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I have made presidential predictions since 1968 and haven’t been wrong so far. However, at an 8 and 0 success record, the odds are I’ll be wrong this time. Still, my prophetic gut feeling says Bush will lose in the closest race since Humphrey/Nixon in 1968. So far that gut oracular feeling has been spot-ballot-on, whether I personally agree or disagree with it. A good prophecy doesn’t care who I support in the elections.
In my role as a scholar of prophetic traditions for over 30 years, I cannot tell you how fundamentally important this election is. Despite the lack luster choices presented before the American voters, the future course of world history for the next 30 years will be guided by November’s presidential and congressional vote. Many of the global catastrophes foreseen by different prophetic traditions will either be neutralized or sped up and intensified either by the choice we make, or by the choice we throw away by not voting. I will elaborate on this in future bulletins.
Whoever you wish to be president is your pleasure and responsibility to choose. I cordially ask that you get out and vote whether you are Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Reform Party, Green, or any other color of political persuasion. Tell all of your friends and relations to do the same. A democracy is only authentic and vital when its citizens participate in the voting process. We get the government we choose—or ignore choosing. I suggest that if you don’t like any of the candidates then write in “none of the above” on your ballot when you go to the polls or send in your absentee ballot.
John Hogue
(24 October 2000)