The Millennium Book of Prophecy

© John Hogue, (2nd Edition, 1998).  HarperSanFranciscoPublishers, 320 pages; trade paperback, Size: 20 x 13.5 cm , 8 x 5 1/4 inch

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777 Visions & Predictions from Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, Gurdjieff, Tamo-san, Madame Blavatsky, the Old and New Testament Prophets, and 89 Others


Apocalypse! The word conjures visions of divine revenge and the Earth splitting open, welcoming sinners to Satan’s reception…Apocalypse literally means “to uncover” or “to expose” the truth…. Can we see only catastrophe in the revelation of truth?

Predictions for the twenty-first century range from violent apocalypse, floods, pestilence, and utter chaos to utopian visions of technological breakthrough and peace for the Age of Aquarius. The Millennium Book of Prophecy colorfully and creatively brings together divinations from the ancient past, predictions through the ages, and amazing visions for the dawning new millennium.

Along with seven hundred seventy-seven astonishing predictions, author John Hogue presents a fascinating narrative describing how and why soothsaying is important and vital. He details prophetic movements and biographies of important seers, and provides insight into the nature of premonition and revelation.

Pertinent historical data, trends, and insightful musings about popular culture and the implications of given predictions create a lively and informative document about the millennium and the role of prophecy in our lives.

According to Hogue, all prophetic cycles throughout history pinpoint the 1990 through the 2020s as the turning point or cusp, with the collective vision of diverse prophets foreseeing humankind either destroyed by an outer fire or transformed by an inner one. From Nostradamus, St John of Patmos, and Edgar Cayce to Osho, the Spirit Guides of Ruth Montgomery and the Washington-based Center for Strategic and International Studies, saints, seers, and authorities have indicated that our present historical moment is at the crossroads of utter doom or utopian splendor.

The Millennium Book of Prophecy meshes centuries of vision to show what these seers and prophets have predicted for the coming millennium of boundless possibility.


If this field is fascinating to you and you want a book that will really influence your imagination, higher mind and dream state, this volume is for you.

Mark Lerner Planet Earth (Leo Edition 1994)

This book sports a…commentary (not without humor: ‘Our Holiest Mother, our lady the bitch goddess of competition’) by John Hogue.

NAPRA Trade journal (New Year 1996)

The most comprehensive examination of the prophecies which has ever been published…Ensuring that this book will become the definitive study of the sage for decades to come.

Books Magazine (1997)

Author John Hogue has presented an astonishing collection of prophecies and visions from ancient traditions…to more more recent seers…Prophetic revelations, presented as quotations, are interspersed throughout the author’s generous commentary…An excellent compendium…

NEXUS New Times (February March 1995)

A comprehensive resource and reference guide to centuries of visions, prophecies, and predictions…Woven throughout is author Hogue’s compelling narrative describing how and why soothsaying is vital. A pivotal work for these pivotal times as we enter the next millennium.


One Comment

  1. Kathleen
    Posted 16 July 2013 at 8:48 am | Permalink

    What do the numbers represent…a window to spiritual peace, content, truth?

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