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Code Named Mabus - Nostradamus and the Conclave of 2013
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- THE HOGUEPROPHECY REPORT, 10 August 2024: BIDEN IS “OUTED” FROM THE RACE in a Barack Obama’s coup d’État / BIDEN’S BRAIN DOWN! A “Political” Assassination Attempt Using CNN’s Presidential Debate as the “Weapon” / TRUMP ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT: “I think he will be President, but will they allow him to be the President?” John Hogue (3 July 2024) / REINCARNATION REPORT: Was Trump a Brave Warrior in Past Lives? / TRUMP, the President of Surprises / HOW DID HATE get to Gunfire & Blood on 13 July 2024? / Letters From the Past that Futures / A POTPOURRI OF PROPHETIC NEWS, PART ONE— Netanyahu Spoke before US Congress of Clapping Seals that AIPAC Bought / PART TWO—The Ukrainian Front & the Russian Tao of Offense / PART THREE—Iran to Strike Israel, & When / Should We Beware Tisha B’Av? (12 August 2024?) / POTPOURRI PART FOUR—Will the Democrat Convention in Chicago 2024 go “Retrograde”? An Astrological Assessment! / DESTINY TURNS when a Shot (h)“ear”-ed, Around the World Might Change Human Destiny’s Course for the Better
- THE HOGUEPROPHECY REPORT, 25 JUNE 2024: America and NATO’s Looming Ukrainian Nuclear Missile Crisis / AN AMERICAN ERRAND OF PEACE—Scott Ritter / SWITCH PRESIDENTS AND DANCE / President Joe Biden Will Not be Nominated to Run Again / SUMMER OF 2024 WORLD WAR REPORT: PART ONE—Oncoming Ukrainian Political and Military Collapse / PART TWO—The “So-Called” Holy Land Where Genocide depends on what “Cide” of Racial Supremacy You’re On / PART THREE— Time to “Tie-wan” on the Chinese! / AND FINALLY: The Last Chance for a Negotiated Settlement Offered by Russia, Rejected offhand by Leaders of NATO and Ukraine
- The Last Pope “Revisited”
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I thought I heard you say on your last C2C with George that “there is no HARP.” What do you mean by that? Or did I hear wrong. George did not ask you about why you said that. There is such a facility in Alaska? No? Please explain. For the most part I really enjoy hearing you on C2C and I’m buying a Kindle to be able to more easily read your books. You do impress me with your knowledge, but do you not think that cyclical earth changes may be playing a part in global warming and changing weather patterns? Of course I agree that we are making the earth toxic with our STUPID behavior and that is also contributing. Thank you for your work. VMV
9-16-13 the shooting today in washington d.c. RAY MABUS… Secretary of the Navy…. Was called by Obama…. Could this be ” MABUS” as in Nostradamus predictions
Do you have your new book (predictions for this year) in book form that you actually hole in your hands to read? I will buy one if there is such an animal. Thanks! Penny
Hi Penny. Yes, I do. You can hold my eBook in your hand in the following ways using an eBook tablet:
Available now on:
I’m also working to get print per order going before Halloween Time. So, trick “and” treat, for you folks who like to enlarge your carbon footprint, tear down forests and read on the bleached corpses of dead treets. No really, I will be printing books again and I look forward to supplying you with printed books. Still, do consider using a book tablet instead to save this planet and lower mine and your carbon footprints.
I need some help and if i had money i would give some but i am short on cash and i asked my parents to help the website but they just say no. my qestchun is is the leo sine a birth mark and if its not is it a tatto if its a tat i really need to get ready haha but serisle i am going insane.
The wars are about to start up again,all the signs are there you just need a trigger..If you wrap your head around it? Does this mean Catholicism will be over?,or there just will be no more Pope’s? and if there will be no more Pope’s? Could it be that this Pope will be so bad,make bad judgements or be one of the causes for the destruction of Rome? Because even if Rome is destroyed,why not rebuild?,,,that is what is scary. It can only be a global extermination(you pick the cause) where only a handful of lucky people survive ..Unless?..This Pope is so bad that Catholics just don’t want to go down that road again.
With my last name, I wonder if the Comet Ison is a big sign for me as a long-time Catholic! I have been turned OFF by things happening in the local and world Catholic Churches in the past, present and future!
Thank you for your comment. I for one, Bill, do not imprison what can be accessed this very moment — a revelation into the Great Mystery — by being dependent on comets, Mayan Calendars or men with pointy hats dressed in drag and presuming to know anything more than me about this mystery. This is religiousness to me, a direct connection made this moment, every moment to the within, to the beyond, to an acceptance and love that passeth understanding.
On Monday Feb 11, 2012 when the news released the resignation announcement of Pope Bendict VI, I felt as though my head became disconnected from the rest of my body. It stayed that way all day. I looked through various web news sites all day and found bits of information regarding this. One was a newsstory archived Feb 11, 2012 on regarding a story about a visiting Primate in China talking about the Pope’s death in a year and the new pope will be the Archbishop of Milan. Strange but I thought about you first and I see no news about any of this. Did anyone really see this coming so quickly?
Mr. Hogue ,
I have been following you on and off for years . Just recently
I have decided to donate and get more involved . I have studied the “End of Times” for more than 25 years . Bible Prophecy,Nos-
tradamus,remote viewing,etc. I have always prescribed (sp?) to the
verse “no man knows the day or time “, but that doesn’t include
year.month or week ! I knew that at the turn of the millenium nothing
would happen. Not long after we had 911,the tsunami that killed 250k! How 911 has changed the world ! So 12/21/12 has come and gone! Nothing has happened ….yet ! Now what Iam asking is what are your thoughts on remote viewing and Courtney Brown’s work ?
Tradition always tries to couple Mt. 24:36, ” No man knows the day nor hour…..” with the return of Christ. If you study this verse you will see that it has nothing to do with the return of Christ. Briefly; Verse 3 indicates the context (which is of vital importance) Three questions were asked of Jesus ( many people want to condense this to two questions, or possibly one question). Jesus ,however answers with three answers signifying three questions. One question about the destruction of the temple (70 A.D.) “tell us WHEN will these things be.” Another question about His return “and” “what (not when) will be (future tense) the SIGN (not the time) of your coming.” The third question, which most everyone ignores says, “and” “the end of the age.” Three questions, Not two, not one but three. The context of the verse 36 is verse 35 where Jesus states “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away. But of THAT DAY AND HOUR knoweth no man, not the angels nor the Son but the Father only.” Question? What day and hour was Jesus refering to? Answer! “heaven and earth passing away, Not the destruction of the temple and not his coming but rather the end of the age. You can see from Rev. ch. 21 that it will follow the great white throne judgement which will follow the 1000 yr, reign which will follow 7 yrs. of tribulation etc etc.In the next verse Mt. 24:37 Jesus picks up with the question about His “coming” which starts a whole new dialouge seperate and distinct from the two previous verses.
Hello John
I thoroughly enjoyed your interview with George Noory on Gaiam TV. I loved your wit, intelligence and your spiritual knowingness( lol perhaps not proper English but you understand;-)
Explaining why HOPE is not what we should engage in was fantastic, and I’m sure just those few sentences gave many pause to reflect deeply; and will continue to as this gets played more and more from on demand. I am posting links on my page and facebook etc, a must see and I hope you do more TV, perhaps Your own regular show I hope soon! Yes that’s a prediction 😉 Namaste’ Jennifer Wallens
Namaste Swami Arjuna,
Your writings always bring a brightness into being for me!
Keep being you,
Thank you Sachidananda. Ke Pranam!
HI John, just listened to your boradcast on coast to coast.
I admire your work and books, have followed you for years. I just wish you had more encouragement for us. I know you are correct in what you say,seldom wrong. I look around and see so many people unaware of anything. Then then some of us are worried sick about the coming future and if we will survive?
What can we do as an average person?
Thanks John
P.S. come on Coast to Coast more often
Besides MA BUSH, try taking the center line in B and transposing it on top of the H. MAD USA .Rather indicative of something , eh.
Hi Doc. Try French. Nostradamus didn’t construct anagrams in English. Thanks for the try anyway.
For a couple of decades I’ve wondered if MABUS could be a reference to MA BUSH. Funny, yes. But she unleashed quite the horrors upon the world. And considering the horrors America has been perpetrating, world-wide (and seemingly “forever”), I’ve never had to look to foreigners to find Evil incarnate.
I examined her connection in the following book:
Nostradamus and the Antichrist, Code Named: MABUS
Have your read it?
I love your books. I don’t see how you get all this wonderful information. Thanks for the newsletter
You are welcome, Carolsue. I have become, after 30 years, prolific in research and in writing. The speed of internet and computers greatly speed output. Not having to hustle, lift and turn the pages of books has greatly helped. Online data banks are a blessing to non-fiction writers. What isn’t a blessing is that so many people now read for free. As a professional writer who makes a living writing, it is like being a restauranteur who would serve you full meals for free and only have you pay for the dessert. So, that is why when you and others reading this buy books off my web site or advance donate your purchase of books in the assembly line, or just give us a modest donation of a few dollars, these donations keep all this rich material online and coming to these pages. Please give something to Hogueprophecy and keep this magic alive. Cut and past this “donate” link into your browser:
The End is in 2015! You are all dellusional gullible fools!
Gee, wait! I’m getting a message from the beyond. Here it is. I see “brand” coming in your diet. It will loosen you up.
Hogue- you are too funny! I love your sense of humor maintained over the years! Blessings and Hugs, Vera Ellen
Ok, besides all ive read, whch most turnd out 2 b some shockerz… Im more interstd on the ‘how to’, where does 1 go 2 find out abt he/her future? ICONIC
In Nostradamus private letter to his son Caesar, he explained why to be safe from Catholics at the time, they denied their Jewish ancestry. He tells his son for same reasons, prohesies had to be vague. But for his son’s better understanding, he explains 1 of the key understanding codes used is use of words that have Jewish referance, other then what will be assumed to be normal words and calendar. So, when he uses actual yr number, he means A.D. If he adds words representing a time, yr, mth, he means Jewish calendar. The famous quatrain the mentions 1999, says in OLD French, Sept month, that is Jewish 7th mth, our March. Terror will come from the sky. Yugoslavian genedist Melosivic attacked by United Nations cruise missiles that looked like crosses in the sky. “Before and after, war reigns happily, that is, no change of any importance. Another quatrain speaks of major change after much uphevil, satring 1000 yrs of peace, at the turn of the mellinium. The turn of the Jewish Melinium, our 2242 A.D. So, is it reasonable to presume if a solar flare changes life wordwide around dec 2012, causing loss of lives, disease, etc … this is just further trials and tribulations, that climax 2242 ? “Many will wonder and cry why God does not intervene.” He will not come when expected. But “like a thief in the night” 😉 The world will face choices in great hardship, deciding finally who is worthy or not 😉 ??
You were a great date, Cam — a prophecy player with dates, that is. When deciphering Nostradamus, always follow the classical metaphors. Nostradamus used the Julian and Gregorian calendars in his writings. He had foreseen the Gregorian change, by the way. He hated it and left one of his rare prophetic editorials about it in one of his verses. Also, you speak of the Letter to Cesar Nostradamus but did not mention Nostradamus’ date for the end of the world mentioned in it, which is 3797 AD. This then undermines your Jewish Millennium theory. Finally, Sept mois in OLD French (as you boldly qualify it) means “September”. It used to be the seventh month in the Roman classical calendar until Julius (July) Caesar and Augustus (August) Caesar created months to honor their own hubris, pushing poor September to its 9th month position. Follow the classics and you can unravel a lot of Nostradamus’ mysteries.
Lovely words spoken indeed Sir, bt its him wth my benfit. Not minding what you’ve said but im a lad who’d care to knw. How can i also do the same, predict.’., without the spirit. More techno than it.
Is the part moon considered by some to represent “the morning star” as representative of Lucifer ? If so, could the newly found pictograms supposedly by Nostradamus, containing 3 of them, mean the 3rd “Antichrist” person or group ? If possible, suggesting time of being the Universal equinox around Dec 21, 2012 ? Could the bird faced person sitting in empty briefcase in Atlanta Airport, have anything to do with the identical birdface found in center of round Mayan etching of long calendar ? I am obth a believr and scientist. I get very interested when the two appear to suggest similar things. Such as “mountain of fire, not rock, so a flare, change of life, much loss of life, famine, followed by pestilence, disease, NASA confirming solar flare cycle peaking Dec 2012 with chance of satellites and hydro grids fried ? Back to pre-electricity life styles for a time ? Those that have stored cash, gasoline, non-perishable food, access to hand pump well water like in country, will fare better then in cities ?
Hi John,
Recently I have been having nightmares about the world coming to an end. They are very frightening and I wake up crying. I don’t know what it means or why I keep having these dreams, but my husband tells me that I must be watching too much television. I get very weird feelings all the time, like you know something bad is about to happen. So I went online and found your website and I am really looking foward to your newsletter and am going to buy some of your books. I feel a little more prepared to what is coming ahead and I don’t have to feel scared of the future.
Thank you Heidi, I will do my best to get out of my own way and allow a higher message come through to these pages and in my book Predictions for 2012. The year 2012 will be an “Oh sh*t!” year but there are many more coming after that.
Thank you John for you insight and sharing it with the rest of us on this planet. I too live in the Pacific Northwest and you haven’t mentioned if we will get earthquakes or volcanic activity. I live in Oregon inland, and was wondering if you have any insight if we will get results of Mother Earth’s WWIII. I believe that many of us that live in the Pacific Northwest are meditators, such as myself, and that we have enough good energy to avoid major disasters; or will Mt. Rainier or Mt. Hood start showing activity? Thanks again for all that you say and do for us. I appreciate it.
I feel the same as Heidi. I’m always
waiting for the other shoe to drop. I am 92 and lived thru the depression and as a nurse during WWII on a hospital ship making beach-heads with the troops with enemy planes bombing us. Those days were a picnic compared with today. There is so much unease,
unrest, and yes downright fear for this future coming at us so quickly.
What future? dorrie
You’ve seen a lot, Dorrie. A lot of history! My mother, who is my best friend and to whom I caregive, is 85 and also looks at the future from the standpoint of a long memory of experienced history, noting the changes and the strangely and uniquely uncertain feeling about the future that she never felt before WWII or other upheavals. Being alive for nearly 57 orbits of the Sun, I also have acquired a widening remembrance of what has past as basis to appraise the oncoming future. What is coming is unique, even more so than a World War II, because what is about to happen is truly global on all dimensions. The Second World War, as vast a crisis as it was is not comparable to global warming, because many countries never saw a shot fired at them in six years of conflict. In this global crisis approaching, EVERY COUNTRY AND EVER HUMAN BEING, will be directly impacted by climate change and the many supersystem collapses possible as a consequence of trying to sustain an unsustainable civilization in a new and challenging world of the 21st century.
By the way, Dorrie, what theaters did you serve? Were you involved in the beach landings of North Africa, Sicily, Italian Salerno, Anzio and the French Riviera? Were you involved in Operation Overlord or were you engaged in the Pacific Theater? By the way, thank you for your service!
Dear John,
I am a life-long (sort of) meditator, I follow the practice of Ramana Maharshi. I did my hoary chart today because I just got laid off again. My significator was a stationary Mercury sitting in the 11th house with no future aspects. I experienced quite a shock from this, but then I begain thinking this is the time to keep my mind still as I can all the time and watch. Also I have been very driven to prepare for total catastrophe: packing my car with survival goods and getting everything together to go to northern Ontario from Michigan at a moments notice. Can you give me some perspective on this? Do I seem off course with my Higher Self? Your Website was the most validating I have read and I respect your opinion.
Hi John,
I’ve appreciated your work for 20 years now. I started reading your books in my early teens and I’m well into my 30s now…Let me tell you as an Austinite that your assessment of the situation in Texas and the greater south is right on the money. I have lived here my whole life and have never seen anything like it; nor has my 86 year-old grandmother. Every day we are breaking records. We are 60+ days of triple digit heat. Austin, long considered a green jewel, is brown and parched and while the grass has usually died by now, our trees wither, too and we are losing century old majestic friends. The writing is on the wall. I hope many more people find your site and heed the warnings.
I am always grateful for your updates and insight. Thanks for your meaningful work.
Take care,
Hi John,
I first started to read you work in1989, ‘The Millennium Book’ was the first one, took me ages to read it, kept freaking myself out. Not to worry I am a braver person now. From your books sparking my dorment passion in astrology I have since studied the subject and find my interest ly in global events and finances.
These are exciting times we live in are they not, (no doubt every generation has said that) but really they are.
Anyway all I really wanted to say was thankyou, for the information, the research, the great writing and humour and for sharing it with us. You give me courage to push forward with my own work or predictions.
Kind Regards Tanya
Love your writings & prophesies! I saw this link in the Rajneeshpuram link – I do remember you from then or P-1 … Namasté … Hugs!
Howdy John
I’m new to your webpage and now …..your newsletter.
I need you to know about the “Seer” Pedro Regis. He receives
3 msg’s each week from Our Lady Queen of Peace. This has been
going on for 20 + years, since October 1987. Starting in January
2005, the messages began to involve warnings of events in specific parts of the world that have been proven to become prophetic at a
later date.
Howdy George. When the Pedro Regis site is published in English, we might review the accuracy of these predictions and claims. Thanks.
thankyou for giving an insight on the times were living in. Ihave been sharing them with others and I think their beging to see whats going on.Keep writing and keep predicting and I’ll keep reading and I’ll keep informing others.
Thank you, John.
I look forward to your newsletters. Other than being interested in your predictions, I find that you make a lot of sense. If only more people made a lot of sense, we wouldn’t be in the messes we’re in. Thanks for writing and sharing.
You are most welcome, Regina.