then, yet not completely his fault. I’ve never seen since I began these forecasts in 1968 a president openly defied every step of the way by an opposition that lost the election. As much as Trump has lived a nightmare American dream with many “gates” like Stormy-Gate-“bimbo”-gate, to Russia-Gate, Ukraine-Gate and an impeachment attempt thrown in, he’s a fighter and he fought back and beat all the raps.
Moreover the human race also survived Trump destroying it in three potential crises that could have dragged the US, Russia and China into a thermonuclear war because of listening and following bad council, as a wide open, gullible, powerful medium of equally good and bad advice. Like I said before, Russian roulette with the future of human existence, starting in April of 2017 and April 2018 firing missiles into Syria for chemical weapons attacks on civilians which whistleblowers in the OPCW (the Organization of the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons) have stepped forward to confirm were never launched by the Syrian government but rather by US-backed Jihadists in the Syrian Civil War. Next came brinksmanship over a downed US Drone venturing into Iran airspace (June 2018). Then the assassination of Iranian General Soleimani (January 2020). Not to mention the saber rattling that went on from 2017-2018 with North Korea.
In a second term, put in a bullet of bad-channeled choice, roll the pistol chamber… CLICK!
Trump’s Venus 25 degrees Cancer: it’s conjunct US Mercury 24 degrees Cancer. This will help mitigate the above. He can find his equilibrium and not lose the pulse of the nation. There will be grace; there will be skillful diplomacy as commander in chief. It’s yours, President Trump, just take it.
Trump’s troubled Mercury in Cancer gets help from the US Birth Chart in many ways. In 2015 I wrote, “Now a fortunate destiny. His Mercury is conjunct the US Sun Sign which is at 13 degrees Cancer (within an orb of 5 degrees). Trump’s mind-ruling planet is magnified positively by the US Natal collective ego. He can speak for his nation as a formidable big cheese.
“Furthermore, Trump’s Mercury is conjunct the US Jupiter 6 degrees Cancer. This is very positive. This is the sign of the power of positive thinking, Trump’s true religion. Dr. Norman Vincent Peale deeply impressed his parents and thus they drove into Manhattan regularly to attend many Sunday sermons held at the Marble Collegiate Church with young Trump in tow. Trump would later become a passionate disciple of ‘God’s Salesman’ as the press coined him, adopting Peale’s uniquely conversational and simplified theology melding worldliness with godliness based on an abiding faith in self-confidence as a way of life.”
As with his first term so with his second, he will sell the Trump brand and roughly half the American people with buy it.
In 2015 I mentioned the karmic connection with Ronald Reagan activated with this US-Chart’s positive help with Trump’s troubled Mercury mediumship.
Do we not think Reagan became as president a symbol of what is positive, hopeful, daring and good representing America? This favors Trump as the karmic echo of Reagan who learns the lessons Reagan flunked. And the US chart overwhelming Trump’s Mercury in Cancer negatives only gets better and better! It’s trined the US Scorpio Ascendant. His intellect will positively express to the nation and the world at large a clear policy of America’s foreign policy intentions. Gone are the foggy trade deals, and befuddled foreign policy. A lot of us may not like what direction he takes us. At least the world will know where America stands with this president at the helm. That “could” be a calming and stability-nourishing change.
We are talking only about the potential of this being the case. Potential is not fact. You might call this reading the American dream of Trump through America’s birth chart, but the foreboding aspects of the US election to a second term as we will see can turn an astrological dream into Trump and America’s nightmare lasting four years, or less. If one examines the Bush eight years in office, the blind faith of his supporters ran out in the sixth year. Reagan also suffered the Iran-Contra scandal in his final two years in office.
I’m not sure Trump will be in office by his sixth year… Complete reading this and get full access to all seven articles (Six final Chapters of the New Book) by choosing one of two options:
Donate $60 or a little more to and you will receive full access to 12 months of my reports and articles sent directly to you.
These usually come in waves of 5-to-11 articles once or twice a month, on average 105 to 112 articles a year! As soon as they’re published, I will manually send a fully-illustrated PDF attached to the email address you used at PayPal. Put 12-months in the Paypal Memo line.
Want to choose my monthly articles waves one at a time? Here’s what you do. Donate $5.00 or a little more, to sustain Hogueprophecy. Put 31 October 2020 in the PayPal memo line. I will manually send a fully-illustrated PDF attached to the email address you used at PayPal.
DATELINE: 31 October 2020
(Published 01 November 2020)

Caricature by DonkeyHotey,
© Creative Commons.
On the Road to Inauguration Day
A Pit Stop of Wannabe Presidents
Through the Gauntlet
Of the US Birth Chart
Can Revelation be about our near future when so many words St. John applies to it pinpoint “his” time and not ours as end time 2,000 years later?
Sun sextiled Uranus makes him a kindred Gemini to the President who has Uranus conjunct his Sun. But it is squared his Neptune in Scorpio. The man who would be president after Trump sometime I sense in the middle of his second term was born in the Baby Boomer Generation of great social turmoil. He might be president at the climax of this karmic position, the President undergoing America’s second civil war and revolution. The president faced with nuclear war with China and Russia as well.
This Sun square Neptune is the epitome of deep set and subconscious motivations that are not clearly understood and interpreted by such a future president as Pence. Neptune in Scorpio? Death and Resurrection, Phoenix burnt to the ashes rising up like a Second Coming of Christ?
Doubtful is my conclusion as to whether this evangelical Christian medium can read the signs beyond what has been 2,000 years of projection on events foreseen 20 centuries ago that do not have anything to do with our future—unless we make them so by conditioning generations to destroy themselves, only, no Jesus will be there to save us from ourselves. No New Jerusalem landing on a new heaven and earth. Just the devastated planet Earth we have, destroyed by a death cult of dogma, and not a living religiousness, life affirming, that would never stoop to murder the world.
It must be remembered, the mass self-poisoning of over 800 members of the Jonestown Cult happened because their leader, the very “Christian” Reverend Jim Jones, convinced them that the apocalypse was at hand. So the well-rehearsed “Operation White Knight”—an allusion to Book of Revelation—had them line up, drinking Kool Aid laced with poison to expire lying face down in the tropical earth of French Guyana to cry, bloat and die.
In my view, every organized Christian sect programs inside every unconscious Christian blind-faith believer—not “knower” of the divine spark—has hiding in their core the self-destructive will-to-death of Jim Jones, from the most humble right up to Mike Pence. If this world is destroyed it will be done so without a second coming of Christ—only a second, and global, Jonestown—a second coming of the black and profoundly unconscious intent of the spirit of Reverend Jim Jones.
When power of such magnitude to “put right” what Satan made “wrong” is handed to the unconscious of Mike Pence as president, we’ll be in a constitutional chISISt. From Pence being a bookend like Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, another Christian Nationalist, containing Trump, if Trump is removed, then what…? Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 31 October 2020
(Published 01 November 2020)

US Capitol Building on Inauguration Day, January 20, 2017. Photo: US Government, public domain.
The Ominous Stars of Upheaval
For Whoever is Inaugurated President
On 20 January 2021!
On high noon, 20 January 2021 the President-Elect will stand with hopefully all the other three candidates, his and their families in a throng of VIPs from the three branches of government for a swearing-in ceremony on the West front of the US Capitol Building in Washington DC. They will be facing, hopefully, a peaceful throng of a million or more people crowding the National Mall all the way to the Lincoln Memorial.
I doubt many in that crowd will be silent or even civil at the swearing in. Nor can I rule out one team of candidates and their VIP supporters families scheduled to stand on the West front might boycott who was chosen by disputed balloting, Supreme Court ruling or the House of Representatives applying the 12th Article of the US Constitution to be “elected” president and vice president.
In Judicial/Political Astrology, the divination art of reading the aspects of nations and leaders and their life cycles, Noontime on 20 January 2021 is the moment of “Birth” of a life-cycle of a president’s four-year term in office. We are going to apply Judicial astrology to divine what kind of presidency either the incumbent Donald John Trump will potentially experience or his opponent Joseph Robinette Biden.
We will also consider an overview reading of their Vice Presidents destinies as the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction had not only been looming over Election Day, these planets of Fate are in an even tighter conjunction in Aquarius now, in the heavens over Inauguration Day. That they are in an air sign might grant the future four years of the next president of the United States some mitigating aspects. This may also be true of their Vice Presidents either Michael Richard Pence or Kamala Devi Harris. We will need to look at these two astrologically as presidents.
I have a strong premonition that neither Trump or Biden will complete their terms of office in the next four years. We will see in the Aquarius Jupiter-Saturn aspects if either man’s departure is peaceful or violent. Ronald Reagan had survived physical danger because the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction had happened in the air sign Libra—and Reagan being an air sign Aquarius, survived.
We will examine and pass through these final astrological gauntlets in the following order:
1.) The complete aspects of Inauguration Day at 12 Noon Eastern Standard Time on 20 January 2021.
2.) A Composite Reading of Trump then Pence’s Birth Charts with the 12 Noon Inauguration position of their presidencies born on 20 January 2021.
3.) A Composite Reading of Biden then Harris’ Birth Charts with the 12 Noon Inauguration position of their presidencies born on 20 January 2021.
The chapter also will move beyond astrology using other divination techniques to gain some insights into what will be our American Future… Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 31 October 2020
(Published 01 November 2020)

NASA, public domain.
The Inauguration (I-Day)
Astrological Composite
Of Four Potential Presidents (or More)
In the Next Four Years!

NASA/JPL, public domain.
This chapter takes us into new presaging territory. Half of the four candidates will engage the following potential futures. Half will not. Two will show us what could have been if they got this far to be sworn in—in astrological terms born—into their four-year President and Vice-Presidencies. The Vice-President Elect sworn in is destined through tragedy to face his or her own potentially tragic presidency and hopefully cheat the heavy fate the Inauguration Day gives birth to, high over their heads on 20 January 2021…
If President Elect Joe Biden stands for swearing in on Inauguration Day alongside Vice President Elect Kamala Harris, the heavens at high noon on that day are looking down at both of these people being your 46th and 47th Presidents of the United States. I will add that Harris the president-in-waiting will not have long to wait before destiny grants her, blind to all forbearance, her wish to be that first woman—first African/Indian American woman—president for the bulk of the next four years, if indeed the system of US governance as we’ve known it remains.
I’d like to paraphrase for Kamala, what Winston Churchill’s said after a very small Royal Air force fighter wing managed to shoot down a few thousand German airmen in the Battle of Britain (10 July – 31 October 1940). Like the British Prime Minister, a President Harris faces a heavy burden of leadership, and if she like Joe Biden’s isn’t also replaced, I will declare without a Bowler hat and cigar and without a brandy but a Lunazul Tequila Reposado in my hand, a variation of Churchill’s “Never was so much owed by so many to so few.”
I will say of Harris that “Never was so much at stake for so many by so few astrological aspects!”
Her birth chart, her life as a US president is a story of four key aspect arrays and how they measure up to I-Day’s VE day’s fingers in “V” for Victory or I-Day’s Thumbs in the Roman Colosseum DOWN for her gladiatorial Amazon’s performance in the White House.
Does she get a V for Victory (and win a Churchillian cigar) or a thumb’s down facing her opponent, the fateful planets and aspects literally Noon Time high over her head when being sworn in on I-Day of the Grand Establishment Conjunction in powerful Square with the Grand Upheaval Conjunction of revolution and civil unraveling….? Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 31 October 2020
(Published 01 November 2020)
John Hogue’s Forecast Winner
Of the Popular Vote
The American Majority’s Choice
For President of the United States
If Biden wins the popular vote, I will be 14 and 0 picking the popular vote since 1968. A majority of Americans will wish he replace Donald Trump in this 2020 election as is the purview of my long winning streak of popular vote forecasts.
Allow me to state for the final time: Whatever happens to support or overturn that majority wish is not the purview of my Popular Vote predictions as I am only tuning into the hearts of the American people in these predictions, not the Electoral College, not the Supreme Court and not Article 12 of the US Constitution denying a majority Biden choice…. Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 31 October 2020
(Published 01 November 2020)

The American “Gadsden” Revolutionary flag. Nostradamus mentions a sea attack on Iran by the “true serpent”, which perhaps is his code for America under Twanging a future war. Astrologically speaking a great war between Iran and America escalating into a nuclear crisis with Russia and China has never been closer than coming in the next four years! Author: Christopher Gadsden (1724-1805) Lexicon, Vikrum, © Creative Commons.
John Hogue’s Forecast Winner
Of the “Unpopular” Vote
The Electoral College
I want to test something since that happened in 2016. Could this be a new streak to add to my old one?
I’m 13 and 0 popular and 1 and 0 picking anybody winning the “unpopular” vote.
I’m not even limiting it to just the Electoral College. This is freaky 2020. The Supreme Court could be in play cancelling ballots. I’m sure Amy Coney Barrett is a Senatorial voting shoe-in to become a sixth conservative SCOTUS judge. There’s also the House of Representatives pulling and Article 12 of the US Constitution out of their hats. If no electoral winner at 270 happened or electoral votes are in dispute from spurious voting shenanigans like happened in the Tilden versus Hayes mess of an election in 1876. From Florida in 2000 we will have in 2020 a NATIONALLY disputed recount, or so I foresee.
This is my prediction… Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 31 October 2020
(Published 01 November 2020)
![“You ask me how I am preparing to change the world. I am doing just the opposite of what society has done to individuals. I have to undo it. There is no need to do anything else. My sannyas [disciplehood] is simply a process of undoing what the society has done to you. I am simply provoking your intelligence again. It is dormant. It is there; nobody can kill it, it can only be repressed. Finding a suitable, comfortable situation, it can again start growing. “I want every one of my sannyasins [disciples] to be utterly unique… I would like to say the society is for you, you are not for the society. “Society is simply a word. There is no society. Civilization, ideology, all are jargon; the reality is the individual. So if we can undo, deprogram enough young people around the world, we are sowing the seeds of changing the world without talking about any change. We are it." Osho, The Last Testament, Volume 1, 1986.](
“You ask me how I am preparing to change the world. I am doing just the opposite of what society has done to individuals. I have to undo it. There is no need to do anything else. My sannyas [disciplehood] is simply a process of undoing what the society has done to you. I am simply provoking your intelligence again. It is dormant. It is there; nobody can kill it, it can only be repressed. Finding a suitable, comfortable situation, it can again start growing.
“I want every one of my sannyasins [disciples] to be utterly unique… I would like to say the society is for you, you are not for the society.
“Society is simply a word. There is no society. Civilization, ideology, all are jargon; the reality is the individual. So if we can undo, deprogram enough young people around the world, we are sowing the seeds of changing the world without talking about any change. We are it.” (Osho, The Last Testament, Volume 1, 1986.)
American Prophets
Who Foresaw
A Second Revolution
A Second Civil War
And One Indian Seer
Who Foresaw
“Your” Individual
The election of 1860 certainly experienced a constitutional crisis that lead to the breakup of the US union of states and civil war, but read these following passages. Do these not better reflect the constitutional and economic crises many fear are coming to our times in the next (final?) presidency?
You will see the Constitution of the United States almost destroyed. It will hang like a thread as fine as silk fiber…
The time will come when the banks in every nation will fail…
A terrible revolution will take place in the land of America, such as has never been seen before; for the land will be literally left without a supreme government. And every species of wickedness will run rampant. Father will be against son, and son against father, mother against daughter, and daughter against mother. The most terrible scenes of murder and bloodshed and rapine that have ever been looked upon take place… Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.